Release mode static library much larger than debug mode version - c++

today i found out that the compiled static library i'm working on is much larger in Release mode than in Debug. I found it very surprising, since most of the time the exact opposite happens (as far as i can tell).
The size in debug mode is slightly over 3 MB (its a fairly large project), but in release it goes up to 6,5 MB. Can someone tell me what could be the reason for this? I'm using the usual Visual Studio (2008) settings for a static library project, changed almost nothing in the build configuration settings. In release, i'm using /O2 and "Favor size or speed" is set to "Neither". Could the /O2 ("Maximize speed") cause the final .lib to be so much larger than the debug version with all the debugging info in it?
Additional info:
- whole program optimization: No
- enable function level linking: No
- whole program optimization: Enable link-time code generation
- enable function level linking: Yes

The difference is specifically because of link-time code generation. Read the chapter Link-Time Code Generation in Compilers - What Every Programmer Should Know About Compiler Optimizations on MSDN - it basically says that with LTCG turned on the compiler produces much more data that is packed into the static library so that the linker can use that extra data for generating better machine code while actually linking the executable file.
Since you have LTCG off in Debug configuration the produced library is noticeably smaller since it doesn't have that extra data.
Original Link (not working at 11/09/2015)

The optimization could be the issue here, notably automatically created inline functions will be bigger but faster in release than debug.

Personally I've never seen a release PDB be larger than a debug PDB. Same deal for LIBs.


Why not always build a release with debug info?

If debug information is stored in a program database (not as part of an executable), is there any reason not to always build with it (e.g., MSVC's /Zi)?
In CMake, the default configurations are, "Release", "Debug", "RelWithDebInfo", and "MinSizeRel". Is there a reason not to only use "Debug" and "RelWithDebInfo" (perhaps renamed to "Release")?
Does it have any impacts on the size or performance of the code? Is the answer different for gcc or clang than it is for Visual C++?
I did come across these posts that are similar:
Anything wrong with releasing software in debug mode?
Debug vs. RelWithDebInfo
However, neither of these get to the question of Release vs. RelWithDebInfo.
Yes. I could do a test on an executable with Release vs. RelWithDebInfo. That would definitely give me the answer about the size of the code, but would be very difficult to conclude that it has NO impact on performance if my test case showed similar performance. How would I know if I exercised aspects of the language that might be impacted by the change? That is, empirical testing could produce a false negative.
Releasing with debug info is mandatory for real-life development. When shit happens your primary tool would be a crash dump analysis that would be rather pointless without debug information. Note that this does not imply shipping debug info with product.
As for "little differences" between vc++ and gcc I would like to mention that by default vc++ emits debug information in a separate file while gcc will squeeze it into executable. It is possible to separate debug information on gcc as well, however doing so is not as convenient and requires some extra steps.
If you build as Release, surely you won't have Debug Info in the binary. I could see a lot of cases on Windows that people build "Release", but add flags to have debug info. So, i think the default real-life case for most Windows Users, even without knowing that, is Release With Debug Info.
With CMake, you have all three options and one more.
Release means no debugging symbols at all, and MAY also means build with optimizations.
RelWithDebugInfo means build with debug symbols, with or without optimizations. Anyway, the debug symbols can be stripped later, both using strip and/or obj-copy. If you use strip, the output can be saved. I guess the format is DWARF, version 4 or 5.
So, RelWithDebugInfo gives you Release mode binaries, and symbols can be stripped and kept apart. In some projects i have worked, that was the ONLY configuration used.
We must not forget about ASSERTS, at least for C/C++. Building with DEBUG, all Asserts are enabled, so they are not removed from the code during preprocessing. Release and RelwithDebugInfo remove the Asserts, so you won't have them. Some projects nowadays prefer to keep Asserts while developing (so that tests can catch "software" errors during development), and then finally remove in Production Code. Some other projects, for whom Fault-Tolerance is a must, may want to keep Asserts even in production code, so that software cannot execute with wrong Assertions about the software itself.
RelWithDebugInfo: Optimized Build, With Symbols to be stripped, no Asserts
Debug: Not optimized, With Symbols that CAN be stripped, With Asserts.
Release: Optimized, No Symbols, No Asserts.
Recently we have cases on Release vs RelWithDebInfo, we compile a shared lib, and found either the performance and the lib file size has a significant difference, Release is much more runtime faster and less file size.
So it looks like Release should be used when shipping on production.

is there a way in c++ not to generate debug information for a specific portion of a project?

I am recently working with Eigen library with visual C++ to solve a very large sparse linear system. Program works really fast in Release mode, but in Debug mode it takes hours to solve. I traced the timing, the program takes long time in "solve" function of Eigen. I want to build the project in debug mode as I need to debug a lot. Now is there a way not to generate debug information for Eigen portion? Or is there any other workaround for this problem?
#MichaelWalz's answer is great, but I would like to add (as I have outlined in my comment to your question) that I strongly recommend not using Eigen in Debug mode.
Eigen is a highly efficient, yet very usable matrix library. It achieves its efficiency through a lot of “template magic”, using many layers of abstraction, and relies on the compiler's optimization stages to produce highly efficient code.
Debug mode usually implies that the compiler creates debug symbols, but also disables optimization. In GCC/clang, it is usually equivalent to -O0 -g; I believe in Visual Studio it corresponds to /O0 /DEBUG.
I recommend building all code that uses Eigen in a “release-with-debug-info” mode instead (what CMake calls CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo). This means that you allow the compiler to optimize, while still generating debug symbols. In GCC/clang, this is usually equivalent to -O2 -g; I believe in Visual Studio it corresponds to /O2 /DEBUG. Personally I have had very good experiences like this; IMHO it is only in very rare circumstances that you actually need to disable optimization completely.
You can disable debug information and enable code optimisation per file.
In the Solution Explorer right click on the file that contains the Eigen function, then chose Properties.
In the dialog that appears, choose the C/C++->Optimisation and chose the same options you have in Release mode.
Then choose C/C++->General and under "Debug Information Format" choose "None". But the presence of debug information has probably no influence on execution speed.

the meaning of visual studio /Z7 [duplicate]

There are several different debug flags you can use with the Visual Studio C++ compiler. They are:
Create no debugging information
Faster compilation times
Produce full-symbolic debugging information in the .obj files using CodeView format
Produce full-symbolic debugging information in a .pdb file for the target using Program Database format.
Enables support for minimal rebuilds (/Gm) which can reduce the time needed for recompilation.
Produce debugging information like /Zi except with support for Edit-and-Continue
The /Gm flag is incompatible with the /MP flag for Multiple Process builds (Visual Studio 2005/2008)
If you want to enable minimal rebuilds, then the /Zi flag is necessary over the /Z7 flag.
If you are going to use the /MP flag, there is seemingly no difference between /Z7 and /Zi looking at MSDN. However, the SCons documentation states that you must use /Z7 to support parallel builds.
What are the implications of using /Zi vs /Z7 in a Visual Studio C++ project?
Are there other pros or cons for either of these options that I have missed?
Specifically, what is the benefit of a single Program Database format (PDB) file for the target vs multiple CodeView format (.obj) files for each source?
MDSN /Z7, /Zi, /ZI (Debug Information Format)
MSDN /MP (Build with Multiple Processes)
SCons Construction Variables CCPDBFLAG
Debug Info
Codeview is a much older debugging format that was introduced with Microsoft's old standalone debugger back in the "Microsoft C Compiler" days of the mid-1980s. It takes up more space on disk and it takes longer for the debugger to parse, and it's a major pain to process during linking. We generated it from our compiler back when I was working on the CodeWarrior for Windows in 1998-2000.
The one advantage is that Codeview is a documented format, and other tools can often process it when they couldn't deal with PDB-format debug databases. Also, if you're building multiple files at a time, there's no contention to write into the debug database for the project. However, for most uses these days, using the PDB format is a big win, both in build time and especially in debugger startup time.
One advantage of the old C7 format is that it's all-in-one, stored in the EXE, instead of a separate PDB and EXE. This means you can never have a mismatch. The VS dev tools will make sure that a PDB matches its EXE before it will use it, but it's definitely simpler to have a single EXE with everything you need.
This adds new problems of needing to be able to strip debug info when you release, and the giant EXE file, not to mention the ancient format and lack of support for other modern features like minrebuild, but it can still be helpful when you're trying to keep things as simple as possible. One file is easier than two.
Not that I ever use C7 format, I'm just putting this out there as a possible advantage, since you're asking.
Incidentally, this is how GCC does things on a couple platforms I'm using. DWARF2 format buried in the output ELF's. Unix people think they're so hilarious. :)
BTW the PDB format can be parsed using the DIA SDK.
/Z7 keeps the debug info in the .obj files in CodeView format and lets the linker extract them into a .pdb while /Zi consolidates it into a common .pdb file during compilation already by sync'ing with mspdbsrv.exe.
So /Z7 means more file IO, disc space being used and more work for the linker (unless /DEBUG:FASTLINK is used) as there is lots of duplicate debug info in these obj files. But it also means every compilation is independent and thus can actually still be faster than /Zi with enough parallelization.
By now they've improved the /Zi situation though by reducing the inter-process communication with mspdbsrv.exe:
Another use-case of /Z7 is for "standalone" (though larger) static libraries that don't require shipping a separate .pdb if you want that. That also prevents the annoying issues arising from the awful default vcxxx.pdb name cl uses as long as you don't fix it with a proper, which most people forget.
/ZI is like /Zi but adds additional data etc. to make the Edit and Continue feature work.
There is one more disadvantage for /Z7:
It's not compatible with incremental linking, which may alone be a reason to avoid it.
By the way: even though Microsoft says a full link (instead of an incremental) is performed when "An object that was compiled with the /Yu /Z7 option is changed.", it seems this is only true for static libraries build with /Z7, not for object files.
Another disadvantage of /Z7 is the big size of the object files. This has already been mentioned here, however this may escalate up to the point where the linker is unable to link the executable because it breaks the size limit of the linker or the PE format (it gives you linker error LNK1248). It seems Visual Studio or the PE format has a hard limit of 2GB (also on x64 machines). When building a debug version you may run into this limit. It appears this does not only affect the size of the final compiled executable, but also temporary data. Only Microsoft knows about the linker internals, but we ran into this problem here (though the executable was of course not 2gigs large, even in debug). The problem miraculously went away and never came back when we switched the project to /ZI.

Using debug/release versions DLL in C++

I am writing an C++ application that could be compiled under Linux (gcc 4.3) and Windows (MS VS08 Express).
My application uses third-party libraries,
On Linux , they are compiled as shared libraries, while
on Windows, there are two versions "Debug" and "Release".
I know that debug version provides extra support for debugging ( just like using -ggdb option in linux gcc, right? )
But I found that if my application is in debug version , the libraries must also be in debug version, otherwise the application will crash.
Why is there such a limit? It seems that there are no such limits in the linux world
Thank you very much!
The Debug configuration of your
program is compiled with full symbolic
debug information and no optimization.
Optimization complicates debugging,
because the relationship between
source code and generated instructions
is more complex.
The Release configuration of your
program contains no symbolic debug
information and is fully optimized.
Debug information can be generated in
PDB Files (C++) depending on the
compiler options used. Creating PDB
files can be very useful if you later
need to debug your release version.
Debug vs Release
It is also possible to debug your release build with the compiler flags.
Debugging Release Builds
Heap Layout - Guard Bytes to prevent overwriting
Compilation - Removing Assert/Debug Info
Pointer Support - Buffers around pointers to prevent seg faults
Optimization - Inline Functions
Common Problems When Creating Release Builds
To elaborate on Martin Tornwall. The various libraries linked when in Debug or Release
LIBCPMT.LIB, Multithreaded, static link, /MT, _MT
LIBCPMTD.LIB, Multithreaded, static link, /MTd, _DEBUG, _MT
CRT Libraries
Most likely, the Release and Debug versions are linked against different versions of the C++ Runtime library. Usually, a Debug build links against the "Multithreaded Debug DLL" runtime, whereas a Release build will generally link against "Multithreaded DLL". Loading DLLs whose runtime libraries are mismatched with that of the application will often lead to mysterious crashes.
You could try verifying that all your DLLs build against the same runtime library as your application, regardless of which configuration (Debug or Release) is active. Whether or not this is desirable is another question entirely.
The ability to choose which runtime library to link with enables the application developer to select the best feature set given her application's requirements. For example, a single-threaded application might incur performance penalties as a result of unnecessary thread synchronization if it is linked with a runtime library that is designed with thread safety in mind. Likewise, the consequences of linking a multi-threaded application against a single-threaded runtime could potentially be disastrous.
While I never intentionally link libraries that were built with different compiler settings, there isn't much point in doing so, I only know of the STL classes in the Dinkumware implementation (the one MSFT uses) to cause this problem.
They support a feature called 'iterator debugging' which is turned on by default in the Debug configuration. This adds members to the classes to aid the diagnostic code. Making them larger. This goes bad when you create the object in a chunk of code that was compiled with one setting and pass it to code that was compiled with the opposite setting. You can turn this off by setting the _HAS_ITERATOR_DEBUGGING macro to 0. Which is rather a major loss, the feature is excellent to diagnose mistakes in the way you use STL classes.
Passing objects or pointers between different libraries is always a problem if you don't carefully control the compile settings. Mixing and matching the CRT version and flavor gets you in trouble when you do so. This normally generates a warning from the linker, not sure what you did to not see it. There won't be one if the code lives in a DLL.

Visual C++ 9 compiler options to make the program run faster

I have built an open-source application from the source code. Unfortunately, the original executable runs significantly faster. I tried to enable few compiler optimizations, but the result wasn't satisfactory enough. What else do I need to make in Visual Studio 2008 to increase the executable performance?
Basically try enabling everything under Optimisation in project settings, then ensure Link Time Code Generation is on, enable Function-level linking and full COMDAT folding (that only reduces the size of the EXE but could help with caching), and turn off security features such as by defining _SECURE_SCL=0. Remember some of these settings have other implications, especially the security ones.
Define _SECURE_SCL=0.
Try to enable SSE instructions, when compiling. Also - you can try to compile using different compiler (GNU GCC).
+There might be enabled some debug defines, shich also can reduce speed.
+Check, that original .exe has same version as one you are trying to compile.
The open-source precompiled binary is most likely (whit out know which project you are working with) compiled with GNU GCC (Mingw on Windows). That might be the reason that it is faster. According to question: performance g++ vs. VC++ some things are considerably slower if you use VC++.