c++ m bits permutations of a number - c++

I am searching for a function that get as an input a number x (assuming 15), number of bits d (4) and number of permutations m (2). The output of the function will be all the numbers that are m bit's permutations from the given number x at a d length bits.
For the given numbers, (x = 15, d = 4 and m = 2) we get 6=\binom{4}{2}different number's combination.
I would like to know if such kind of function already exist in C++ STD or boost or etc. that returns me those numbers...
if you know a function that returns all permutations' numbers till m.

i looked again at the comment from #Gregory Pakosz and i found out it was not so bad direction to start with. I tried to implement the suggested code from Bit Twiddling Hacks in my program and after some bugs in my code it worked.


Method to find number of digits after converting from a different base number

The text in quotes gives a bit of background on my program in case it's needed to understand my issue, you might be able to fully understand with the stuff at the end unquoted if you don't feel like reading it.
I'm working on the common project of sorting in C++, and I am
currently doing radix sort. I have it as a function, taking in a
vector of strings, an integer holding the max number of digits, and an
integer with the radix/base of the numbers: (numbers, maxDigits, radix)
Since the program takes in numbers of different base and as a string,
I'm using stoi to convert them to a base 10 integer to make the
process easier to generalize. Here's a quick summary of the algorithm:
create 10 queues to hold values 0 to 9
iterate through each digit (maxDigit times)
iterate through each number in the vector (here it converts to a base 10)
put them into the queue based on the current digit it's looking at
pull the numbers out of the queues from beginning to end back into the vector
As for the problem I'm trying to wrap my head around, I want to change the maxDigit value (with whatever radix the user inputs) to a maxDigit value after it is converted to base 10. In other words, say the user used the code
radixSort(myVector, 8, 2)
to sort a vector of numbers with the max number of digits 8 and a radix of 2. Since I convert the radix of the number to 10, I'm trying to find an algorithm to also change the maxDigits, if that makes sense.
I've tried thinking about this so much, trying to figure out a simple way through trial and error. If I could get some tips or help in the right direction that would be a great help.
If something is in radix 2 and max digits 8, then its largest value is all ones. And 11111111 = 255, which is (2^8 - 1).
The maximum digits in base 10 will be whatever is needed to represent that largest value. Here we see that to be 3. Which is the base 10 logarithm of 255 (2.40654018043), rounded up to 3.
So basically just round up log10 (radix^maxdigits - 1) to the nearest whole number.

Can anyone explain how CRC works in this specific case?

I am taught that given:
message M = 101001
polynomial C = x^3 + x^2 + 1 = 1101
I should add k bits to the end of the message such that the result P is divisible by C (where k is the degree of the polynomial, 3 in this case).
I can find no 3 bit combination (XYZ) that when appended to M satisfies this criteria.
Does anyone know what is wrong with my understanding?
I'm 5 months late to this, but here goes :
Perhaps, thinking about this by integer (or binary) division is counterproductive. Better to work it out by the continuous XOR method - which gives a checksum of 001, rather than the expected 100. This, when appended to the source generates the check value 101001001.
Try this C code to see a somewhat descriptive view.
I'm no expert, but I got most of my CRC fundamentals from here. Hope that helps.

multiplication of string [ containing integer], output also stored in string, How? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicates:
Inputting large numbers in c++?
Arbitrary-precision arithmetic Explanation
I need to multiply two huge huge integers, like:
I think there are no data types in C and C++ to hold this huge an integer, so I thought to keep it as a string format like:-
char *number1="1212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212";
char *number2="1212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212";
during the time of multiplication I convert it into string with help of atoi() function like:
As usual the output of this multiplication will be obviously huge, so I need to change the output in string format.
I know there is an itoa() function which converts an integer to a string but it is not compatible with all compilers. Can any body tell me what I should do in this scenario?
I am using Ubuntu-10.04 and the g++ compiler.
Since C and C++ do not offer a native type that supports big numbers, it makes no sense to call atoi() to parse such numbers. atoi() returns a native int which is capped at 2,147,483,647 on 32-bit platforms.
You can use one of the numerous bignum libraries, like GMP for instance.
I think, the best variant besides using some math libraries is to split those numbers into int arrays with some fixed limit. Then just perform multiplication using basic math multiplication methods. And do not forget about overflows.
Multiplying the large numbers is very
difficult, however we can do it by
applying the logarithm of
multiplication of two numbers formula
and now we are going know how we
derived the product of two numbers’
Let us consider a, m and n are positive real numbers but a does not equal to 1 which means ‘a’ belongs to R+ – {1}. Logarithm of m and n to base a are x and y respectively by satisfying ax is equal to m and ay is equal to n condition.
loga (m.n) = x + y
As we already know x = loga m and y = loga n.
loga (m.n) = loga m + loga n
logarithm of multiplication of two values is equal to summation of the same values’ logarithms. The same logarithmic fundamental can now help us in multiplying the two large numbers by adding the logarithm of those values. If you don’t have a calculator, just take the logarithmic table help to perform this.
Using atoi() is also not helpful since the number itself won't fit in integer data type.
You have to simulate the method you did in elementary school.
The implementation is left as an exercise. You would also need to know how to add big numbers.

handling large number

This is Problem 3 from Project Euler site
I'm not out after the solution, but I probably guess you will know what my approach is. To my question now, how do I handle numbers exceeding unsigned int?
Is there a mathematical approach for this, if so where can I read about it?
Have you tried unsigned long long or even more better/specifically uint64_t?
If you want to work with numbers bigger than the range of uint64_t [264-1] [64 bit integer, unsigned], then you should look into bignum: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitrary-precision_arithmetic.
600,851,475,143 is the number given by the question and 264-1 is equal to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. It is definitely big enough.
Having recently taught a kid I know prime factorization, the algorithm is trivial provided you have a list of primes.
Starting with 2, divide that into the target as many times as it can and leave zero remainder.
Take the next prime (3) and divide that into the target as in step one
Write down each factor you found and repeat until you run out of remainder.
Added, per request, algorithmic pseudo-code:
def factor(n):
"""returns a list of the prime factors of n"""
factors = []
p = primes.generator()
while n > 1:
x = p.next()
while n % x == 0:
n = n / x
return factors
Where successive calls to p.next() yields the next value in the series of primes {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, ...}
Any resemblance of that pseudo-code to actual working Python code is purely coincidental. I probably shouldn't mention that the definition of primes.generator() is one line shorter (but one line is 50 characters long). I originally wrote this "code" because the GNU factor program wouldn't accept inputs where log2(n) >= 40.
long long
in GCC
in VC
long long
This is supported in both GCC and newer versions of Visual Studio (2008 and later, I believe).
Perhaps the easiest way to handle your problem is to use Python. Python version > 2.5 supports built-in long precision arithmetic operation. The precision is only depended on your computer memory. You can find more information about it from this link.
long long will do it for that problem. For other Project Euler problems that exceed long long, I'd probably use libgmp (specifically its C++ wrapper classes).
In Windows, if your compiler doesn't support 64 bit integers, you can use LARGE_INTEGER and ULARGE_INTEGER.

Computing different terms for a given pair of exponentiation having the same result

To understand the problem,let us consider these examples first:
                                 46 = (22)6 = 212 = (23)4 = 84 = 163 = 4096.
Thus,we can say that 46,212,84 and 163 are same.
                                 273 = 39 = 19683
so, both 273 and 39 are identical.
Now the problem is, for any given pair of ab how to compute all others possible (if any)xy where, ab = xy.I am interested in an algorithm that can be efficiently implemented in C/C++.
For example:
If the inputs are like this:
4,6 desired output :(2,12),(8,4)
8,4 desired output :(2,12),(2,6)
27,3 desired output :(3,9)
12,6 desired output :(144,3),(1728,2)
7,5 desired output : No duplicate possible
This is mostly a math problem. You can extract all the prime factors of a number, and you'll get a list of prime numbers and their exponents, i.e., 216000 = 26 * 33 * 53. Then take the GCD of the exponents: GCD(6,3,3) = 3. Divide the exponents by the GCD to get the smallest root of the number, 22 * 31 * 51 = 60. Then factor the GCD — factors of 3 are 1 and 3. There is one way to express the number as an integral power for each factor of the GCD. You can express it as (603)1 or (601)3.
EDIT: fixed math error.
If integers is the only thing you're interested in, you could just start extracting integer roots from the target number, and checking if the result is an integer.
You even have a convenient stop condition - whenever the root is below 2 you can stop. That is, the algorithm:
Given a result
N <- 2
Compute Nth root.
If it's an integer: add to answers
If it's < 2, exit loop
N += 1, back to previous step
This algorithm will always terminate.
I believe that this problem is equivalent to the Integer factorization problem.
I said this because we can convert any composite number to a unique product of prime numbers
(see Fundamental theorem of arithmetic) and then start creating combinations with the factors and the powers.
Update: for example: 46
we convert it to a power of a prime factor, so we have 212.
Now we increase the base exponentially and we have: 46, 84 ... until the exponent becomes 1.
I finally solved it myself.Using a naive integer factorization algorithm my solution look like this.It can be optimized further by using Pollard's rho algorithm
EDIT: Code updated, now it can handle composite bases.Please point if it has certain other bugs too :)
The smallest base that makes sense is 2. Also, the smallest exponent that makes sense is 2.
Given the result, you can determine the largest possible exponent.
Example: 4096 = 2^12, biggest exponent is 12.
This also works with results that aren't powers of 2: 19683 is a bit bigger than 2^14, so you won't be seeing any exponents bigger than 14.
Now you can take your number and work your way down from the top exponent toward 2 (the smallest exponent). For every trial exponent exp, take the exp-th root of the result; if that comes out as a clean integer, then you've found one solution.
You can use logarithms to calculate the log2 of a result, and to take the n-th root of a number. But you will need to watch out for rounding errors.
The advantage of this approach is that once you've set things up, you can just run down a simple loop, and once done you have all your results.