Why is php_template_preprocess_page function not called in Drupal 6x? - templates

From another forum I found the following example:
"I was looking for a way to pull node data via ajax and came up with the following solution for Drupal 6. After implementing the changes below, if you add ajax=1 in the URL (e.g. mysite.com/node/1?ajax=1), you'll get just the content and no page layout.
in the template.php file for your theme:
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
if ( isset($_GET['ajax']) && $_GET['ajax'] == 1 ) {
$vars['template_file'] = 'page-ajax';
then create page-ajax.tpl.php in your theme directory with this content:
<?php print $content; ?>
This seems like the logical way to do it and I did this, but the phptemplate_preprocess_page function is never called ... any suggestions?

I figured it out for myself from a Drupal Support Theme Development page:
"Maybe this helps
leahcim.2707 - May 29, 2008 - 05:40
I was trying to get the same thing done and for me this works, but I'm not sure if it is the correct way as I'm still new to Drupal:
in "template.php" I added the following function:
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars)
$css = $vars['css'];
$vars['styles'] = drupal_get_css($css);
I think after adding the function you need to go to /admin/build/themes so that Drupal recognises the function."
The part in bold is what did the trick ... you have to re-save the configuration so it recognizes that you've added a new function to the template.


D8: changing "login or register to post comments" text

I need to change the text "login or register to post comments" but for one specific node.
The answers I found so far do not work for me: 1) I couldnt get it to change via twig 2) I do not want to use translation tool or the string module since it would change the text everywhere.
I found this https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21comment%21comment.module/function/theme_comment_post_forbidden/7.x but it appears to be only for D7.
For the "add comment" text, I managed to change the theme.theme:
function milu2_preprocess_links(&$variables) {
$node = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('node');
if ($node) {
if ($node->id() == 36) {
if (isset($variables['links']['comment-add'])) {
$variables['links']['comment-add']['link']['#title'] = t('NEW');
However, if I replace "comment-add" with "forbidden-comment" it does not work. Any ideas?
Another problem above is, it works perfectly on the node 36 page until I hit the button. Then it shows the form to input a comment, but the text "add comment" reverts to the default. Why is that? The URL still states its the node 36 "/comment/reply/node/34/field_xyz#comment-form"

MYTHEME_preprocess_paragraph__PARAGRAPHTYPE not loading

I am slowly learning D8 while implementing my website, and decided to follow https://www.webwash.net/how-to-create-powerful-container-paragraphs-in-drupal-8/ to start my landing page.
Starting the hook_preprocess section, I assumed this would go in:
* #file
* Bootstrap sub-theme.
* Place your custom PHP code in this file.
function MYSUBTHEMENAME_preprocess_paragraph__banner(&$variables) {
$paragraph = $variables['paragraph'];
if (!$paragraph->field_image->isEmpty()) {
$image = $paragraph->field_image->entity->url();
$variables['attributes']['style'][] = 'background-image: url("' . $image . '");';
$variables['attributes']['style'][] = 'background-size: cover;';
$variables['attributes']['style'][] = 'background-position: center center;';
I have cleared cache from the Configuration page with no luck. This is built localhost using MAMP (PHP 7.1.6) - if of any use.
I have double checked all the configurations that the tutorial shows and all the names are correct (banner, field_image). I just can't seem to find the issue!
Any suggestions?
If it is not a typo your themename is not MYBOOTSTRAPSUBTHEME, it is MYTHEMENAME as you said:
Therefore the function should be called:
function MYTHEMENAME_preprocess_paragraph__banner(&$variables) {
// If devel module is enabled you may check if it is working
// by adding some debug output:
// dpm('debug');
Make sure to use lowercase letters for directory- file and function name. After implementing the function do not forget to rebuild cache. It's not necesary to have a twig template file paragraphs-banner.twig, it should work without that too.

How to add form alter hook in drupal 8

I am very much new to drupal 8, I am trying to alter a form under custom content type "Question". The form has an id "node-question-form".
I have setup a module and trying to add hook_FORM_ID_alter() but its never getting called. Even the simplest hook is not working. eg:
function constellator_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id){
echo "alter the form"; exit;
where 'constellator' is the module name.
I have been stuck with since morning and nothing is working for me, Any help will be greatly appriciated.
hook_form_alter() and hook_FORM_ID_alter() are called while a form is being created and before displaying it on the screen.
These functions are written in the .module file.
Always clear the cache after writing any hook function. This makes Drupal understand that such a function has been declared.
Use drush cr if using drush version 8 else click on Manage->Drupal 8 logo->Flush all Caches to clear the caches.
Now you can check if the function is being called or not.
The best way to check that is to install the Devel module, enable it. Along with Devel, Kint is installed. Enable Kint too from the Admin UI.
After doing that,you can check whether the hook is being called or not in the following way:
function constellator_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id){
This will print all the form variables for all forms in the page.
If you want to target a particular form in the page, for eg. you form, node-question-form, type:
function node_question_form_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id){
Using echo, the way you did, you can confirm whether the function is being called or not, without any hassle, by viewing the Source Code for the page and then searching for the text that you have echoed, using some search option of browser, like, Ctrl+f in case of Google Chrome.
If you want to change sorting options and/or direction (ASC / DESC), you can use this example (tested with Drupal 9).
Here I force the sorting direction according to the "sort by option" set by the user in an exposed filter. (if the user want to sort by relevance, we set the order to ASC, if the user want to sort by date, we set the order to DESC to have the latest content first).
* Force sorting direction for search by date
function MYTHEME_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id)
if (!$form_id == 'views_exposed_form"' || !$form['#id'] == 'views-exposed-form-search-custom-page-1') {
$user_input = $form_state->getUserInput();
if (empty($user_input['sort_by'])) {
if ($user_input['sort_by'] == 'relevance') {
$user_input['sort_order'] = 'ASC';
} elseif ($user_input['sort_by'] == 'created') {
$user_input['sort_order'] = 'DESC';
Note that "views-exposed-form-search-custom-page-1" is the id of my form,
"relevance" and "created" are the sort field identifier set in drupal admin.
function hook_form_alter(&$form, \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface &$form_state, $form_id) {
echo 'inside form alter';

Codeigniter + Dwoo

I got problem when implementing my CMS using Codeigniter 1.7.2 and Dwoo. I use Phil Sturgeon Dwoo library. My problem is I want user create template from the admin panel, it means all template will be stored into database including all Dwoo variable and functions.My questions:
Is it possible to load dwoo template from database?
How to parse dwoo variable or function from database? I tried to load content from database which is include dwoo var and function inside it, and i have tried to do evaluation using dwoo eval() function and phil sturgeon string_parse() but still have no luck.
for example:
my controller
$data['header'] = "<h1>{$header}</h1>"; --> this could be loaded from database
my view
This is the error message:
<h4>A PHP Error was encountered</h4>
<p>Severity: Notice</p>
<p>Message: Undefined index: header_title</p>
<p>Filename: compiled/805659ab5e619e094cac7deb9c8cbfb5.d17.php</p>
<p>Line Number: 11</p>
header_title is dwoo variable that loaded from DB.
Thank you,
It is definitely possible to do this, but for performance reasons it would probably be faster to store the templates as files on the filesystem, even if they're edited by users. If you're smart with file naming you can avoid most hits to the database.
Anyway, if you really want to do it with the database, the following should work:
// rendering the header
$template = '<h1>{$header}</h1>'; // loaded from db, don't use double-quotes for examples or $header will be replaced by nothing
$data = array('header' => 'Hello'); // loaded from db as well I assume
$headerOutput = $this->parser->parse_string($template, $data, true); // true makes it return the output
// now rendering the full page (if needed?)
$data = array('header' => $headerOutput);
$this->parser->parse('header', $data); // no 'true', so goes straight to output
The view would then contain {$header} and the output from the header template is passed to that variable.
Now I'm not sure how CI works so it might be better to just output the result of the first template and skip the second one entirely, but I'll leave that up to you.

getElementsByTagName setAttribute and regex javascript

i want to put rel=lightbox to some links that mediabox support using javascript.
i try this and wonder why it's not working?
test: http://jsbin.com/opica
please help edit this: http://jsbin.com/opica/edit
<script type="text/javascript">
var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("a");
var regexku=/^.+(((twit)|(tweet)|(com/video.+)|(flickr.com.+)|(tube.com.+))|((gif)|(jpe?g)|(png)|(flv)|(swf)|(mp3)|(mp4))$)/;
if (a.match(regexku) != null)
So if you open the Error Console (Tools -> Error Console in Firefox), you'll see two errors on your page:
Error: xmlDoc is not defined
Source File: http://jsbin.com/opica
Line: 35
Error: invalid regular expression flag v
Source File: http://jsbin.com/opica
Line: 21, Column: 38
Source Code:
var regexku=/^.+(((twit)|(tweet)|(com/video.+)|(flickr.com.+)|(tube.com.+))|((gif)|(jpe?g)|(png)|(flv)|(swf)|(mp3)|(mp4))$)/;
The later is fixed by escaping the slash as Bart suggested (com\/video).
The former says there's no such thing as xmlDoc. You probably meant the page's document, in which case you should replace it with document.
Next the whole thing probably won't work because you should run the script after the page is finished loading. In jQuery it's $(document).ready(function() { /* do your work here */ }), google how to do it using the whatever framework you're using (mootools-yui?).
After that as you can see, the rel attribute is set on the links: http://jsbin.com/elaca/edit. The fact that the whatever library you're using still doesn't work means you're using it wrong. You didn't even link to the page you've downloaded the library from so that someone could look up the documentation for you...
Try escaping the / between com and video.