C++ Data Structure for storing 3 dimensions of floats - c++

I've implemented a 3D strange attractor explorer which gives float XYZ outputs in the range 0-100, I now want to implement a colouring function for it based upon the displacement between two successive outputs.
I'm not sure of the data structure to use to store the colour values for each point, using a 3D array I'm limited to rounding to the nearest int which gives a very coarse colour scheme.
I'm vaguely aware of octtrees, are they suitable in this siutation?
EDIT: A little more explanation:
to generate the points i'm repeatedly running this:
(a,b,c,d are random floats in the range -3 to 3)
x = x2;
y = y2;
z = z2;
x2 = sin(a * y) - z * cos(b * x);
y2 = z2 * sin(c * x) - cos(d * y);
z2 = sin(x);
which generates new positions for each axis each run, to colour the render I need to take the distance between two successive results, if I just do this with a distance calculation between each run then the colours fade back and forth in equilibrium so I need to take running average for each point and store it, using a 3dimenrsionl array is too coarse a colouring and I'm looking for advice on how to store the values at much smaller increments.

Maybe you could drop the 2-dim array off and use an 1-dim array of
struct ColoredPoint {
int x;
int y;
int z;
float color;
so that the code would look like
parr[i].x = x;
parr[i].y = y;
parr[i].z = z;
parr[i].color = some_computed_color;
(you may also wish to encapsulate the fields and use class ColoredPoint with access methods)

I'd probably think bout some kind of 3-d binary search tree.
template <class KEY, class VALUE>
class BinaryTree
// some implementation, probably available in libraries
VALUE* Find(const KEY& key) const
// real implementation is needed here
return NULL;
// this tree nodes wil actually hold color
class BinaryTree1 : public BinaryTree<double, int>
class BinaryTree2 : public BinaryTree<double, BinaryTree1>
class BinaryTree3 : public BinaryTree<double, BinaryTree2>
And you function to retreive the color from this tree would look like that
bool GetColor(const BinaryTree3& tree, double dX, double dY, double& dZ, int& color)
BinaryTree2* pYTree = tree.Find(dX);
if( NULL == pYTree )
return false;
BinaryTree1* pZTree = pYTree->Find(dY);
if( NULL == pZTree )
return false;
int* pCol = pZTree->Find(dZ);
if( NULL == pCol )
return false;
color = *pCol;
return true;
Af course you will need to write the function that would add color to this tree, provided 3 coordinates X, Y and Z.
std::map appears to be a good candidate for base class.


C++ Make array/linked list with different class objects

I am wildly searching the net and this site in order to understand how to do what I want to do. And while there is tons of search results I am not sure if I really understand how to do this (I am fairly new to C++). So my hope is that I get some help here.
What I want to do:
I want to create a contour of geometric segments, e.g. a line segment, followed by a circular arc segment, followed by three lines, followed by whatever may come. The order and definition of each segment composing the contour can vary from execution to execution.
The geometric items have already been created. Now I want to put them together. I am entirely uncertain which way to adopt:
My first idea was to use a linked list, since later I want to go through each segment in the same order (so not jumping from 3rd segment to 9th segment back to 5th segment).
1a) How can I implement that provided that the classes for each segment are very different.
1b) How can I access a specific element? Would I need to define an id number for each list member and then walk thru the list until I reach that id number?
More comfy would be probably an array. But I still don't understand how to do this properly.
Would be awesome if somebody here could indicate how to approach this. Thanks!
Here are the simplified classes that I am dealing with (circle is here representing the circular arc):
struct point {
double x;
double y;}
class Line
Line(const point pt1, const point pt2)
P1.x = pt1.x;
P1.y = pt1.y;
P2.x = pt2.x;
P2.y = pt2.y;
~Line() {};
double get_length() { return calc_length(); }
double get_angle() { return angle; }
point P1;
point P2;
double calc_length()
// calculate length (here: dummy value)
length = 1;
double calc_angle()
// calculate angle (here: dummy value)
angle = 0.5;
double length = 0;
double angle = 0;
class circle
circle(const double r, const point c)
radius = r;
center.x = c.x;
center.y = c.y;
~circle() {};
double get_radius() { return radius; };
point get_center() { return center; };
double get_circumference() { return 3.14 * radius; };
double radius;
double circumference = 0;
point center;
C++ containers store elements of the same type, regardless of the type of the container - both vector and list behave the same way in this regard - they only hold elements of a specific type.
To overcome this restriction, you should use polymorphism - the type of the container's elements should be able to behave like Line or circle.
One way to do this is by using std::variant. Declare your container like this:
std::vector<std::variant<Line, circle>> my_list_of_shapes;
To add a shape to the list, use push_back:
Line my_line(...);
circle my_circle(...);
To retrieve a shape from the list, access the list using a subscript (or an iterator), and use std::get to convert std::variant to your specific type:
circle your_circle = std::get<circle>(my_list_of_shapes[1]);
If you write some code which iterates through the container, and doesn't "know" what is stored at a specific place - Line or circle - you can use std::holds_alternative to check that:
for (auto shape: my_list_of_shapes)
if (std::holds_alternative<Line>(shape)
std::cout << std::get<Line>(shape).get_angle();
else if (std::holds_alternative<circle>(shape)
std::cout << std::get<circle>(shape).get_radius();

Initializing a box with N particles arranged in a specific pattern

I'm new to C++, and as an exercise I'm trying to reproduce what was done by Metropolis et al. (Metropolis Monte Carlo).
What I have done thus far - Made 2 classes: Vector and Atom
class Vector {
double x;
double y;
Vector() {
Vector (double x_, double y_) {
x = x_;
y = y_;
double len() {
return sqrt(x*x + y*y);
double lenSqr() {
return x*x + y*y;
class Atom {
Vector pos;
Vector vel;
Vector force;
Atom (double x_, double y_) {
pos = Vector(x_, y_);
vel = Vector(0, 0);
force = Vector(0, 0);
double KE() {
return .5 * vel.lenSqr();
I am not certain that the way I have defined the class Atom is... the best way to go about things since I will not be using a random number generator to place the atoms in the box.
My problem:
I need to initialize a box of length L (in my case L=1) and load it with 224 atoms/particles in an offset lattice (I have included a picture). I have done some reading and I was wondering if maybe an array would be appropriate here.
One thing that I am confused about is how I could normalize the array to get the appropriate distance between the particles and what would happen to the array once the particles begin to move. I am also not sure how an array could give me the x and y position of each and every atom in the box.
Metropolis offset (hexagonal) lattice
Well, It seems, that generally you don't need to use array to represent the lattice. In practice most often it may sense to represent lattice as array only if your atoms can naturally move only on the cells (for example as figures in chess). But seems that your atoms can move in any direction (already not practicle to use such rigid structure as array, because it has naturally 4 or 8 directions for move in 2D) by any step (it is bad for arrays too, because in this case you need almost countless cells in array to represent minimal distance step).
So basically what do you need is just use array as storage for your 224 atoms and set particular position in lattice via pos parameter.
std::vector<Atom> atoms;
// initialize atoms to be in trigonal lattice
const double x_shift = 1. / 14;
const double y_shift = 1. / 16;
double x_offset = 0;
for (double y = 0; y < 1; y += y_shift){
for (double x = x_offset; x < 1; x += x_shift){
// create atom in position (x, y)
// and store it in array of atoms
atoms.push_back(Atom(x, y));
// every new row flip offset 0 -> 1/28 -> 0 -> 1/28...
if (x_offset == 0){
x_offset = x_shift / 2;
x_offset = 0;
Afterwards you just need to process this array of atoms and change their positions, velocities and what you need else according to algorithm.

Adding a list of forces to a particle in c++

I'm kinda new to c++, so sorry if it's a dumb question.
I have a struct that represents a particle in a particle system. Along with the standard stuff like position, velocity, and mass, I want to give it a list of forces, such that each force is a function, where I pass it the particle, and based on the current state of the particle (or not), this function returns a force vector. Ideally I would sum up the results of every such force vector to get a net force, which I could then use to calculate the velocity of the particle for the next tick.
This is what I want my particle to look like
struct particle {
double mass;
// position
double x, y, z;
// velocity
double dx, dy, dz;
std::list<function> forces;
Now my question is: Can I do this without implementing a generic force base class that implements a function to calculate a force? Is there a way I can just specify a list of functions with the same call signature?
If you can guarantee that all functions will have the same method signature, then you can use the templated function[cppreference.com] class. I've modified your sample to illustrate how to use it.
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
struct particle
double mass;
// position
double x, y, z;
// velocity
double dx, dy, dz;
// A list of forces that take a particle and return a double
// The space between the two > symbols is needed in pre-c++11 compilers.
list<function<double(const particle&)> > forces;
// An example function to calculate the force due to gravity.
double gravity(const particle& p)
return p.mass * -9.8;
// Making something up for air resistance
double resistance(const particle& p)
return 0.1 * sqrt(p.dx * p.dx + p.dy * p.dy + p.dz * p.dz);
int main()
particle p;
p.mass = 10;
p.x = 0;
p.y = 100;
p.z = 0;
p.dx = 0;
p.dy = 0;
p.dz = 0;
If you're going to be dealing with three dimensional forces, you'll probably want more information in the return type than just a double, but this should be a good starting point. Also, if you have a c++11 compatible compiler, you may also want to lookup lambda functions so that the functions can be created in the same line.
You can use std::function. Something like this:
// define a type for the function
typedef std::function< void(particle const&, float *fxfyfz) > forcer_function;
std::vector< forcer_function > forces;
Now, some words with regards to performance. Since this is particles you're talking about, I'm assuming that you have a reasonably large number of particles (eg some hundreds at least). So I'm assuming that you have an interest in getting this code to run moderately fast.
So, first, using std::list for your container is not advised due to bad cache properties. It will make your code much slower. Therefore, the use of std::vector.
Second, adding the list of forces as a member of your particle structure is uncommon. Do you really want to use different forces per particle? Typically, there are <5 forces and >100-1000 particles. If you can use the same collection of forces for all of your particles, then moving the forces out of your particle class will give you a gain. For example,
struct particle
double mass;
// position
double x, y, z;
// velocity
double dx, dy, dz;
struct particle_container
std::vector< particle > particles;
std::vector< forcer_function > forces;
void update();
void particle_container::update()
for(particle &p : particles) {
double rx, ry, rz;
rx = ry = rz = 0.0;
for(forcer_function fn : forces) {
double f[3];
fn(p, &f[0]);
rx += f[0];
ry += f[1];
rz += f[2];
// integrate resulting force, etc
// ...
If OTOH you really want to use per-particle forces, you can still use the approach I outlined above by grouping particles with the same force collection in different container objects. Then you can reuse all of the above, and adding one more class will fix it:
struct particle_groups
std::vector< particle_container > groups;
void update();
void particle_groups::update()
for(auto &g : groups) {
If you really, really, want no grouping, then at least consider whether there's a way you can use particle members zeroing out inactive forces. Then you could still use the approach above. For example, like this:
struct particle
double mass;
// position
double x, y, z;
// velocity
double dx, dy, dz;
// is gravity active? either 1.0 or 0.0
double grav;
// is player interaction active? either 1.0 or 0.0
double player;
// etc... for all possible forces
Then just multiply eg, your resulting gravity by the particle's grav member, and you effectively switch gravity off or on for that particle, according to whether particle.grav's value is 1.0 or 0.0.
Finally, std::function is slow. You can use a mix of the two approaches above and use a single function. Like this:
struct particle
double mass;
// position
double x, y, z;
// velocity
double dx, dy, dz;
struct force_settings
double grav;
double attractor;
double player;
struct particle_container
// no need to keep pointers to functions
force_settings forces;
std::vector< particle > particles;
void update();
void compute_forces(particle const& p, double *rf) const
// zero resulting force
rf[0] = rf[1] = rf[2] = 0.0;
// compute gravity, (assume y axis)
rf[1] += forces.grav * 9.8; // will be either 9.8 or 0.0
// compute attractor
double ax = p.x - attractor.x;
double ay = p.y - attractor.y;
double az = p.z - attractor.z;
rf[0] += forces.attraction * ax*ax;
rf[1] += forces.attraction * ay*ay;
rf[2] += forces.attraction * az*az;
// etc... more forces here
void particle_container::update()
for(particle &p : particles) {
double rf[3];
compute_forces(p, &rf);
// integrate, etc...

Check if mouse is within triangle C++

I'm making a application for school in which I have to click a particular object.
EDIT: This is being made in 2D
I have a rectangle, I rotate this rectangle by X.
The rotation of the rectangle has made my rectangles (x,y,width,height) become a new rectangle around the rotated rectangle.
(excuse me for my terrible paint skills)
The Black lines describe the rotated rectangle, the red lines are my new rectangle.
I need to find out if my mouse is within the black rectangle or not. Whatever rotation I do I already have a function for getting the (X,Y) for each corner of the black rectangle.
Now I'm trying to implement this Check if point is within triangle (The same side technique).
So I can either check if my mouse is within each triangle or if theres a way to check if my mouse is in the rotated rectangle that would be even better.
I practically understand everything written in the triangle document, but I simply don't have the math skills to calculate the cross product and the dot product of the 2 cross products.
This is supposed to be the cross product:
a × b = |a| |b| sin(θ) n
|a| is the magnitude (length) of vector a
|b| is the magnitude (length) of vector b
θ is the angle between a and b
n is the unit vector at right angles to both a and b
But how do I calculate the unit vector to both a and b?
And how do I get the magnitude of a vector?
I forgot to ask for the calculation of the dotproduct between 2 cross products.
function SameSide(p1,p2, a,b)
cp1 = CrossProduct(b-a, p1-a)
cp2 = CrossProduct(b-a, p2-a)
if DotProduct(cp1, cp2) >= 0 then return true
else return false
Thank you everyone for your help I think I got the hang of it now, I wish I could accept multiple answers.
If you are having to carry out loads of check, I would shy away from using square root functions: they are computationally expensive. for comparison purposes, just multiply everything by itself and you can bypass the square rooting:
magnitude of vector = length of vector
If vector is defined as float[3] length can be calculated as follows:
double magnitude = sqrt( a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1] + a[2]*a[2] );
However that is expensive computationally so I would use
double magnitudeSquared = a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1] + a[2]*a[2];
Then modify any comparative calculations to use the squared version of the distance or magnitude and it will be more performant.
For the cross product, please forgive me if this maths is shaky, it has been a couple of years since I wrote functions for this (code re-use is great but terrible for remembering things):
double c[3];
c[0] = ( a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1] );
c[1] = ( a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2] );
c[2] = ( a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0] );
To simplify it all I would put a vec3d in a class of its own, with a very simple representation being:
class vec3d
float x, y, z;
vec3d crossProduct(vec3d secondVector)
vec3d retval;
retval.x = (this.y * secondVector.z)-(secondVector.y * this.z);
retval.y = -(this.x * secondVector.z)+(secondVector.x * this.z);
retval.z = (this.x * secondVector.y)-(this.y * secondVector.x);
return retval;
// to get the unit vector divide by a vectors length...
void normalise() // this will make the vector into a 1 unit long variant of itself, or a unit vector
if(fabs(x) > 0.0001){
x= x / this.magnitude();
if(fabs(y) > 0.0001){
y= y / this.magnitude();
if(fabs(z) > 0.0001){
z = / this.magnitude();
double magnitude()
return sqrt((x*x) + (y*y) + (z*z));
double magnitudeSquared()
return ((x*x) + (y*y) + (z*z));
A fuller implementation of a vec3d class can be had from one of my old 2nd year coding excercises: .h file and .cpp file.
And here is a minimalist 2d implementation (doing this off the top of my head so forgive the terse code please, and let me know if there are errors):
#ifndef VEC2D_H
#define VEC2D_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Vec2D {
double x, y;
Vec2D(); // default, takes no args
Vec2D(double, double); // user can specify init values
void setX(double);
void setY(double);
double getX() const;
double getY() const;
double getMagnitude() const;
double getMagnitudeSquared() const;
double getMagnitude2() const;
Vec2D normalize() const;
double crossProduct(Vec2D secondVector);
Vec2D crossProduct(Vec2D secondVector);
friend Vec2D operator+(const Vec2D&, const Vec2D&);
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream&, const Vec2D&);
double dotProduct(const Vec2D, const Vec2D);
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
#include "Vec2D.h"
// Constructors
Vec2D::Vec2D() { x = y = 0.0; }
Vec2D::Vec2D(double a, double b) { x = a; y = b; }
// Mutators
void Vec2D::setX(double a) { x = a; }
void Vec2D::setY(double a) { y = a; }
// Accessors
double Vec2D::getX() const { return x; }
double Vec2D::getY() const { return y; }
double Vec2D::getMagnitude() const { return sqrt((x*x) + (y*y)); }
double Vec2D::getMagnitudeSquared() const { return ((x*x) + (y*y)); }
double Vec2D::getMagnitude2 const { return getMagnitudeSquared(); }
double Vec2d::crossProduct(Vec2D secondVector) { return ((this.x * secondVector.getY())-(this.y * secondVector.getX()));}
Vec2D crossProduct(Vec2D secondVector) {return new Vec2D(this.y,-(this.x));}
Vec2D Vec2D::normalize() const { return Vec2D(x/getMagnitude(), y/getMagnitude());}
Vec2D operator+(const Vec2D& a, const Vec2D& b) { return Vec2D(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y);}
ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const Vec2D& a) { output << "(" << a.x << ", " << a.y << ")" << endl; return output;}
double dotProduct(const Vec2D a, const Vec2D b) { return a.getX() * b.getX() + a.getY() * b.getY();}
Check if a point is inside a triangle described by three vectors:
float calculateSign(Vec2D v1, Vec2D v2, Vec2D v3)
return (v1.getX() - v3.getX()) * (v2.getY() - v3.getY()) - (v2.getX() - v3.getX()) * (v1.getY() - v3.getY());
bool isPointInsideTriangle(Vec2D point2d, Vec2D v1, Vec2D v2, Vec2D v3)
bool b1, b2, b3;
// the < 0.0f is arbitrary, could have just as easily been > (would have flipped the results but would compare the same)
b1 = calculateSign(point2d, v1, v2) < 0.0f;
b2 = calculateSign(point2d, v2, v3) < 0.0f;
b3 = calculateSign(point2d, v3, v1) < 0.0f;
return ((b1 == b2) && (b2 == b3));
In the code above if calculateSign is in the triangle you will get a true returned :)
Hope this helps, let me know if you need more info or a fuller vec3d or 2d class and I can post:)
I have added in a small 2d-vector class, to show the differences in the 2d and 3d ones.
The magnitude of a vector is its length. In C++, if you have a vector represented as a double[3], you would calculate the length via
#include <math.h>
double a_length = sqrt( a[0]*a[0] + a[1]*a[1] + a[2]*a[2] );
However, I understand what you actually want is the cross product? In that case, you may want to calculate it directly. The result is a vector, i.e. c = a x b.
You code it like this for example:
double c[3];
c[0] = ( a[2]*b[3] - a[3]*b[2] );
c[1] = ( a[3]*b[1] - a[1]*b[3] );
c[2] = ( a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1] );
You can calculate the magnitude of vector by sqrt(x*x + y*y). Also you can calculate the crossproduct simpler: a x b = a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x. Checking that a point is inside triangle can be done by counting the areas for all 4 triangles. For example a is the area of the source triangle, b,c,d are areas of other ones. If b + c + d = a then the point is inside. Counting the area of triangle is simple: we have vectors a, b that are vertexes of triangle. The area of triangle then is (a x b) / 2
One simple way without getting into vectors is to check for area.
For example ,lets say you have a rectangle with corners A,B,C,D. and point P.
first calculate the area of rectangle, simply find height and width of the rectangle and multiply.
| /
| /
|/____ C
For calculating the height,width take one point lets say A, find its distance from all other three points i.e AB,AC,AD 1st and 2nd minimum will be width,and height, max will be diagonal length.
Now store the points from which you get the height, width, lets says those points are B,C.
So now you know how rectangle looks, i.e
B _____ D
| |
Then calculate the sum of area of triangles ACP,ABP,BDP,CDP (use heros formula to compute area of rectangle), if it equals to the area of rectangle, point P is inside else outside the rectangle.

Artefacts in Interpolated Value Noise

I'm trying to create a basic value noise function. I've reached the point where it's outputting it but within the output there are unexpected artefacts popping up such as diagonal discontinuous lines and blurs. I just can't seem to find what's causing it. Could somebody please take a look at it to see if I'm going wrong somewhere.
First off, here are three images that it's ouputting with greater magnification on each one.
//data members
float m_amplitude, m_frequency;
int m_period; //controls the tile size of the noise
vector<vector<float> m_points; //2D array to store the lattice
//The constructor generates the 2D square lattice and populates it.
Noise2D(int period, float frequency, float amplitude)
//initialize the lattice to the appropriate NxN size
for (int i = 0; i < m_period; ++i)
//populates the lattice with values between 0 and 1
int seed = 209;
for(int i = 0; i < m_period; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < m_period; j++)
m_points[i][j] = abs(rand()/(float)RAND_MAX);
//Evaluates a position
float Evaluate(float x, float y)
x *= m_frequency;
y *= m_frequency;
//Gets the integer values from each component
int xFloor = (int) x;
int yFloor = (int) y;
//Gets the decimal data in the range of [0:1] for each of the components for interpolation
float tx = x - xFloor;
float ty = y - yFloor;
//Finds the appropriate boundary lattice array indices using the modulus technique to ensure periodic noise.
int xPeriodLower = xFloor % m_period;
int xPeriodUpper;
if(xPeriodLower == m_period - 1)
xPeriodUpper = 0;
xPeriodUpper = xPeriodLower + 1;
int yPeriodLower = yFloor % m_period;
int yPeriodUpper;
if(yPeriodLower == m_period - 1)
yPeriodUpper = 0;
yPeriodUpper = yPeriodLower + 1;
//The four random values at each boundary. The naming convention for these follow a single 2d coord system 00 for bottom left, 11 for top right
const float& random00 = m_points[xPeriodLower][yPeriodLower];
const float& random10 = m_points[xPeriodUpper][yPeriodLower];
const float& random01 = m_points[xPeriodLower][yPeriodUpper];
const float& random11 = m_points[xPeriodUpper][yPeriodUpper];
//Remap the weighting of each t dimension here if you wish to use an s-curve profile.
float remappedTx = tx;
float remappedTy = ty;
return MyMath::Bilinear<float>(remappedTx, remappedTy, random00, random10, random01, random11) * m_amplitude;
Here are the two interpolation functions that it relies on.
template <class T1>
static T1 Bilinear(const T1 &tx, const T1 &ty, const T1 &p00, const T1 &p10, const T1 &p01, const T1 &p11)
return Lerp( Lerp(p00,p10,tx),
template <class T1> //linear interpolation aka Mix
static T1 Lerp(const T1 &a, const T1 &b, const T1 &t)
return a * (1 - t) + b * t;
Some of the artifacts are the result of linear interpolation. Using a higher order interpolation method would help, but it will only solve part of the problem. Crudely put, sharp transitions in the signal can lead to artifacts.
Additional artifacts result from distributing the starting noise values (I.E. the values you are interpolating among) at equal intervals - in this case, a grid. The highest & lowest values will only ever occur at these grid points - at least when using linear interpolation. Roughly speaking, patterns in the signal can lead to artifacts. Two potential ways I know of addressing this part of the problem are either using a nonlinear interpolation &/or randomly nudging the coordinates of the starting noise values to break up their regularity.
Libnoise has an explanation of generating coherent noise which covers these problems & solutions in greater depth with some nice illustrations. You could also peek at the source if you need see how it deals with these problems. And as richard-tingle already mentioned, simplex noise was designed to correct the artifact problems inherent in Perlin noise; it's a little tougher to get your head around, but it's a solid technique.