Django - display action progress - django

I have an admin-controlled feature (importing database) that can take some time to finish, so I want to show some feedback to the user during that time - for example a progress bar, or just some messages. Even sending the page in parts during the long action would suffice.
What would be the simplest way to do it in Django?

Ajax Polling -- Using a client-side timer, you constantly poll the server about it's status. The process is like this: The user configures the database details and hits 'upload'. The file transfers and the page request starts an asynchronous process on the server to perform the database import. When the user clicks upload it starts a client-side timer which at regular intervals sends an AJAX request to the server to ask it about it's progress. The server returns JSON and the client side script figures out what it wants to do with it.
COMET -- I'm not as familiar with this, but traditional AJAX works by the client sending a request to the sever. It's known as 'pull' communication. In COMET, it's push. The server pushes back data to the client about it's progress, even if the server didn't ask for it. This creates a situation with less strain on the server than polling. Google turns up some results for people using COMET with Django.
Reverse AJAX -- Similar to COMET. Reverse Ajax with Django.
(I apologies, I know the least about the last 2, but I figured you'd at least like to know they exist)

There's no way to do this without some sort of client-side scripting, ie Ajax. You need something that will poll the server at regular intervals and show a response to the user. There's a snippet that shows how this might be done.
Of course, to make that possible you'll also have to farm off the import itself to an off-line process. This would do the import, and record its progress somewhere regularly (in a file, or the database) so that the Ajax can query it. A good way of doing this might be to use celery, the Django-based distributed task queue.
Finally, you'll need a simple view that the Ajax will call, which will query the long-running process (or look at the progress record that it creates) and report back to the client.
So, fairly complicated.


django-channels databinding on

I have a channels app that is using databinding. When changes are made with django admin they are being pushed to the web as expected. I have loop set up on a socket connection to do some long polling on a gpio unit and update the db, these changes are not being pushed to the web. Channels documentation says:
Signals are used to power outbound binding, so if you change the values of a model outside of Django (or use the .update() method on a QuerySet), the signals are not triggered and the change will not be sent out. You can trigger changes yourself, but you’ll need to source the events from the right place for your system.
How do I go about triggering these changes, as it happens with admin?
Thanks and please let me know if this is to vague.
The relevant low-level code is in lines 121-187 of channels/binding/ (at least in version 1.1.6). That's where the signals are received and processed. It involves a few different things, such as keeping track of which groups to send the messages to. So it's a little involved, but you can probably tease out how to do it, looking at that code.
The steps involved are basically:
Find the right groups for the client
Format your message in the same way that the databinding code would (see this section of the docs)
Send the message to all the relevant groups you found in step 1.
Alternatively, you might consider using a REST API such that the socket code submits a POST to the API (which would create a database record via the ORM in the normal way) rather than directly creating database records. Your signals will happen automatically in that case. djangorestframework (server-side) and requests (client-side, if you're using python for the long-polling code) are your friends if you want to go that way, for sure. If you're using another language for the long-polling client, there are many equivalent packages for REST API client work.
Good luck!

Propagate http abort/close from nginx to uwsgi / Django

I have a Django application web application, and I was wondering if it was possible to have nginx propagate the abort/close to uwsgi/Django.
Basically I know that nginx is aware of the premature abort/close because it defaults to uwsgi_ignore_client_abort to "off", and you get nginx 499 errors in your nginx logs when requests are aborted/closed before the response is sent. Once uwsgi finishes processing the request it throws an "IO Error" when it goes to return the response to nginx.
Turning uwsgi_ignore_client_abort to "on" just makes nginx unaware of the abort/close, and removes the uwsgi "IO Errors" because uwsgi can still write back to nginx.
My use case is that I have an application where people page through some ajax results very quickly, and so if the quickly page through I abort the pending ajax request for the page that they skipped, this keeps the client clean and efficient. But this does nothing for the server side (uwsgi/Django) because they still have to process every single request even if nothing will be waiting for the response.
Now obviously there may be certain pages, where I don't want the request to be prematurely aborted for any reason. But I use celery for long running requests that may fall into that category.
So is this possible? uwsgi's hariakari setting makes me think that it is at some level.... just can't figure out how to do it.
My use case is that I have an application where people page through some ajax results very quickly, and so if the quickly page through I abort the pending ajax request for the page that they skipped, this keeps the client clean and efficient.
Aborting an AJAX request on the client side is done through XMLHttpRequest.abort(). If the request has not yet been sent out when abort() is called, then the request won't go out. But if the request has been sent, the server won't know that the request has been aborted. The connection won't be closed, there won't be any message sent to the server, nothing. If you want the server to know that a request is no longer needed, you basically need to come up with a way to identify requests so that when you make the initial request you get an identifier for it. Then, through another AJAX request you could tell the server that an earlier request should be cancelled. (If you search questions about abort() like this one and search for "server" you'll find explanations saying the same.)
Note that uwsgi_ignore_client_abort is something that deals with connection closures at the TCP level. That's a different thing from aborting an AJAX request. There is generally no action you can take in JavaScript that will entail closing a TCP connection. The browser optimizes the creation and destruction of connections to suit its needs. Just now, I did this:
I used lsof to check whether any process had a connection to There were none. (lsof is a *nix utility that allows listing open files. Network connections are "files" in *nix.)
I opened a page to in Chrome. lsof showed the connection and the process that opened it.
Then I closed the page.
I polled with lsof to see if the connection I identified earlier was still opened. It stayed open for about one minute after I closed the page even though there was no real need to keep the connection open.
And there's no amount of fiddling with uswgi settings that will make it be aware of aborts performed through XMLHttpRequest.abort()
The use-case scenario you gave was one where users were paging fast through some results. I can see two possibilities for the description given in the question:
The user waits for a refresh before paging further. For instance, Alice is looking through an list of user names sorted alphabetically for user "Zeno" and each time a new page is shown, she sees the name is not there and pages down. In this case, there's nothing to abort because the user's action is dependent on the request having been handled first. (The user has to see the new page before making a decision.)
The user just pages down without waiting for a refresh. Alice again is looking for "Zeno" but she figures it's going to be on the last page so click, click, click she goes. In this case, you can debounce the requests made to the server. Then the next page button is pressed, increment the number of the page that should be shown to the user but don't send the request right away. Instead, you wait for a small delay after the user ceases clicking the button to then send the request with final page number and so you make one request instead of a dozen. Here is an example of a debounce performed for a DataTables search.
Now obviously there may be certain pages, where I don't want the request to be prematurely aborted for any reason.
This is precisely the problem behind taking this one way or the other.
Obviously, you may not want to continue spending system resources processing a connection that has since been aborted, e.g., an expensive search operation.
But then maybe the connection was important enough that it still has to be processed even if the client has disconnected.
E.g., the very same expensive search operation, but one that's actually not client-specific, and will be cached by nginx for all subsequent clients, too.
Or maybe an operation that modifies the state of your application — you clearly wouldn't want to have your application to have an inconsistent state!
As mentioned, the problem is with uWSGI, not with NGINX. However, you cannot have uWSGI automatically decide what was your intention, without you revealing such intention yourself to uWSGI.
And how exactly will you reveal your intention in your code? A whole bunch of programming languages don't really support multithreaded and/or asynchronous programming models, which makes it entirely non-trivial to cancel operations.
As such, there is no magic solution here. Even the concurrency-friendly programming languages like Golang are having issues around the WithCancel context — you may have to pass it around in every function call that could possibly block, making the code very ugly.
Are you already doing the above context passing in Django? If not, then the solution is ugly but very simple — any time you can clearly abort the request, check whether the client is still connected with uwsgi.is_connected(uwsgi.connection_fd()):

How to get intermediate feedback from my REST service for a single GET request

In my user interface, I am trying to implement a progress bar which shows the percent of completion of work for a user request.
My back-end REST service needs to do a lot of computations; hence it is relatively slow. I want to show the user what work in backend is finished. For instance: Task1 finished, working on Task2 (hence show 50% on the progress bar)
My problem:
The service returns result only after it has finished its entire task. I do not know how to get intermediate feedback to show the user that a certain percent of work is complete so he/she should be patient.
Just to clarify, before you start suggesting any of following:
I do not want to use gif Ajax loader.
Service is already optimized, cannot be fine tuned any further.
The service work is already very atomic, it cannot be further broken down in more than 1 service without causing further performance penalty due to additional network traffic.
Let me know if above is not possible to accomplish, I can stop my search.
What you want to do is bi-directional communication with an HTTP-Server and there are basically two ways to do it:
Set up a second API-Call that a client could poll in regular intervals to get the current status of the computation.
Set up a WebSocket-connection between your client and your server, which would allow the server to initiate the communication to the client and send a message as soon as a task is finished. Adding WebSockets just for that would probably cause even more network traffic than Rest-Polling.
If none of these are options for you, then I don`t think that what you want is possible.

Django + Coffescript: Real time video application with io sockets

I have been trying to solve this for 2 weeks and I have not been able to reach a solution.
Here is what I am trying to do:
I need a web application in which users can upload a video; the video is going to be transformed using opencv's python API. Since I have Python's API for opencv I decided to create the webapp using Django. Everything is fine to that point.
The problem is that the video transformation is a very long process so I was trying to implement some real time capabilities in order to show the user the video as it is transformed, in other words, I transform a frame and show it to the user inmediatly. I am trying to do this with CoffeScript and io sockets following some examples; however I havent been successful.
My question is; what would be the right approach to add real time capabilities to a Django application ?
I'd recommend using a non-django service to handle the websockets. Setting up websockets properly is tricky on both the client and server side. Look at for a free/cheap solution that will just work and save you a whole lot of hassle.
The initial request to start rendering should kick off the long-lived process, and return with an ID which is used to listen to the websocket for updates.
Once you have your websockets set up, you can send messages to the client about each finished frame. Personally I wouldn't try to push the whole frame down the websocket, but rather just send a message saying the frame is done with a URL to get the frame. Then normal HTTP with its caching and browser niceties moves the big data.
You're definitely not choosing the easy path. The easy path is to have your long-lived render task update the render state in the database, and have the client poll that. Extra server load, but a lot simpler.
Django itself really is focused on doing one kind of web interface, which is following the HTTP Request/Response pattern. To maintain a persistent connection with clients, which really makes dead simple, you need to diverge a bit from a normal Django installation.
This article discusses the issue of doing real-time with Django, with the help of Orbited and Twisted. It's rather old, and it relies on Comet, which is not the preferred way of doing real-time these days.
You might benefit a lot by going for on the client, and something like Tornado (wiki) + Tornado client for But, if you really want to stick with Django for the web development (which Tornado also provide), you would need to make the two work together internally, each handling their particular use case.
Finally, this other article discusses how to make Django work with gevent (an coroutine-based networking library for Python) and, which might well be your best option otherwise.
Don't hesitate to post questions/comments as they pop up!

Need a server-side timer (independent of browser)

I'm putting together a website that will track user-defined events with time limits. Every user would be free to create events, and when the time limit expired, the server would need to take some action based on the outcome of the event. The specific component I'm struggling with is the time-keeping: think like eBay's auction clock -- it's set to expire at a certain time, clearly runs server-side, and takes some action when the time runs out. Searches for a "server side timer," unfortunately, just bring back results for a timer that gets the time from the server instead of the client. :(
The most obvious solution is to run a script on the server, some program that would watch all the clocks and take action when any of them expired. Tragically, I'll be using free web hosting, and sincerely doubt that I'll be able to find someone who'll let me run arbitrary stuff on their servers.
The solutions that I've looked into:
Major concept option 1: persuade each user's browser to run the necessary timers (trivial javascript), and when the timers expire, take necessary action. The problem with this approach is obvious: there could be hundreds, if not thousands, of simultaneous expiring timers (they'll tend to expire in clusters), and the worst case is that every possible user could be viewing their timer expire. That's a server overload waiting to happen at the worst possible instant.
Major concept option 2: have one really trusted browser, say, a user logged in to the website as "cron" which could run all of the timers at once. The action would all happen in that browser's javascript, and would work great, as long as that browser never crashed, that machine never failed, and that internet connection never went down.
As you can see, I feel like I'm barking up the wrong forest on this problem. Some other ideas that have presented themselves:
AJAX: I'm not seeing anything here that will do quite what I need. It's all browser-run stuff, nothing like a server-side process that could run independent of the user's browser.
PHP: Runs neatly on the server, but only in response to client requests. I'm not seeing any clean way to make PHP fork off a process and run a timer independent of the user's browser.
JS: same problems as PHP, but easier to read. ;)
Ruby: There may be some multi-threading with Ruby, but it isn't readily apparent to me. Would it be possible to have each user's browser check to see if a timer process was running for their event, and spawn a new server-side ruby process if it wasn't?
I'm wide open for ideas -- I've started playing with concepts in JS and PHP, but I'm not tied to any language, particularly. The only constraint, really, is that I won't own the server that I'm running the site on, so I can't just run a neat little local process that does what I need it to do. :(
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance,
ASP.NET has multi-threading. You can have a static variable to collect the event data, and use a thread to do whatever needed when the time comes. After you can empty the static variable so it's ready for future use.
You might want to take a look at the Quartz scheduler for Java which also has a .NET version. With a friendly open source license (Apache 2.0) this is probably a very good starting point.
If you can control cron jobs, which at least I could on HostPapa's shared hosting, you could run a php file every second which checks the timers and takes action based on them.
I would suggest AJAX anyway, what we did on a game server was emulation of "server connects to client" via AJAX request to server without any time-out (asynchronous connection). Basically you create one extra connection for each client that hangs on the server and waits for the server to take self-invoked action. After the action is done you start a new hanging connection immediately so you have one hanging all the time (so the server can talk to your client any time it wants). You can send javascript code from the server that will decide what will happen next. You can check clients to have these hanging connections on the server side to count as valid and of course run your timers on the server.