Can you iterate over chunks() with request.POST in Django? - django

I'm trying to optimize a site I'm building with Django/Flash and am having a problem using Django's iterate over chunks() feature. I'm sending an image from Flash to Django using request.POST data rather than through a form (using request.FILES). The problem I foresee is that if there is large user volume, I could potentially kill memory.
But it seems that Django only allows iterating over chunks with request.FILES. Is there a way to:
1) wrap my request.POST data into a request.FILES (thus spoofing Django)
2) use chunks() with request.POST data

The chunks() method is only available to an django.core.files.uploadedfile.UploadedFile object, which itself is a child of django.core.files.base.File. From the documentation for handling uploaded files:
The final piece of the puzzle is
handling the actual file data from
request.FILES. Each entry in this
dictionary is an UploadedFile object
-- a simple wrapper around an uploaded file.
So if you can create your own UploadedFile object, then you could feasibly work some magic with chunks(). I recommend snooping around on DjangoSnippets, which might have some code you can use as an example on how to do this.


Django: Save ContentFile (or some kind of virtual file) to database

In my django app I create a string which I have to save to my database as a File.
If i understand correctly, django is supposed to automatically upload the file when I save the entry:
class Foo(models.Model):
The problem is that to create an instance of Foo, I have to first create a physical file on the server's disk which would mean two copies would be created (one by me in order to create a database entry, one by django when saving the entry).
As far as I can see, I must create the file myself in 'MYPATH' and instead of using a FileField, I have to save a reference in the database (essentially what django is doing ????). However I have doubts that this is the best method as
It doesn't strike me as Pythonesque.
I won't have access to the same methods as when using a real FileField. For instance when calling it, I won't have a FieldFile but just a reference string.
Basically, what I wanted to do was: String --> ContentFile (or some form of "virtual" file) --> Physical File handled by Django when saving entry in the database.
entry = Foo(bar1=var1, bar2=var2, res=ContentFile(XMLSTRING))
This doesn't work, but it shows what I want to achieve.
So, please show me one of the following three:
How to save a file to the database without physically creating it (using a ContentFile doesn't create a physical file after saving the entry which is what I want to do)
Make django not upload the given file but use the already uploaded version whilst maintaining all the methods provided by FileField
What I don't understand.
I apologize for [my english, my lack of understanding, the lack of clarity]
Anything you need to know, I'd happy to specify.
EDIT: I looked at this thread, but there, the urlretrieve creates a temp file, which is something I don't really want to do. Maybe I should be doing that, but is there a better way?

packing objects as json with django?

I've run into a snag in my views.
Here "filtered_posts" is array of Django objects coming back from the model.
I am having a little trouble figuring out how to get as text data that I can
later pack into json instead of using serializers.serialize...
What results is that the data comes double-escaped (escaped once by serializers.serialize and a second time by json.dumps).
I can't figure out how to return the data from the db in the same way that it would come back if I were using the MySQLdb lib directly, in other words, as strings, instead of references to objects. As it stands if I take out the serializers.serialize, I get a list of these django objects, and it doesn't even list them all (abbreviates them with '...(remaining elements truncated)...'.
I don't think I should, but should I be using the __unicode__() method for this? (and if so, how should I be evoking it?)
JSONtoReturn = json.dumps({
'lowest_id': user_posts[limit - 1].id,
'user_posts': serializers.serialize("json", list(filtered_posts)),
The Django Rest Framework looks pretty neat. I've used Tastypie before, too.
I've also done RESTful APIs that don't include a framework. When I do that, I define toJSON methods on my objects, that return dictionaries, and cascade the call to related elements. Then I call json.dumps() on that. It's a lot of work, which is why the frameworks are worth looking at.
What you're looking for is Django Rest Framework. It handles related objects in exactly thew way you're expecting it to (you can include a nested object, like in your example, or simply have it output the PK of the related object for the key).

Django - How to pass dynamic models between pages

I have made a django app that creates models and database tables on the fly. This is, as far as I can tell, the only viable way of doing what I need. The problem arises of how to pass a dynamically created model between pages.
I can think of a few ways of doing such but they all sound horrible. The methods I can think of are:
Use global variables within This seems like a horrible hack and likely to cause conflicts if there are multiple simultaneous users.
Pass a reference in the URL and use some eval hackery to try and refind the model. This is probably stupid as the model could potentially be garbage collected en route.
Use a place-holder app. This seems like a bad idea due to conflicts between multiple users.
Having an invisible form that posts the model when a link is clicked. Again very hacky.
Is there a good way of doing this, and if not, is one of these methods more viable than the others?
P.S. In case it helps my app receives data (as a json string) from a pre-existing database, and then caches it locally (i.e. on the webserver) creating an appropriate model and table on the fly. The idea is then to present this data and do various filtering and drill downs on it with-out placing undue strain on the main database (as each query returns a few hundred results out of a database of hundreds of millions of data points.) W.R.T. 3, the tables are named based on a hash of the query and time stamp, however a place-holder app would have a predetermined name.
EDITED TO ADD: Thanks guys, I have now solved this problem. I ended up using both answers together to give a complete answer. As I can only accept one I am going to accept the contenttypes one, sadly I don't have the reputation to give upvotes yet, however if/when I ever do I will endeavor to return and upvote appropriately.
The solution in it's totality,
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
model = create_model(...)
request.session['model'] = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model)
ctmodel = request.session.get('model', None)
if not ctmodel:
return Http404
model = ctmodel.model_class()
My first thought would be to use content types and to pass the type/model information via the url.
You could also use Django's sessions framework, e.g.
def view_a(request):
your_model = request.session.get('your_model', None)
if type(your_model) == YourModel = 'something_else'
request.session['your_model'] = your_model
def view_b(request):
your_model = request.session.get('your_model', None)
You can store almost anything in the session dictionary, and managing it is also easy:
del request.session['your_model']

Most RESTful way of storing data that is to be served as JSON?

I have a Django server responsible for serving JSON formatted files to a controller machine. My server gets data from POST requests and serve JSON files on GET requests. I'm wondering what is the most RESTful and efficient way of creating this bridge on the server?
I'm considering creating a JSON model and storing instances on my database for each POST request and pack the instances into JSON files dynamically and serve them on GET requests. The alternative would be creating JSON files on POST requests, saving them in a folder on the server, and serving these files on GET requests.
Which way is better and why? Or am I failing to see a completely better method?
Why are you creating files? You can let a Django view return a JSON response instead of a HTML response:
import json
# in your view:
data = {}
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), mimetype="application/json")
Construct the JSON data dynamically from the available data and if the JSON responses are big, add caching (e.g., memcached or Varnish).
This will prevent certain problems (what to do if a GET request is done but there is no JSON file yet?). This way you can generate the JSON based on the data that you have or return JSON with an error message instead.
I looked into json serialization with natural keys and dependencies etc. to control the fields that are serialized. I also tried using the middleware wodofstuff to allow for deeper foreign key serialization. However, I decided to use templates to render the JSON response.
Some pitfalls are
I am responsible for formatting the JSON (more prone to mistakes like a missing semi-colon)
I am responsible for escaping characters
Renders slower than buit-in serialization?
Some advantages are
I have control over what is serialized (even if the underlying models is changed)
I can format many to many or foreign key relationships on the JSON file however I like
TLDL; In my case, the format of the JSON file I needed was very custom. It had dictionary in list in dictionary. Some fields are iterative so I have for loops in the templates to render them. However, the format requires some of the fields in the iterated object to be encapsulated in a list as oppose to a dictionary.
This was an obstacle I ran into while considering simplejson. By using something like
import simplejson as json
def encode_complex(obj):
if isinstance(obj, complex):
return [obj.real, obj.imag]
raise TypeError(repr(o) + " is not JSON serializable")
json.dumps(2 + 1j, default=encode_complex)
'[2.0, 1.0]'
I could manage to return iterated data; however, I needed iteration in iteration and custom object types (list or dict) to encapsulate certain iterations. Finally, (may it be lack of knowledge or lack of patience) I decided to just do it in the templates.
I feel like rendering it through templates is not the most scalable or 'smartest' way of doing it, could it possibly be done in a better way? Please feel free to prove me right or wrong.

How to display data resulting from POST in django view?

I have a form that takes a path as input, analyzes files and subfolders in that directory, stores information in a database, then displays some statistics to the user about the files just parsed. This is done currently using a Django view and render_to_response.
According to everything I have read, it's incorrect to use anything other that HttpResponseRedirect when dealing with a POST, as a page generated with POST data would resubmit the form if the page were refreshed.
My issue here is that there's a large amount of summary data ultimately displayed as a result of analyzing files on the provided path. How can I display that data with an httpResponseRedirect? Sending it as GET parameters using django.core.urlresolvers.reverse seems infeasible due to the amount of data.
You could put the data on request.session
I assume that your POST handle creates some databse object out of a submitted form data, is this correct? If so, then you can do something like this (:
my_obj = MyModel.objects.create(**form.cleaned_data) # This is the part yuo already have, most probably expressed with some other code, but still..
return HttpResponseRedirect('/url/to/redirect/?id=%d' %
The redirect like should in fact use reverse() function, and I think that you should have an URL for editing MyModel objects. Then you could do:
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('edit-mymodel', (), {'id':}))
The relevant URL would look like:
url('^edit/mymodel/(?P<id>\d+)$', 'apps.myapp', name='edit-mymodel')
A rough but simple solution is to write your data in a json text file and then read it in your redirect page (this will also save you from rebuilding data on refreshing the page)