Does three-tier architecture ever work? - n-tier-architecture

We are building three-tier architectures for over a decade now. Dividing presentation-, logic- and data-tier is supposed to allow us to exchange each layer individually, should the need ever arise, be it through changed requirements or new technologies.
I have never seen it working in practice...
Mostly because (at least) one of the following reasons:
The three tiers concept was only visible in the source code (e.g. package naming in Java) which was then deployed as one, tied together package.
The code representing each layer was nicely bundled in its own deployable format but then thrown into the same process (e.g. an "enterprise container").
Each layer was run in its own process, sometimes even on different machines but through the static nature they were connected to each other, replacing one of them meant breaking all of them.
Thus what you usually end up with, in is a monolithic, tightly coupled system that does not deliver what it's architecture promised.
I therefore think "three-tier architecture" is a total misnomer. The true benefit it brings is that the code is logically sound. But that's at "write time", not at "run time". A better name would be something like "layered by responsibility". In any case, the "architecture" word is misleading.
What are your thoughts on this? How could working three-tier architecture be achieved? By that I mean one which holds its promises: Allowing to plug out a layer without affecting the other ones. The system should survive that and be in a well defined state afterwards.

The true purpose of layered architectures (both logical and physical tiers) isn't to make it easy to replace a layer (which is quite rare), but to make it easy to make changes within a layer without affecting the others (and as Ben notes, to facilitate scalability, consistency, and security) - which works all the time all around us.

One example of a 3-tier architecture is a typical database-driven web application:
End-user's web browser
Server-side web application logic
Database engine

In every system, there is the nice, elegant architecture dreamed up at the beginning, then the hairy mess when its finally in production, full of hundreds of bug fixes and special case handlers, and other typical nasty changes made to address specific issues not realized during the design.
I don't think the problems you've described are specific to three-teir architecture at all.

If you haven't seen it working, you may just have bad luck. I've worked on projects that serve several UIs (presentation) from one web service (logic). In addition, we swapped data providers via configuration (data) so we could use a low-cost database while developing and Oracle in higher environments.
Sure, there's always some duplication - maybe you add validation in the UI for responsiveness and then validate again in the logic layer - but overall, a clean separation is possible and nice to work with.

Once you accept that n-tier's major benefits--namely scalability, logical consistency, security--could not easily be achieved through other means, the question of whether or not any of the tiers can be replaced outright without breaking the the others becomes more like asking whether there's any icing on the cake.

Any operating system will have a similar kind of architecture, or else it won't work. The presentation layer is independent of the hardware layer, which is abstracted into drivers that implement a certain interface. The data is handled using logic that changes depending on the type of data being read (think NTFS vs. FAT32 vs. EXT3 vs. CD-ROM). Linux can run on just about any hardware you can throw at it and it will still look and behave the same because the abstractions between the layers insulate each other from changes within a single layer.

One of the biggest practical benefits of the 3-tier approach is that it makes it easy to split up work. You can easily have a DBA and a business anylist or two building a data layer, a traditional programmer building the server side app code, and a graphic designer/ web designer building the UI. The three teams still need to communicate, of course, but this allows for much smoother development in most cases. In this regard, I see the 3-tier approach working reliably everyday, and this enough for me, even if I cannot count on "interchangeable parts", so to speak.


static and dynamic evolution of services

I am reading about challenges of concurrent and networked software in pattern oriented software architecure vol 2.
Service access often involves invoking remote operations on resuable
components like OMG event service, etc. Supporting the static and
dynamic evolution of services and applications is antoher key
challenge in networked software system.
Evoution can occur in following way
Interfaces to and connectivity between component service roles can
change, often at run-time, and new service roles can be implemented
and installed into and installed into existing components.
It is even more challenging to determine how to access services that
are configured into a system 'on-demand' and whose implementations are
unknown when the system was designed origanally. Here design challenge
are two-fold.
First, an applicatoin must export new services, even though it may not know their detailed interfaces.
Second, an applicaiton must integrate these services into its own control flow and processing sequence transparently and robustly, even
at run-time.
I need your help in understanding above text by answering following questions.
What does author mean by "Interfaces to and connectivity between component service roles can change, often at run-time" ? Request to explain with easy to undestand example.
What does author mean by two points mentioned on-demand challenges which mentioned above. Request elobartion on above two points.
Thanks for your time and help.
1.What does author mean by "Interfaces to and connectivity between component service roles can change, often at run-time" ?
I'm not sure exactly. Interfaces change overtime because:
New technology standards can be adopted - say moving from SOAP to REST, or form XML to JSON, but that would happen slowly overtime through deployment - where as for me "runtime" is a memory space in which things run, and I don't see interfaces changing themselves taht fast - otherwise how could anyone integrate with them?
The API or interface contract itself changes to fulfill business need.
2.What does author mean by two points mentioned on-demand challenges which mentioned above.
Hmmm, good design patterns tend to survive time well (they never change, because they are never broken - like SOLID). The book you are refering to was written in 2000 I think - a lot has changed since then, so whilst the pattern may survive maybe the way we'd now describe it has changed (i.e what he means by "export new services" is open to interpretation)...
1.First, an application must export new services, even though it may not know their detailed interfaces.
Separation Of Concerns (basic OO stuff), all parts of your app don't (shouldn't) inherently know what the other parts are doing internally; likewise, as long as someone (including an external system) is satisfying the interface then who cares how it does so internally.
2.Second, an application must integrate these services into its own control flow and processing sequence transparently and robustly, even
at run-time.
I take this to mean that the program should never break, it should always compile, and if the application is dynamically creating and executing code (say based on user input) then there needs to be checks in-place so that the dynamic code doesn't break the app either.

How to design backward compatibility and not turn your code into a mess?

I am developing a Java-based RESTful web application intended to be a centerpiece for its various client apps. Those client-apps can operate on the same assets in the main system (e.g. client-app A creates assets in main system, and client-app B fetches them from the system). We've rolled out the /v1/ API version and develop new features in /v2/. The requirement is to release v2, while still supporting backwards compatibility for v1 for some period of time, until all client-apps are ported to v2. The idea behind this requirement is that client-apps potentially written against different API versions should still be able to cooperate on the same assets.
Currently, we cover both API versions within a single instance of the system. While for some minor changes in HTTP API, it usually suffices to provide a new controller (sth like a bridge pattern), for slightly bigger changes it seems best to write a new controller & service layer (and hopefully both versions will "meet" at some level, reusing a common set of functionalities).
However, there are much broader changes to come. What's more, the main system is not just a dumb CRUD, it's rather a complex multi-component network, integrated with a handful of external services, involving some async jobs' processing, etc. Certainly it's all but a convenient place for keeping backward compatibility behavior-wise.
Are there any best practises to keep backwards compatibility of API & behavior behind it, while not turning the code into a mess?
We do care about the quality of code, and hate polluting it with copy-paste-adjust classes and maintaining duplicate/parallel feature implementations. And yes, we have already divided the java packages for v1 and v2.
Also, we'd like to avoid the situation where the old version's code ties our hands and keeps us from redesigning the new version's architecture, just for the sake of simplicity of keeping this back compatibility.

services based architecture should not necessarily imply distribution?

In my workplace (and a lot of other areas), there is a lot of emphasis on building architecture around services. (I am working in an e-commerce startup). However, I think services are implicitly considered as distributed. I am a believer of the first law of distribution - "don't distribute". So, I believe that we should not un-necessarily complicate architecture. It should be an architecture which can evolve. So, one of the ways to approach the problem would be to create well defined namespaces and build code around it, but keep the communication via java api. (this keeps monitoring requirement low, and reliability/availability problems low). This can easily be evolved into a distributed architecture by wrapping modules into web service, as and when, the scale requirements kick-in. So, the question is - what are the cons of writing code as a single application and evolving into distributed services, rather than straight jumping into implementing web services based architecture? Am I right in assuming that services should imply the basic principles of design (abstraction, encapsulation etc), rather than distribution over network?
Distribution requires modularity. However, it requires more than just modularity: it also requires coarse-grained interaction between the modules.
For example, in a single-process ecommerce system, you might have separate modules for managing the user's shopping cart and calculating prices. They might interact by the cart asking the calculator to price an item, then another item, etc. That would be perfectly fine.
However, in a distributed system, that would require a torrent of small method calls, which is inefficient; you might get away with it if you used CORBA for distribution, but with SOAP, you'd be in trouble. Rather, you would want to have the cart ask the calculator to price the whole order in one go. That might be worse from a separation of concerns point of view (why should the calculator have to know about the idea of carts?), but it would be required to make the system perform adequately.
Related to granularity, there's also the problem of modules interacting via interfaces or implementations. With a single process, you can define a set of interfaces through which modules will interact; modules can pass each other objects implementing those interfaces without having to tell each other about the implementations (eg a scheduler module could be passed anything implementing interface Job { void run(); }). Across a network, the requirement for coarse grain means that any objects passed must be passed by value (because passing by reference would entail fine-grained calls back to the passing module - unless you were using mobile code, which you aren't, because nobody is), which means that both modules must know about and agree on the implementations of the objects.
So, while building a single-process system in a modular way makes it easier to implement SOA later, it doesn't make it as simple as wrapping each module in a SOAP interface. At least, not unless you build your system in a coarse-grained manner from the start, which means throwing away a number of sound and helpful good software engineering practices.

Port monolithic server application to web services gotchas

Has anyone done a port from a monolithic server application to a service and what are the hidden ‘gotchas’ I need to be aware of to accurately estimate the cost of this?
We have an existing single threaded monolithic server application written in Java. It performs fine as it sits, but we want to start extending it. Extending it would mean many more people would use it and the server would not be able to handle the extra load. There was a significant development investment in this code base, and the code base is large. The cost of multithreading the server would be crazy.
I had a harebrained idea about breaking it up into logical service components, removing them from the application and hosting them on Axis2 or Tomcat, and pushing them into a SOA cloud.
I have written many services for Axis2, worked plenty with SOA clouds, and written multiple monolithic servers and it seems straight forward. Eliminate as much shared state as possible – then push that to a DB of some kind, pull out logical services from the monolithic app, repeat until done.
But I have a bad feeling that the devil is in the details and I am certain I am not the first person to have an idea like this.
My experience in these types of system/architecture migrations, the time-sinks and killers tend to be:
Identifying all use-cases and functional requirements. Roughly 50% will not be documented. Out of the 50% that are, 50% will be incorrect. Out of the 50% that are both document and correct, 50% will not be valid anymore.
Ensuring backwards compatibility. Just because you are moving to a new architecture generally doesn't mean that all clients will move with you at the same time.
Migrating existing data into new structure/model/architecture. This always takes a lot longer than you think. Take the worst case scenario you can imagine in terms of time/cost, double it and you'll still be short by about half.
Access control model.
Documenting your services in a clear and useful way. Your shiny new SOA architecture won't be worth squat if no one can use it.
Performance testing. It's mind boggling how often this is skipped or done at the very end of the project. Establish performance scenarios, testing infrastructure and baseline values first thing and then continually test and measure against them. This should be to an architect what unit testing is to a developer.
These are the things that make projects fail, go over budget and over time if you don't address them early in the project.

Practical SOA for a newbie

I am a total newbie to the world of SOA. As such, I am looking at some "SOA frameworks/technologies", and trying to understand how to utilize them to build a highly scalable (Facebook class) website.
There are several "pains" I am trying to solve here:
Composability (+ managing dependencies, Pub/Sub)
Language-independence of services
Scalability & Performance
High availability
I looked into some technologies that answer a subset of the above criteria:
Thrift - Facebook's cross-platform RPC platform
WCF - supports SOAP, JSON & REST, so it can be considered language-interoperable. Generates WSDL files that can be use to generate java proxies.
Microsoft DSS - just inclued it in my survey, but it doesn't seem relevant as it is highly state-driven and .NET specific.
Web Services
Now, I understand how I get some aspects of composability and language-independence out of the above. But, I haven't found much concrete information (not buzz) about how to use the above / other tools for scalability and high availability. So finally I get to my question:
How does one leverage SOA technologies to solve the pains I defined above? Where can I find technical guides for that? I am looking for more than just system diagrams, but rather actual libraries, code samples, APIS...
I think the question has more to do with the concepts involved than the tools. Answers to the items:
Understand and internalize bounded context. Keeping unrelated pieces separate its important to get real reuse on different services. Related technologies won't help you on this, its you that separate the app in appropriate contexts, which you can appropriately reuse for different services.
Clear endpoint for communication based on known protocols allows implementing different pieces with different technologies
Having the operations flow like independent actions based on different protocols, gives you a lot of places where you can add tiers. Is a particular sub-process of the overall process using lots of resources and the server can't take it anymore, just move to a separate server. Load kept growing, and that server isn't taking it anymore, add an additional server and load balance. You also have more opportunity to use caching and connection pooling.
Have a critical sub-process that needs to be available all the time, add a server so you can have a fail over. Have an overall process that needs to be "available" all the time, use queues for pieces that can be processed later.
Do you really need to support that type of load? Set appropriate performance/load/interoperability targets that relate to the specific scenario. If you really need to support that type of load, I recommend you get someone on board who has dealt with it.
If it is something for a load that might eventually be, identify the bounded contexts and design the interaction between those with a SOA mindset. Keeping the code clean is all you have to do for the rest, use TDD, loose coupling, focused integration tests, etc in your code base. With good code, if you later need to separate pieces of the system, it will be a lot easier.
There are interesting and relevant things said about services and architecture by Amazon's CTO - Werner Vogels:
An interview about the Amazon technology platform
A post on his blog - "Eventually Consistent - Revisited"
A 50 min presentation about Availability & Consistency has a bunch of great downloads for WCF.
Worth a look at: ?
Check out the Mule project which bundles the CXF services stack and also the Mule REST pack which provides RESTful alternatives. I think you'll see it addresses all of your pains and there are lots of examples in the documentation as well as the distribution.
May I recommend the book: Enterprise Service Oriented Architectures published by Springer Verlag.
All of the advice here is well and good, but don't worry about it until you really need to.
Focus on building a usable, functional application that people really like. When you start running into problems, then start handling bottlenecks.
You will never be able to foresee every way an application will fail, so how can you tell if [[insert tech here]] is your answer?