C++ Preprocessor metaprogramming: obtaining an unique value? - c++

I'm exploiting the behavior of the constructors of C++ global variables to run code at startup in a simple manner. It's a very easy concept but a little difficult to explain so let me just paste the code:
struct _LuaVariableRegistration
template<class T>
_LuaVariableRegistration(const char* lua_name, const T& c_name) {
/* ... This code will be ran at startup; it temporarily saves lua_name and c_name in a std::map and when Lua is loaded it will register all temporarily global variables in Lua. */
However manually instantiating that super ugly class every time one wants to register a Lua global variable is cumbersome; that's why I created the following macro:
#define LUA_GLOBAL(lua_name, c_name) static Snow::_LuaVariableRegistration _____LuaGlobal ## c_name (lua_name, c_name);
So all you have to do is put that in the global scope of a cpp file and everything works perfectly:
LUA_GLOBAL("LuaIsCool", true);
There you go! Now in Lua LuaIsCool will be a variable initialized to true!
But, here is the problem:
Which becomes:
static Snow::_LuaVariableRegistration _____LuaGlobalAccess::None ("ACCESS_NONE", &Access::None);
I need to concatenate c_name in the macro or it will complain about two variables with the same name; I tried replacing it with __LINE__ but it actually becomes _____LuaGlobalAccess__LINE__ (ie it doesn't get replaced).
So, is there a way to somehow obtain an unique string, or any other workaround?
PS: Yes I know names that begin with _ are reserved; I use them anyway for purposes like this being careful to pick names that the standard library is extremely unlikely to ever use. Additionally they are in a namespace.

You need to add an extra layer of macros to make the preprocessor do the right thing:
#define TOKENPASTE(x, y) x ## y
#define TOKENPASTE2(x, y) TOKENPASTE(x, y)
#define LUA_GLOBAL(lua_name, c_name) ... TOKENPASTE2(_luaGlobal, __LINE__) ...
Some compilers also support the __COUNTER__ macro, which expands to a new, unique integer every time it is evaluated, so you can use that in place of __LINE__ to generate unique identifiers. I'm not sure if it's valid ISO C, although gcc accepts its use with the -ansi -pedantic options.


Using MACROs to get the 'name' of function parameters

I've implemented a log function, that eventually is being used identically all over the code.
void func(int foo, int bar){
log_api_call("foo", foo, "bar",bar)
so I've decided to make it easier and just extract the variable names.
so it would be something like
or even better
and it would expand to log_api_call("foo", foo, "bar",bar) somehow.
I have no idea even where to start to 'extract' the function variable names.
help would be much appreciated.
I understand that what I've asked previously is outside of the C++ preprocessor capabilities, but can C MACROS expand log_api(a,b) to log_api_call("a", a, "b", b) for any number of parameters?
for defined number the job is trivial.
This isn't actually too difficult.
I'd recommend a slight change in spec though; instead of:
expand log_api(a,b) to log_api_call("a", a, "b", b)
...it's more useful to expand something like NAMED_VALUES(a,b) to "a",a,"b",b. You can then call log_api(NAMED_VALUES(a,b)), but your log_api can stay more generic (e.g., log_api(NAMED_VALUES(a,b),"entering function") is possible). This approach also avoids a lot of complications about zero-argument cases.
// A preprocessor argument counter
#define COUNT(...) COUNT_I(__VA_ARGS__, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,)
#define COUNT_I(_9,_8,_7,_6,_5,_4,_3,_2,_1,X,...) X
// Preprocessor paster
#define GLUE(A,B) GLUE_I(A,B)
#define GLUE_I(A,B) A##B
// chained caller
// chain
#define NAMED_VALUES_1(a) #a,a
#define NAMED_VALUES_2(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_1(__VA_ARGS__)
#define NAMED_VALUES_3(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_2(__VA_ARGS__)
#define NAMED_VALUES_4(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_3(__VA_ARGS__)
#define NAMED_VALUES_5(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_4(__VA_ARGS__)
#define NAMED_VALUES_6(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_5(__VA_ARGS__)
#define NAMED_VALUES_7(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_6(__VA_ARGS__)
#define NAMED_VALUES_8(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_7(__VA_ARGS__)
#define NAMED_VALUES_9(a,...) #a,a,NAMED_VALUES_8(__VA_ARGS__)
This supports up to 9 arguments, but it should be easy to see how to expand to more.
This is not possible in standard C++11 (or standard C11 - which nearly shares its preprocessor with C++). The C or C++ preprocessor don't know the AST of your code passed to the compiler (because it is running before the actual parsing of your code).
I have no idea even where to start to 'extract' the function variable names.
Notice that variable and function names are known only at compilation time (after preprocessing). So if you want them, you need to work during compilation. At execution time variables and functions names are generally lost (and you could strip your executable).
You could generate your C++ code (e.g.using some other preprocessor like GPP or M4, or writing your own thing).
You could customize your C++ compiler (e.g. with an extension in GCC MELT, or a GCC plugin) to e.g. have log_api_call invoke some new magic builtin (whose processing inside the compiler would do most of the job). This would take months and is very compiler specific, I don't think it is worth the pain.
You could parse DWARF debugging info (that would also take months, so I don't think it would be wise).
(I am implicitly thinking of C++ code compiled on a Linux system)
Read more about aspect programming.
If you want such powerful meta-programming facilities, C++ is the wrong programming language. Read more about the powerful macro system of Common Lisp...
but can C MACROS expand log_api(a,b) to log_api_call("a", a, "b", b) for any number of parameters? for defined number the job is trivial.
No. You need a more powerful preprocessor to do that job (or write your own). For that specific need, you might consider customizing your source code editor (e.g. write a hundred lines of ELisp code doing that extraction & expansion job at edit time for emacs).
PS In practice you could find some library (probably boost) limiting the arguments to some reasonable limit
I think the best you can achieve from inside the language is writing a macro LOG_API_CALL(foo,bar) that expands to log_api_call("foo", foo, "bar", bar):
#define LOG_API_CALL(P1,P2) log_api_call(#P1,P1,#P2,P1)
This gets pretty tricky if you want to support arbitrarily many arguments with a single macro name, but you could also have a separate macro for each number of arguments.
and it would expand to log_api_call("foo", foo, "bar",bar) somehow.
This is not possible in Standard C++.

Macro that calls different function based on parameter

Hello all I was having trouble with macros so I thought I would practice and I was looking at the ## macro operator and thought I could use it for my problem I wan't to be able to call multiple functions based on the parameter for example if I have a macro like so:
#define macro(a) func##a();
int main()
for(int i = 0;i< length;i++)
Anyone have an idea of how I can accomplish this??
You can only combine two preprocessor tokens. However, func isn't a preprocessor token. You need to jump through an extra hoop, calling some form of "concat" macro:
#define CONCAT(a, b) a ## b
#define macro(a) CONCAT(func,a)
Of course, the tokens produced by you macro won't be func1, ..., func31 (of course, they would also need to start with func0 if your logic were correct) but rather funci. The expansion of macros happens at the beginning of compilation while the execution of the for-loop happens at run-time (some optimizations may hoist it into compile-time but that won't affect the macros).
If you need to expand a sequence of integers in combination with a macro, you may want to have a look at the Boost preprocessor library, in particular at the BOOST_PP_REPEAT functionality.
If you just need to statically expand a sequence of integers to function calls, you might also consider looking at function template templatized on an integers: I would certainly consider using an approach using templates before trying to use the preprocessor library...

Are there any good uses of macros? [closed]

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As far as I know, macros rearrange the program text before the compiler even sees it properly, thus potentially causing problems. I hardly ever see them in C++ code, mostly in C.
The only good use I know of, is inclusion guards (#ifndef).
Is there anything else that needs to be done with macros and cannot be implemented in a cleaner way?
Logging and Exception.
A macro allows you to effortlessly capture __FILE__, __LINE__ and __func__. Oh sure you could write them manually each time, but frankly this is tedious and error prone (both __FILE__ and __func__ are C-string so you risk mixing them up).
Prior to C++11, you would usually define static_assert as a macro (a typedef that would be invalid if the condition is false), so it can be available from anywhere (namespace level, or function level) and still not be ambiguous (e.g. by using a line number).
The Boost.Preprocessor library is another good example of using macros to reduce the amount of highly redundant code, and another one that is less relevant with variadic templates.
Furthermore macros are widely used to "talk" to the compiler, e.g. checking what compiler you are running on, what version of the compiler, whether C++11 support is available, etc.
Yes, the X-macro trick will always be useful.
You put your data in one header (no #include guards!), then use a macro to conditionally expand it.
X(Option1, "Description of option 1", int, long)
X(Option2, "Description of option 2", double, short)
X(Option3, "Description of option 3", wchar_t*, char *)
enum Options
#define X(Option, Description, Arg1, Arg2) Option,
# include "Data.h"
#undef X
char const *descriptions[] =
#define X(Option, Description, Arg1, Arg2) Description,
# include "Data.h"
#undef X
#define X(Option, Description, Arg1, Arg2) typedef void (*P##Option)(Arg1, Arg2);
# include "Data.h"
#undef X
It's not the prettiest sight, but it avoids code duplication and lets you keep everything in one place.
Macros can be defined from the compiler command line, with -DFOO, which would define the macro FOO. This is most often used for conditional compilation, e.g. a certain optimization that is known to work on some platforms but not on others. The build system can detect whether the optimization is viable an enable it using this kind of macro.
This is one of the few uses of macros that I believe can be used well. However, it's of course possible to abuse this feature as well.
The macros are considered error prone due to its characteristics, here we have some good examples of error prone macros:
Macros VS inline functions.
Macros containing if.
Multiple line macros.
Concatenation macros.
But they could be useful in some ways, for example, in order to make te code more readable when dealing with function pointers:
class Fred {
int f(char x, float y);
int g(char x, float y);
int h(char x, float y);
int i(char x, float y);
// ...
// FredMemberFn points to a member of Fred that takes (char,float)
typedef int (Fred::*FredMemberFn)(char x, float y);
// Useful macro:
#define callMemberFunction(object,ptrToMember) ((object).*(ptrToMember))
With the "Useful macro", you can call function pointers like this:
callMemberFunction(fred,memFn)('x', 3.14);
That is slightly more clear than:
(fred.*memFn)('x', 3.14);
Credits: C++ FAQ Lite.
Several uses (some may have been mentioned already..)
Logging: DEBUG(....), this is neat because the contents are only evaluated if the logging is active (so the macro could have a test for log level for example...) You cannot replace this with an inline function as the arguments will always be evaluated. However with c++11, there is a lambda trick which will avoid the evaluation, however the syntnax is cludgy so you'll end requiring a macro anyway to clean it up! :)
Code generation, I use lots of SFINAE tests, and it's easy to generate the test with a couple of macros rather than hand construct the test every time.
There are some code rewriting for optimization that seem not to be doable with template metaprogramming and need macros. Here is a probable example: C++ template for unrolling a loop using a switch?
Yes, they will still have uses such as for "message maps" in ATL, WTL, MFC.
For example, this is part of some personal code I have:
Or even specifying the layout of a window:
Writing this without macros would involve a lot of unnecessary boilerplate code.
When you need to utilize platform, compiler, or implementation specific features. Typically, this is either to improve portability or to access features which are expressed differently in the systems you target (i.e. it may be written differently on the compilers you use).
And expanding on Matthieu's answer (+1): Assertions.
Writing exception-checking tests with macros is much easier than with functions.
#define TEST_THROWS(code) do { try { code; } catch (...) { pass(); } fail(); } while(0)
Note: example not tested
Extending on the answer from #Matthieu, I've used macros to add file and line logging to a legacy codebase. So this:
void MovePlayer(Vector3 position)
became something like:
#define MovePlayer(pos) MovePlayer_(pos, __FILE__, __LINE__)
void MovePlayer_(Vector3 position, const char* file, int line)
LogFunctionCall("MovePlayer", file, line);
By only changing one place in the codebase, I was able to log everywhere that the function got called during a complex test. If you do this to enough functions, it's very useful for tracing existing behaviour in old codebases.

Why use #define instead of a variable

What is the point of #define in C++? I've only seen examples where it's used in place of a "magic number" but I don't see the point in just giving that value to a variable instead.
The #define is part of the preprocessor language for C and C++. When they're used in code, the compiler just replaces the #define statement with what ever you want. For example, if you're sick of writing for (int i=0; i<=10; i++) all the time, you can do the following:
#define fori10 for (int i=0; i<=10; i++)
// some code...
fori10 {
// do stuff to i
If you want something more generic, you can create preprocessor macros:
#define fori(x) for (int i=0; i<=x; i++)
// the x will be replaced by what ever is put into the parenthesis, such as
// 20 here
fori(20) {
// do more stuff to i
It's also very useful for conditional compilation (the other major use for #define) if you only want certain code used in some particular build:
// compile the following if debugging is turned on and defined
#ifdef DEBUG
// some code
Most compilers will allow you to define a macro from the command line (e.g. g++ -DDEBUG something.cpp), but you can also just put a define in your code like so:
#define DEBUG
Some resources:
Wikipedia article
C++ specific site
Documentation on GCC's preprocessor
Microsoft reference
C specific site (I don't think it's different from the C++ version though)
Mostly stylistic these days. When C was young, there was no such thing as a const variable. So if you used a variable instead of a #define, you had no guarantee that somebody somewhere wouldn't change the value of it, causing havoc throughout your program.
In the old days, FORTRAN passed even constants to subroutines by reference, and it was possible (and headache inducing) to change the value of a constant like '2' to be something different. One time, this happened in a program I was working on, and the only hint we had that something was wrong was we'd get an ABEND (abnormal end) when the program hit the STOP 999 that was supposed to end it normally.
I got in trouble at work one time. I was accused of using "magic numbers" in array declarations.
Like this:
int Marylyn[256], Ann[1024];
The company policy was to avoid these magic numbers because, it was explained to me, that these numbers were not portable; that they impeded easy maintenance. I argued that when I am reading the code, I want to know exactly how big the array is. I lost the argument and so, on a Friday afternoon I replaced the offending "magic numbers" with #defines, like this:
#define TWO_FIFTY_SIX 256
#define TEN_TWENTY_FOUR 1024
On the following Monday afternoon I was called in and accused of having passive defiant tendencies.
#define can accomplish some jobs that normal C++ cannot, like guarding headers and other tasks. However, it definitely should not be used as a magic number- a static const should be used instead.
C didn't use to have consts, so #defines were the only way of providing constant values. Both C and C++ do have them now, so there is no point in using them, except when they are going to be tested with #ifdef/ifndef.
Most common use (other than to declare constants) is an include guard.
Define is evaluated before compilation by the pre-processor, while variables are referenced at run-time. This means you control how your application is built (not how it runs)
Here are a couple examples that use define which cannot be replaced by a variable:
#define min(i, j) (((i) < (j)) ? (i) : (j))
note this is evaluated by the pre-processor, not during runtime
The #define allows you to establish a value in a header that would otherwise compile to size-greater-than-zero. Your headers should not compile to size-greater-than-zero.
// File: MyFile.h
// This header will compile to size-zero.
#define TAX_RATE 0.625
// NO: static const double TAX_RATE = 0.625;
// NO: extern const double TAX_RATE; // WHAT IS THE VALUE?
EDIT: As Neil points out in the comment to this post, the explicit definition-with-value in the header would work for C++, but not C.

Strange #define in Template?

I've got a small bit of code from a library that does this:
#define VMMLIB_ALIGN( var ) var
template< size_t M, typename T = float >
class vector
// storage
VMMLIB_ALIGN( T array[ M ] );
And you can call it by doing
//(vector<float> myVector)
No parenthesis or anything.
After reading the answers, it appears I should've done more looking. XCode's "Jump to Definition" gave me only one result. Searching the library gave me another:
# ifndef NDEBUG
# endif
# define VMMLIB_ALIGN( var ) var
# else
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define VMMLIB_ALIGN( var ) var __attribute__((aligned(16)))
# elif defined WIN32
# define VMMLIB_ALIGN( var ) __declspec (align (16)) var
# else
# error "Alignment macro undefined"
# endif
# endif
This offers different settings, depending on what system it's building for.
Regardless, thanks. Can't believe I got confused over a member access!
Ultimately, myVector.array refers to the array variable in the class, and variables don't need the function-calling notation ().
BTW / all-capital identifiers should only be used for preprocessor macros (as they are here). In this case, the macro VMMLIB_ALIGN must be being used to make it easier to later "enchance" the code generated for and alongside the array variable (e.g. prefixing it with static, extern, const, volatile or something compiler-specific) and/or adding some associated functionality such as get/set/search/clear/serialise functions that work on the array.
In general - when you're not sure what the macro is doing, you can get more insight by running the compiler with a command-line switch requesting preprocessor output (in GNU g++, the switch is -E)... then you'll be able to see the actual source code that the C++ compiler proper deals with.
EDIT - few thoughts re your comment, but too long to include in a comment of my own...
C++ classes are private until another access specifier is provided (but in practice the public interface is normally put first so the programmer still must remember to explicitly use private). structs are public by default. So, data is effectively exposed by default in the most common coding style. And, it doesn't need functional-call semantics to access it. Objective-C may well be better at this... your comment implies you use functional call notation for data members and functions, which is hidden by default? It's so good to have a common notation! In C++, the difficult case is where you have something like...
struct Point
double x, y;
// client usage:
this_point.x += 3 - that_point.y;
...then want to change to...
struct Point
double angle, distance;
...you'd need some pretty fancy and verbose manually-coded and not terribly efficient proxy objects x and y to allow the old client code to keep working unmodified while calculating x and y on the fly, and updating angle and distance as necessary. A unified notation is wonderful - allowing implementation to vary without changes to client source code (though clients would need to recompile).
maybe I'm oversimplying, but if you look at the #define macro it just writes the variable into the class.
So you have
class vector
T array[ M ];
after the expansion. So it's just a public variable on your class.
array is not a method, it's an array of type T of size M.
First, for the record, templates have nothing to do with this. There is no special interaction between the macro and the fact that your class is a template.
Second, going by the name of the macro, I'd guess it is meant to ensure alignment of a variable.
That is, to get an aligned instance x of a type X, you'd use VMMLIB_ALIGN(X x);
In practice, the macro does nothing at all. It simply inserts its argument, so the above results in the code X x; and nothing else.
However, it may be that the macro is defined differently depending on the hardware platform (since alignment requirements may vary between platforms), or over time (use a dummy placeholder implementation like this early on, and then replace it with the "real" implementation later)
However, it does seem pointless since the compiler already ensures natural alignment for all variables.