Position of elements in vector - c++

I have several elements in a vector type that are read from cin and then i perfrom some calculations on the vector and it's order of elements gets changed. The problem is that I need to print the positions of the vector elements after the calculations. I don't know how to explain this well that's why i'll give an example:
10 1 100 1000
and 10 is 1st element, 1 is 2nd, 100 is 3rd etc. After the calculations the vector changes in :
100 10 1 1000
so I should print
3 1 2 4
because 100 is the 3rd element of the input, 10 is the 1st etc. etc.
I tried with an array[1000] (because there aren't numbers larger than 1000 in the input), but it won't work because there can be multiple numbers with the same value, like:
10 10 10 100
and the output can be 1 2 3 4 or 2 3 1 4 or 3 1 2 4 etc. but here i need to output 1 2 3 4 because it's the 'smallest'.
I tried with array f[1001] and f[10] = 1, f[100] = 2, f[1] = 3 - if the numbers from the input are 10 100 1. But in case there are multiple numbers with the same value like 10 10 100, then my idea's not working. Please help me in any possible way.

Sounds like you need to store both the value and the initial position. You should be able to do this with an array of structs:
struct UserInput
unsigned int initialPosition;
int userInputValue;
int main()
userInput theUserInput[100];
// increment a counter, starting at 1, and place it in
// "initialPosition" in the struct as user input is read
I'll leave the rest up to you... as it is after all homework :) good luck.

Use an associative array if you know what it is.
Use linear search to determine the index if the number of input is limited.
Consider using log10 (or strlen) to transform the 1, 10, 100, 1000, etc. into 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.

From your description of such example:
10(3) 10(2) 10(1) 100(4)
What we have to output is 1 2 3 4, instead of 3 2 1 4.
So I don't think your requirement is just print the initial position directly. You've to make the position sequences as small as possible.
Following is my solution:
Use a direct-mapping hash table to store all the initial positions for specified element. All the initial positions for the same element is sorted. So if you want output the smallest position sequence, you only need to read the initial positions for this specified element from first to last.
The detailed implementation is left to you, since it's a homework.


Populating a vector with numbers and conditions in C++

Working on a business class assignment where we're using Excel to solve a problem with the following setup and conditions, but I wanted to find solutions by writing some code in C++ which is what I'm most familiar from some school courses.
We have 4 stores where we need to invest 10 million dollars. The main conditions are:
It is necessary to invest at least 1mil per store.
The investments in the 4 stores must total 10 million.
Following the rules above, the most one can invest in a single store is 7 million
Each store has its own unique return of investment percentages based off the amount of money invested per store.
In other words, there is a large number of combinations that can be obtained by investing in each store. Repetition of numbers does not matter as long as the total is 10 per combination, but the order of the numbers does matter.
If my math is right, the total number of combinations is 7^4 = 2401, but the number of working solutions
is lesser due to the condition that each combination must equal 10 as a sum.
What I'm trying to do in C++ is use loops to populate each row with 4 numbers such that their sum equals 10 (millions), for example:
7 1 1 1
1 7 1 1
1 1 7 1
1 1 1 7
6 2 1 1
6 1 2 1
6 1 1 2
5 3 1 1
5 1 3 1
5 1 1 3
5 1 2 2
5 2 1 2
5 2 2 1
I'd appreciate advice on how to tackle this. Still not quite sure if using loops is a good idea whilst using an array (2D Array/Vector perhaps?) I've a vague idea that maybe recursive functions would facilitate a solution.
Thanks for taking some time to read, I appreciate any and all advice for coming up with solutions.
Here's some code I worked on to just get 50 rows of numbers randomized. Still have to implement the conditions where valid row combinations must be the sum total of 10 between the 4;
int main(){
const int rows = 50;
int values[rows][4];
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j <= 3; j++){
values[i][j]= (rand() % 7 + 1);
cout << values[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;
You can calculate this recursively. For each level, you have:
A target sum
The number of elements in that level
The minimum value each individual element can have
First, we determine our return type. What's your final output? Looks like a vector of vectors to me. So our recursive function will return a the same.
Second, we determine the result of our degenerate case (at the "bottom" of the recursion), when the number of elements in this level is 1.
std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> recursive_combinations(std::size_t sum, std::size_t min_val, std::size_t num_elements)
std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> result {};
if (num_elements == 1)
return result;
...non-degenerate case goes here...
return result;
Next, we determine what happens when this level has more than 1 element in it. Split the sum into all possible pairs of the "first" element and the "remaining" group. e.g., if we have a target sum of 5, 3 num_elements, and a min_val of 1, we'd generate the pairs {1,4}, {2,3}, and {3,2}, where the first number in each pair is for the first element, and the second number in each pair is the remaining sum left over for the remaining group.
Recursively call the recursive_combinations function using this second number as the new sum, and num_elements - 1 as the new num_elements to find the vector of vectors for the remaining group, and for each vector in the return vector, append the first element from the above set.

Decreasing value in vectors with SFML

I created 5 numbers using vector with SFML, but I want the second one to fall one by one at intervals of 1 second. But, they first three falling as one by one. I don't understand why something like this is happening. Can you help me?
if (second == 1)
cout << random[2] << endl;
text.setPosition(numbers[2].getPosition().x, numbers[2].getPosition().y);
numbers.erase(numbers.begin() + 2);
The program gif
Full code
I'll give you a hand.
Here's what's happening:
You create 5 numbers in the random array. You may not have noticed it, but they are numbered 0 to 4 (SFML is sitting on C++, and then it means that arrays starts at zero here).
Every second, you update the number stocked in the 3rd place of your random array.
Then it goes wrong: instead of updating the corresponding number in the numbers array, you cycle it with push_back and erase.
Understand me here: push_back create a new element at the end of the vector, while erase removes an element from the vector and then "sort out things" so there's not number gap in the index of the vector.
Effectively, you're handling random right, but when you try to update number you cycle through it. Like this:
seconds: 1 2 3 4 5 6
array content: 0 0 0 0 0 0
(vertical) 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 3 4 5 6 7
3 4 5 6 7 8
4 5 6 7 8 9
I'm not sure how clear I'm making this, but if you look at the array content, you'll see that by erasing and creating a new value at the end, you're cycling through the positions [2-4] of the array. That's why in your gif not all numbers are updated wrong, only 3 of them.
The obvious solutions would be to stop erasing and pushing back in the numbers array. You can update it the same way you updated the random array. It'll be fine.
Like this:
if (second == 1)
cout << random[2] << endl;
Have fun.

cant find error in my applied logic

Given an array of elements of length N, ranging from 0 to N-1, your task is to write a program that rearranges the elements of the array. All elements may not be present in the array, if element is not present then there will be -1 present in the array. Rearrange the array such that A[i] = i and if i is not present, display -1 at that place.
my code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
long int n;
long int a[n];
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
int temp=a[i];
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
cout<<a[i]<<" ";
return 1;
-1 4 2 3 -1 5
-1 4 2 3 -1 5
can anyone please help me in finding out my error in the logic apllied?
Thanks in advance.
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
Wrong, elements go from 0 to N-1, not 1 to N
This will never happen, you are asking for a[i] to be equal to both i and -1, which means asking i to be equal to -1, which won´t happen in your loop.
For a simple answer, you need to sort the list and then process that. For an efficient answer, you will want to make a boolean array of size N and then iterate the array and check which values are present. Then you iterate the boolean array to write the number when it is present or -1 when its not.
The easiest way to solve this kind of problem is to get a pack of playing cards and lay them out on your desk, and then solve the problem by hand. Write down every step you take, and then write code that performs those steps.
Because cards start at 1, rather than 0, I use the 10 as a 0. Use the joker to indicate an empty space (-1 in your problem description).
Take five cards and lay them out in six spaces
2 10 4 J 3 1
Starting with position 0. Pull the 2 out and replace it with -1, so your cards look like this:
J 10 4 J 3 1
And you're holding the 2 in your hand.
Then, go to position 2, pull out the 4 and put the 2 there. Now you have
J 10 2 J 3 1
And you're holding 4 in your hand. Go to position 4 (where the 3 is). Replace the 3 with 4, you have:
J 10 2 J 4 1
And 3 in the hand. Position 3 contains a joker. So you put the 3 in that position and put the joker aside. You now have:
J 10 2 3 4 1
So you move to the next position, 1. Pick up the 10 and put a joker in that spot. The 10 goes to position 0, so take the joker from position 0, place the 10 there, and you have:
10 J 2 3 4 1
You don't have anything in your hand now, so you move forward, checking positions 2, 3, and 4, which already have a[i] == i. But position 5 contains a 1. So you pick it up, place a joker in that position, and then replacing the joker in position 1 with the value 1 that you just pulled from position 5. Your array now looks like this:
10 1 2 3 4 J
And you're done.
Do that a few times with different arrangements of cards, writing down the steps you took. After a few practice runs, you should be able to write down the general algorithm for solving the problem. Then you write a program to implement that solution.
The idea of this kind of problem is to help you develop these problem solving steps. Over time, you'll be able to go straight to code with the simpler problems, but you'll find that building a physical model is very useful with more complex problems. If you step away from the computer, you're not tempted to start programming before you've solved the problem. You'll find that doing things way will save you a lot of frustration.

Every sum possibilities of elements

From a given array (call it numbers[]), i want another array (results[]) which contains all sum possibilities between elements of the first array.
For example, if I have numbers[] = {1,3,5}, results[] will be {1,3,5,4,8,6,9,0}.
there are 2^n possibilities.
It doesn't matter if a number appears two times because results[] will be a set
I did it for sum of pairs or triplet, and it's very easy. But I don't understand how it works when we sum 0, 1, 2 or n numbers.
This is what I did for pairs :
std::unordered_set<int> pairPossibilities(std::vector<int> &numbers) {
std::unordered_set<int> results;
for(int i=0;i<numbers.size()-1;i++) {
for(int j=i+1;j<numbers.size();j++) {
return results;
Also, assuming that the numbers[] is sorted, is there any possibility to sort results[] while we fill it ?
This can be done with Dynamic Programming (DP) in O(n*W) where W = sum{numbers}.
This is basically the same solution of Subset Sum Problem, exploiting the fact that the problem has optimal substructure.
DP[i, 0] = true
DP[-1, w] = false w != 0
DP[i, w] = DP[i-1, w] OR DP[i-1, w - numbers[i]]
Start by following the above solution to find DP[n, sum{numbers}].
As a result, you will get:
DP[n , w] = true if and only if w can be constructed from numbers
Following on from the Dynamic Programming answer, You could go with a recursive solution, and then use memoization to cache the results, top-down approach in contrast to Amit's bottom-up.
vector<int> subsetSum(vector<int>& nums)
vector<int> ans;
return ans;
void generateSubsetSum(vector<int>& ans, int sum, vector<int>& nums, int i)
if(i == nums.size() )
generateSubsetSum(ans,sum + nums[i],nums,i + 1);
generateSubsetSum(ans,sum,nums,i + 1);
Result is : {9 4 6 1 8 3 5 0} for the set {1,3,5}
This simply picks the first number at the first index i adds it to the sum and recurses. Once it returns, the second branch follows, sum, without the nums[i] added. To memoize this you would have a cache to store sum at i.
I would do something like this (seems easier) [I wanted to put this in comment but can't write the shifting and removing an elem at a time - you might need a linked list]
1 3 5
3 5
4 8
1 3 5
1 3 5
3 5
Add 0 to the list in the end.
Another way to solve this is create a subset arrays of vector of elements then sum up each array's vector's data.
1 3 5 = {1, 3} + {1,5} + {3,5} + {1,3,5} after removing sets of single element.
Keep in mind that it is always easier said than done. A single tiny mistake along the implemented algorithm would take a lot of time in debug to find it out. =]]
There has to be a binary chop version, as well. This one is a bit heavy-handed and relies on that set of answers you mention to filter repeated results:
Split the list into 2,
and generate the list of sums for each half
by recursion:
the minimum state is either
2 entries, with 1 result,
or 3 entries with 3 results
alternatively, take it down to 1 entry with 0 results, if you insist
Then combine the 2 halves:
All the returned entries from both halves are legitimate results
There are 4 additional result sets to add to the output result by combining:
The first half inputs vs the second half inputs
The first half outputs vs the second half inputs
The first half inputs vs the second half outputs
The first half outputs vs the second half outputs
Note that the outputs of the two halves may have some elements in common, but they should be treated separately for these combines.
The inputs can be scrubbed from the returned outputs of each recursion if the inputs are legitimate final results. If they are they can either be added back in at the top-level stage or returned by the bottom level stage and not considered again in the combining.
You could use a bitfield instead of a set to filter out the duplicates. There are reasonably efficient ways of stepping through a bitfield to find all the set bits. The max size of the bitfield is the sum of all the inputs.
There is no intelligence here, but lots of opportunity for parallel processing within the recursion and combine steps.

How to find the largest sum with the smallest possible path in a tetrahedron of integers?

First here is the question,
Say that an integer can be represented as a perfect sphere, in which the value of the sphere is equal to the integer it contains. The spheres are organized into a tetrahedral pyramid in which N = the length of the side, N being between 1 and 15. Pick (a possibly empty) subset of sphere's such that their sum of values is maximized. Note that the sphere can hold a negative value so it is not necessarily desirable to pick up every sphere. We do not want to disorganize the pyramid so we cannot take any one sphere without first taking the ones above it.
Input Format:
Line 1: integer N
Line 2: N(N+1)/2+1
Output Format:
Line 1: One integer, the maximum sum of values achievable
Sample Input:
-2 -7
1 0 8
0 3
Sample Output:
Here is a sample solution given to my understanding so far:
The best solution is shown as bold in the diagram bellow. It is not smart to take 1 because that would require taking -2, decreasing the total. There for 8, 3, and 2 should be taken because they outweigh -3 and -7.
My question is,
How do I store the input so that I can retain the proper order? Or do i even need to? I am trying to use a queue but my program gets very lengthly because I have to find the sum for each possible path and then compare each sum to find the max. I am also having a lot of difficulty breaking the data up into the right pattern so I don't recount a number or take one out of sequence. Is there a more efficient way to do this? Can Dijkstra's algorithm be of any use in this case? If so, then how? Any help is greatly appreciated!!
I would use a 3-dimensional array. To use your example:
A[0][0][0] = 5
A[1][0][0] = -2
A[1][1][0] = -3
A[1][0][1] = -7
A[2][0][0] = 1
A[2][1][0] = 0
A[2][2][0] = 2
A[2][0][0] = 0
A[2][1][0] = 3
A[2][0][0] = 8
The "above" relationship is simply a matter of index arithmetic: [ia, ja, ka] is above [ia+1, ja, ka], [ia+1, ja+1, ka] and [ia+1, ja, ka+1].