C++ map really slow? - c++

i've created a dll for gamemaker. dll's arrays where really slow so after asking around a bit i learnt i could use maps in c++ and make a dll.
anyway, ill represent what i need to store in a 3d array:
the id corresponds to an objects id. the first number field ranges from 0 - 3 and each number represents a different setting. the 2nd number field represents the value for the setting in number field 1.
this would translate to "object with id 101 has a value of 4 for settings 1, 2 and 3".
i did this to try and copy it with maps:
//declared as a class member
map<double, map<int, double>*> objIdMap;
///// lower down the page, in some function
map<int, double> objSettingsMap;
objSettingsMap[1] = 4;
objSettingsMap[2] = 4;
objSettingsMap[3] = 4;
map<int, double>* temp = &objSettingsMap;
objIdMap[id] = temp;
so the first map, objIdMap stores the id as the key, and a pointer to another map which stores the number representing the setting as the key, and the value of the setting as the value.
however, this is for a game, so new objects with their own id's and settings might need to be stored (sometimes a hundred or so new ones every few seconds), and the existing ones constantly need to retrieve the values for every step of the game. are maps not able to handle this? i has a very similar thing going with game maker's array's and it worked fine.

Do not use double's as a the key of a map.
Try to use a floating point comparison function if you want to compare two doubles.

1) Your code is buggy: You store a pointer to a local object objSettingsMap which will be destroyed as soon as it goes out of scope. You must store a map obj, not a pointer to it, so the local map will be copied into this object.
2) Maps can become arbitrarily large (i have maps with millions of entrys). If you need speed try hash_maps (part of C++0x, but also available from other sources), which are considerably faster. But adding some hundred entries each second shouldn't be a problem. But befre worring about execution speed you should always use a profiler.
3) I am not really sure if your nested structures MUST be maps. Depending of what number of setting you have, and what values they may have, a structure or bitfield or a vector might be more accurate.

If you need really fast associative containers, try to learn about hashes. Maps are 'fast enough' but not brilliant for some cases.
Try to analyze what is the structure of objects you need to store. If the fields are fixed I'd recommend not to use nested maps. At all. Maps are usually intended for 'average' number of indexes. For low number simple lists are more effective because of insert / erase operations lower complexity. For great number of indexes you really need to think about hashing.
Don't forget about memory. std::map is highly dynamic template so on small objects stored you loose tons of memory because of dynamic allocation. Is it what you are really expecting? Once I was involved in std::map usage removal which lowered memory requirements in about 2 times.
If you only need to fill the map at startup and only search for elements (don't need to change structure) I'd recommend simple std::vector with sort applied after all the elems inserted. And then you can just use binary search (as you have sorted vector). Why? std::vector is much more predictable thing. The biggest advantage is continuous memory area.


Unordered map vs vector

I'm building a little 2d game engine. Now I need to store the prototypes of the game objects (all type of informations). A container that will have at most I guess few thousand elements all with unique key and no elements will be deleted or added after a first load. The key value is a string.
Various threads will run, and I need to send to everyone a key(or index) and with that access other information(like a texture for the render process or sound for the mixer process) available only to those threads.
Normally I use vectors because they are way faster to accessing a known element. But I see that unordered map also usually have a constant speed if I use the ::at element access. It would make the code much cleaner and also easier to maintain because I will deal with much more understandable man made strings.
So the question is, the difference in speed between a access to a vector[n] compared to a unorderedmap.at("string") is negligible compared to his benefits?
From what I understand accessing various maps in different part of the program, with different threads running just with a "name" for me is a big deal and the speed difference isn't that great. But I'm too inexperienced to be sure of this. Although I found informations about it seem I can't really understand if I'm right or wrong.
Thank you for your time.
As an alternative, you could consider using an ordered vector because the vector itself will not be modified. You can easily write an implementation yourself with STL lower_bound etc, or use an implementation from libraries ( boost::flat_map).
There is a blog post from Scott Meyers about container performance in this case. He did some benchmarks and the conclusion would be that an unordered_mapis probably a very good choice with high chances that it will be the fastest option. If you have a restricted set of keys, you can also compute a minimal optimal hash function, e.g. with gperf
However, for these kind of problems the first rule is to measure yourself.
My problem was to find a record on a container by a given std::string type as Key access. Considering Keys that only EXISTS(not finding them was not a option) and the elements of this container are generated only at the beginning of the program and never touched thereafter.
I had huge fears unordered map was not fast enough. So I tested it, and I want to share the results hoping I've not mistaken everything.
I just hope that can help others like me and to get some feedback because in the end I'm beginner.
So, given a struct of record filled randomly like this:
struct The_Mess
std::string A_string;
long double A_ldouble;
char C[10];
int* intPointer;
std::vector<unsigned int> A_vector;
std::string Another_String;
I made a undordered map, give that A_string contain the key of the record:
std::unordered_map<std::string, The_Mess> The_UnOrdMap;
and a vector I sort by the A_string value(which contain the key):
std::vector<The_Mess> The_Vector;
with also a index vector sorted, and used to access as 3thrd way:
std::vector<std::string> index;
The key will be a random string of 0-20 characters in lenght(I wanted the worst possible scenario) containing letter both capital and normal and numbers or spaces.
So, in short our contendents are:
Unordered map I measure the time the program get to execute:
record = The_UnOrdMap.at( key ); record is just a The_Mess struct.
Sorted Vector measured statements:
low = std::lower_bound (The_Vector.begin(), The_Vector.end(), key, compare);
record = *low;
Sorted Index vector:
low2 = std::lower_bound( index.begin(), index.end(), key);
indice = low2 - index.begin();
record = The_Vector[indice];
The time is in nanoseconds and is a arithmetic average of 200 iterations. I have a vector that I shuffle at every iteration containing all the keys, and at every iteration I cycle through it and look for the key I have here in the three ways.
So this are my results:
I think the initials spikes are a fault of my testing logic(the table I iterate contains only the keys generated so far, so it only has 1-n elements). So 200 iterations of 1 key search for the first time. 200 iterations of 2 keys search the second time etc...
Anyway, it seem that in the end the best option is the unordered map, considering that is a lot less code, it's easier to implement and will make the whole program way easier to read and probably maintain/modify.
You have to think about caching as well. In case of std::vector you'll have very good cache performance when accessing the elements - when accessing one element in RAM, CPU will cache nearby memory values and this will include nearby portions of your std::vector.
When you use std::map (or std::unordered_map) this is no longer true. Maps are usually implemented as self balancing binary-search trees, and in this case values can be scattered around the RAM. This imposes great hit on cache performance, especially as maps get bigger and bigger as CPU just cannot cache the memory that you're about to access.
You'll have to run some tests and measure performance, but cache misses can greatly hurt the performance of your program.
You are most likely to get the same performance (the difference will not be measurable).
Contrary to what some people seem to believe, unordered_map is not a binary tree. The underlying data structure is a vector. As a result, cache locality does not matter here - it is the same as for vector. Granted, you are going to suffer if you have collissions due to your hashing function being bad. But if your key is a simple integer, this is not going to happen. As a result, access to to element in hash map will be exactly the same as access to the element in the vector with time spent on getting hash value for integer, which is really non-measurable.

3D-Grid of bins: nested std::vector vs std::unordered_map

pros, I need some performance-opinions with the following:
1st Question:
I want to store objects in a 3D-Grid-Structure, overall it will be ~33% filled, i.e. 2 out of 3 gridpoints will be empty.
Short image to illustrate:
Maybe Option A)
vector<vector<vector<deque<Obj>> grid;// (SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ);
This way I'd have a lot of empty deques, but accessing one of them would be fast, wouldn't it?
The Other Option B) would be
std::unordered_map<Pos3D, deque<Obj>, Pos3DHash, Pos3DEqual> Pos3DMap;
where I add&delete deques when data is added/deleted. Probably less memory used, but maybe less fast? What do you think?
2nd Question (follow up)
What if I had multiple containers at each position? Say 3 buckets for 3 different entities, say object types ObjA, ObjB, ObjC per grid point, then my data essentially becomes 4D?
Another illustration:
Using Option 1B I could just extend Pos3D to include the bucket number to account for even more sparse data.
Possible queries I want to optimize for:
Give me all Objects out of ObjA-buckets from the entire structure
Give me all Objects out of ObjB-buckets for a set of
Which is the nearest non-empty ObjC-bucket to
position x,y,z?
I had also thought about a tree based data-structure before, reading about nearest neighbour approaches. Since my data is so regular I had thought I'd save all the tree-building dividing of the cells into smaller pieces and just make a static 3D-grid of the final leafs. Thats how I came to ask about the best way to store this grid here.
Question associated with this, if I have a map<int, Obj> is there a fast way to ask for "all objects with keys between 780 and 790"? Or is the fastest way the building of the above mentioned tree?
I ended up going with a 3D boost::multi_array that has fortran-ordering. It's a little bit like the chunks games like minecraft use. Which is a little like using a kd-tree with fixed leaf-size and fixed amount of leaves? Works pretty fast now so I'm happy with this approach.
Answer to 1st question
As #Joachim pointed out, this depends on whether you prefer fast access or small data. Roughly, this corresponds to your options A and B.
A) If you want fast access, go with a multidimensional std::vector or an array if you will. std::vector brings easier maintenance at a minimal overhead, so I'd prefer that. In terms of space it consumes O(N^3) space, where N is the number of grid points along one dimension. In order to get the best performance when iterating over the data, remember to resolve the indices in the reverse order as you defined it: innermost first, outermost last.
B) If you instead wish to keep things as small as possible, use a hash map, and use one which is optimized for space. That would result in space O(N), with N being the number of elements. Here is a benchmark comparing several hash maps. I made good experiences with google::sparse_hash_map, which has the smallest constant overhead I have seen so far. Plus, it is easy to add it to your build system.
If you need a mixture of speed and small data or don't know the size of each dimension in advance, use a hash map as well.
Answer to 2nd question
I'd say you data is 4D if you have a variable number of elements a long the 4th dimension, or a fixed large number of elements. With option 1B) you'd indeed add the bucket index, for 1A) you'd add another vector.
Which is the nearest non-empty ObjC-bucket to position x,y,z?
This operation is commonly called nearest neighbor search. You want a KDTree for that. There is libkdtree++, if you prefer small libraries. Otherwise, FLANN might be an option. It is a part of the Point Cloud Library which accomplishes a lot of tasks on multidimensional data and could be worth a look as well.

Data structure for storing huge number of indices, each pointing to a set

I am using a red black tree implementation in C++ (std::map), but currently, I see that my unsigned long long int indices get bigger and bigger, for larger experiment. I am going for 700,000,000 indices, and each index stores a std::set that contains a few more int elements (about 1-10). We got 128 GB RAM, but I see that we start to run short of it; in fact, if possible, I wanna go down even to 1,000,000,000 indices, if possible, in my experiment.
I gave this some thought, and was thinking about a forest of several maps put together. Basically, after a map hits a certain size threshold (or perhaps when bad_alloc starts to be thrown), save it to disk, clear it off the memory and then create another map and keep on doing until I got all indices. However, during the loading part, this will be very inefficient, as we can only hold one map in the RAM at a time. Worse, we need to check all maps for consistency.
So in this case, what are some of the data structure should I be looking for?
From your description, I think you have this:
typedef std::map<long long, std::set<int>> MyMap;
where the map is very big, and the individual sets are quite small. There are several sources of overhead here:
the individual entries in the map, each of which is a separate allocation;
the individual entries in the sets, ditto;
the structures which describe each set, independent of their contents.
With standard library components, it's not possible to eliminate all of these overheads; the semantics of associative containers pretty well mandates the individual allocation of each entry, and the use of red-black trees requires the addition of several pointers to each entry (in theory, only two pointers are required, but efficient implementation of iterators is difficult without parent pointers.)
However, you can reduce the overhead without losing functionality by combining the map with the sets, using a datastructure like this:
typedef std::set<std::pair<long long, int>> MyMap;
You can still answer all the same queries, although a few of them are slightly less convenient. Remember that std::pair's default comparator sorts in lexicographical order, so all of the elements with the same first value will be contiguous. So you can, for example, query whether a given index has any ints associated with it by using:
it = theMap.lower_bound(std::make_pair(index, INT_MIN));
if (it != theMap.end() && it->first == index) {
// there is at least one int associated with index
The same call to lower_bound will give you a begin iterator for the ints associate with the key, while a call toupper_bound(std::make_pair(key, INT_MAX))` will give you the corresponding end iterator, so you can easily iterate over all the values associated with a given key.
That still might not be enough to store 700 million indices with associated sets of integers in 128GB unless the average set size is really small. The next step would have to be a b-tree of some form, which is not in the standard library. B-trees avoid the individual entry overhead by combining a number of entries into a single cluster; that should be sufficient for your needs.
it looks like it is time to switch to B-trees (may be B+ or B*) -- this structure used in databases to manage indices. take a look here -- this is replacement for std-like associative containers w/ btree inside... but btrees can be used to keep indices in memory and on disk...
For such a large scale dataset, you should really work with a proper database server such as an SQL server. These servers are intended to work with cached large-scale datasets. An SQL server saves the data to a permenant cache such as a HDD, while maintaining good read/write performance by caching frequently accessed pages etc.

STL Map versus Static Array

I have to store information about contents in a lookup table such that it can be accessed very quickly.I might need to refer some of the elements in look up table recursively to get complete information about contents. What will be better data structure to use:
Map with one of parameter, which will be unique to all the entries in look up table, as key and rest of the information as value
Use static array for each unique entries and access them when needed according to key(which will be same as the one used in MAP).
I want my software to be robust as if we have any crash it will be catastrophic for my product.
It depends on the range of keys that you have.
Usually, when you say lookup table, you mean a smallish table which you can index directly ( O(1) ). As a dumb example, for a substitution cipher, you could have a char cipher[256] and simply index with the ASCII code of a character to get the substitution character. If the keys are complex objects or simply too many, you're probably stuck with a map.
You might also consider a hashtable (see unordered_map).
If the key itself can be any 32-bit number, it wouldn't make sense to store a very sparse 4-billion element array.
If however your keys are themselves between say 0..10000, then you can have a 10000-element array containing pointers to your objects (or the objects themselves), with only 2000-5000 of your elements containing non-null pointers (or meaningful data, respectively). Access will be O(1).
If you can have large keys, then I'd probably go with the unordered_map. With a map of 5000 elements, you'd get O(log n) to mean around ~12 accesses, a hash table should be pretty much one or two accesses tops.
I'm not familiar with perfect hashes, so I can't advise about their implementation. If you do choose that, I'd be grateful for a link or two with ideas to keep in mind.
The lookup times in a std::map should be O=ln(n), with a linear search in a static array in the worst case O=n.
I'd strongly opt for a std::map even if it has a larger memory footprint (which should not matter, in the most cases).
Also you can make "maps of maps" or even deeper structures:
typedef std::map<MyKeyType, std::map<MyKeyType, MyValueType> > MyDoubleMapType;

An integer hashing problem

I have a (C++) std::map<int, MyObject*> that contains a couple of millions of objects of type MyObject*. The maximum number of objects that I can have, is around 100 millions. The key is the object's id. During a certain process, these objects must be somehow marked( with a 0 or 1) as fast as possible. The marking cannot happen on the objects themselves (so I cannot introduce a member variable and use that for the marking process). Since I know the minimum and maximum id (1 to 100_000_000), the first thought that occured to me, was to use a std::bit_set<100000000> and perform my marking there. This solves my problem and also makes it easier when marking processes run in parallel, since these use their own bit_set to mark things, but I was wondering what the solution could be, if I had to use something else instead of a 0-1 marking, e.g what could I use if I had to mark all objects with an integer number ?
Is there some form of a data structure that can deal with this kind of problem in a compact (memory-wise) manner, and also be fast ? The main queries of interest are whether an object is marked, and with what was marked with.
Thank you.
Note: std::map<int, MyObject*> cannot be changed. Whatever data structure I use, must not deal with the map itself.
How about making the value_type of your map a std::pair<bool, MyObject*> instead of MyObject*?
If you're not concerned with memory, then a std::vector<int> (or whatever suits your need in place of an int) should work.
If you don't like that, and you can't modify your map, then why not create a parallel map for the markers?
std::map<id,T> my_object_map;
std::map<id,int> my_marker_map;
If you cannot modify the objects directly, have you considered wrapping the objects before you place them in the map? e.g.:
int marker;
T *p_x;
} T_wrapper;
std::map<int,T_wrapper> my_map;
If you're going to need to do lookups anyway, then this will be no slower.
EDIT: As #tenfour suggests in his/her answer, a std::pair may be a cleaner solution here, as it saves the struct definition. Personally, I'm not a big fan of std::pairs, because you have to refer to everything as first and second, rather than by meaningful names. But that's just me...
The most important question to ask yourself is "How many of these 100,000,000 objects might be marked (or remain unmarked)?" If the answer is smaller than roughly 100,000,000/(2*sizeof(int)), then just use another std::set or std::tr1::unordered_set (hash_set previous to tr1) to track which ones are so marked (or remained unmarked).
Where does 2*sizeof(int) come from? It's an estimate of the amount of memory overhead to maintain a heap structure in a deque of the list of items that will be marked.
If it is larger, then use std::bitset as you were about to use. It's overhead is effectively 0% for the scale of quantity you need. You'll need about 13 megabytes of contiguous ram to hold the bitset.
If you need to store a marking as well as presence, then use std::tr1::unordered_map using the key of Object* and value of marker_type. And again, if the percentage of marked nodes is higher than the aforementioned comparison, then you'll want to use some sort of bitset to hold the number of bits needed, with suitable adjustments in size, at 12.5 megabytes per bit.
A purpose-built object holding the bitset might be your best choice, given the clarification of the requirements.
Edit: this assumes that you've done proper time-complexity computations for what are acceptable solutions to you, since changing the base std::map structure is no longer permitted.
If you don't mind using hacks, take a look at the memory optimization used in Boost.MultiIndex. It can store one bit in the LSB of a stored pointer.