Convert RGB IplImage to 3 arrays - c++

I need some C++/pointer help. When I create an RGB IplImage and I want to access i,j I use the following C++ class taken from:
template<class T> class Image
IplImage* imgp;
Image(IplImage* img=0) {imgp=img;}
void operator=(IplImage* img) {imgp=img;}
inline T* operator[](const int rowIndx) {
return ((T *)(imgp->imageData + rowIndx*imgp->widthStep));}
typedef struct{
unsigned char b,g,r;
} RgbPixel;
typedef struct{
float b,g,r;
} RgbPixelFloat;
typedef Image<RgbPixel> RgbImage;
typedef Image<RgbPixelFloat> RgbImageFloat;
typedef Image<unsigned char> BwImage;
typedef Image<float> BwImageFloat;
I've been working with CUDA so sometimes I have to put all the data into an array, I like to keep every channel in its own array, seems easier to handle the data that way. So I would usually do something like this:
IplImage *image = cvLoadImage("whatever.tif");
RgbImageFloat img(image);
for(int i = 0; i < exrIn->height; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < exrIn->width; j++)
hostr[j*data->height+i] = img[i][j].r;
hostg[j*data->height+i] = img[i][j].g;
hostb[j*data->height+i] = img[i][j].b;
I would then copy my data to the device, do some stuff with it, get it back to the host and then loop, yet again, through the array assigning the data back to the IplImage and saving my results.
It seems like I'm looping to much there has to be a faster way to do this with pointers but I'm lost, there has to be a more efficient way to do it. Is there a way I can simply use a pointer for every channel? I tried doing something like this but it didn't work:
float *hostr = &img[0][0].r
float *hostg = &img[0][0].b
float *hostb = &img[0][0].g
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Thanks everyone for answering. Maybe I wasn't very clear on my question. I am familiar on how to access channels and their data. What I am interested is in increasing the performance and efficiency of completely copying data off the IplImage to a standard array, more along the lines of what csl said so far. The problem I see is that the way data in an IplImage is arranged is "rgbrgbrgbrgb".

Firstly, if you're comfortable with C++, you should consider using OpenCV 2.0 which does away with different data types for images and matrices (IplImage* and CvMat*) and uses one structure (Mat) to handle both. Apart from automatic memory management and a truckload of useful routines to handle channels, etc. and some MATLAB-esque ones as well, it's really fun to use.
For your specific problem, you access the channels of an IplImage* with Mat, like this:
IplImage *image = cvLoadImage("lena.bmp");
Mat Lena(image);
vector<Mat> Channels;
Now you have the copies of each channel in the vector Channels.
If you don't want to use OpenCV2.0 and extract channels, note the following. OpenCV orders multi-channel images in the following manner:
x(1,1,1) x(1,1,2) x(1,1,3) x(1,2,1) x(1,2,2) x(1,2,3) ...
where x(i,j,k) = an element in row i of column j in channel k
Also, OpenCV pads it's images .. so don't forget to jump rows with widthStep which accounts for these padding gaps. And along the lines of what csl said, increase your row pointer in the outer loop (using widthStep) and increment this pointer to access elements in a row.
Since you're using 2.0 now, you can bypass IplImage* with Mat Lena = imread("Lena.bmp");.

There is room for a lot of improvement here. So much, that you should read up on how people access bitmaps.
First of all, increase memory locality as much as possible. This will increase cache hits, and performance. I.e., don't use three separate arrays for each color channel. Store each together, since you probably will be working mostly on pixels.
Secondly, don't do that y*width calculation for every pixel. When done in an inner loop, it consumes a lot of cycles.
Lastly, if you just want a complete copy of the image, then you could simply do a memcpy(), which is very fast. I couldn't deduce if you converted from floats to integers, but if not, use memcpy() for non-overlapping regions.
If you wonder how you can do this with pointers (kind of pseudo-code, and also not tested):
float *dst = &hostg[0][0];
RgbPixelFloat *src = &img[0][0];
RgbPixelFloat *end = &img[HEIGHT][WIDTH] + 1;
// copy green channel of whole image
while ( src != end ) {
*dst = src->g;


Sending a stream of screen captures in C++

I'm looking for a way to convert a screen capture to a char* in an efficient way.
I thought about capturing the screen using a bitmap object, then converting the bitmap object to an array of bytes and then to a char*, but I couldn't find any way to convert then bitmap to an array of bytes.
I also thought about iterating every pixel in the screen capture and saving the RGB values in an array, but that creates an array that is too big for me.
The end goal is to return a char* object in the fastest way that doesn't return an object that is too large, and that char* contains the data of the screen captured.
You don't given enough info/code to understand what you're really trying to achieve by this. E.g. how are you planning to represent the colour coefficients? Anyway, a way to go would be to use the opencv library, e.g.:
cv::Mat mat = cv::imread("PATH/TO/YOUR/FILE.bmp");
char table[mat.rows * mat.cols * 3]; // assuming that we have 3 colour channels
unsigned int index = 0;
cv::MatIterator_<uchar> it, end;
for( it = mat.begin<uchar>(), end = mat.end<uchar>(); it != end; ++it)
table[index++] = *it;

How to copy the structure of a vector of vectors to another one in C++ using OpenCV

I have got a vector containing contours of an image. The code looks like this:
cv::Mat img = cv::imread ("whatever");
cv::Mat edges;
double lowThresh = 100, highThresh = 2*lowThresh;
Canny(img, edges, lowThresh, highThresh);
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> contourVec;
std::vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy;
int mode = CV_RETR_LIST;
int method = CV_CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_KCOS;
findContours(edges, contourVec, hierarchy, mode, method);
What I now would like to do is to transform these points. I therefore created another vector, which shall have the same structure as the other one, just with Point3delements instead of Point. At the moment, I do it like this:
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point3d>> contour3DVec(contourVec.size());
for (int i = 0; i < contourVec.size(); i++)
But I'm not sure whether that is really the best way to do it, as I don't know how resize()is actually working (e.g. in the field of memory location).
Does anybody have an idea whether there is a faster and/or "smarter" way to solve this? Thanks in advance.
Given that you surely want to do something with the contours afterwards, the resizing probably won't be a performance hotspot in your Program.
Vectors in c++ are usually created with a bit of slack to grow. They may take up to double their current size in memory.
If you resize a vector it will first check if the resizing will fit in the reserved memory.
If that's the case the resizing is free.
Otherwise new memory (up to double the new size) will be reserved and the current vector content moved there.
As your vectors are empty in the beginning, they will have to reserve new memory anyway, so (given a sane compiler and standard library) it would be hard to beat your Implementation speed wise.
if you want 3d points, you'll have to create them manually, one by one:
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point3d>> contour3DVec(contourVec.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < contourVec.size(); i++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < contourVec[i].size(); j++)
Point p = contourVec[i][j];
contour3DVec[i].push_back( Point3d(p.x, p.y, 1) );

what is the fastest way to run a method on all pixels in opencv (c++)

I have several tasks to do on each pixel in opencv. I am using a construct like this:
for(int row = 0; row < inputImage.rows; ++row)
uchar* p = inputImage.ptr(row);
for(int col = 0; col < inputImage.cols*3; col+=3)
int blue=*(p+col); //points to each pixel B,G,R value in turn assuming a CV_8UC3 colour image
int green=*(p+col+1);
int red=*(p+col+2);
// process pixel }
This is working, but I am wondering if there is any faster way to do this? This solution doesn't use any SIMD or any paralle processing of OpenCV.
What is the best way to run a method over all pixels of an image in opencv?
If the Mat is continuous, i.e. the matrix elements are stored continuously without gaps at the end of each row, which can be referred using Mat::isContinuous(), you can treat them as a long row. Thus you can do something like this:
const uchar *ptr = inputImage.ptr<uchar>(0);
for (size_t i=0; i<inputImage.rows*inputImage.cols; ++i){
int blue = ptr[3*i];
int green = ptr[3*i+1];
int red = ptr[3*i+2];
// process pixel
As said in the documentation, this approach, while being very simple, can boost the performance of a simple element-operation by 10-20 percents, especially if the image is rather small and the operation is quite simple.
PS: For faster need, you will need to take full use of GPU to process each pixel in parallel.

embedding a PNG image in C++ as a vector or array

Can anyone point me in a direction so that I can take PNG images that I have and read them in and then store the data of the PNG Image into an array or vector (or some other data structure) so I can actually use that in my code instead of having to read in the PNG, etc?
I know I can use libPNG to read the image but once read in, I am a little stumped in how to take what is read in and convert it to a data structure I can use in my game.
So my thought is I can write a simple console program that I feed a list of PNG's, it reads them and spits out to a file the data for me to hardcode into a data structure in my actual game.
After you have read the data in like Jason has said you could use a struct to contain the data for each pixel .
int Red;
int Green;
int Blue;
int Alpha;
And then you could create a 2D array like such to represent all of the pixel structs as one contiguous image. But a drawback in this is having to manage memory.
RGBQUAD **arr = 0;
arr = new RGBQUAD *[y];
for(int i = 0; i < y ; i++)
arr[i] = new RGBQUAD[x];
alternatively you could pack a pixel into a single int to conserve ram space.
Load the image; take its width, height and bit depth (and possibly more info, if you need); read its color data, and save the information you extracted.
Example of what a data structure could be:
int width;
int height;
int bits;
std::vector<int> data[width*height*bits];
When you use that data structure:
Before these lines, you must get image dimensions and save them to width, height, depth variables. (either read them from somewhere or simply assign e.g. width=1024 if you know the width (I assume you do, as you're going to hardcode the image)).
std::vector<int> sprite(width*height*depth);
for (int i = 0; i < width*height*depth; i++)
// sprite[i] = (read pixel i from somewhere...);

OpenCV 1.1 K-Means Clustering in High Dimensional Spaces

I am trying to write a bag of features system image recognition system. One step in the algorithm is to take a larger number of small image patches (say 7x7 or 11x11 pixels) and try to cluster them into groups that look similar. I get my patches from an image, turn them into gray-scale floating point image patches, and then try to get cvKMeans2 to cluster them for me. I think I am having problems formatting the input data such that KMeans2 returns coherent results. I have used KMeans for 2D and 3D clustering before but 49D clustering seems to be a different beast.
I keep getting garbage values for the returned clusters vector, so obviously this is a garbage in / garbage out type problem. Additionally the algorithm runs way faster than I think it should for such a huge data set.
In the code below the straight memcpy is only my latest attempt at getting the input data in the correct format, I spent a while using the built in OpenCV functions, but this is difficult when your base type is CV_32FC(49).
Can OpenCV 1.1's KMeans algorithm support this sort of high dimensional analysis?
Does someone know the correct method of copying from images to the K-Means input matrix?
Can someone point me to a free, Non-GPL KMeans algorithm I can use instead?
This isn't the best code as I am just trying to get things to work right now:
std::vector<int> DoKMeans(std::vector<IplImage *>& chunks){
// the size of one image patch, CELL_SIZE = 7
int chunk_size = CELL_SIZE*CELL_SIZE*sizeof(float);
// create the input data, CV_32FC(49) is 7x7 float object (I think)
CvMat* data = cvCreateMat(chunks.size(),1,CV_32FC(49) );
// Create a temporary vector to hold our data
// we'll copy into the matrix for KMeans
int rdsize = chunks.size()*CELL_SIZE*CELL_SIZE;
float * rawdata = new float[rdsize];
// Go through each image chunk and copy the
// pixel values into the raw data array.
vector<IplImage*>::iterator iter;
int k = 0;
for( iter = chunks.begin(); iter != chunks.end(); ++iter )
for( int i =0; i < CELL_SIZE; i++)
for( int j=0; j < CELL_SIZE; j++)
CvScalar val;
val = cvGet2D(*iter,i,j);
rawdata[k] = (float)val.val[0];
// Copy the data into the CvMat for KMeans
// I have tried various methods, but this is just the latest.
memcpy( data->data.ptr,rawdata,rdsize*sizeof(float));
// Create the output array
CvMat* results = cvCreateMat(chunks.size(),1,CV_32SC1);
// Do KMeans
int r = cvKMeans2(data, 128,results, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 1000, 0.1));
// Copy the grouping information to our output vector
vector<int> retVal;
for( int y = 0; y < chunks.size(); y++ )
CvScalar cvs = cvGet1D(results, y);
int g = (int)cvs.val[0];
return retVal;}
Thanks in advance!
Though I'm not familiar with "bag of features", have you considered using feature points like corner detectors and SIFT?
You might like to check out for another open source clustering package.
Using memcpy like this seems suspect, because when you do:
int rdsize = chunks.size()*CELL_SIZE*CELL_SIZE;
If CELL_SIZE and chunks.size() are very large you are creating something large in rdsize. If this is bigger than the largest storable integer you may have a problem.
Are you wanting to change "chunks" in this function?
I'm guessing that you don't as this is a K-means problem.
So try passing by reference to const here. (And generally speaking this is what you will want to be doing)
so instead of:
std::vector<int> DoKMeans(std::vector<IplImage *>& chunks)
it would be:
std::vector<int> DoKMeans(const std::vector<IplImage *>& chunks)
Also in this case it is better to use static_cast than the old c style casts. (for example static_cast(variable) as opposed to (float)variable ).
Also you may want to delete "rawdata":
float * rawdata = new float[rdsize];
can be deleted with:
delete[] rawdata;
otherwise you may be leaking memory here.