glew32.dll run time error - opengl

I successfully compiled my OpenGL program in MSVC 2008, But I am getting a Run time error as follows
"This application has failed to start because glew32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

I have no idea how you managed to link the object files without the GLEW .lib file. Have you downloaded the GLEW library and put the .DLL file in the wrong place, perhaps? The .DLL file should be in the same directory as your OpenGL application that uses it, or in your Windows directory.
Also note that if you launch the application from within Visual Studio, it looks for the .DLL files in the project directory instead of the release/debug directories.

Try putting the file glew32.dll into the same directory as the binary exe that you compiled.


Qt C++ Application deployment problems, used Visual Studio 2019 to create it

I just Build my Project and now when i click the executable file (.exe), i gives errors that some .dll files are missing, so i referred this page which says that i can use Windows Deployment Tool, which is found in QTDIR/bin/windeployqt folder directory, but when i go to the path in the image c\Qt\5.14.1
i see that i have all these folders and all of them have bin folders, so to solve this i i went into visual studio , Extensions->QT VS Tools-> Qt options and this thing shows up ,where i got to know the version i am using
so, i opened command prompt and did this
After that, in my applications .exe folder, i see some more .dll files being added, but still i get the same errors
missing Qt5Widgets.dll,Qt5Core.dll,Qt5Gui.dll, i have all of those but the name ends with d, should i try renaming them ?
I have solved this by placing qt.conf file in my application's .exe folder
Defining Prefix in your qt.conf file allows it to find the qwindows.dll platform plugin when your app starts.

dll is missing when running executable (libcurl)

I believe I have followed every instructions given, so I just have to ask the same question again.
I am trying to use libcurl.
I have changed the following settings in my project:
Configuation Properties|VC++ Directories|Library Directories - here I have put the folder where the .lib file is found. I did this for Debug, Release and All Configurations.
Configuation Properties|VC++ Directories|Include Directories - here I have put the folder where the .h files are found. I did this for Debug, Release and All Configurations.
Configuration Properties|Linker|Input|Additional Dependencies - I have added the .lib file. I did this for Release, Debug and All Configurations.
Configuration Properties|Linker|General|Additional Library Directories- I have added the folder where the .lib file is located. I did this for Release, Debug and All Configurations.
The program builds well without any errors.
When running the .exe file, I get the error message:
.dll is missing from your computer.
I have put the .lib file in the same folder as the .exe file, but that does not help. In fact I have put the .lib file in all folders for my project, but the computer can't find them anyway.
How can this be explained?
Is it possible to build the program without errors if the .lib file is simply wrong? I use a win32 .lib file and I create a Win32 project, but I'm running on a Win64 PC. Does that matter?
Desperate for help. Been searching like crazy for three days now.
You have to put the "libcurl.dll" in the same folder as your executable (DEBUG or RELEASE). In case of debugging, the dll is expected in your Project folder because Visual Studio is setting that directory. The ".lib" file is only necessary on compile time, which is already successful in your case.
The DLL comes with the cURL Projekt or is build when building the lib. Usually you will find the DLL near the directory of the lib. Search for a "bin" folder.
If you use the 32 bit version, make sure that you use the 32 Version of the DLL. The DLL has to match with the EXE, not with the OS.

visual studio 2013 deploy a project

I crack my head already, I need to deploy a project. I tried to use InstallShield, it create an msi file, and local installation has no errors, but then when I tried to launch the program it output "debug error". In my settings code generator -> runtime library set for Multi-threaded Debug DLL(/MDd). If I'll set it to Multi-threaded (/MT) it would not compile: "Please use the /MD switch for _AFXDLL builds"
Then I tried to use VS Installer project extension. It creates the msi and setup file, but after I install it, I can't find the .exe file and launch program. What I am doing wrong?
Folder with project files
![enter image description here][3]
Folder with exe file
![enter image description here][4]
At the stage of creating the installer for your program, you have to put all the external files, libraries and resources, that your program needs in order to run correctly, in your program's working directory. When you run the program via Visual Studio, everything works fine since it can find the files, because, as you've mentioned, they are in the project folder, and the project folder is where Visual Studio is looking for them.
When you launch your program outside VS, the program can't find these files since it by default tries to locate them in the folder in which the .exe file being run is located. So, if you wan't to run program outside VS, you need to put all the files needed to your .exe's directory.
For the same reason, while creating your installer, you need to include all the files necessary in the installation target directory together with your .exe. Every installer creator lets you do that.
In general, if you cannot run your program outside any IDE, and you can run it within that IDE, it is a rule of thumb that you should first check if you have included all the necessary files/libraries/dll's/etc. in your program's working directory.
I solved it!!!!!!!!
1)Help to run .exe file, helped updating .uld file in the same directory as a exe file.
2)I used Dependency Walker ( to find all dll that it's need. And then I create a Setup Project using Wizard at the "Choose file to include" step I add every file and every library that it's depend on! Build->Install-> Then magic, and my application installed and running! Thank you all for your help

VS2012: Program can't start because "libvorbisfile.dll" is missing

I've got a project and I'm trying to make it read a .OGG file.
I've downloaded the libogg and libvorbis from here, compiled them (had some trouble figuring I had to build libogg first), then got the following files:
I dragged all of them in my project's Libraries folder, already added to the project, and included them in the Linker->Input (only the .lib).
Next I copied the headers to my project's Includes folder, also already added to the project, with the files:
Then I added some code, and I get the error "The program can't start because libvorbisfile.dll is missing from the computer."
And I'm pretty sure the file IS in the Library folder and properly defined in the properties.
Did I do something wrong along the way?
How can I figure what is wrong so I can fix it?
I already tried putting the .dll in the project's folder and in the Windows/System32 folder as well, didn't work.
The library folder is fine for your .lib files, but it's looking for the .dll at run time, which your project settings have no effect on. Windows looks in a few places for a .dll, but the easiest way to get your program to run is to put the .dlls in your working directory, which is where ever you run your executable from (probably the same directory as the .exe file).

moving a opencv visual studio project

I have been working on a opencv project with visual studio 2013 and the version of opencv is 2.4.8. The problem I am having is when I move the .exe file that is produced from the visual studio to another location it complains about not finding the .dll files from the opencv library, which are located in C:\opencv directory. Here is the error message:
System error: The Program can't start because opencv_core248d.dll is missing from your
computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
thank you in advance for your help.
You either need to add the directory that contains all those dlls to your system PATH, or put all those needed dlls in the same directory as the executable(or your executable where your dlls are located). They are DYNAMIC libraries, so the program needs access to them when it tries to execute.