implementing a timer in a django app - django

In my Django app, I need to implement this "timer-based" functionality:
User creates some jobs and for each one defines when (in the same unit the timer works, probably seconds) it will take place.
User starts the timer.
User may pause and resume the timer whenever he wants.
A job is executed when its time is due.
This does not fit a typical cron scenario as time of execution is tied to a timer that the user can start, pause and resume.
What is the preferred way of doing this?

This isn't a Django question. It is a system architecture problem. The http is stateless, so there is no notion of times.
My suggestion is to use Message Queues such as RabbitMQ and use Carrot to interface with it. You can put the jobs on the queue, then create a seperate consumer daemon which will process jobs from the queue. The consumer has the logic about when to process.
If that it too complex a system, perhaps look at implementing the timer in JS and having it call a url mapped to a view that processes a unit of work. The JS would be the timer.

Have a look at Pinax, especially the notifications.
Once created they are pushed to the DB (queue), and processed by the cron-jobbed email-sending (2. consumer).
In this senario you won't stop it once it get fired.
That could be managed by som (ajax-)views, that call system process....
instead of cron-jobs you could use a twisted-based consumer:
write jobs to db with time-information to the db
send a request for consuming (or resuming, pausing, ...) to the twisted server via socket
do the rest in twisted

You're going to end up with separate (from the web server) processes to monitor the queue and execute jobs. Consider how you would build that without Django using command-line tools to drive it. Use Django models to access the the database.
When you have that working, layer on on a web-based interface (using full Django) to manipulate the queue and report on job status.
I think that if you approach it this way the problem becomes much easier.

I used the probably simplest (crudest is more appropriate, I'm afraid) approach possible: 1. Wrote a model featuring the current position and the state of the counter (active, paused, etc), 2. A django job that increments the counter if its state is active, 3. An entry to the cron that executes the job every minute.
Thanks everyone for the answers.

You can always use a client based jquery timer, but remember to initialize the timer with a value which is passed from your backend application, also make sure that the end user didn't edit the time (edit by inspecting).
So place a timer start time (initial value of the timer) and timer end time or timer pause time in the backend (DB itself).
Monitor the duration in the backend and trigger the job ( in you case ).
Hope this is clear.


How to add delay or Thread.sleep() in script task or how to delay the http task in flowable?

I am running flowable maven dependency as a spring boot project (This project has flowable maven dependency and the bpmn model alone).
There is another micro-service (wrapper service) to access the flowable REST APIs to initiate the process and updating the tasks.
I am running a http task and make it as a loop, and keep on checking the count. if the count satisfies, I will end the process. Else, it will loop around the http task. The use case is, I cannot determine when the count will be met.(It might even take days).
Here I cannot have the provision to use Java Service Task.
How can I handle this scenario in bpmn model? or is there any other approach to follow? Please advice.
You can let your check complete, then check with an xor gateway if the count is reached. If yes, you continue with the regular process. If not, you continue with an intermediate timer event on which you define a wait time. After the specified time the token will continue and you loop back into the the checking service task.
Only use this approach if you the number of loops will be small. It is not a good patter to use if the loop is executed every few seconds, potentially over days. This it create a large instance tree and much audit information in the DB.
In such a case you can work with an external job scheduler such as Quartz and an asynchronous integration pattern.
Also see:

Running Task In The Background

What is the technology which allows the web application to process the task in the background without holding user to wait until the task to finish.
Example, as a user,
1. I want to submit a form which requires heavy processing. (Assume it requires to checking or actions, upload documentation or etc)
2. After submitting the form, the task will be running in the background, then I can go to other page and do something else.
2.1 At the same time, I might submit another form to the server.
The request can be process at the same time or can be queue under a queue system
3. I will receive a notification from the system whenever the server return a response. (Regardless it is success or failure)
This feature is similar to Google Cloud Platform.
Try Kue or any other similar libraries. The term to "google" is "[language] task queue"
You can of course roll your own. Though it will be much easier if you make use of an existing server such as redis or rabbitmq. So that queuing part is handled for you by the server and you could concentrate on your business logic.

Django-celery project, how to handle results from result-backend?

1) I am currently working on a web application that exposes a REST api and uses Django and Celery to handle request and solve them. For a request in order to get solved, there have to be submitted a set of celery tasks to an amqp queue, so that they get executed on workers (situated on other machines). Each task is very CPU intensive and takes very long (hours) to finish.
I have configured Celery to use also amqp as results-backend, and I am using RabbitMQ as Celery's broker.
Each task returns a result that needs to be stored afterwards in a DB, but not by the workers directly. Only the "central node" - the machine running django-celery and publishing tasks in the RabbitMQ queue - has access to this storage DB, so the results from the workers have to return somehow on this machine.
The question is how can I process the results of the tasks execution afterwards? So after a worker finishes, the result from it gets stored in the configured results-backend (amqp), but now I don't know what would be the best way to get the results from there and process them.
All I could find in the documentation is that you can either check on the results's status from time to time with:
which means that basically I need a dedicated piece of code that runs periodically this command, and therefore keeps busy a whole thread/process only with this, or to block everything with:
until a task finishes, which is not what I wish.
The only solution I can think of is to have on the "central node" an extra thread that runs periodically a function that basically checks on the async_results returned by each task at its submission, and to take action if the task has a finished status.
Does anyone have any other suggestion?
Also, since the backend-results' processing takes place on the "central node", what I aim is to minimize the impact of this operation on this machine.
What would be the best way to do that?
2) How do people usually solve the problem of dealing with the results returned from the workers and put in the backend-results? (assuming that a backend-results has been configured)
I'm not sure if I fully understand your question, but take into account each task has a task id. If tasks are being sent by users you can store the ids and then check for the results using json as follows:
from djcelery.views import is_task_successful
urlpatterns += patterns('',
url(r'(?P<task_id>[\w\d\-\.]+)/done/?$', is_task_successful,
Other related concept is that of signals each finished task emits a signal. A finnished task will emit a task_success signal. More can be found on real time proc.

Web services + Celery

I plan to use celery to process incoming web service requests. I understand that celery is used mostly to process asynchronous tasks. However celery has lot of features that I like and could benefit from in my project - priorities, rate limits, distributed architecture etc.
I am just struggling with the design. I would like to have web service that creates and starts the task that will call subtasks. Original task needs results from the subtasks and then when original task is finished I return result back to the client through web service. I know I could call tasks synchronously but that it is not a good practice.
The scatter/gather thing looks like it could be a map/reduce job. If the mapreduce part is important to you, go with a specialised framework like Disco or Hadoop. Otherwise, you need some kind of completion signal, so that you can fire a reply to the user once all subtasks are done or cancelled. For example, a counter of how many subtasks are yet to terminate. The subtask that brings the counter to zero can push a new reply task that pushes a reply to the user and closes the circle.
Look at Mongrel2, an asynchronous web framework, for an example of this kind of circular request path.

Simulating Google Appengine's Task Queue with Gearman

One of the characteristics I love most about Google's Task Queue is its simplicity. More specifically, I love that it takes a URL and some parameters and then posts to that URL when the task queue is ready to execute the task.
This structure means that the tasks are always executing the most current version of the code. Conversely, my gearman workers all run code within my django project -- so when I push a new version live, I have to kill off the old worker and run a new one so that it uses the current version of the code.
My goal is to have the task queue be independent from the code base so that I can push a new live version without restarting any workers. So, I got to thinking: why not make tasks executable by url just like the google app engine task queue?
The process would work like this:
User request comes in and triggers a few tasks that shouldn't be blocking.
Each task has a unique URL, so I enqueue a gearman task to POST to the specified URL.
The gearman server finds a worker, passes the url and post data to a worker
The worker simply posts to the url with the data, thus executing the task.
Assume the following:
Each request from a gearman worker is signed somehow so that we know it's coming from a gearman server and not a malicious request.
Tasks are limited to run in less than 10 seconds (There would be no long tasks that could timeout)
What are the potential pitfalls of such an approach? Here's one that worries me:
The server can potentially get hammered with many requests all at once that are triggered by a previous request. So one user request might entail 10 concurrent http requests. I suppose I could have a single worker with a sleep before every request to rate-limit.
Any thoughts?
As a user of both Django and Google AppEngine, I can certainly appreciate what you're getting at. At work I'm currently working on the exact same scenario using some pretty cool open source tools.
Take a look at Celery. It's a distributed task queue built with Python that exposes three concepts - a queue, a set of workers, and a result store. It's pluggable with different tools for each part.
The queue should be battle-hardened, and fast. Check out RabbitMQ for a great queue implementation in Erlang, using the AMQP protocol.
The workers ultimately can be Python functions. You can trigger workers using either queue messages, or perhaps more pertinent to what you're describing - using webhooks
Check out the Celery webhook documentation. Using all these tools you can build a production ready distributed task queue that implements your requirements above.
I should also mention that in regards to your first pitfall, celery implements rate-limiting of tasks using a Token Bucket algorithm.