What does it mean "to write a web service"? - web-services

I just asked a question about whether it was possible to write a web-page-checking code and run it from free web server, and one supporter answered and said that it was possible only if I run "a web service" as simple script won't do that. He also suggested that I used Google App Engine service. I wonder what does it mean to write a "web service" and how is it different from writing a script?

A web service essentially provides the capability of RPC (Remote Procedure Calling) on top of the protocol of the web (HTTP). A URL implements an API which accepts a set of function arguments and returns a value. Different approaches are used to implement this RPC mechanism on top of HTTP protocol. XML-RPC defines a simple mechanism to specify the arguments and response using XML. SOAP is a much advanced version of XML-RPC. JSON-RPC lets you specify the procedure arguments and return values using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).
Several programming languages come with built-in support for developing and working with web services. For example in Python, xmlrpclib provides the client side functionality of XML-RPC protocol. The XmlRpcServer library in Python makes it very easy to develop an XML-RPC based web server. Web services are interoperable in the sense that the client and server can be easily implemented in different programming languages and they don't need to worry about the details of each other.
Web services are different from other RPC mechanisms like COM/CORBA/JAVA's RMI. These RPC mechanism use binary data for exchange of arguments and results. The web services uses text oriented protocols like XML/JSON to implement the RPC protocol. Hence they are heavier from the perspective of communication overhead. They are still very good for development of loosely coupled systems. One big advantage they have is the fact that they are not tied to a specific programming language.

By "web service" one normally refers to a service available through HTTP protocol. The protocol sitting on top of HTTP can vary (XML, SOAP, JSON etc.).
But of course one can "complicate" the definition at will :-)

This is example of web service: http://www.webservicex.net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx?op=ConversionRate
When you scroll down you will see you can supply two parameters and get result back. Webservices can support different methods of communication. You can communicate with it using XML, SOAP, or HTTP GET/POST.
So web-service is a special type of script which main function is to expose method to public use (you can set access permissions a well), perform calculations on server-side and return output.


Difference between rest webservices and traditional request response

I am a bit confused about the difference between the two.
What I have been making till now is just deploying a web application that gets invoked by a URL and returns a response(json/XML) .
what I have read about rest web services
Its a way to communicate with web applications and to reveal your methods to the world.
Question 1
But in my case I did the same revealing the URL .
Platform independent
The rest features say that its Language-independent (C# can talk to Java)
Question 2
But in traditional approach also any language can invoke any web service by simple request (get/post) which ever implemented.
Question 3
What is rest and how to get started with it (specifically in terms of django) if possible.?
You are doing REST.
REST is not a library, or a format, it's simply a technique. What you call the "traditional approach" is exactly what REST is: simple requests via GET and POST (as well as PUT and DELETE) to an endpoint that returns JSON or XML.
That is in contrast to the previously-dominant way of making API requests, ie SOAP, which requires all sorts of up-front configuration of WSDL files and service discovery, along with particularly specified request formats.

What is the difference between a Web-Service and a Application-Service

This might be a silly question on this site, but I want to learn more about it.
Being in the Software Engineering field, I have come to know that it's useful to get acquainted with Web-Services. I am trying to understand it. To do so, I must know the difference between a Web-Service and a Application-Service in simple terms.
I have heard about SOAP & REST Services.
For a newbie like me, its overwhelming to understand these concepts when I search them in Google.
How to understand these things better and in what order?
I think it's a great and simple question which usually confuses most of developers. What is Application Service and what is web Service?
Web service is a common term which you can find easily on the internet. Although some time they cross each others boundaries but here is a simplest explanation I can think of:
Application service or Application Layer is an abstraction layer reserved for communications protocols and methods designed for process-to-process communications. Application layer protocols use the underlying transport layer protocols to establish host-to-host connections.
Some time you can also use Application Service to define method calls within your application.
WebService: Any application or method which can be accessed by web is a Webservice. You can also say: anything available on the web is WebService.
There are three common web service architectures:
RESTful resource-oriented,
RPC-style e.g. SOAP
REST-RPC hybrid. 90% of the web sites use this unknowingly e.g. http://mysite.com/get/pictures?tag=birthday :)

Compare and contrast REST and SOAP web services? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Representational state transfer (REST) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
(14 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I currently figure out the similar is both using internet protocol (HTTP) to exchange data between consumer and provider.
The difference is:
SOAP is a XML-based message protocol, while REST is an architectural style
SOAP uses WSDL for communication between consumer and provider, whereas REST just uses XML or JSON to send and receive data
SOAP invokes services by calling RPC method, REST just simply calls services via URL path
SOAP doesn't return human readable result, whilst REST result is readable with is just plain XML or JSON
SOAP is not just over HTTP, it also uses other protocols such as SMTP, FTP, etc, REST is over only HTTP
That's everything I know as the differences between them. Could anyone correct me and add more.
SOAP uses WSDL for communication btw consumer and provider, whereas
REST just uses XML or JSON to send and receive data
WSDL defines contract between client and service and is static by its nature. In case of REST contract is somewhat complicated and is defined by HTTP, URI, Media Formats and Application Specific Coordination Protocol. It's highly dynamic unlike WSDL.
SOAP doesn't return human readable result, whilst REST result is readable with is just plain XML or JSON
This is not true. Plain XML or JSON are not RESTful at all. None of them define any controls(i.e. links and link relations, method information, encoding information etc...) which is against REST as far as messages must be self contained and coordinate interaction between agent/client and service.
With links + semantic link relations clients should be able to determine what is next interaction step and follow these links and continue communication with service.
It is not necessary that messages be human readable, it's possible to use cryptic format and build perfectly valid REST applications. It doesn't matter whether message is human readable or not.
Thus, plain XML(application/xml) or JSON(application/json) are not sufficient formats for building REST applications. It's always reasonable to use subset of these generic media types which have strong semantic meaning and offer enough control information(links etc...) to coordinate interactions between client and server.
For more details regarding control information I highly recommend to
read this: http://www.amundsen.com/hypermedia/hfactor/
Web Linking: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5988
Registered link relations:
REST is over only HTTP
Not true, HTTP is most widely used and when we talk about REST web services we just assume HTTP. HTTP defines interface with it's methods(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH etc) and various headers which can be used uniformly for interacting with resources. This uniformity can be achieved with other protocols as well.
Very simple, yet very interesting explanation of REST: http://www.looah.com/source/view/2284
In day to day, practical programming terms, the biggest difference is in the fact that with SOAP you are working with static and strongly defined data exchange formats where as with REST and JSON data exchange formatting is very loose by comparison. For example with SOAP you can validate that exchanged data matches an XSD schema. The XSD therefore serves as a 'contract' on how the client and the server are to understand how the data being exchanged must be structured.
JSON data is typically not passed around according to a strongly defined format (unless you're using a framework that supports it .. e.g. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj870778.aspx or implementing json-schema).
In-fact, some (many/most) would argue that the "dynamic" secret sauce of JSON goes against the philosophy/culture of constraining it by data contracts (Should JSON RESTful web services use data contract)
People used to working in dynamic loosely typed languages tend to feel more comfortable with the looseness of JSON while developers from strongly typed languages prefer XML.
SOAP brings it’s own protocol and focuses on exposing pieces of application logic (not data) as services. SOAP exposes operations. SOAP is focused on accessing named operations, each implement some business logic through different interfaces.
Though SOAP is commonly referred to as “web services” this is a misnomer. SOAP has very little if anything to do with the Web. REST provides true “Web services” based on URIs and HTTP.
By way of illustration here are few calls and their appropriate home with commentary.
This is a rest operation as you are accessing a resource (data).
switchCategory(User, OldCategory, NewCategory)
REST permits many different data formats where as SOAP only permits XML. While this may seem like it adds complexity to REST because you need to handle multiple formats, in my experience it has actually been quite beneficial. JSON usually is a better fit for data and parses much faster. REST allows better support for browser clients due to it’s support for JSON.

What is Web services in simple terms

I am little bit confused about what really a web service is. You say Amazone web services,etc like that, they offer information. So what is the requirement to be a web url to be a web service ? Let's say I am not much familiar with web development, how could you explain it to me ? But I can get it if you point some ways.
And also little about SOAP and REST basically for someone really new
What is a web service
It is many things. In programming, in generally refers to a web page, that can be called from an application (be it another web page, or desktop app), and the caller will pass in data to it, or receive data from it.
In this sense, it's basically like a 'method' or 'function' in a normal programming language; except you're calling it over the internet.
A message format. As discussed above, a web service is a basically a 'method' or 'function'. SOAP is the 'instructions' and 'data' to this method. It will outline data types, and possibly a bunch of data as well. It is an XML format.
REST is the means of implementing an interface to your application but, implementing access control, and other such things, specifically with HTTP Response codes. So you will get a 401: Denied (I think that's the right code), if you don't have access. There are other types of response codes that are useful. It also makes use of other HTTP commands like PUT/HEAD/OPTIONS.
The W3C defines a Web Service as (quoting) :
A Web service is a software system
designed to support interoperable
machine-to-machine interaction over a
network. It has an interface described
in a machine-processable format
(specifically WSDL). Other systems
interact with the Web service in a
manner prescribed by its description
using SOAP-messages, typically
conveyed using HTTP with an XML
serialization in conjunction with
other Web-related standards.
That definition is maybe a bit too restrictive, considering how that term is used nowadays -- I'd probably go with just the first part of that definition, which is quite generalist :
A Web service is a software system
designed to support interoperable
machine-to-machine interaction over a
Wikipedia also has some interesting definitions, like :
In common usage the term refers to
clients and servers that communicate
over the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) protocol used on the Web.
From what I've seen :
A couple of years ago, when we said "web service", we generally meant "SOAP, WSDL, ..."
Now, when we say "web service", we often mean "whatever allows to call something on another server, be it SOAP, REST, ..."
A Web-Service can be considered as a set of methods that enables communication amongst applications irrespective of the application's coding language or framework.
Think of Web services as remote APIs (since they are basically just that). You have a method that you want to implement. Let's suppose the method wasn't built by you and resides somewhere else in the world on equipment that you have no control over—how can you go about providing that remote method what it needs in order to get instantiated?
When you find a Web service that you want to include in your application, you must first figure out how to supply the Web service with the parameters it needs in order for it to work. That need also extends a bit further. Even if you know the parameters and types that are required for instantiation, you also need to understand the types that are passed to your application in return. Without these pieces of information, using Web services would prove rather difficult.
Just as there are standard ways to represent data as well as standard ways to move this data over the Internet using Web services, there is a standard way to get a description of the Web service you are interested in consuming. Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is a specification of XML that describes the Web services you are interested in consuming. It's just an interface to describe a web service.

Document or RPC based web services

My gut feel is that document based web services are preferred in practice - is this other peoples experience? Are they easier to support? (I noted that SharePoint uses Any for the "document type" in its WSDL interface, I guess that makes it Document based).
Also - are people offering both WSDL and Rest type services now for the same functionality? WSDL is popular for code generation, but for front ends like PHP and Rails they seem to prefer rest.
Document versus RPC is only a question if you are using SOAP Web Services which require a service description (WSDL). RESTful web services do not not use WSDL because the service can't be described by it, and the feeling is that REST is simpler and easier to understand. Some people have proposed WADL as a way to describe REST services.
Languages like Python, Ruby and PHP make it easier to work with REST. the WSDL is used to generate C# code (a web service proxy) that can be easily called from a static language. This happens when you add a Service Reference or Web Reference in Visual Studio.
Whether you provide SOAP or REST services depends on your user population. Whether the services are to be used over the internet or just inside your organization affects your choice. SOAP may have some features (WS-* standards) that work well for B2B or internal use, but suck for an internet service.
Document/literal versus RPC for SOAP services are described on this IBM DevelopWorks article. Document/literal is generally considered the best to use in terms of interoperability (Java to .NET etc). As to whether it is easier to support, that depends on your circumstances. My personal view is that people tend to make this stuff more complicated than it needs to be, and REST's simpler approach is superior.
As mentioned it is better to choose the Document Literal over RPC encoded whenever possible.
It is true that the old java libraries (Axis1, Glue and other prehistoric stuff) support only RPC encoded, however in today's most modern Java SOAP libs just does not support it (e.x. AXIS2, XFire, CXF).
Therefore try to expose RPC encoded service only if you know that you need to deal with a consumer that can not do better. But then again maybe just XML RPC could help for these legacy implementations.
BiranLy's answer is excellent. I would just like to add that document-vs-RPC can come down to implementation issues as well. We have found Microsoft to be Document-preferring, while our Java-based libraries were RPC-based. Whatever you choose, make sure you know what other potential clients will assume as well.