How cookies work? - cookies

I wanted to know the interactions of a browser (i.e. Firefox ) and a website.
When I submit my user name and password to the login form, what happens?
I think that website sends me some cookies and authorizes me by checking those cookies.
Is there a standard structure for cookies?
Also, how I can see the cookies of specific URL sent to my browser if I want to use that cookie?

Understanding Cookies
Cookies are given to a browser by the server. The browser reveals the cookies as applicable only to the domain that provided the cookie in the first place.
The data in the cookie allows the server to continue a conversation, so to speak. Without the cookie, the server considers the browser a first-time visitor.
Have a look at these to know about browser cookies
Understanding Browser cookies

Explanation via Pictures
Simple Explanation by Analogy (via a story)
Freddie works at the Government Taxation Office (IRS/HMRC/ATO/CBDT etc). He deals with millions of people who come to see him everyday. And he has a very poor memory.
In a World Without Cookies:
One day a customer walks in to Freddie's customer care desk:
Customer 1: "Good morning Freddie, so did you change my address like I asked you to?"
Freddie: "I'm sorry. I don't remember who you are? Who are you?"
Customer 1: "Dude, I spoke to you last Monday regarding this issue! How could you forget!"
Unfortunately, the HTTP protocol is stateless. There is no way Freddie (the server) can identify different customers (clients) apart from each other. He doesn't remember. He has a very short memory. There is a solution though:
The World WITH Coookies:
The customer walks in to see Freddie (his name is Brian), but this time, the customer gives Freddie his taxation office ID card:
Brian May: "Good morning Freddie, My name is Brian did you change my address like I asked you to?"
Freddie: "ah yes...hmmm......Brian May, Queen, Lead Guitarist, We Will Rock you......very interesting, I have your records here on my back end system.........let me bring up the records pertaining to your address........YES: I did in fact change your address. BTW since you gave me your ID that's all I need, you don't need to tell me your name is Brian May. Just give me your ID and I will be able to see that on my system".
Explanation of Analogy
You can think of a cookie as kinda like an ID card: if you identify yourself to the server, the server will remember who you are and will treat you accordingly:
e.g. it will remember what you've already ordered in your cart so far.
it will remember that you like reading your website in Tamil / Cantonese / Swahili etc.
it can (basically) identify who you are.
In this particular case, it is the Government Taxation Office who issues out the ID cards.
Granted the analogy is a little strained and very simplified but hopefully, it will help you understand and remember the underlying concept.

Usually the cookie contains a session id number. The id number is then connected to session data that is stored on the server. The usual process is then:
Send login form
Server checks username and password
If correct, the username is stored in a session file on the server, along with various other useful information about the user (if it's a site admin, moderator, userid and so on).
The server sends back a cookie containing an id number that identifies the session file
The browser sends the cookie with each request to that server, so the server can open the session file and read the saved data.
Usually the password is not sent more than once (at login in step 1).

It depends, because there are many scenarios and abilities of usage of cookies.
One of scenarios is:
User submits login form.
Website authorizes the user and set cookie visible in website domain with user name, password (i.e. MD5 hashed) and sometimes other information.
Cookie is sent with each request, which allows website to check if request is came from the authorized user.
For more details read Wikipedia article about cookies.

After logging , the request to server is sent. At server side, it checks the visitor's identification against an ID that identifies whether it is a new user or the older one.
If it determines it a new visitor,it then creates a cookie for it and sends it back in its response to browser. Cookie that is generated in response to Server has a name and unique identification is sent back to a user end. AT the user end ,after every visit to the same URL, browser rechecks cookie list and if it has the cookie for the same url , it is sent to server which identifies cookie ID and server shows the related history for this user then .

Cookies are small data packets that the Web Pages load on to the browser for various purposes.
Every time you re-visit a URL, the browser sends back a tiny package of this information back to the server which detects that you've returned to the page.
Cookies are the reasons that keeps you logged into sites so that you don't have to enter ID and password every time you visit the website.
Webmasters can use these cookies for monitoring the activity of Internet users.
Some sites use third-party cookie to track your Web habits for marketing purposes.

I found some information at this site that was really helpful to me and figure it might be of use: Webfundamentals - Cookies. It goes through what a cookie is, how they work, and the headers that are used to send them.
It says in summary that, cookies are pieces of information that are sent in HTTP requests inside the 'Set-Cookie' header from the server to the client/browser, or in the 'cookie' header in the client/browser to the server.
HTTP is stateless, meaning that one request to another has no knowledge of the state of the page you are browsing. Cookies were made to help address this issue, allowing users be 'known' by the site for as long as the cookie is set to be stored. By default cookies are stored until the client is closed, unless specified otherwise.


How to protect web application from cookie stealing attack?

My web application's authentication mechanism currently is quite simple.
When a user logs in, the website sends back a session cookie which is stored (using localStorage) on the user's browser.
However, this cookie can too easily be stolen and used to replay the session from another machine. I notice that other sites, like Gmail for example, have much stronger mechanisms in place to ensure that just copying a cookie won't allow you access to that session.
What are these mechanisms and are there ways for small companies or single developers to use them as well?
We ran into a similar issue. How do you store client-side data securely?
We ended up going with HttpOnly cookie that contains a UUID and an additional copy of that UUID (stored in localStorage). Every request, the user has to send both the UUID and the cookie back to the server, and the server will verify that the UUID match. I think this is how OWASP's double submit cookie works.
Essentially, the attacker needs to access the cookie and localStorage.
Here are a few ideas:
Always use https - and https only cookies.
Save the cookie in a storage system (nosql/cache system/db) and set it a TTL(expiry).
Never save the cookie as received into the storage but add salt and hash it before you save or check it just like you would with a password.
Always clean up expired sessions from the store.
Save issuing IP and IP2Location area. So you can check if the IP changes.
Exclusive session, one user one session.
Session collision detected (another ip) kick user and for next login request 2 way authentication, for instance send an SMS to a registered phone number so he can enter it in the login.
Under no circumstances load untrusted libraries. Better yet host all the libraries you use on your own server/cdn.
Check to not have injection vulnerabilities. Things like profiles or generally things that post back to the user what he entered in one way or another must be heavily sanitized, as they are a prime vector of compromise. Same goes for data sent to the server via anything: cookies,get,post,headers everything you may or may not use from the client must be sanitized.
Should I mention SQLInjections?
Double session either using a url session or storing an encrypted session id in the local store are nice and all but they ultimately are useless as both are accessible for a malicious code that is already included in your site like say a library loaded from a domain that that has been highjacked in one way or another(dns poison, complomised server, proxies, interceptors etc...). The effort is valiant but ultimately futile.
There are a few other options that further increase the difficulty of fetching and effectively using a session. For instance You could reissue session id's very frequently say reissue a session id if it is older then 1 minute even if you keep the user logged in he gets a new session id so a possible attacker has just 1 minute to do something with a highjacked session id.
Even if you apply all of these there is no guarantee that your session won't be highjacked one way or the other, you just make it incredibly hard to do so to the point of being impractical, but make no mistake making it 100% secure will be impossible.
There are loads of other security features you need to consider at server level like execution isolation, data isolation etc. This is a very large discussion. Security is not something you apply to a system it must be how the system is built from ground up!
Make sure you're absolutely not vulnerable to XSS attacks. Everything below is useless if you are!
Apparently, you mix two things: LocalStorage and Cookies.
They are absolutely two different storage mechanisms:
Cookies are a string of data, that is sent with every single request sent to your server. Cookies are sent as HTTP headers and can be read using JavaScript if HttpOnly is not set.
LocalStorage, on the other hand, is a key/value storage mechanism that is offered by the browser. The data is stored there, locally on the browser, and it's not sent anywhere. The only way to access this is using JavaScript.
Now I will assume you use a token (maybe JWT?) to authenticate users.
If you store your token in LocalStorage, then just make sure when you send it along to your server, send it as an HTTP header, and you'll be all done, you won't be vulnerable to anything virtually. This kind of storage/authentication technique is very good for Single-page applications (VueJS, ReactJS, etc.)
However, if you use cookies to store the token, then there comes the problem: while token can not be stolen by other websites, it can be used by them. This is called Cross-Site Request Forgery. (CSRF)
This kind of an attack basically works by adding something like:
<img src="">
When your browser loads their page, it'll attempt to load the image, and it'll send the authentication cookie along, too, and eventually, it'll delete the user's account.
Now there is an awesome CSRF prevention cheat sheet that lists possible ways to get around that kind of attacks.
One really good way is to use Synchronizer token method. It basically works by generating a token server-side, and then adding it as a hidden field to a form you're trying to secure. Then when the form is submitted, you simply verify that token before applying changes. This technique works well for websites that use templating engines with simple forms. (not AJAX)
The HttpOnly flag adds more security to cookies, too.
You can use 2 Step Authentication via phone number or email. Steam is also a good example. Every time you log in from a new computer, either you'll have to mark it as a "Safe Computer" or verify using Phone Number/Email.

When django session is created

I don't really understand when session is created and per what entity it is created (per ip, per browser, per logged in user). I see in documentation that sessions by default is created per visitor - but what is visitor (browser or ip)?
What are HTTP sessions?
To display a webpage your browser sends an HTTP request to the server, the server sends back an HTTP response. Each time you click a link on website a new HTTP transacation takes place, i.e. it is not a connection that is persistant over time (like a phone call). Your communication with a website consists of many monolitic HTTP transactions (tens or hundres of phonecalls, each phonecall being a few words).
So how can the server remember information about a user, for instance that a user is logged in (ip addresses are not reliable)? The first time you visit a website, the server creates a random string, and in the HTTP response it asks the browser to create a so called HTTP cookie with that value. A cookie is really just a name (of the cookie) and a value. If you go to a simple session-enabled Django site, the server will ask your browser to set a cookie named 'sessionid' with such a random generated value.
The subsequent times your browser will make HTTP requests to that domain, it will include the cookie in the HTTP request.
The server saves these session ids (for django the default is to save in the database) and it saves them together with so called session variables. So based on the session id sent along with an HTTP request it can dig out previously set session variables as well as modify or add session variables. If you delete your cookies (ctrl+shift+delete in Firefox), you will realize that no website remembers you anymore (Gmail, Facebook, Django sites, etc.) and you have to log in again. Most browsers will allow you to disable cookies in general or for specific sites (for privacy reasons) but this means that you can not log into those websites.
Per browser, per window, per tab, per ip?
It is not possible to log into different GMail accounts within the same browser, not even from different windows. But it is possible to log in to one account with Firefox and another with Chrome. So the answer is: per browser. However, it is not always that simple. You can use different profiles in Firefox, and each can keep different cookies and thus you can log into different accounts simultaneously. There are also Firefox plugins for keeping multiple sessions, e.g. MultiFox.
The session all depends on which session cookie your browser sends in it's HTTP request.
Play around
To get the full understanding of what is going on, I recommend installing the FireBug and FireCookie plugins for Firefox. The above screenshots are taken from FireBug's net panel. FireCookie will give you an overview of when and which cookies are set when you visit a site, and will let you regulate which cookies are allowed.
If there is a server side error, and you have DEBUG=True, then the Django error message will show you information about the HTTP request, including the cookies sent
It's browser (not IP). A session is basically data stored on your server that is identified by a session id sent as a cookie to the browser. The browser will send the cookie back containing the session id on all subsequent requests either until the browser is closed or the cookie expires (depending on the expires value that is sent with the cookie header, which you can control from Django with set_expiry).
The server can also expire sessions by basically ignoring the (unexpired) cookie that the browser sends and requiring a new session to be started.
There is a great description on how sessions work here.

Working with Sessions and Cookies

I have this one question in mind that in login sessions does client have to maintain anything so that server uniquely identify client and in multiple client requests response to correct client. I don't understand this sessions and cookies. I asked many about this some say that its server job to maintain sessions and client just send normal request.
Yes, the client must keep track of something, called a session ID. Most commonly, it is a cookie. However, a less used approach is to rewrite all links to pass the session ID in the URL.
Example ID names are ASP.NET_SessionId and PHPSESSID.
Matthew's answer is correct.
It is the server's job to keep track of login sessions, and it's the client web browser's job to keep track of cookies. When you provide username & password on a site, a cookie is provided by the web server to your browser, which will automatically be provided along with subsequent requests to the web server. This cookie uniquely identifies a session which belongs to a particular user on the site (even the "guest" user). So, the server keeps track of all client sessions, and each client remembers its session cookie & provides it along with all its requests. It's a simple scheme. Using Firebug for example, you can see what the web requests look like when you log into a site. You might find that interesting to look at.
It is the server which will maintain the sessions. And it is the server responsibilty to allow session tracking happen. Clients need not bother about sending any information explicitly. As Cliens also sends Cookies saved on the client along with every request, server might use Cookies for sesssion tracking.
Note: Cookies are just one of the way to implement Session Tracking. It is also the best way
So server Cookies as one of the ways to handle session tracking.
It can also be done in other ways:
URL rewriting - the application/server should append the session id in all URL's/Links. When those are invoked from the client the session comes to the server along with the URL.
Hidden Form Fields - The forms may contain hidden input type with session id as field value. When the form is posted, the session id comes along with the form data.

Question on a type of XSS attack

Cited from
As many here probably know, current XSS attacks typically come in two flavors:
1 - Attacker uploads tags to a public bulliten board, blog, or other site that
has an XSS vulnerability and that lots of other users will visit. Attacker normally
harvests site cookies for later user impersonation, but form submits and other attacks
are sometimes utilized. This is what many folks I talk to think XSS is.
Here's an example:
Someone would post the following on that other users would process
<script>document.write("<img src=” + document.cookie + “>”)</script>
This would try to pull an image off the attacker's server with the user's evilblog
cookies in the URL.
My Question:
I don't understand the purpose/result of image URL path being written above. Can anyone elaborate more on this?
PS: What does it means for "This would try to pull an image off the attacker's server with the user's evilblog cookies in the URL"
The document.write() simply adds an img-tag to the site and the browser will try to load the image from that URL.
Scripts and Frames are sometimes blocked when they come from a different domain so the XSS attack would fail in this case. Images are usually allowed as many sites display images from a different host anyways so the XSS attack will succeed.
The result is an entry in the attackers log which contains the cookie information and since it usually returns nothing it's interpreted as a broken image so most browsers display nothing and the users don't suspect anything.
The purpose is that an image is automatically retrieved by the browser; in the example the cookie details are set in the querystring to that URL, and so the attacker gets the URL, gets the cookie, and therefor gets the details required for authentication.
Simple. It initiates a request to hostile domain that contains the cookie in the URL of the request.

How do cookies work when browsing websites

On websites where you have to enter a user name and password, I notice that I can browse the site with one browser and it will know who I am no matter where I go on the site. But if I open a different browser it doesn't know who I am in that browser unless I log on in that browser.
After I log in to a website, does it store some kind of cookie in my browser, and every time I navigate to a different page on that site, it checks the cookie for my identity?
What would happen if I logged in, and then before browsing to a different page on the site, deleted the cookie?
This is more of a "teach a man to fish" answer, so I apologise if it's not what you were after. But if you take my advice you will learn lots, so please trust me :)
There's a number of tools that you can use to track exactly what http traffic is going between your browser and the server. One is called Firebug, a plugin for Firefox. The other kind of tool is called a "web debugging proxy". There's charles, which is very powerful, and fiddler, which is free.
What you want to do with any of these tools is use a website, and then look at the raw request. This shows you exactly what your browser is saying to the server. You'll see the cookies for that server are sent along with every request. What's cool about these tools is that you can edit a request just before it's sent, so you can test how the servers respond...
After I log in to a website, does it store some kind of cookie in my browser, and every time I navigate to a different page on that site, it checks the cookie for my identity?
Yes. The cookie is sent with each HTTP request.
What would happen if I logged in, and then before browsing to a different page on the site, deleted the cookie?
The same as if you were to switch browsers.
Every time when you navigate a new page, your browser sends a request to the server and the server sends back you the response. Your request contains the cookies, which the server can parse and use. You if you delete the cookie, your browser can't send it with the next request.
What would happen if I logged in, and then before browsing to a different page on the site, deleted the cookie?
You would no longer be logged in.
After I log in to a website, does it store some kind of cookie in my browser, and every time I navigate to a different page on that site, it checks the cookie for my identity?
Yes. Most likely, you are dealing with a "session-cookie". These cookies do not store any information themselves, but use a long string to identify yourself to a server. I would suggest doing some research on cookies. As for the (I'm guessing assumed) question of "Why cookies work on different pages?" is because cookies are tied to the domain, and not the exact URI.
Cookies contain names, values, and expirations (along with a few others). The most common you'll see are sessions, which use an identifier to load a session-state from the server containing your information. These are the safest cookies as everything is centralized and not as prone to hijacking. The other kind is a regular cookie, which has a limited size and stores information client-side. Anything that has to do with shopping or anything that tracks users most likely uses sessions, while something like a customizable javascript-y page probably uses a normal cookie. The former tracks information server-side for additional security, while the latter poses no security risk, and leaves the information for the client to manage.