Visual Studio: What exactly are lib files (used for)? - c++

I'm learning C++ and came across those *.lib files that are obviously used by the linker. I had to set some additional dependencies for OpenGL.
What exactly are library files in this context used for?
What are their contents?
How are they generated?
Is there anything else worth knowing about them?
Or are they just nothing more than relocateable object code similiar to *.obj files?

In simple terms, yes - .lib files are just a collection of .obj files.
There is a slight complication on Windows that you can have two classes of lib files.
Static lib files essentially contain a collection of .obj and are linked with your program to provide all the functions inside the .lib. They are mainly a convenience to save you having as many files to deal with.
There are also stub .lib which provide just the definitions of functions which are contained in a .dll file.
The .lib file is used at compile time to tell the compiler what to expect from the function, but the code is loaded at run time from the dll.

.lib files are "libraries" and contain "collections" of compiled code so-to-speak. So it is a way to provide software components, without giving away the internal source-code for example. They can be generated as "output" of a "build" just like executables are.
The specific contents depend on your platform / development environment, but they will contain symbols for the linker to "hook up" function-calls provided by e.g. the header-file of the library.
Some libraries are "dynamic" (.DLL's on Windows), which means the "hooking" of function-calls is setup when the executable using the library is loaded, allowing the library implementation to be changed without rebuilding the executable.
One last thing. You say you're learning C++, and a common confusing point is, that "symbols" generated by C++ compilers are "mangled" (in order to allow e.g. function overloading), and this "mangling" is not standardized across different compilers, so libraries often resort to C for the "API" of the library (just like OpenGL), even though the library may be implemented in C++ internally.
I hope shed some light on .lib-files. Happy OpenGL coding :-)

What exactly are library files in this
context used for?
They are compiled and linked code just like your executable. They're called static libraries that other programs can link to at compile time. In the case of OpenGL, you link to their libraries to build an executable that can run OpenGL code. Dynamic libraries (DLLs) are another type of library that executables link against, except at runtime.
What are their contents?
Static libs contain linked object code just like an exe. The *.obj files are the object code that the compiler generates for the linker.
How are they generated?
When the compiler creates the object files, it passes the work to the linker. You can create them in your development environment, just like executables.
Is there anything else worth knowing
about them?
Yeah, they're used everywhere, so it doesn't hurt to get used to them.


visual studio 2015 c++ add a standalone dll file to a project

So I'm working on some libraries for c++ to make a beginner's experience easier. I've put the libraries into a standalone dll and now i want to add it to another project. But the thing is after searching the internet for ages, i have to have include directories and stuff but all i want is to include the single dll file to the project so the project can access the .h and .cpp files inside. Ik i can just add external jar with java then i can access the libraries in there but how do i do it with c++ in visual studio 2015?
This is not how C++ works (I also assume you're not talking about C++/CX or MC++ - which strictly speaking are not C++)
The C++ language does not define an "Application Binary Interface" - an ABI, which allows linking between binaries. That's an implementation concern.
There are ABIs that support C++, such as COM and CORBA, indeed the latest one is WinRT - itself based on COM.
C++ differs from languages like Java and C# which mandate a runtime which does have an ABI: Java has its .class and .jar files while .NET/C# has its CLR Metadata contained within its assembly (.dll files - which are not the same thing as "real" DLL files).
Note that DLL files generated by the C# compiler are nothing like DLL files generated by your C/C++ compiler toolchain's linker - while they share a common outer format as PE (Portable Executable) files, internally they are radically different: CLR DLLs contain CIL, an intermediate bytecode, whereas "real" DLLs contain native, processor-specific instructions.
The general way to work with other libraries in C++ is to either use them in source-form (as .c and .cpp files included in your project), or as .h header files with .lib (static libraries) which are almost similar to reusable binaries, except they're linked ("compiled into- and merged-with") into your finished binary and cannot be replaced at runtime.
The other way is with Dynamic Linking which requires your runtime (i.e. Win32) to do the runtime linking for you, usually with GetProcAddress - but this only exports C-style functions, not entire objects and classes (and certainly not any C++ templates).
In summary:
You have a DLL and you want to use code inside of it:
Is it a WinRT DLL?
If you want to use pure C++ then you need to use WTL. Beware, this approach is not for the faint-hearted.
Else, if you're okay with C++/CX then you can actually use the "Add Reference" UI in Visual Studio, but be advised, you're no-longer writing "real" C++ anymore.
Else is it a COM library?
(Note that you will need the ATL (Active Template Library) and the IDL definitions of the types contained within, this is the COM equivalent of a header file). You can also use #import and/or use the IDE to generate the actual .h and .c files needed to call COM without too much pain. However you will run into problems if you replace the COM DLL later without rebuilding your program if too many things were changed in a later COM DLL version (see "DLL Hell").
Else is it a traditional native Win32 PE DLL?
All a PE executable has is a list of exported functions and their address locations within the DLL.
Do you want Static Linking or Dynamic Linking?
For Dynamic Linking, do you want runtime resolution (painful, but flexible) or "automatic" linking?
For runtime linking you only need the .dll file and .h files. You will need to manually call GetProcAddress yourself for each function you want to call, then invoke it. An advantage is that you can detect at runtime if a function exists and gracefully handle linking errors.
For automatic linking you will be given a .lib file in addition to the .dll and .h files, the .lib file is a small statically-linked library that contains stubs and other code needed to perform the runtime linking for you without needing to manually call GetProcAddress yourself.
For Static Linking you won't have a .dll file, but a .lib file: known as a "static library". Inside it's a file that contains discretised executable function blobs which your linker will effectively copy+paste into your completed program.
How do you do it like Java? Well, you don't.
A header is required to provide the compiler with the prototypes of the functions and other symbols that are exported from the DLL that you might want to make use of. You may even have multiple header files to logically divide your DLL's code. And since you won't want to hard-code the path to these header files in your source code, you'll want to specify the path to its containing directory as part of your compiler/build options, freeing you to use relative paths.
A LIB file is generally also required, although this is slightly more flexible. Generally, a LIB makes things much easier. It will be generated by the linker when you compile the DLL, and it contains stubs that facilitate linking to functions exported by that DLL. You specify this LIB file in your linker options when building an application that uses the DLL, and things just work. This is called implicit dynamic linking. It's dynamic linking because you're using a DLL, but it's implicit because the linker is handling the dirty work for you.
If you don't want to use a LIB file, you will need to do explicit dynamic linking. This is still dynamic linking because you're still using the DLL, but it's explicit because you have to explicitly write code to load the DLL module and obtain pointers to functions that it exports. Microsoft's build tools provide various features to make this easier, but it's still more difficult than just using the LIB file, which is what I would recommend unless you have a good reason to do otherwise.

Misunderstanding concerning g++, dynamic and static linking on linux vs windows

I'm a little confused by what I've learned today. I hope somebody can help me out.
I understand the concept of dynamic and static linking, but the problem is as follows. On windows, or at least the paradigm on windows, you can have a .lib (which is like .a) and .dll (which is like .so, except... different) and you must statically link in the .lib which contains code that calls functions from the dll at runtime. Is this correct? In other words, gcc or g++ must have .lib files available at compile/link time, and be able to find .dll files at runtime. Please correct any wrong assumptions here.
However, I'm splitting a few of my source files in my small application away because I want to make them a library. When I run g++ on my object files, with the -shared option, this basically creates a shared library (.so)? This is where the confusion arises. The same so file is needed both at link time and runtime? I have trouble understanding how I need it in the -L/-l option at link time but it still needs the file at runtime. Is this actually the norm? Is a dll fundamentally different?
Finally, a final question. Take a library like boost on Windows. I built boost according to the instructions. In the end, the stage/lib directory contains libraries in a repeating sequence of name.a, name.dll.a, name.dll. What is the purpose of this scheme? I know I need the dll files at runtime, but when I use the -L/-l option at link time, what files is it using THEN?
Sorry if this is really scattered, but I hope someone can help clear this up. Thanks a lot!
On windows, or at least the paradigm on windows, you can have a .lib (which is like .a) and .dll (which is like .so, except... different) and you must statically link in the .lib which contains code that calls functions from the dll at runtime. Is this correct?
Yes and no. That is one way that DLLs work on Windows, but it is not the only way.
You can load a DLL manually, using Win32 API calls. But if you do, you have to get function pointers manually to actually access the DLL. The purpose of the import library (that static library you're talking about) is to do this automatically.
The nice thing about doing it manually is that you can pick and choose what DLLs you want. This is how some applications provide plugin support. Users write a DLL that exports a well-defined set of API functions. Your program loads them from a directory, and they bundle the function pointers for each DLL into its own object, which represents the interface to that plugin.
GCC works the same way, on Windows. Building a DLL produces a DLL and an import library. It's a ".a" file instead of ".lib" because of the compiler, but it still does the same thing.
On Linux, .so files are a combination of the .dll and the import library. So you link to the .so when compiling the program in question, and it does the same job as linking to the import library.
It's just two ways of giving infos at compile time about the shared library. Maybe a comparison would explain it better ?
In Windows, it's : "You will use a shared library (.dll) and here (.a or .dll.a) is the manual on how to use it."
In Linux, it's :" You will use a shared library (.so) so look at it beforehand (.so) so you'll know how to use it."

How does the Import Library work? Details?

I know this may seem quite basic to geeks. But I want to make it crystal clear.
When I want to use a Win32 DLL, usually I just call the APIs like LoadLibrary() and GetProcAdderss(). But recently, I am developing with DirectX9, and I need to add d3d9.lib, d3dx9.lib, etc files.
I have heard enough that LIB is for static linking and DLL is for dynamic linking.
So my current understanding is that LIB contains the implementation of the methods and is statically linked at link time as part of the final EXE file. While DLL is dynamic loaded at runtime and is not part of the final EXE file.
But sometimes, there're some LIB files coming with the DLL files, so:
What are these LIB files for?
How do they achieve what they are meant for?
Is there any tools that can let me inspect the internals of these LIB files?
Update 1
After checking wikipedia, I remember that these LIB files are called import library.
But I am wondering how it works with my main application and the DLLs to be dynamically loaded.
Update 2
Just as RBerteig said, there're some stub code in the LIB files born with the DLLs. So the calling sequence should be like this:
My main application --> stub in the LIB --> real target DLL
So what information should be contained in these LIBs? I could think of the following:
The LIB file should contain the fullpath of the corresponding DLL; So the DLL could be loaded by the runtime.
The relative address (or file offset?) of each DLL export method's entry point should be encoded in the stub; So correct jumps/method calls could be made.
Am I right on this? Is there something more?
BTW: Is there any tool that can inspect an import library? If I can see it, there'll be no more doubts.
Linking to a DLL file can occur implicitly at compile link time, or explicitly at run time. Either way, the DLL ends up loaded into the processes memory space, and all of its exported entry points are available to the application.
If used explicitly at run time, you use LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress() to manually load the DLL and get pointers to the functions you need to call.
If linked implicitly when the program is built, then stubs for each DLL export used by the program get linked in to the program from an import library, and those stubs get updated as the EXE and the DLL are loaded when the process launches. (Yes, I've simplified more than a little here...)
Those stubs need to come from somewhere, and in the Microsoft tool chain they come from a special form of .LIB file called an import library. The required .LIB is usually built at the same time as the DLL, and contains a stub for each function exported from the DLL.
Confusingly, a static version of the same library would also be shipped as a .LIB file. There is no trivial way to tell them apart, except that LIBs that are import libraries for DLLs will usually be smaller (often much smaller) than the matching static LIB would be.
If you use the GCC toolchain, incidentally, you don't actually need import libraries to match your DLLs. The version of the Gnu linker ported to Windows understands DLLs directly, and can synthesize most any required stubs on the fly.
If you just can't resist knowing where all the nuts and bolts really are and what is really going on, there is always something at MSDN to help. Matt Pietrek's article An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format is a very complete overview of the format of the EXE file and how it gets loaded and run. Its even been updated to cover .NET and more since it originally appeared in MSDN Magazine ca. 2002.
Also, it can be helpful to know how to learn exactly what DLLs are used by a program. The tool for that is Dependency Walker, aka depends.exe. A version of it is included with Visual Studio, but the latest version is available from its author at It can identify all of the DLLs that were specified at link time (both early load and delay load) and it can also run the program and watch for any additional DLLs it loads at run time.
Update 2
I've reworded some of the earlier text to clarify it on re-reading, and to use the terms of art implicit and explicit linking for consistency with MSDN.
So, we have three ways that library functions might be made available to be used by a program. The obvious follow up question is then: "How to I choose which way?"
Static linking is how the bulk of the program itself is linked. All of your object files are listed, and get collected together in to the EXE file by the linker. Along the way, the linker takes care of minor chores like fixing up references to global symbols so that your modules can call each other's functions. Libraries can also be statically linked. The object files that make up the library are collected together by a librarian in a .LIB file which the linker searches for modules containing symbols that are needed. One effect of static linking is that only those modules from the library that are used by the program are linked to it; other modules are ignored. For instance, the traditional C math library includes many trigonometry functions. But if you link against it and use cos(), you don't end up with a copy of the code for sin() or tan() unless you also called those functions. For large libraries with a rich set of features, this selective inclusion of modules is important. On many platforms such as embedded systems, the total size of code available for use in the library can be large compared to the space available to store an executable in the device. Without selective inclusion, it would be harder to manage the details of building programs for those platforms.
However, having a copy of the same library in every program running creates a burden on a system that normally runs lots of processes. With the right kind of virtual memory system, pages of memory that have identical content need only exist once in the system, but can be used by many processes. This creates a benefit for increasing the chances that the pages containing code are likely to be identical to some page in as many other running processes as possible. But, if programs statically link to the runtime library, then each has a different mix of functions each laid out in that processes memory map at different locations, and there aren't many sharable code pages unless it is a program that all by itself is run in more than process. So the idea of a DLL gained another, major, advantage.
A DLL for a library contains all of its functions, ready for use by any client program. If many programs load that DLL, they can all share its code pages. Everybody wins. (Well, until you update a DLL with new version, but that isn't part of this story. Google DLL Hell for that side of the tale.)
So the first big choice to make when planning a new project is between dynamic and static linkage. With static linkage, you have fewer files to install, and you are immune from third parties updating a DLL you use. However, your program is larger, and it isn't quite as good citizen of the Windows ecosystem. With dynamic linkage, you have more files to install, you might have issues with a third party updating a DLL you use, but you are generally being friendlier to other processes on the system.
A big advantage of a DLL is that it can be loaded and used without recompiling or even relinking the main program. This can allow a third party library provider (think Microsoft and the C runtime, for example) to fix a bug in their library and distribute it. Once an end user installs the updated DLL, they immediately get the benefit of that bug fix in all programs that use that DLL. (Unless it breaks things. See DLL Hell.)
The other advantage comes from the distinction between implicit and explicit loading. If you go to the extra effort of explicit loading, then the DLL might not even have existed when the program was written and published. This allows for extension mechanisms that can discover and load plugins, for instance.
These .LIB import library files are used in the following project property, Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies, when building a bunch of dll's that need additional information at link time which is supplied by the import library .LIB files. In the example below to not get linker errors I need to reference to dll's A,B,C, and D through their lib files. (note for the linker to find these files you may need to include their deployment path in Linker->General->Additional Library Directories else you will get a build error about being unable to find any of the provided lib files.)
If your solution is building all dynamic libraries you may have been able to avoid this explicit dependency specification by relying instead on the reference flags exposed under the Common Properties->Framework and References dialog. These flags appear to automatically do the linking on your behalf using the *.lib files.
This however is as it says a Common Properties, which is not configuration or platform specific. If you need to support a mixed build scenario as in our application we had a build configuration to render a static build and a special configuration that built a constrained build of a subset of assemblies that were deployed as dynamic libraries. I had used the Use Library Dependency Inputs and Link Library Dependencies flags set to true under various cases to get things to build and later realizing to simplify things but when introducing my code to the static builds I introduced a ton of linker warnings and the build was incredibly slow for the static builds. I wound up introducing a bunch of these sort of warnings...
warning LNK4006: "bool __cdecl XXX::YYY() already defined in CoreLibrary.lib(JSource.obj); second definition ignored D.lib(JSource.obj)
And I wound up using the manual specification of Additional Dependencies to satisfy the linker for the dynamic builds while keeping the static builders happy by not using a common property that slowed them down. When I deploy the dynamic subset build I only deploy the dll files as these lib files are only used at link time, not at runtime.
Here are some related MSDN topics to answer my question:
Linking an Executable to a DLL
Linking Implicitly
Determining Which Linking Method to Use
Building an Import Library and Export File
There are three kinds of libraries: static, shared and dynamically loaded libraries.
The static libraries are linked with the code at the linking phase, so they are actually in the executable, unlike the shared library, which has only stubs (symbols) to look for in the shared library file, which is loaded at run time before the main function gets called.
The dynamically loaded ones are much like the shared libraries, except they are loaded when and if the need arises by the code you've written.
In my mind, there are two method to link dll to exe.
Use dll and the import library (.lib file) implicitly
Use functions like loadlibrary() explicitly

Dynamic and Static Libraries in C++

In my quest to learn C++, I have come across dynamic and static libraries.
I generally get the gist of them: compiled code to include into other programs.
However, I would like to know a few things about them:
Is writing them any different than a normal C++ program, minus the main() function?
How does the compiled program get to be a library? It's obviously not an executable, so how do I turn, say 'test.cpp' into 'test.dll'?
Once I get it to its format, how do I include it in another program?
Is there a standard place to put them, so that whatever compilers/linkers need them can find them easily?
What is the difference (technically and practically) between a dynamic and static library?
How would I use third party libraries in my code (I'm staring at .dylib and .a files for the MySql C++ Connector)
Everything I have found relating to libraries seems to be targeting those who already know how to use them. I, however, don't. (But would like to!)
(I should also note I'm using Mac OS X, and although would prefer to remain IDE-neutral or command-line oriented, I use QtCreator/Netbeans)
Is writing them any different than a normal C++ program, minus the main() function?
How does the compiled program get to be a library? It's obviously not an executable, so how do I turn, say 'test.cpp' into 'test.dll'?
Pass the -dynamiclib flag when you're compiling. (The name of the result is still by default a.out. On Mac OS X you should name your dynamic libraries as lib***.dylib, and on Linux, lib***.so (shared objects))
Once I get it to its format, how do I include it in another program?
First, make a header file so the the other program can #include to know what functions can be used in your dylib.
Second, link to your dylib. If your dylib is named as libblah.dylib, you pass the -lblah flag to gcc.
Is there a standard place to put them, so that whatever compilers/linkers need them can find them easily?
/usr/lib or /usr/local/lib.
What is the difference (technically and practically) between a dynamic and static library?
Basically, for a static lib, the whole library is embedded into the file it "links" to.
How would I use third party libraries in my code (I'm staring at .dylib and .a files for the MySql C++ Connector)
See the 3rd answer.
Is writing them any different than a normal C++ program, minus the main() function?
Except for the obvious difference that a library provides services for other programs to use, usually (*) there isn't a difference.
* in gcc classes/functions are exported by default - this isn't the case in VC++, there you have to explicitly export using __declspec(export).
How does the compiled program get to be a library? It's obviously not an executable, so how do I turn, say 'test.cpp' into 'test.dll'?
This depends on your compiler. In Visual Studio you specify this in your project configuration. In gcc to create a static library you compile your code normally and then package it in an archive using ar. To create a shared you compile first (with the -fpic flag to enable position independent code generation, a requirement for shared libraries), then use the -shared flag on the object files. More info can be found in the man pages.
Once I get it to its format, how do I include it in another program?
Again this is a little compiler-dependant. In VS, if it's a shared library, when including the class/function you wish to use it should be marked with a __declspec(import) (this is usually done with ifdefs) and you have to specify the .lib file of the shared library for linkage. For a static library you only have to specify the .lib file (no export/import needed since the code will end up in your executable).
In gcc you only need to specify the library which you link against using -llibrary_name.
In both cases you will need to provide your client some header files with the functions/classes that are intended for public use.
Is there a standard place to put them, so that whatever compilers/linkers need them can find them easily?
If it's your own library then it's up to you. Usually you can specify the linker additional folders to look in. We have a lib folder in our source tree where all .lib (or .a/.so) files end up and we add that folder to the additional folder to look in.
If you're shipping a library on UNIX the common place is usually /usr/lib (or /usr/local/lib), this is also where gcc searches in by default.
What is the difference (technically and practically) between a dynamic and static library?
When you link a program to static libraries the code of the libraries ends up in your executable. Practically this makes your executable larger and makes it harder to update/fix a static library for obvious reasons (requires a new version of your executable).
Shared libraries are separate from your executable and are referenced by your program and (usually) loaded at runtime when needed.
It's also possible to load shared libraries without linking to them. It requires more work since you have to manually load the shared library and any symbol you wish to use. On Windows this is done using LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress and on POSIX systems using dlsym/dlopen.
How would I use third party libraries in my code?
This is usually accomplished by including the necessary header files and linking with the appropriate library.
A simple example to link with a static library foo would look like this: gcc main.cpp -o main.o -L/folder/where/foo.a/is/at -lfoo.
Most open source projects have a readme that gives more detailed instructions, I'd suggest to take a look at it if there is one.
Is writing [libraries] any different than a normal C++ program, minus the main() function?
That depends on your definition of "different." From the language's point of view, you write a file or collection of files, don't put in a main() and you tell the compiler to generate a library instead of an executable.
However, designing libraries is much harder because you have no control over the code that calls you. Libraries need to be more robust against failure than normal code. You can't necessarily delete pointers somebody passes to your function. You can't tell what macros will mess with your code. You also can't accidentally pollute the global namespace (eg., don't put using namespace std at the beginning of your header files).
How does the compiled program get to be a library? It's obviously not an executable, so how do I turn, say 'test.cpp' into 'test.dll'?
That depends on the compiler. In Visual C++ this is a project config setting. In gcc (going from memory) it's something like gcc -c foo.c -shared.
Once I get it to its format, how do I include it in another program?
That depends on your compiler and linker. You make sure the header files are available via a project setting or environment variable, and you make sure the binaries are available via a different project setting or compiler variable.
Is there a standard place to put them, so that whatever compilers/linkers need them can find them easily?
That depends on the operating system. In UNIX you're going to put things in places like /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib. On Windows people used to put DLLs in places like C:\WINDOWS but that's no longer allowed. Instead you put it in your program directory.
What is the difference (technically and practically) between a dynamic and static library?
Static libraries are the easier, original model. At compile time the linker puts all the functions from the library into your executable. You can ship the executable without the library, because the library is baked in.
Dynamic libraries (also called shared libraries) involve the compiler putting enough information in the executable that at runtime the linker will be able to find the correct libraries and call the methods in there. The libraries are shared across the whole system among the programs that use them. Using dynamic linking (dlsym(), et. al.) adds a few details to the picture.
How would I use third party libraries in my code (I'm staring at .dylib and .a files for the MySql C++ Connector)
That's going to depend on your platform, and unfortunately I can't tell you much about .dylib files. .a files are static libraries, and you simply need to add them to your final call to gcc (gcc main.c foo.a -o main if you know where foo.a is, or gcc main.c -lfoo -o main if the system knows where foo.a,, or are). Generally you make sure the compiler can find the library and leave the linker to do the rest.
The difference between a static and dynamic library is that the linking is done at compile time for static libraries, embedding the executable code into your binary, while for dynamic libraries linking is done dynamically at program start. The advantages are that the libraris can be separately distributed, updated and the code (memory) can be shared among several programs.
To use a library you simply provide -l to g++ for a lib.a or
I'm writing this to be more pragmatic than technically correct. It's enough to give you the general idea of what you're after.
Is writing them any different than a normal C++ program, minus the main() function?
For a static library, there's really not much difference.
For a dynamic library, the most likely difference you'll need to be aware of is that you may need to export the symbols you want to be available outside your library. Basically everything you don't export is invisible to users of your library. Exactly how you export, and whether you even need to by default, depends on your compiler.
For a dynamic library you also need to have all symbols resolved, which means the library can't depend on a function or variable that comes from outside the library. If my library uses a function called foo(), I need to include foo() in my library by writing it myself or by linking to another library that supplies it. I can't use foo() and just assume the user of my library will supply it. The linker won't know how to call a foo() that doesn't yet exist.
How does the compiled program get to be a library? It's obviously not an executable, so how do I turn, say 'test.cpp' into 'test.dll'?
It's similar to how you turn test.cpp into test.exe - compile and link. You pass options to the compiler to tell it whether to create an executable, a static library, or a dynamic library.
Once I get it to its format, how do I include it in another program?
In your source code, you include header files necessary to use the library, much as you would include a header file for code that's not in a library. You'll also need to include the library on your link line, telling the linker where to find the library. For many systems, creating a dynamic library generates two files, the shared library and a link library. It's the link library that you include on the link line.
Is there a standard place to put them, so that whatever compilers/linkers need them can find them easily?
There is an environment variable that tells the linker where to look for libraries. The name of that variable is different from one system to another. You can also tell the linker about additional places to look.
What is the difference (technically and practically) between a dynamic and static library?
A static library gets copied into the thing it is linked to. An executable will include a copy of the static library and can be run on another machine without also copying the static library.
A dynamic library stays in a separate file. The executable loads that separate file when it runs. You have to distribute a copy of the dynamic library with your program or it won't run. You can also replace the dynamic library with a new version, and as long as the new library has the same interface it will still run with the old executable. It also may save space if several executables use the same dynamic library. In fact dynamic libraries are often called shared libraries.
How would I use third party libraries in my code
Same as you would use one you created yourself, as described above.

why are my visual studio .obj files are massive in size compared to the output .exe?

As a background, I am a developer of an opensource project, a c++ library called openframeworks, that is a wrapper for different libraries, like opengl, quicktime, freeImage, etc. In the next release, we've added a c++ library called POCO, which is similar to boost in some ways in that it's an alternative for java foundation library type functionality.
I've just noticed, that in this latest release where I've added the POCO library as a statically linked library, the .obj files that are produced during the act of compilation are really massive - for example, several .obj files for really small .cpp files are 2mb each. The overall compiled .obj files are about 12mb or so. On the flip side, the exes that are produced are small - 300k to 1mb.
In comparison, the same library compiled in code::blocks produces .obj files that are roughly the same size at the exe - they are all fairly small.
Is there something happening with linking, and the .obj process in visual studio that I don't understand? for example, is it doing some kind of smart prelinking, or other thing, that's adding to the .obj size? I've experimented a bit with settings, such as incremental linking, etc, and not seen any changes.
thanks in advance for any ideas to try or insights !
note: thanks much! I just tried, dumpbin, which says "anonymous object" and doesn't return info about the object. this might be the reason why....
note 2, after checking out the above link, removing LTCG (link time code generation - /GL) the .obj files are much smaller and dumpbin understands them. thanks again !!
I am not a Visual Studio expert by any stretch of imagination, having hardly used it, but I believe Visual Studio employs link-time optimizations, which can make the resulting code run faster, but can cost a lot of space in the libraries. Also, it may be (I don't know the internals) that debugging information isn't stripped until the actual linking phase.
I'm sure someone's going to come with a better/more detailed answer anyway.
Possibly the difference is debug information.
The compiler outputs the debug information into the .obj, but the linker does not put that data into the .exe or .dll. It is either discarded or put into a .pdb.
In any case use the Visual Studio DUMPBIN utility on the .obj files to see what's in them.
Object files need to contain sufficient information for linking. In C++, this is name-based. Two object files refer to the same object (data/function/class) if they use the same name. This implies that all object files must contain names for all objects that might be referenced by other object files. The executable however will need the names visible from outside the library. In case of a DLL, this means only the names exported. The saving is twofold: there are less names, and those names are present only once in the DLL.
Modern C++ libraries will use namespaces. These namespaces mean that object names become longer, as they include the names of the encapsulating namespaces too.
The compiled library obj files will be huge because they must contain all of the functions, classes and template that your end users might eventually use.
Executables which link to your library will be smaller because they will include only the compiled code that they require to run. This will usually be a tiny subset of the library.