Continuous Integration: PowerShell vs. CI Server (CC.NET or Hudson) - unit-testing

So, a friend and I have been discussing continuous integration and bat/powershell scripts versus CI servers like CruiseControl.Net or Hudson.
The following powershell pseudo script works to update from SVN, build using msbuild, deploy/copy out, update a build/revision number in the app, and emails on failed builds. The next step would be to add calls to MSTest and email results when not successful.
svn update
msbuild > build_deploy_development_out_msbuild
([xml](svn info --xml)).info.entry.commit.revision + [char]13 + [char]10 + (echo %date% %time%) > build_revision_number.html
$linenumber = Select-String build_deploy_development_out_msbuild -pattern "Build Failed" | Select-Object Linenumber
$smtp = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SMTPClient -ArgumentList localhost | if($linenumber > 0) $smtp.Send("From:Email","To:Email", "build failed", "build failed... some one must die!")
This has lead me to the question of the value of CI servers, when you can write your own shell scripts to accomplish the same goal, using the specific tools of the project (build tool, source control, unit testing) (i.e. msbuild, nant, svn, git, nunit, mstest, etc.)
I have not experienced the maintenance cost as of yet. I wanted to get others opinions on the roll your own shell script versus a CruiseControl.Net or Hudson. Please note, I do not have experience with CI servers, thus the question, so please don't take this as being critical of CI servers; I simply don't know the best answer, and thought I would ask the community.
Best wishes!
Pete Gordon

CI Servers give you several advantages:
Web access, usually with ability to integrate with existing authentication mechanisms (see Hudson's ActiveDirectory/LDAP support)
Tons of existing support for unit testing, zip archive creationg, etc.
Hudson (and others) supports slave build nodes, for doing distributed CI tasks.
No need to maintain it yourself.
Some of these may not be things you need now but are you sure they aren't things you might need in the future?

I've installed Hudson a couple of weeks ago to replace the current CruiseControl server. The greatest advantage I see in Hudson is that pretty much anybody can use it, while launching a parametrized build with CruiseControl (or a batch file) is still scary for a lot of people.
Usually I tend to write all my build scripts with Ant (because it's portable), insert a couple of parameters and I invoke them from Hudson.
Hudson gives your scripts a great visibility (everything can be seen on the front page) and they are self explanatory. Usually with a bash script, you need to write a readme (that nobody reads) and remember where they are located.

... or have it both. Ayende (the creator of Rhino Mocks) has done that recently. He wrote a CI server using PowerShell. Perhaps this provides new insights for your discussion.

For a year I've tried to maintain custom-written python scripts to do basic CI stuff: recieving notifications of commits via e-mail, checking out and building stuff, sending back blames and congrats, then when it came to publishing this for use by everyone else in my team, it turned out raaaather unusable without monitoring, web-access, etc, etc.
Then I've dived into buildbot and found it truly beautiful. I've set up basically the same process in a couple of days. Build script is a true python object, that is customizeable at the master, from where it gets transferred to slaves and executed there. Built upon twisted framework, that is lots of stuff out-of-the-box ;)
Web UI is minimalistic, though sufficient.
Well, this is unpublished too, though I'm close to it this time %)

Below are my thoughts on CI Server over a Powershell scripts
Highly Configurable Plugins are available for all different kinds of version control, notifications and testing.
Logs These are maintained wonderfully. Failure and succesful build logs are at your finger tip.
Scheduling You can set all kinds of scheduling including triggerring based on other succesful build
Security You can set different groups to be able to execute, view only or set to see some projects
Visibility You can use a web dashboard or cctray for different audiences.
Scalability. Easy to scale when needed.
Bottom line if you have to maintain lots of builds for different environment and team projects then CI Server is the way to go. Other than that a simple PowerShell Script is enough for small projects. Once the project grows you can just hook up the existing PowerShell Script to a CI Server.


Coldfusion continuous Integration

let me begin by saying I 'm a coldfusion newbie.
I 'm trying to research if its possible to do the following and what would be the best approach to achieve it.
Whenever a developer checks in code into SVN, I would like to do a get all the new changes/files and do an auto build to check if the code can be deployed successfully to production server. I guess there are two parts to it, one syntax checking and second integration test(if functionality is working as expected). For the later part some unit test tools would have to be used.
Can someone comment on their experience doing something similar for coldfusion.
Sorry for being a bit vague...I know its a very open-ended question but any feedback would be appreciated.
There's a project called "Cloudy With A Chance of Tests" that purports to do what you require. In particular it brings together a number of other CFML code analysis projects (VarScope & QueryParam) to check code, as well as unit testing. I am not currently using it myself but did have a look at it some time ago (more than 12 months) and it appeared to be quite good.
Personally I run MXUnit tests in Jenkins using the instructions from the MXUnit site - available here:
Essentially this is set up as an ant task in Jenkins, which executes the MXUnit tests and reports back the results.
We're not doing fully continuos integration, but we have a process which automates some of the drudgery of our builds:
replace the site's|c) with one that tells users that the app is being deployed (we had QA staff raising defects that were due to re-deployments)
read a database manifest XML which lists all SQL scripts which make up the current release. We concatenate the scripts into a single upgrade script, suitable for shipping
execute the SQL script against the server's DB, noting any errors. The concatenation process also adds a line of SQL after each imported script that white to a runlog table, so we can see what ran, how long it took and which build it was associated with. If you're looking to replicate this step, take a look at Liquibase
deploy the latest code
make an http call to a ?reset=true type URL to tell the app to re-initialize
execute any tests
The build is requested manually through the build servers we have, but you click a button, make tea and it's done.
We've just extended the above to cope with multiple servers in a cluster and it ticks along nicely. I think the above suggestion of using the Jenkins SVN plugin to automate the process sounds like the way to go.

Cruise control with C++

Is it possible to use the CruiseControl tool with a C++ (Mingw) project on Windows? I need to be able to download the latest sources from XVN, build them, send reports by mail. The application is using http server (lightpd) for work.
So main question is have to use it for email notifications?
Problem is I dont see any destination field in email tag.
I am interested in sending email notifications after build which executes in batch file.
E. g. in my config file I call batch file which executes build, after that I need to send email notification, how can I do it ?
Of course it is possible. There is a Java for Windows, a command line SVN clients, you can invoke gmake or any other build system you are using along with Cygwin, there is even a support for a Visual Studio projects if you need it. There are a lot of people using Cruise Control for C++ projects, thus a lot of documentation, tutorials and examples available online.
Perhaps not exactly what you're asking for, but is there anything preventing you from using Jenkins? People I've talked to that maintains the continuous integration for a living that have used both Jenkins as well as cruise control prefers Jenkins. Of course the bonus with Jenkins is that it's free.
If you can create a script that checks out and builds your project from the command line (in Cygwin's bash, for example), then you can certainly integrate the build into cruise control or Jenkins.
I don't know much about cruise control, but we use Jenkins a lot, and even though it has bugs that need to be worked around overall we find it extremely useful for CI and nightly build jobs.
Regarding the email aspect, Jenkins can be configured to watch the SVN log and when a build fails it can send an email to the people that committed changes since the last successful build. This functionality can be enabled with minimal configuration. There are add-ons that allow you to configure the content of the emails as well.

Adopting Bamboo or TeamCity as native Windows C++ build automation/CI server?

At the moment, we are running our automated (not CI as such) builds via FinalBuilder via a very simple homegrown Apache interface that just launches the FB scripts on our server. (I like FinalBuilder, and will keep it, but it's CI server, FinalBuilder Server just doesn't cut it IMHO -- especially it doesn't support any "agent" concept at the moment to distribute builds across machines.)
We are doing native C++ development on Windows with a bit .NET mixed in where it's needed and makes sense.
Our current FinalBuilder scripts do everything quite well, from creating nightly builds to full releases (build / automated translation / build / unit test / create setup / put created artifacts on a network share / ...), but our webinterface, queuing abilities, user traceability and reporting is pretty limited.
I have looked around and it seems that TeamCity and Bamboo tick similar boxes, but most descriptions I can find cover only Java and/or .NET simple builds.
So my specific question is, given
several (20-30) complicated FinalBuilder Scripts that work to my satisfaction and that I will have to integrate into ("call" from) the new automation/"CI" server
Native Windows C++ and .NET projects
The actual build (= compiler invocation(s)) is done via a few Visual Studio solution files at the moment
Currently one build server machine, wishing to scale to 2-3 atm.
Using JIRA as issue tracker
using AccuRev as SCM
which tool is better suited, and why: TeamCity (currently 6.5) or Bamboo (currently 3.1).
(Note that I also hope to get some highly subjective answers on the TeamCity and Bamboo forums.)
For TeamCity side, it integrates with Jira, has AccuRev plugin, and has a good support for VisualStudio/C++ projects. It can also run arbitrary scripts.
You can trigger a build and obtain some build results via HTTP-based API. In the UI, you can see which changes have been built and in which build configurations. Easily integrate any custom HTML reports into TeamCity UI (no coding), publish artifacts.
Probably, you should try both solutions and see which one is more suitable for you (with Teamcity, you can use full-functional server for free, the only limit is number of build agents and number of build configurations).
Disclaimer: I'm a TeamCity developer
I found Bamboo more credible than TeamCity. Here are my reasons:
Those Jira plugins for VS or Eclipse are Bamboo plug-ins too. :) no extra add-ins needed.
Better support for Jira integration.
Nice user interface, like the one you used for Jira.
Ability to better integration with other Atlassian tools, such as FishEye.
Cheaper. A 10$ license will suffice your company.
More add-ons on Bamboo than TeamCity, lots of plug-ins.
For completeness' sake: I ended up using Jenkins + Finalbuilder. :-)
I worked in a similar environment using FinalBuilder for build automation, AccuRev for source control and a native windows projects.
I ended up selecting Electric Commander as the best CI solution for the job. It is possible to reuse parts of the FinalBuilder scripts and call them from Electric Commander but simply calling the FB script as one build step would result in you missing out on some of the key advantages of using Electric Commander - realtime log file processing, the ability to parallelize right down to individual step levels in Electric Commander and data collection and reporting.
Electric Commander has an API that exposes all product functionality which can be used in combination with AccuRev triggers to achieve a very flexible solution.
Disclaimer - I liked Electric Commander so much I joined the company and am currently employed by Electric Cloud.
You can try Electric Commander by going to and clicking on "Try It!"

Is there an ideal way to move from Staging to Production for Coldfusion code?

I am trying to work out a good way to run a staging server and a production server for hosting multiple Coldfusion sites. Each site is essentially a fork of a repo, with site specific changes made to each. I am looking for a good way to have this staging server move code (upon QA approval) to the production server.
One fanciful idea involved compiling the sites each into EAR files to be run on the production server, but I cannot seem to wrap my head around Coldfusion archives, plus I cannot see any good way of automating this, especially the deployment part.
What I have done successfully before is use subversion as a go between for a site, where once a site is QA'd the code is committed and then the production server's working directory would have an SVN update run, which would then trigger a code copy from the working directory to the actual live code. This worked fine, but has many moving parts, and still required some form of server access to each server to run the commits and updates. Plus this worked for an individual site, I think it may be a nightmare to setup and maintain this architecture for multiple sites.
Ideally I would want a group of developers to have FTP access with the ability to log into some control panel to mark a site for QA, and then have a QA person check the site and mark it as stable/production worthy, and then have someone see that a site is pending and click a button to deploy the updated site. (Any of those roles could be filled by the same person mind you)
Sorry if that last part wasn't so much the question, just a framework to understand my current thought process.
Agree with #Nathan Strutz that Ant is a good tool for this purpose. Some more thoughts.
You want a repeatable build process that minimizes opportunities for deltas. With that in mind:
SVN export a build.
Tag the build in SVN.
Turn that export into a .zip, something with an installer, etc... idea being one unit to validate with a set of repeatable deployment steps.
Send the build to QA.
If QA approves deploy that build into production
Move whole code bases over as a build, rather than just changed files. This way you know what's put into place in production is the same thing that was validated. Refactor code so that configuration data is not overwritten by a new build.
As for actual production deployment, I have not come across a tool to solve the multiple servers, different code bases challenge. So I think you're best served rolling your own.
As an aside, in your situation I would think through an approach that allows for a standardized codebase, with a mechanism (i.e. an API) that allows for the customization you're describing. Otherwise managing each site as a "custom" project is very painful.
Learning Ant: Ant in Action [book].
On Source Control: for the situation you describe, I would maintain a core code base and overlays per site. Export core, then site specific over it. This ensures any core updates that site specific changes don't override make it in.
Call this combination a "build". Do builds with Ant. Maintain an Ant script - or perhaps more flexibly an ant configuration file - per core & site combination. Track version number of core and site as part of a given build.
If your software is stuffed inside an installer (Nullsoft Install Shield for instance) that should be part of the build. Otherwise you should generate a .zip file (.ear is a possibility as well, but haven't seen anyone actually do this with CF). Point being one file that encompasses the whole build.
This build file is what QA should validate. So validation includes deployment, configuration and functionality testing. See my answer for deployment on how this can flow.
If you want to automate deployment QA should be involved as well to validate it. Meaning QA would deploy / install builds using the same process on their servers before doing a staing to production deployment.
To do this I would create something that tracks what server receives what build file and whatever credentials and connection information is necessary to make that happen. Most likely via FTP. Once transferred, the tool would then extract the build file / run the installer. This last piece is an area I would have to research as to how it's possible to let one server run commands such as extraction or installation remotely.
You should look into Ant as a migration tool. It allows you to package your build process with a simple XML file that you can run from the command line or from within Eclipse. Creating an automated build process is great because it documents the process as well as executes it the same way, every time.
Ant can handle zipping and unzipping, copying around, making backups if needed, working with your subversion repository, transferring via FTP, compressing javascript and even calling a web address if you need to do something like flush the application memory or server cache once it's installed. You may be surprised with the things you can do with Ant.
To get started, I would recommend the Ant manual as your main resource, but look into existing Ant builds as a good starting point to get you going. I have one on RIAForge for example that does some interesting stuff and calls a groovy script to do some more processing on my files during the build. If you search riaforge for build.xml files, you will come up with a great variety of them, many of which are directly for ColdFusion projects.

Are daily builds the way to go for a web app?

Joel seems to think highly of daily builds. For a traditional compiled application I can certainly see his justification, but how does this parallel over to web development -- or does it not?
A bit about the project I'm asking for --
There are 2 developers working on a Django (Python) web app. We have 1 svn repository. Each developer maintains a checkout and thier own copy of MySQL running locally (if you're unfamiliar with Django, it comes bundled with it's own test server, much the way ASP apps can run inside of Visual Studio). Development and testing are done locally, then committed back to the repository. The actual working copy of the website is an SVN checkout (I know about SVN export and it takes too long). The closest we have to a 'build' is a batch file that runs an SVN update on the working copy, does the django bits (' syncdb'), updates the search engine cache (solr), then restarts apache.
I guess what I don't see is the parallel to web apps.
Are you doing a source controlled web app with 'nightly builds' -- if so, what does that look like?
You can easily run all of your Django unit tests through the Django testing framework as your nightly build.
That's what we do.
We also have some ordinary unit tests that don't leverage Django features, and we run those, also.
Even though Python (and Django) don't require the kind of nightly compile/link/unit test that compiled languages do, you still benefit from the daily discipline of "Don't Break The Build". And a daily cycle of unit testing everything you own is a good thing.
We're in the throes of looking at Python 2.6 (which works perfectly for us) and running our unit tests with the -3 option to see which deprecated features we're using. Having a full suite of unit tests assures us that a change for Python 3 compatibility won't break the build. And running them nightly means that we have to be sure we're refactoring correctly.
Continuous integration is useful if you have the right processes around it. TeamCity from JetBrains is a great starting point if you want to build familiarity:
There's a great article that relates directly to Django here:
Hope this gets you started.
Web applications built in dynamic languages may not require a "compilation" step, but there can still be a number of "build" steps involved in getting the app to run. Your build scripts might install or upgrade dependencies, perform database migrations, and then run the test suite to insure that the code is "clean" w.r.t. the actual checked-in version in the repository. Or, you might deploy a copy of the code to a test server, then run a set of Selenium integration tests against the new version to insure that core site functionality still works.
It may help to do some reading on the topic of Continuous Integration, which is a very useful practice for webapp dev teams. The more fast-paced and agile your development process, the more you need regular input from automated testing and quality metrics to make sure you fail fast and loud on any broken version of the code.
If it's really just you and one other developer working on it, nightly builds are probably not going to give you much.
I would say that the web app equivalent of nightly builds would be staging sites (which can be built nightly).
Where nightly builds to a staging area start paying real dividends is when you have clients, project managers, and QA people that need to be able to see an up to date, but relatively stable version of the app. Your developer sandboxes (if you're like me, at least) probably spend a lot of time in an unusable state as you're breaking things trying to get the next feature implemented. So the typical problem is that a QA person wants to verify that a bug is fixed, or a PM wants to check that some planned feature was implemented correctly, or a client wants to see that you've made progress on the issue that they care about. If they only have access to developer sandboxes, there's a good chance that when they get around to looking at it, either the sandbox version isn't running (since it means ./ runserver is up in a terminal somewhere) or it's in a broken state because of something else. That really slows down the whole team and wastes a lot of time.
It sounds like you don't have a staging setup since you just automatically update the production version. That could be fine if you're way more careful and disciplined than I (and I think most developers) am and never commit anything that isn't totally bulletproof. Personally, I'd rather make sure that my work has made it through at least some cursory QA by someone other than me before it hits production.
So, in conclusion, the setup where I work:
each developer runs their own sandbox locally (same as you do it)
there's a "common" staging sandbox on a dev server that gets updated nightly from a cronjob. PMs, clients, and QA go there. They are never given direct access to developer sandboxes.
There's an automated (though manually initiated) deployment to production. A developer or the PM can "push" to production when we feel things have been sufficiently QA'd and are stable and safe.
I'd say the only downside (besides a bit of extra overhead setting up the nightly staging builds) is that it makes for a day of turnaround on bug verification. ie, QA reports a bug in the software (based on looking at that day's nightly build), developer fixes bug and commits, then QA must wait until the next day's build to check that the bug is actually fixed. It's usually not that much of a problem since everyone has enough stuff going on that it doesn't affect the schedule. When a milestone is approaching though and we're in a feature-frozen, bugfix only mode, we'll do more frequent manual updates of the staging site.
I've had great success using Hudson for continuous integration. Details on using Hudson with Python by Redsolo.
A few months ago, several articles espousing continuous deployment caused quite a stir online. IMVU has details on how they deploy up to 5 times a day.
The whole idea behind frequent builds (nightly or more frequent like in continuous integration) is to get immediate feedback in order to reduce the elapsed time between the introduction of a problem and its detection. So, building frequently is useful only if you are able to generate some feedback through compilation, (ideally automated) testing, quality checks, etc. Without feedback, there is no real point.