Django FileField url not relative - django

I have something like:
MEDIA_ROOT = '/home/httpd/foo/media/'
file = models.FileField(upload_to='test')
When I create an object with that field in the admin page Django stores in the DB the full file path, like: "/home/httpd/foo/media/test/myfile.pdf". This is contrary to what says in the docs.
All that will be stored in your
database is a path to the file
(relative to MEDIA_ROOT).
When I use the file.url in a template I get something like:
instead of what I would like:
What am I doing wrong?

I just did a sample FileField in one of my projects and it seemed to work as you are expecting. Here are a couple things to try.
Try making your settings like the following. I know they say it is bad to not end your MEDIA_URL with a / but this is how I do it and I like it better. You just have to remember whenever you use MEDIA_URL in a template to follow it with a slash: href="{{ MEDIA_URL }}/path/to/file"
MEDIA_ROOT = '/home/httpd/foo/media'
MEDIA_URL = '/media'
If that doesn't help anything, create a new simplified model with a FileField nothing customized and see if you are still getting the same problem.


Django turns absolute filepaths into relative, forcing the server to be run from the project folder

I'm trying to create a website where you can add images to models, which will then be in turn loaded on the homepage. However, I've noticed that when I run my server, it tries to get images from my /home folder.
Here's my
image_directory = join(settings.STATICFILES_DIRS[0], "website/images")
class Item(models.Model):
image = models.FilePathField(path=image_directory, recursive=True)
Here's my home.html (I'm just abbreviating it, item is passed in OK:
<img src="{{ item.image }}">
I run the migrations and run the server, and I'm able to select the image in /admin. The images look like: "sub_img_folder/img.jpg"
Then I go to /home and I get the following errors:
Not Found: /home/...absolute-path-to-project.../static/website/images/sub_img_folder/img.jpg
Not Found: /home/static/website/images/sub_img_folder/img.jpg
Any help would really be appreciated.
EDIT: Here's some of my contents.
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'),
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR + "/static/website/")
MEDIA_URL = "images/"
EDIT 2: Just to clarify, the images you add to models are already on the server. You just need to clarify which image in the admin page, hence FilePathField instead of FileField. It somehow doesn't find the image when trying to load it on the home page but it successfully shows and selects in the admin page.
Since you are using a FilePathField, it only stores the path on disk, not the URL. The solution would be to use the MEDIA_URL in your template to formulate the URI string, something like this:
<img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}/{{ FILE_NAME}}">
Where MEDIA_URL is your Media URL from and FILE_NAME is the name of the file itself.
It may be better to use an actual ImageField or FileField which stores all the information you need, or just have a CharField with the file name and build the URL like above.
Try adding the MEDIA elements to your Django MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL tell Django how to handle user uploaded files:
In your
MEDIA_ROOT = "/path/to/media/folder"
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
In your
urlpatterns = [
] += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)

Incorrect URL to file in Django admin

I'm getting the wrong URL to files that have been uploaded to the media-folder in the Django admin.
The URL for the file is:
But the correct URL to the file is:
It seems like MEDIA_ROOT (/Users/hammer/Dev/*****/media/) is (incorrectly, I guess) added after the first /media/ in the URL.
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
MEDIA_ROOT = settings.BASE_DIR + '/media/'
The definition of the file-field for the model is:
file = models.FileField(upload_to=settings.MEDIA_ROOT + "attachments/%Y/%m/%d/", null=True)
The incorrect URL for the file-field is appearing on the change-page for the model for the file field.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
You shouldn't include MEDIA_ROOT specifically in your upload_to parameter. See the documentation:
If you are using the default FileSystemStorage, the string value will be appended to your MEDIA_ROOT path to form the location on the local filesystem where uploaded files will be stored.
So, just remove that:
file = models.FileField(upload_to="attachments/%Y/%m/%d/", null=True)
You'll need to recreate the instances with the incorrect value in the db, though.

MEDIA_ROOT: shall I hardcode the path or use os.path.join?

Django 1.11
The documentation shows that we should place, say, images to
But in the book "Two Scoops of Django" they recommend:
# Configuring MEDIA_ROOT
# ’DONT DO THIS! Hardcoded to just one user's preferences
MEDIA_ROOT = "/Users/pydanny/twoscoops_project/media"
And then suggest their way:
root = lambda *dirs: join(abspath(BASE_DIR), *dirs)
# Configuring MEDIA_ROOT
MEDIA_ROOT = root("media")
Do you accept the way Two Scoops of Django recommends?
In this case MEDIA_ROOT will be inside the project itself. This is bad, I think. This is somehow a mix of code and user data.
So, I like what the documentation of Django recommends: just hardcode a path to /var/www/
MEDIA_ROOT is not even STATIC_ROOT. Static files are collected from inside the project. And they contain something which is more or less (CSS) a code. Whereas user uploaded files are definitely the data, not the code.
Could you comment? What your MEDIA_ROOT looks like?
Shall I use different MEDIA_ROOTS for my local machine and the production serve?
I once used following :
ENV_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(ENV_PATH, 'media/')
This will automatically detect the absolute path to the file and create media_root path.

How to get the link of the file in a FileField?

how can I get the link of a FileField? I tried the url field, but it gives the file path:
In [7]: myobject.myfilefield.path
Out[7]: u'/home/xxxx/media/files/reference/'
In [8]: myobject.myfilefield.url
Out[8]: u'/home/xxxx/media/files/reference/'
I was expecting to get http://<mydomain>/media/files/reference/
How can I get that? Do I have to build the string manually?
My MEDIA_URL was not set, but I still can't get it to work:
MEDIA_ROOT = '/home/xxx/media/'
class Archive(models.Model):
file = models.FileField(upload_to="files")
in shell
a = Archive()
a.file = "/some/path/to/file.txt"
Then I get for a.path:
and for a.url:
When done programmatically, a.file = "/some/path/to/file.txt", the file is not uploaded to MEDIA_ROOT. How can I upload a file in the directory defined by upload_to, i.e. in my case /home/xxx/media/file.txt?
The output is based on your settings file, have a look here for an understanding on serving staticfiles in development and/or production:
Confusion in Django admin, static and media files
I'm guessing you have the field defined as:
picture = models.ImageField(upload_to="/home/xxx/media/files/reference")
in other words is it possible you have defined an absolute path for the upload_path property of the field ?
Try something like
from django.conf import settings
picture = models.ImageField(upload_to=settings.MEDIA_ROOT + "files/reference")

Django admin view uploaded photo

I have implemented photo upload in Django but I have a problem to view it Django admin.
class WorkPlacePhoto(models.Model):
file = models.FileField(storage=FileSystemStorage(location=settings.MEDIA_ROOT), upload_to='uploads')
Photos are saved in PATH_TO_APP/media/uploads/ and I can view them in my app. However, in admin panel, when I clicked on the link which admin app is generated it gives me 404 error as
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
u'9/media/uploads/aosa_glb_ho_778_hi.jpg' object is not found
Although the message is clear, I couldn't figure out which url should be written to view the image and of course how admin class should be modified.
I glad to suggest me a way to achieve this. Thanks...
From you description I am guessing your MEDIA_URL isn't set correctly, something which is a bit tricky to do using the Django development web server.
I am guessing that the link's href would probably be media/uploads/aosa_glb_ho_778_hi.jpg where you probably want /media/uploads/aosa_glb_ho_778_hi.jpg so it is relative to not to where you happen to be now
See the static files documentation for inspiration of how to serve your images with the Django development server.
I have the same issue but I managed to fix it -but it's not a correct method and I'd like to use a better solution if possible.
What I did was, I have apache running on port 80, so I created a symbolic link in the /var/www folder which is pointing to the Images folder in my Django App directory. And the Media URL is basically this:
This work fine, but I don't like the solution.
I didn't quite follow the solution explained above. Could someone please explain more?
By now, you probably either solved your problem or quit it altogether, but after all these years people (like me) still have this problem. Here's how I just solved it:
On, I set not only STATIC_URL (with the name of the static folder) and STATIC_URL (with the path to that folder) but I also set MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT accordingly, where the uploaded images will be stored at;
On my model class, I have my picture field looking as follow:
picture = models.FileField(upload_to='images/')
It will upload the image to my MEDIA_ROOT folder, appending /images/ to it.
And finally, on my, my urlpatterns looks like this:
urlpatterns = [
] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
Notice how I appended the static right after the list.
Django's documentation makes it clear that this strategy is not recommended for production environment and it gives some alternatives you can choose from. For more information:
You probably have in your
MEDIA_URL = 'media/'
Being the url relative, you have that behavior in the admin panel. The solution would be to set the url as absolute
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'