MySQL++, storing realtime data - c++

Firstly I'm an engineer, not a computer scientist, so please be gentle.
I currently have a C++ program which uses MySQL++. The program also incorporates the NI Visa runtime. One of the interrupt handlers receives data (1 byte) from a USB device about 200 times a second. I would like to store this data with a time stamp on each sample on a remote server. Is this feasible? Can anyone recommend a good approach?

I think that performing 200 transactions/second against a remote server is asking a lot, especially when you consider that these transactions would be occurring in the context of an interrupt handler which has to do its job and get done quickly. I think it would be better to decouple your interrupt handler from your database access - perhaps have the interrupt handler store the incoming data and timestamp into some sort of in-memory data structure (array, circular linked list, or whatever, with appropriate synchronization) and have a separate thread that waits until data is available in the data structure and then pumps it to the database. I'd want to keep that interrupt handler as lean and deterministic as possible, and I'm concerned that database access across the network to a remote server would be too slow - or worse, would be OK most of the time, but sometimes would go to h*ll for no obvious reason.
This, of course, raises the question/problem of data overrun, where data comes in faster than it can be pumped to the database and the in-memory storage structure fills up. This could cause data loss. How bad a thing is it if you drop some samples?

I don't think you'll be able to maintain that speed with 1 separate insert per value, but if you batched them up into large enough batches you could send it all as one query and it should be fine.
INSERT INTO records(timestamp, value)
VALUES(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), [...], (399, 400);
Just push the timestamp and value onto a buffer, and when the buffer hits 200 in size (or some other arbitrary figure), generate the SQL and send the whole lot off. Building this string up with sprintf shouldn't be too slow. Just beware of reading from a data structure that your interrupt routine might be writing to at the same time.
If you find that this SQL generation is too slow for some reason, and there's no quicker method using the API (eg. stored procedures), then you might want to run this concurrently with the data collection. Simplest is probably to stream the data across a socket or pipe to another process that performs the SQL generation. There are also multithreading approaches but they are more complex and error-prone.

In my opinion, you should do two things: 1. buffer the data and 2. one time stamp per buffer. The USB protocol is not byte based and more message based. If you are tracking messages, then time stamp the messages.
Also, databases would rather receive blocks or chunks of data than one byte at a time. There is overhead in the database with each transaction. To measure the efficiency, divide the overhead by the number of bytes in the transaction. You'll see that large blocks are more efficient than lots of little transactions.
Another option is to store the data into a file, then use the MySQL LOADFILE function to load the data into the the database. Also, there is storing the data into a buffer then using the MySQL C++ connector stream to load the data into the database.

multi-threading doesn't guarantee being any faster than apartment even if you cached it correctly on server side unless there was some strange cpu priority preference. What about using shaders and letting the pass by reference value in windows.h be the time stamp


Accessing Data From Another Application

I currently have a server (called worldserver) that, when it starts, pulls data from multiple sources (mainly database), and every 5 minutes saves the modified data back into the database.
Since it is still in development, I am wondering - can I somehow load all the data the worldserver needs to load when it starts into a separate background application, and have the main server load data from there?
Here's my logic:
Having two different applications, one of them that stores data only (background application), and another that pulls data from there and updates the database every 5 minutes (worldserver).
I want to kill the data read between worldserver and the database, and make it read data from the background application (which realistically never needs to crash as all it does is store data and gather dust on the machine's RAM).
The reason I am thinking about it is because RAM is the fastest memory storage on a PC, and can optimize the server loading time significantly.
Is such a thing possible? If that IS in fact possible, is it recommended? I seek maximum optimization and data loss prevention as much as possible.
I tried searching online how to make this thing possible but encountered a Stackoverflow thread that says you cannot read data from multiple processes as the OS system restricts it.

Is there a way prevent libcurl from buffering?

I am using libcurl with CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION to download a certain file.
I ask for a certain buffer size using CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE.
When my callback function is called the first time and I get about that many bytes, there are much more data actually downloaded.
For example, if I ask for 1024 bytes of data, when I first get that, the process has already consumed 100K of data (based on process explorer and similar tools. I can see the continuous stream of data and ACKs in wireshark), so I assume it is downloading in advance and buffering the data.
The thing I am trying to achieve here is to be able to cancel the retrieval based on first few chunks of data without downloading anything that is unnecessary.
Is there a way to prevent that sort of buffering and only download the next chunk of data once I have finished processing the current one (or at least not to buffer tens and hundreds of kilobytes)?
I would prefer the solution to be server agnostic, so CURLOPT_RANGE won't actually work here.

QTcpServer receiving and sending in a different thread

I have a piece of software in QT framework (c++) that's suppose to dispatch processed (local) data to other servers and receive the same (foreign) data processed on other servers and compare it.
Problem occurs when a large amount of local data is processed foreign data is buffered and doesn't go into comparison process until all local data is sent. I need the data to be compared in certain time frame, so this causes a timeout.
An idea was to to use one thread to dispatch local data and another thread to receive and compare foreign data. QTcpServer will probably need a mutex to protect it from simultaneous reading and writing.
Is this possible to do with one connection or would it be better to have one connection for dispatching and one for receiving in QT environment?
I checked the Fortune server example
but I need to know if it's possible and logical to use different threads for sending and receiving on the same connection.
PS. I'm new to multi-threading so I apologise if I misunderstood some concepts.
Without seeing any code, it's difficult to definitively answer this question. However, this may set you on the right track...
I wouldn't expect you'd need different threads for sending / receiving data; QTcpSocket is asynchronous.
It sounds like the architecture you're using to process the data may need revising.
foreign data is buffered and doesn't go into comparison process until all local data is sent
That sounds like more of an issue and the area where multi-threading would be beneficial. So, use multi-threading for processing the data, rather than controlling the communication between servers.
As you state you're new to multi-threading, I suggest starting by reading this article and using its examples as a template.

What are the options to process timeseries data from a Kinesis stream

I need to process data from an AWS Kinesis stream, which collects events from devices. Processing function has to be called each second with all events received during the last 10 seconds.
Say, I have two devices A and B that write events into the stream.
My procedure has name of MyFunction and takes the following params:
Array of data for a period
If I start processing at 10:00:00 (and already have accumulated events for devices A and B for the last 10 seconds)
then I need to make two calls:
MyFunction(А, {Events for device A from 09:59:50 to 10:00:00})
MyFunction(B, {Events for device B from 09:59:50 to 10:00:00})
In the next second, at 10:00:01
MyFunction(А, {Events for device A from 09:59:51 to 10:00:01})
MyFunction(B, {Events for device B from 09:59:51 to 10:00:01})
and so on.
Looks like the most simple way to accumulate all the data received from devices is just store it memory in a temp buffer (the last 10 seconds only, of course), so I'd like to try this first.
And the most convenient way to keep such a memory based buffer I have found is to create a Java Kinesis Client Library (KCL) based application.
I have also considered AWS Lambda based solution, but looks like it's impossible to keep data in memory for lambda. Another option for Lambda is to have 2 functions, the first one has to write all the data into DynamoDB, and the second one to be called each second to process data fetched from db, not from memory. (So this option is much more complicated)
So my questions is: what can be other options to implement such processing?
So, what you are doing is called "window operation" (or "windowed computation"). There are multiple ways to achieve that, like you said buffering is the best option.
In memory cache systems: Ehcache, Hazelcast
Accumulate data in a cache system and choose the proper eviction policy (10 minutes in your case). Then do a grouping summation operation and calculate the output.
In memory database: Redis, VoltDB
Just like a cache system, you can use a database architecture. Redis could be helpful and stateful. If you use VoltDB or such SQL system, calling a "sum()" or "avg()" operation would be easier.
Spark Streaming:
It is possible to use Spark to do that counting. You can try Elastic MapReduce (EMR), so you will stay in AWS ecosystem and integration would be easier.

Sending large chunks of data over Boost TCP?

I have to send mesh data via TCP from one computer to another... These meshes can be rather large. I'm having a tough time thinking about what the best way to send them over TCP will be as I don't know much about network programming.
Here is my basic class structure that I need to fit into buffers to be sent via TCP:
class PrimitiveCollection
std::vector<Primitive*> primitives;
class Primitive
PRIMTYPES primType; // PRIMTYPES is just an enum with values for fan, strip, etc...
unsigned int numVertices;
std::vector<Vertex*> vertices;
class Vertex
float X;
float Y;
float Z;
float XNormal;
float ZNormal;
I'm using the Boost library and their TCP stuff... it is fairly easy to use. You can just fill a buffer and send it off via TCP.
However, of course this buffer can only be so big and I could have up to 2 megabytes of data to send.
So what would be the best way to get the above class structure into the buffers needed and sent over the network? I would need to deserialize on the recieving end also.
Any guidance in this would be much appreciated.
EDIT: I realize after reading this again that this really is a more general problem that is not specific to Boost... Its more of a problem of chunking the data and sending it. However I'm still interested to see if Boost has anything that can abstract this away somewhat.
Have you tried it with Boost's TCP? I don't see why 2MB would be an issue to transfer. I'm assuming we're talking about a LAN running at 100mbps or 1gbps, a computer with plenty of RAM, and don't have to have > 20ms response times? If your goal is to just get all 2MB from one computer to another, just send it, TCP will handle chunking it up for you.
I have a TCP latency checking tool that I wrote with Boost, that tries to send buffers of various sizes, I routinely check up to 20MB and those seem to get through without problems.
I guess what I'm trying to say is don't spend your time developing a solution unless you know you have a problem :-)
--------- Solution Implementation --------
Now that I've had a few minutes on my hands, I went through and made a quick implementation of what you were talking about: There are three big parts:
The serializer/deserializer, boost has its own, but its not much better than rolling your own, so I did.
Sender - Connects to the receiver over TCP and sends the data
Receiver - Waits for connections from the sender and unpacks the data it receives.
I've included the .exe(s) in the zip, run Sender.exe/Receiver.exe --help to see the options, or just look at main.
More detailed explanation:
Open two command prompts, and go to DataChunker\Debug in both of them.
Run Receiver.exe in one of the
Run Sender.exe in the other one (possible on a different computer, in which case add --remote-host=IP.ADD.RE.SS after the executable name, if you want to try sending more than once and --num-sends=10 to send ten times).
Looking at the code, you can see what's going on, creating the receiver and sender ends of the TCP socket in the respecitve main() functions. The sender creates a new PrimitiveCollection and fills it in with some example data, then serializes and sends it...the receiver deserializes the data into a new PrimitiveCollection, at which point the primitive collection could be used by someone else, but I just wrote to the console that it was done.
Edit: Moved the example to github.
Without anything fancy, from what I remember in my network class:
Send a message to the receiver asking what size data chunks it can handle
Take a minimum of that and your own sending capabilities, then reply saying:
What size you'll be sending, how many you'll be sending
After you get that, just send each chunk. You'll want to wait for an "Ok" reply, so you know you're not wasting time sending to a client that's not there. This is also a good time for the client to send a "I'm canceling" message instead of "Ok".
Send until all packets have been replied with an "Ok"
The data is transfered.
This works because TCP guarantees in-order delivery. UDP would require packet numbers (for ordering).
Compression is the same, except you're sending compressed data. (Data is data, it all depends on how you interpret it). Just make sure you communicate how the data is compressed :)
As for examples, all I could dig up was this page and this old question. I think what you're doing would work well in tandem with Boost.Serialization.
I would like to add one more point to consider - setting TCP socket buffer size in order to increase socket performance to some extent.
There is an utility Iperf that let test speed of exchange over the TCP socket. I ran on Windows a few tests in a 100 Mbs LAN. With the 8Kb default TCP window size the speed is 89 Mbits/sec and with 64Kb TCP window size the speed is 94 Mbits/sec.
In addition to how to chunk and deliver the data, another issue you should consider is platform differences. If the two computers are the same architecture, and the code running on both sides is the same version of the same compiler, then you should, probably, be able to just dump the raw memory structure across the network and have it work on the other side. If everything isn't the same, though, you can run into problems with endianness, structure padding, field alignment, etc.
In general, it's good to define a network format for the data separately from your in-memory representation. That format can be binary, in which case numeric values should be converted to standard forms (mainly, changing endianness to "network order", which is big-endian), or it can be textual. Many network protocols opt for text because it eliminates a lot of formatting issues and because it makes debugging easier. Personally, I really like JSON. It's not too verbose, there are good libraries available for every programming language, and it's really easy for humans to read and understand.
One of the key issues to consider when defining your network protocol is how the receiver knows when it has received all of the data. There are two basic approaches. First, you can send an explicit size at the beginning of the message, then the receiver knows to keep reading until it's gotten that many bytes. The other is to use some sort of an end-of-message delimiter. The latter has the advantage that you don't have to know in advance how many bytes you're sending, but the disadvantage that you have to figure out how to make sure the the end-of-message delimiter can't appear in the message.
Once you decide how the data should be structured as it's flowing across the network, then you should figure out a way to convert the internal representation to that format, ideally in a "streaming" way, so you can loop through your data structure, converting each piece of it to network format and writing it to the network socket.
On the receiving side, you just reverse the process, decoding the network format to the appropriate in-memory format.
My recommendation for your case is to use JSON. 2 MB is not a lot of data, so the overhead of generating and parsing won't be large, and you can easily represent your data structure directly in JSON. The resulting text will be self-delimiting, human-readable, easy to stream, and easy to parse back into memory on the destination side.