Game Programming: .DAT file? - c++

I've seen a lot of games use something similar to a .DAT file or a specific file type that the game has for itself. I'm just beginning with C++ and DirectX and I was interested in keeping my information in something similar to a .DAT.
My initial conception was that it would hold information on the files you wanted to store within the .DAT file. Something similar to a .RAR file. Unfortunately, my googleing skills did not help me in finding the answers.
Right now I'm simply loading textures and sound files from a folder called Data.
EDIT: While I understand that .DAT is short for data, and I've found that a .DAT file generally contains any assortment of information, I'm still unsure about how to go about doing something as packing images and sound files into any type of file and being able to read them.
I'm not sure about using fstreams to achieve my task, however I will look into streams related to storing data and how to properly read from that data. Meanwhile if anyone has another answer to offer based on this new information, it would be appreciated.
EDIT: Thanks to the answers, I stumbled across a similar question on stackoverflow and felt I'd share it here. Combining resources into a single binary file

I don't think there is really such thing as .dat file format. It's short for "data," and different applications just put in some proprietary stuff in it and call it ".dat." You can read up on fstream classes to do file IO in C++. See Input/Output with files.
What you then do is make up your own file format. For example, first 4 byte is int that indicates the number of blocks in the .dat and for each block, you have 4 byte indicating the length of each block, 4 byte indicating the type of the block, the variable length data itself .. something like that.

DAT obviously stands for data, and there is no real or de facto standard on what that extension actually refers to. Your decisions on the best file formats should be based on technical considerations, not pointless attempts at security through obscurity.

Professional games use a technique where they put all the needed resources (models, textures, sounds, ai, config, etc) zipped/packed into a single file thus making it faster to manage, harder to change (some even make use of a virtual filing system from what's inside the data file). Now, for what's inside the file is different depending on the needs of the game and the data structures that you use.
If you're just starting into gamedev, i recommend you stick with keeping all you assets separate and don't bother too much about packing them into a single file.
Now if you really want to start using a packed format here's a good pointer:
Creating a PAK File Format

Here's a link which claims that .dat is a movie format, 'DAT' being short for Digital Audio Tape.
I'm not sure I believe the link, but I do remember something about a Microsoft supported format called DAT, from long ago, when I used an earlier version of Windows.
It makes more sense as a logical extension for a DATA file of some kind.

.dat, as others have said, is literally just a data file. In reality, the file extension means nothing other than association with a program. For example, I could make a word processor that saves all the documents with the .mp3 file extension. These files wouldn't be playable in any media software, but the software might try. File extensions are used to help programs know what types of files they can and cannot open--however those rules don't have to be followed.
Anyway, you can dump any sort of information to a file. Programmers/software writers will often choose .dat as the extension of that file because it has become the standard to signify 'this file just holds a ton of data' and that the data doesn't necessarily hold any standardized headers, footers, or formatting.

A dat file could really contain anything. It might be as simple as a zip archive with the extension changed, or it could be a completely custom file type. If you're just starting out, you probably don't want to write your own file format, although doing so can be fun and educational. If you want to encapsulate your data files into some kind of container, you should probably go with a zip, paq, or maybe tar.gz.


How do I input and output various file types in c++

I've seen a lot of examples of i/o with text files I'm just wondering if you can do the same with other file types like mp3's, jpg's, zip files, etc..?
Will iostream and fstream work for all of these or do I need another library? Do I need a new sdk?
It's all binary data so I'd think it would be that simple. But I've been unpleasently surprised before.
Could I convert all files to text or binary?
It depend on what you mean by "work"
You can think of those files as a book written in Greek.
If you want to just mess with binary representation (display text in Greek on screen) then yes, you can do that.
If you want to actually extract some info: edit video stream, remove voice from audio (actually understand what is written), then you would need to either parse file format yourself (learn Greek) or use some specialized library (hire a translator).
Either way, filestreams are suited to actually access those files data (and many libraries do use them under the hood)
You can work on binary streams by opening them with openmode binary :
ifstream ifs("mydata.mp3", ios_base::binary);
Then you read and write any binary content. However, if you need to generate or modify such content, play a video or display a piture, the you you need to know the inner details of the format you are using. This can be exremely complex, so a library would be recomended. And even with a library, advanced programming skills are required.
Examples of open source libraries: ffmpeg for usual audio/video format, portaudio for audio, CImg for image processing (in C++), libpng for png graphic format, lipjpeg for jpeg. Note that most libraries offer a C api.
Some OS also supports some native file types (example, windows bitmaps).
You can open these files using fstream, but the important thing to note is you must be intricately aware of what is contained within the file in order to process it.
If you just want to open it and spit out junk, then you can definitely just start at the first line of the file and exhaustively push all data into your console.
If you know what the file looks like on the inside, then you can process it just as you would any other file.
There may be specific libraries for processing specific files, but the fstream library will allow you to access any file you'd like.
All files are just bytes. There's nothing stopping you from reading/writing those bytes however you see fit.
The trick is doing something useful with those bytes. You could read the bytes from a .jpg file, for example, but you have to know what those bytes mean, and that's complicated. Usually it's best to use libraries written by people who know about the format in question, and let them deal with that complexity.

How to read/restore big data file (SEGY format) with C/C++?

I am working on a project which needs to deal with large seismic data of SEGY format (from several GB to TB). This data represents the 3D underground structure.
Data structure is like:
1st tract, 2,3,5,3,5,....,6
2nd tract, 5,6,5,3,2,....,3
3rd tract, 7,4,5,3,1,....,8
What I want to ask is, in order to read and deal with the data fast, do I have to convert the data into another form? Or it's better to read from the original SEGY file? And is there any existing C package to do that?
If you need to access it multiple times and
if you need to access it randomly and
if you need to access it fast
then load it to a database once.
Do not reinvent the wheel.
When dealing of data of that size, you may not want to convert it into another form unless you have to - though some software does do just that. I found a list of free geophysics software on Wikipedia that look promising; many are open source and read/write SEGY files.
Since you are a newbie to programming, you may want to consider if the Python library segpy suits your needs rather than a C/C++ option.
Several GB is rathe medium, if we are toking about poststack.
You may use segy and convert on the fly, you may invent your own format. It depends whot you needed to do. Without changing segy format it's enough to createing indexes to traces. If segy is saved as inlines - it's faster access throug inlines, although crossline access is not very bad.
If it is 3d seismic, the best way to have the same quick access to all inlines/crosslines is to have own format - based od beans, e.g 8x8 traces - loading all beans and selecting tarces access time may be very quick - 2-3 secends. Or you may use SSD disk, or 2,5x RAM as your SEGY.
To quickly access timeslices you have 2 ways - 3D beans or second file stored as timeslices (the quickes way). I did same kind of that 10 years ago - access time to 12 GB SEGY was acceptable - 2-3 seconds in all 3 directions.
SEGY in database? Wow ... ;)
The answer depends upon the type of data you need to extract from the SEG-Y file.
If you need to extract only the headers (Text header, Binary header, Extended Textual File headers and Trace headers) then they can be easily extracted from the SEG-Y file by opening the file as binary and extracting relevant information from the respective locations as mentioned in the data exchange formats (rev2). The extraction might depend upon the type of data (Post-stack or Pre-stack). Also some headers might require conversions from one format to another (e.g Text Headers are mostly encoded in EBCDIC format). The complete details about the byte locations and encoding formats can be read from the above documentation
The extraction of trace data is a bit tricky and depends upon various factors like the encoding, whether the no. of trace samples is mentioned in the trace headers, etc. A careful reading of the documentation and getting to know about the type of SEG data you are working on will surely make this task a lot easier.
Since you are working with the extracted data, I would recommend to use already existing libraries (segpy: one of the best python library I came across). There are also numerous free available SEG-Y readers, a very nice list has already been mentioned by Daniel Waechter; you can choose any one of them that suits your requirements and the type file format supported.
I recently tried to do something same using C++ (Although it has only been tested on post-stack data). The project can be found here.

Beginner - data storage through XML or text files

I am a beginner in visual studio and has only code C and C++ in command line settings.
Currently, I am taking a module(software development) which requires me to come up with an expense tracker - a program which helps user tracks his/her daily expenses. Therefore, at the end of each individual day, or after a user uses finishes the program, we would have to perform data storage to store all the info in one place which we would export it during the next usage.
My constraint include not using any relational database(although i have no idea what it is :( ). Data storage must be done using XML or text files. Following this, I have several questions regarding data storage:
1) If data is stored successfully, do we export it everytime we start the program? And everytime after the user closes the program, we overwrite the existing data file and then store it accordingly?
2) I have heard from some people that using text file may be easier. Searching on the internet and library only provides me with information regarding XML and not text. Would anyone be able to help me with it? Like tutorials link and stuff?
Thank you very much!
File writing/handling works similar to every other buffer in c++.
you can enable file handling using the fstream header. You can create a file, write to it and over-write every time the program is run, or can even create a file the first time the program is run and then append to it every subsequent time the program runs.
Ive only ever done text files, never tried XML, but Im guessing they're similar. should give you everything you need to know.
Your choice of XML vs plain text depends on the kind of data that you'll be storing.
The reason why you'll only find XML libraries on the internet is because XML is a lot more complicated than plain text. If you don't know what XML is or if the data that you're storing isn't very complex, then I would suggest going with plain text.
For example, to track expenses, you might store a file like this:
sandwich 5.00
coffee 2.30
soft drink 1.50
It's very easy to read/write lines like this to/from a file in C++.

Methods of storing application data/settings without the registry?

I need some methods of storing and getting data from a file (in WIN32 api c++ application, not MFC or .NET)
e.g. saving the x, y, width and height of the window when you close it, and loading the data when you open the window.
I have tried .ini files, with the functions -- WritePrivateProfileString and ReadPrivateProfileString/Int, but on MSDN it says
"This function is provided only for compatibility with 16-bit Windows-based applications. Applications should store initialization information in the registry."
and when i tried on my Windows7 64bit machine to read a ini file, i got blue screen! (in debug mode with visual studio) O.O
I notice that most other application use XML to store data, but I don't have a clue how to read/write xml data in c++, are there any libraries or windows functions which will allow me to use xml data?
Any other suggestions would be good too, thanks.
There is nothing wrong with .ini files, the only problem with them is where to write them. CIniFile from CodeProject is good enough class. Ini file should be placed in %APPDATA%/<Name Of Your Application> (or %LOCALAPPDATA%\<Same Name Here>, as described below).
EDIT: If we are talking about Windows family of operating systems from Windows 2000 onward then function SHGetFolderPath is portable way to retrieve user specific folder where application configuration files should be stored. To store data in romaing folder use CSIDL_APPDATA with SHGetFolderPath. To store data to local folder use CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA.
The difference between local and roaming folder is in the nature of the data to be stored. If data is too large or machine specific then store it in local folder. Your data (coordinates and size of the window) are local in nature (on other machine you may have different resolution), so you should actually use CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA.
Windows Vista and later have extended function SHGetKnownFolderPath with its own set of constants, but if you seek compatibility stick to the former SHGetFolderPath.
TinyXML is a popular and simple XML parser for C++.
Apart from that, you can really use any format you want to store your settings, though it's considered good practice to keep settings in text format so that they can be hand-edited if necessary.
It's fairly simple to write your own functions for reading/writing a file in INI or similar format. The format is entirely up to you, as long as it's easily comprehensible to humans. Some possibilities are:
; Comment
# Comment
Key = Value (standard INI format)
Key Value
Key: Value
You could use Boost.PropertyTree for this.
Property trees are versatile data
structures, but are particularly
suited for holding configuration data.
The tree provides its own,
tree-specific interface, and each node
is also an STL-compatible Sequence for
its child nodes.
It supports serialization, and so is well-suited to managing and persisting changeable configuration data. There is an example here on how to load and save using the XML data format that this library supports.
The library uses RapidXML internally but hides the parsing and encoding details, which would save you some implementation time (XML libraries all have their idiosyncracies), while still allowing you to use XML as the data representation on disk.
libxml2. I have seen quite a lot places where it is used. Easy to use and loads of examples to get you started and not a vast library as such. And in C, take it wherever you want.
pugixml is another good (and well documented) XML parser library. And If you like portability XML is a better option.
While INI files may not be the best format, I think you can safely ignore the warning MSDN puts on WritePrivateProfileString and ReadPrivateProfileString.
Those two functions are NEVER going away. It would break THOUSANDS of applications.
That warning has been there for years and I suspect was added when the registry was all the rage and someone naively thought it would one day completely replace INI files.
I might be wrong but it would be very unlike Microsoft to break so many existing apps like this for no good reasons. (Not that they do not occasionally break backwards compatibility, but this would cause huge problems for zero benefit.)
Ohhh My GOD? Have you ever thought of stright-forward solution rather then thinking of Super-Duper-all-can-do framework way?
You want to store two numbers between restarts???
Save: Open a file, write these two numbers, close the file:
std::ifstream out(file_name);
out << x << ' ' << y;
Load: Open a file, read these two numbers, close the file:
std::ifstream in(file_name);
if(!in) return error...
in >> x >> y;
if(!in) return error...
Libconfig is the best solution in C++ as far as I have tried.
Works multi platform with minimum coding.
You must try that!
I like the TinyXML solution suggested.
But for Windows, I like .ini even more.
So I'll suggest the inih library, free and open source on GitHub here. Very simple and easy to use - 1 header file library iirc.

How does large text file viewer work? How to build a large text reader

how does large text file viewer work?
I'm assuming that:
Threading is used to handle the file
The TextBox is updated line by line
Effective memory handling is used
Are these assumptions correct? if someone were to develop their own, what are the mustsand don'ts?
I'm looking to implement one using a DataGrid instead of a TextBox
I'm comfortable with C++ and python. I'll probably use QT/PyQT
The files, I have are usually between 1.5 to 2 GB. I'm looking at editing and viewing these files
I believe that the trick is not loading the entire file into memory, but using seek and such to just load the part which is viewed (possibly with a block before and after to handle a bit of scrolling). Perhaps even using memory-mapped buffers, though I have no experience with those.
Do realize that modifying a large file (fast) is different from just viewing it. You might need to copy the gigabytes of data surrounding the edit to a new file, which may be slow.
In Kernighan and Plaugher's classic (antique?) book "Software Tools in Pascal" they cover the development and design choices of a version of ed(1) and note
"A warning: edit is a big
program (excluding contributions from
translit, find, and change; at
950 lines, it is fifty percent bigger
than anything else in this book."
And they (literally) didn't even have string types to use. Since they note that the file to be edited may exist on tape which doesn't support arbitrary writes in the middle, they had to keep an index of line positions in memory and work with a scratch file to store changes, deletions and additions, merging the whole together upon a "save" command. They, like you, were concerned about memory constraining the size of their editable file.
The general structure of this approach is preserved in the GNU ed project, particularly in buffer.c