Fastest way to obtain the largest X numbers from a very large unsorted list? - c++

I'm trying to obtain the top say, 100 scores from a list of scores being generated by my program. Unfortuatly the list is huge (on the order of millions to billions) so sorting is a time intensive portion of the program.
Whats the best way of doing the sorting to get the top 100 scores?
The only two methods i can think of so far is either first generating all the scores into a massive array and then sorting it and taking the top 100. Or second, generating X number of scores, sorting it and truncating the top 100 scores then continue generating more scores, adding them to the truncated list and then sorting it again.
Either way I do it, it still takes more time than i would like, any ideas on how to do it in an even more efficient way? (I've never taken programming courses before, maybe those of you with comp sci degrees know about efficient algorithms to do this, at least that's what I'm hoping).
Lastly, whats the sorting algorithm used by the standard sort() function in c++?
Edit: Just for anyone who is curious...
I did a few time trials on the before and after and here are the results:
Old program (preforms sorting after each outer loop iteration):
top 100 scores: 147 seconds
top 10 scores: 147 seconds
top 1 scores: 146 seconds
Sorting disabled: 55 seconds
new program (implementing tracking of only top scores and using default sorting function):
top 100 scores: 350 seconds <-- hmm...worse than before
top 10 scores: 103 seconds
top 1 scores: 69 seconds
Sorting disabled: 51 seconds
new rewrite (optimizations in data stored, hand written sorting algorithm):
top 100 scores: 71 seconds <-- Very nice!
top 10 scores: 52 seconds
top 1 scores: 51 seconds
Sorting disabled: 50 seconds
Done on a core 2, 1.6 GHz...I can't wait till my core i7 860 arrives...
There's a lot of other even more aggressive optimizations for me to work out (mainly in the area of reducing the number of iterations i run), but as it stands right now, the speed is more than good enough, i might not even bother to work out those algorithm optimizations.
Thanks to eveyrone for their input!

take the first 100 scores, and sort them in an array.
take the next score, and insertion-sort it into the array (starting at the "small" end)
drop the 101st value
continue with the next value, at 2, until done
Over time, the list will resemble the 100 largest value more and more, so more often, you find that the insertion sort immediately aborts, finding that the new value is smaller than the smallest value of the candidates for the top 100.

You can do this in O(n) time, without any sorting, using a heap:
import heapq
def top_n(l, n):
top_n = []
smallest = None
for elem in l:
if len(top_n) < n:
if len(top_n) == n:
smallest = heapq.nsmallest(1, top_n)[0]
if elem > smallest:
heapq.heapreplace(top_n, elem)
smallest = heapq.nsmallest(1, top_n)[0]
return sorted(top_n)
def random_ints(n):
import random
for i in range(0, n):
yield random.randint(0, 10000)
print top_n(random_ints(1000000), 100)
Times on my machine (Core2 Q6600, Linux, Python 2.6, measured with bash time builtin):
100000 elements: .29 seconds
1000000 elements: 2.8 seconds
10000000 elements: 25.2 seconds
Edit/addition: In C++, you can use std::priority_queue in much the same way as Python's heapq module is used here. You'll want to use the std::greater ordering instead of the default std::less, so that the top() member function returns the smallest element instead of the largest one. C++'s priority queue doesn't have the equivalent of heapreplace, which replaces the top element with a new one, so instead you'll want to pop the top (smallest) element and then push the newly seen value. Other than that the algorithm translates quite cleanly from Python to C++.

Here's the 'natural' C++ way to do this:
std::vector<Score> v;
// fill in v
std::partial_sort(v.begin(), v.begin() + 100, v.end(), std::greater<Score>());
std::sort(v.begin(), v.begin() + 100);
This is linear in the number of scores.
The algorithm used by std::sort isn't specified by the standard, but libstdc++ (used by g++) uses an "adaptive introsort", which is essentially a median-of-3 quicksort down to a certain level, followed by an insertion sort.

Declare an array where you can put the 100 best scores. Loop through the huge list and check for each item if it qualifies to be inserted in the top 100. Use a simple insert sort to add an item to the top list.
Something like this (C# code, but you get the idea):
Score[] toplist = new Score[100];
int size = 0;
foreach (Score score in hugeList) {
int pos = size;
while (pos > 0 && toplist[pos - 1] < score) {
if (pos < 99) toplist[pos + 1] = toplist[pos];
if (size < 100) size++;
if (pos < size) toplist[pos] = score;
I tested it on my computer (Code 2 Duo 2.54 MHz Win 7 x64) and I can process 100.000.000 items in 369 ms.

Since speed is of the essence here, and 40.000 possible highscore values is totally maintainable by any of today's computers, I'd resort to bucket sort for simplicity. My guess is that it would outperform any of the algorithms proposed thus far. The downside is that you'd have to determine some upper limit for the highscore values.
So, let's assume your max highscore value is 40.000:
Make an array of 40.000 entries. Loop through your highscore values. Each time you encounter highscore x, increase your array[x] by one. After this, all you have to do is count the top entries in your array until you have reached 100 counted highscores.

You can do it in Haskell like this:
largest100 xs = take 100 $ sortBy (flip compare) xs
This looks like it sorts all the numbers into descending order (the "flip compare" bit reverses the arguments to the standard comparison function) and then returns the first 100 entries from the list. But Haskell is lazily evaluated, so the sortBy function does just enough sorting to find the first 100 numbers in the list, and then stops.
Purists will note that you could also write the function as
largest100 = take 100 . sortBy (flip compare)
This means just the same thing, but illustrates the Haskell style of composing a new function out of the building blocks of other functions rather than handing variables around the place.

You want the absolute largest X numbers, so I'm guessing you don't want some sort of heuristic. How unsorted is the list? If it's pretty random, your best bet really is just to do a quick sort on the whole list and grab the top X results.
If you can filter scores during the list generation, that's way way better. Only ever store X values, and every time you get a new value, compare it to those X values. If it's less than all of them, throw it out. If it's bigger than one of them, throw out the new smallest value.
If X is small enough you can even keep your list of X values sorted so that you are comparing your new number to a sorted list of values, you can make an O(1) check to see if the new value is smaller than all of the rest and thus throw it out. Otherwise, a quick binary search can find where the new value goes in the list and then you can throw away the first value of the array (assuming the first element is the smallest element).

Place the data into a balanced Tree structure (probably Red-Black tree) that does the sorting in place. Insertions should be O(lg n). Grabbing the highest x scores should be O(lg n) as well.
You can prune the tree every once in awhile if you find you need optimizations at some point.

If you only need to report the value of top 100 scores (and not any associated data), and if you know that the scores will all be in a finite range such as [0,100], then an easy way to do it is with "counting sort"...
Basically, create an array representing all possible values (e.g. an array of size 101 if scores can range from 0 to 100 inclusive), and initialize all the elements of the array with a value of 0. Then, iterate through the list of scores, incrementing the corresponding entry in the list of achieved scores. That is, compile the number of times each score in the range has been achieved. Then, working from the end of the array to the beginning of the array, you can pick out the top X score. Here is some pseudo-code:
let type Score be an integer ranging from 0 to 100, inclusive.
let scores be an array of Score objects
let scorerange be an array of integers of size 101.
for i in [0,100]
set scorerange[i] = 0
for each score in scores
set scorerange[score] = scorerange[score] + 1
let top be the number of top scores to report
let idx be an integer initialized to the end of scorerange (i.e. 100)
while (top > 0) and (idx>=0):
if scorerange[idx] > 0:
report "There are " scorerange[idx] " scores with value " idx
top = top - scorerange[idx]
idx = idx - 1;

I answered this question in response to an interview question in 2008. I implemented a templatized priority queue in C#.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace CompanyTest
// Based on pre-generics C# implementation at
// and wikipedia article
class PriorityQueue<T>
struct Pair
T val;
int priority;
public Pair(T v, int p)
this.val = v;
this.priority = p;
public T Val { get { return this.val; } }
public int Priority { get { return this.priority; } }
#region Private members
private System.Collections.Generic.List<Pair> array = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Pair>();
#region Constructor
public PriorityQueue()
#region Public methods
public void Enqueue(T val, int priority)
Pair p = new Pair(val, priority);
bubbleUp(array.Count - 1);
public T Dequeue()
if (array.Count <= 0)
throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Queue is empty");
Pair result = array[0];
array[0] = array[array.Count - 1];
array.RemoveAt(array.Count - 1);
if (array.Count > 0)
return result.Val;
#region Private methods
private static int ParentOf(int index)
return (index - 1) / 2;
private static int LeftChildOf(int index)
return (index * 2) + 1;
private static bool ParentIsLowerPriority(Pair parent, Pair item)
return (parent.Priority < item.Priority);
// Move high priority items from bottom up the heap
private void bubbleUp(int index)
Pair item = array[index];
int parent = ParentOf(index);
while ((index > 0) && ParentIsLowerPriority(array[parent], item))
// Parent is lower priority -- move it down
array[index] = array[parent];
index = parent;
parent = ParentOf(index);
// Write the item once in its correct place
array[index] = item;
// Push low priority items from the top of the down
private void trickleDown(int index)
Pair item = array[index];
int child = LeftChildOf(index);
while (child < array.Count)
bool rightChildExists = ((child + 1) < array.Count);
if (rightChildExists)
bool rightChildIsHigherPriority = (array[child].Priority < array[child + 1].Priority);
if (rightChildIsHigherPriority)
// array[child] points at higher priority sibling -- move it up
array[index] = array[child];
index = child;
child = LeftChildOf(index);
// Put the former root in its correct place
array[index] = item;

Median of medians algorithm.


Can you do Top-K frequent Element better than O(nlogn) ? (code attached) [duplicate]

Input: A positive integer K and a big text. The text can actually be viewed as word sequence. So we don't have to worry about how to break down it into word sequence.
Output: The most frequent K words in the text.
My thinking is like this.
use a Hash table to record all words' frequency while traverse the whole word sequence. In this phase, the key is "word" and the value is "word-frequency". This takes O(n) time.
sort the (word, word-frequency) pair; and the key is "word-frequency". This takes O(n*lg(n)) time with normal sorting algorithm.
After sorting, we just take the first K words. This takes O(K) time.
To summarize, the total time is O(n+nlg(n)+K), Since K is surely smaller than N, so it is actually O(nlg(n)).
We can improve this. Actually, we just want top K words. Other words' frequency is not concern for us. So, we can use "partial Heap sorting". For step 2) and 3), we don't just do sorting. Instead, we change it to be
2') build a heap of (word, word-frequency) pair with "word-frequency" as key. It takes O(n) time to build a heap;
3') extract top K words from the heap. Each extraction is O(lg(n)). So, total time is O(k*lg(n)).
To summarize, this solution cost time O(n+k*lg(n)).
This is just my thought. I haven't find out way to improve step 1).
I Hope some Information Retrieval experts can shed more light on this question.
This can be done in O(n) time
Solution 1:
Count words and hash it, which will end up in the structure like this
var hash = {
"I" : 13,
"like" : 3,
"meow" : 3,
"geek" : 3,
"burger" : 2,
"cat" : 1,
"foo" : 100,
Traverse through the hash and find the most frequently used word (in this case "foo" 100), then create the array of that size
Then we can traverse the hash again and use the number of occurrences of words as array index, if there is nothing in the index, create an array else append it in the array. Then we end up with an array like:
0 1 2 3 100
[[ ],[cat],[burger],[like, meow, geek],[]...[foo]]
Then just traverse the array from the end, and collect the k words.
Solution 2:
Same as above
Use min heap and keep the size of min heap to k, and for each word in the hash we compare the occurrences of words with the min, 1) if it's greater than the min value, remove the min (if the size of the min heap is equal to k) and insert the number in the min heap. 2) rest simple conditions.
After traversing through the array, we just convert the min heap to array and return the array.
You're not going to get generally better runtime than the solution you've described. You have to do at least O(n) work to evaluate all the words, and then O(k) extra work to find the top k terms.
If your problem set is really big, you can use a distributed solution such as map/reduce. Have n map workers count frequencies on 1/nth of the text each, and for each word, send it to one of m reducer workers calculated based on the hash of the word. The reducers then sum the counts. Merge sort over the reducers' outputs will give you the most popular words in order of popularity.
A small variation on your solution yields an O(n) algorithm if we don't care about ranking the top K, and a O(n+k*lg(k)) solution if we do. I believe both of these bounds are optimal within a constant factor.
The optimization here comes again after we run through the list, inserting into the hash table. We can use the median of medians algorithm to select the Kth largest element in the list. This algorithm is provably O(n).
After selecting the Kth smallest element, we partition the list around that element just as in quicksort. This is obviously also O(n). Anything on the "left" side of the pivot is in our group of K elements, so we're done (we can simply throw away everything else as we go along).
So this strategy is:
Go through each word and insert it into a hash table: O(n)
Select the Kth smallest element: O(n)
Partition around that element: O(n)
If you want to rank the K elements, simply sort them with any efficient comparison sort in O(k * lg(k)) time, yielding a total run time of O(n+k * lg(k)).
The O(n) time bound is optimal within a constant factor because we must examine each word at least once.
The O(n + k * lg(k)) time bound is also optimal because there is no comparison-based way to sort k elements in less than k * lg(k) time.
If your "big word list" is big enough, you can simply sample and get estimates. Otherwise, I like hash aggregation.
By sample I mean choose some subset of pages and calculate the most frequent word in those pages. Provided you select the pages in a reasonable way and select a statistically significant sample, your estimates of the most frequent words should be reasonable.
This approach is really only reasonable if you have so much data that processing it all is just kind of silly. If you only have a few megs, you should be able to tear through the data and calculate an exact answer without breaking a sweat rather than bothering to calculate an estimate.
You can cut down the time further by partitioning using the first letter of words, then partitioning the largest multi-word set using the next character until you have k single-word sets. You would use a sortof 256-way tree with lists of partial/complete words at the leafs. You would need to be very careful to not cause string copies everywhere.
This algorithm is O(m), where m is the number of characters. It avoids that dependence on k, which is very nice for large k [by the way your posted running time is wrong, it should be O(n*lg(k)), and I'm not sure what that is in terms of m].
If you run both algorithms side by side you will get what I'm pretty sure is an asymptotically optimal O(min(m, n*lg(k))) algorithm, but mine should be faster on average because it doesn't involve hashing or sorting.
You have a bug in your description: Counting takes O(n) time, but sorting takes O(m*lg(m)), where m is the number of unique words. This is usually much smaller than the total number of words, so probably should just optimize how the hash is built.
Your problem is same as this-
Use Trie and min heap to efficieinty solve it.
If what you're after is the list of k most frequent words in your text for any practical k and for any natural langage, then the complexity of your algorithm is not relevant.
Just sample, say, a few million words from your text, process that with any algorithm in a matter of seconds, and the most frequent counts will be very accurate.
As a side note, the complexity of the dummy algorithm (1. count all 2. sort the counts 3. take the best) is O(n+m*log(m)), where m is the number of different words in your text. log(m) is much smaller than (n/m), so it remains O(n).
Practically, the long step is counting.
Utilize memory efficient data structure to store the words
Use MaxHeap, to find the top K frequent words.
Here is the code
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
public class TopKFrequentItems {
private int maxSize;
private Trie trie = new TrieImpl();
private PriorityQueue<TrieEntry> maxHeap;
public TopKFrequentItems(int k) {
this.maxSize = k;
this.maxHeap = new PriorityQueue<TrieEntry>(k, maxHeapComparator());
private Comparator<TrieEntry> maxHeapComparator() {
return new Comparator<TrieEntry>() {
public int compare(TrieEntry o1, TrieEntry o2) {
return o1.frequency - o2.frequency;
public void add(String word) {
public List<TopK> getItems() {
for (TrieEntry trieEntry : this.trie.getAll()) {
if (this.maxHeap.size() < this.maxSize) {
} else if (this.maxHeap.peek().frequency < trieEntry.frequency) {
List<TopK> result = new ArrayList<TopK>();
for (TrieEntry entry : this.maxHeap) {
result.add(new TopK(entry));
return result;
public static class TopK {
public String item;
public int frequency;
public TopK(String item, int frequency) {
this.item = item;
this.frequency = frequency;
public TopK(TrieEntry entry) {
this(entry.word, entry.frequency);
public String toString() {
return String.format("TopK [item=%s, frequency=%s]", item, frequency);
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + frequency;
result = prime * result + ((item == null) ? 0 : item.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
TopK other = (TopK) obj;
if (frequency != other.frequency)
return false;
if (item == null) {
if (other.item != null)
return false;
} else if (!item.equals(other.item))
return false;
return true;
Here is the unit tests
public void test() {
TopKFrequentItems stream = new TopKFrequentItems(2);
assertThat(stream.getItems()).hasSize(2).contains(new TopK("hero", 3), new TopK("hello", 8));
For more details refer this test case
use a Hash table to record all words' frequency while traverse the whole word sequence. In this phase, the key is "word" and the value is "word-frequency". This takes O(n) time.This is same as every one explained above
While insertion itself in hashmap , keep the Treeset(specific to java, there are implementations in every language) of size 10(k=10) to keep the top 10 frequent words. Till size is less than 10, keep adding it. If size equal to 10, if inserted element is greater than minimum element i.e. first element. If yes remove it and insert new element
To restrict the size of treeset see this link
Suppose we have a word sequence "ad" "ad" "boy" "big" "bad" "com" "come" "cold". And K=2.
as you mentioned "partitioning using the first letter of words", we got
("ad", "ad") ("boy", "big", "bad") ("com" "come" "cold")
"then partitioning the largest multi-word set using the next character until you have k single-word sets."
it will partition ("boy", "big", "bad") ("com" "come" "cold"), the first partition ("ad", "ad") is missed, while "ad" is actually the most frequent word.
Perhaps I misunderstand your point. Can you please detail your process about partition?
I believe this problem can be solved by an O(n) algorithm. We could make the sorting on the fly. In other words, the sorting in that case is a sub-problem of the traditional sorting problem since only one counter gets incremented by one every time we access the hash table. Initially, the list is sorted since all counters are zero. As we keep incrementing counters in the hash table, we bookkeep another array of hash values ordered by frequency as follows. Every time we increment a counter, we check its index in the ranked array and check if its count exceeds its predecessor in the list. If so, we swap these two elements. As such we obtain a solution that is at most O(n) where n is the number of words in the original text.
I was struggling with this as well and get inspired by #aly. Instead of sorting afterwards, we can just maintain a presorted list of words (List<Set<String>>) and the word will be in the set at position X where X is the current count of the word. In generally, here's how it works:
for each word, store it as part of map of it's occurrence: Map<String, Integer>.
then, based on the count, remove it from the previous count set, and add it into the new count set.
The drawback of this is the list maybe big - can be optimized by using a TreeMap<Integer, Set<String>> - but this will add some overhead. Ultimately we can use a mix of HashMap or our own data structure.
The code
public class WordFrequencyCounter {
private static final int WORD_SEPARATOR_MAX = 32; // UNICODE 0000-001F: control chars
Map<String, MutableCounter> counters = new HashMap<String, MutableCounter>();
List<Set<String>> reverseCounters = new ArrayList<Set<String>>();
private static class MutableCounter {
int i = 1;
public List<String> countMostFrequentWords(String text, int max) {
int lastPosition = 0;
int length = text.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
char c = text.charAt(i);
if (i != lastPosition) {
String word = text.substring(lastPosition, i);
MutableCounter counter = counters.get(word);
if (counter == null) {
counter = new MutableCounter();
counters.put(word, counter);
} else {
Set<String> strings = reverseCounters.get(counter.i);
counter.i ++;
addToReverseLookup(counter.i, word);
lastPosition = i + 1;
List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>();
int count = 0;
for (int i = reverseCounters.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Set<String> strings = reverseCounters.get(i);
for (String s : strings) {
System.out.print(s + ":" + i);
if (count == max) break;
if (count == max) break;
return ret;
private void addToReverseLookup(int count, String word) {
while (count >= reverseCounters.size()) {
reverseCounters.add(new HashSet<String>());
Set<String> strings = reverseCounters.get(count);
I just find out the other solution for this problem. But I am not sure it is right.
Use a Hash table to record all words' frequency T(n) = O(n)
Choose first k elements of hash table, and restore them in one buffer (whose space = k). T(n) = O(k)
Each time, firstly we need find the current min element of the buffer, and just compare the min element of the buffer with the (n - k) elements of hash table one by one. If the element of hash table is greater than this min element of buffer, then drop the current buffer's min, and add the element of the hash table. So each time we find the min one in the buffer need T(n) = O(k), and traverse the whole hash table need T(n) = O(n - k). So the whole time complexity for this process is T(n) = O((n-k) * k).
After traverse the whole hash table, the result is in this buffer.
The whole time complexity: T(n) = O(n) + O(k) + O(kn - k^2) = O(kn + n - k^2 + k). Since, k is really smaller than n in general. So for this solution, the time complexity is T(n) = O(kn). That is linear time, when k is really small. Is it right? I am really not sure.
Try to think of special data structure to approach this kind of problems. In this case special kind of tree like trie to store strings in specific way, very efficient. Or second way to build your own solution like counting words. I guess this TB of data would be in English then we do have around 600,000 words in general so it'll be possible to store only those words and counting which strings would be repeated + this solution will need regex to eliminate some special characters. First solution will be faster, I'm pretty sure.
This is an interesting idea to search and I could find this paper related to Top-K
Also there is an implementation of it here.
Simplest code to get the occurrence of most frequently used word.
function strOccurence(str){
var arr = str.split(" ");
var length = arr.length,temp = {},max;
if(temp[arr[length]] == undefined && arr[length].trim().length > 0)
temp[arr[length]] = 1;
else if(arr[length].trim().length > 0)
temp[arr[length]] = temp[arr[length]] + 1;
var max = [];
for(i in temp)
max[temp[i]] = i;
//if you want second highest
console.log(max[max.length - 2])
In these situations, I recommend to use Java built-in features. Since, they are already well tested and stable. In this problem, I find the repetitions of the words by using HashMap data structure. Then, I push the results to an array of objects. I sort the object by Arrays.sort() and print the top k words and their repetitions.
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.*;
public class TopKWordsTextFile {
static class SortObject implements Comparable<SortObject>{
private String key;
private int value;
public SortObject(String key, int value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public int compareTo(SortObject o) {
//descending order
return o.value - this.value;
public static void main(String[] args) {
HashMap<String,Integer> hm = new HashMap<>();
int k = 1;
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("")));
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
// process the line.
String[] tokens = line.split(" ");
for(int i=0; i<tokens.length; i++){
//If the key already exists
Integer prev = hm.get(tokens[i]);
//If the key doesn't exist
//Close the input
//Print all words with their repetitions. You can use 3 for printing top 3 words.
k = hm.size();
// Get a set of the entries
Set set = hm.entrySet();
// Get an iterator
Iterator i = set.iterator();
int index = 0;
// Display elements
SortObject[] objects = new SortObject[hm.size()];
while(i.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
//System.out.print("Key: "+e.getKey() + ": ");
//System.out.println(" Value: "+e.getValue());
String tempS = (String) e.getKey();
int tempI = (int) e.getValue();
objects[index] = new SortObject(tempS,tempI);
//Sort the array
//Print top k
for(int j=0; j<k; j++){
} catch (IOException e) {
For more information, please visit I hope it helps.
C++11 Implementation of the above thought
class Solution {
vector<int> topKFrequent(vector<int>& nums, int k) {
unordered_map<int,int> map;
for(int num : nums){
vector<int> res;
// we use the priority queue, like the max-heap , we will keep (size-k) smallest elements in the queue
// pair<first, second>: first is frequency, second is number
priority_queue<pair<int,int>> pq;
for(auto it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); it++){
pq.push(make_pair(it->second, it->first));
// onece the size bigger than size-k, we will pop the value, which is the top k frequent element value
if(pq.size() > (int)map.size() - k){
return res;

Simulate random iteration of array

I have an array of given size. I want to traverse it in pseudorandom order, keeping array intact and visiting each element once. It will be best if current state can be stored in a few integers.
I know you can't have full randomness without storing full array, but I don't need the order to be really random. I need it to be perceived as random by user. The solution should use sub-linear space.
One possible suggestion - using large prime number - is given here. The problem with this solution is that there is an obvious fixed step (taken module array size). I would prefer a solution which is not so obviously non-random. Is there a better solution?
How about this algorithm?
To pseudo-pseudo randomly traverse an array of size n.
Create a small array of size k
Use the large prime number method to fill the small array, i = 0
Randomly remove a position using a RNG from the small array, i += 1
if i < n - k then add a new position using the large prime number method
if i < n goto 3.
the higher k is the more randomness you get. This approach will allow you to delay generating numbers from the prime number method.
A similar approach can be done to generate a number earlier than expected in the sequence by creating another array, "skip-list". Randomly pick items later in the sequence, use them to traverse the next position, and then add them to the skip-list. When they naturally arrive they are searched for in the skip-list and suppressed and then removed from the skip-list at which point you can randomly add another item to the skip-list.
The idea of a random generator that simulates a shuffle is good if you can get one whose maximum period you can control.
A Linear Congruential Generator calculates a random number with the formula:
x[i + 1] = (a * x[i] + c) % m;
The maximum period is m and it is achieved when the following properties hold:
The parameters c and m are relatively prime.
For every prime number r dividing m, a - 1 is a multiple of r.
If m is a multiple of 4 then also a - 1 is multiple of 4.
My first darft involved making m the next multiple of 4 after the array length and then finding suitable a and c values. This was (a) a lot of work and (b) yielded very obvious results sometimes.
I've rethought this approach. We can make m the smallest power of two that the array length will fit in. The only prime factor of m is then 2, which will make every odd number relatively prime to it. With the exception of 1 and 2, m will be divisible by 4, which means that we must make a - 1 a multiple of 4.
Having a greater m than the array length means that we must discard all values that are illegal array indices. This will happen at most every other turn and should be negligible.
The following code yields pseudo random numbers with a period of exaclty m. I've avoided trivial values for a and c and on my (not too numerous) spot cheks, the results looked okay. At least there was no obvious cycling pattern.
class RandomIndexer
RandomIndexer(size_t length) : len(length)
m = 8;
while (m < length) m <<= 1;
c = m / 6 + uniform(5 * m / 6);
c |= 1;
a = m / 12 * uniform(m / 6);
a = 4*a + 1;
x = uniform(m);
size_t next()
do { x = (a*x + c) % m; } while (x >= len);
return x;
static size_t uniform(size_t m)
double p = std::rand() / (1.0 + RAND_MAX);
return static_cast<int>(m * p);
size_t len;
size_t x;
size_t a;
size_t c;
size_t m;
You can then use the generator like this:
std::vector<int> list;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) list.push_back(i);
RandomIndexer ix(list.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
std::cout << list[]<< std::endl;
I am aware that this still isn't a great random number generator, but it is reasonably fast, doesn't require a copy of the array and seems to work okay.
If the approach of picking a and c randomly yields bad results, it might be a good idea to restrict the generator to some powers of two and to hard-code literature values that have proven to be good.
As pointed out by others, you can create a sort of "flight plan" upfront by shuffling an array of array indices and then follow it. This violates the "it will be best if current state can be stored in a few integers" constraint but does it really matter? Are there tight performance constraints? After all, I believe that if you don't accept repetitions, than you need to store the items you already visited somewhere or somehow.
Alternatively, you can opt for an intrusive solution and store a bool inside each element of the array, telling you whether the element was already selected or not. This can be done in an almost clean way by employing inheritance (multiple as needed).
Many problems come with this solution, e.g. thread safety, and of course it violates the "keep the array intact" constraint.
Quadratic residues which you have mentioned ("using a large prime") are well-known, will work, and guarantee iterating each and every element exactly once (if that is required, but it seems that's not strictly the case?). Unluckily they are not "very random looking", and there are a few other requirements to the modulo in addition to being prime for it to work.
There is a page on Jeff Preshing's site which describes the technique in detail and suggests to feed the output of the residue generator into the generator again with a fixed offset.
However, since you said that you merely need "perceived as random by user", it seems that you might be able to do with feeding a hash function (say, cityhash or siphash) with consecutive integers. The output will be a "random" integer, and at least so far there will be a strict 1:1 mapping (since there are a lot more possible hash values than there are inputs).
Now the problem is that your array is most likely not that large, so you need to somehow reduce the range of these generated indices without generating duplicates (which is tough).
The obvious solution (taking the modulo) will not work, as it pretty much guarantees that you get a lot of duplicates.
Using a bitmask to limit the range to the next greater power of two should work without introducing bias, and discarding indices that are out of bounds (generating a new index) should work as well. Note that this needs non-deterministic time -- but the combination of these two should work reasonably well (a couple of tries at most) on the average.
Otherwise, the only solution that "really works" is shuffling an array of indices as pointed out by Kamil Kilolajczyk (though you don't want that).
Here is a java solution, which can be easily converted to C++ and similar to M Oehm's solution above, albeit with a different way of choosing LCG parameters.
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Random;
public class RandomPermuteIterator implements Enumeration<Long> {
int c = 1013904223, a = 1664525;
long seed, N, m, next;
boolean hasNext = true;
public RandomPermuteIterator(long N) throws Exception {
if (N <= 0 || N > Math.pow(2, 62)) throw new Exception("Unsupported size: " + N);
this.N = N;
m = (long) Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log(N) / Math.log(2)));
next = seed = new Random().nextInt((int) Math.min(N, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
RandomPermuteIterator r = new RandomPermuteIterator(100);
while (r.hasMoreElements()) System.out.print(r.nextElement() + " ");
//output:50 52 3 6 45 40 26 49 92 11 80 2 4 19 86 61 65 44 27 62 5 32 82 9 84 35 38 77 72 7 ...
public boolean hasMoreElements() {
return hasNext;
public Long nextElement() {
next = (a * next + c) % m;
while (next >= N) next = (a * next + c) % m;
if (next == seed) hasNext = false;
return next;
maybe you could use this one: ?

How to figure out "progress" while sorting?

I'm using stable_sort to sort a large vector.
The sorting takes on the order of a few seconds (say, 5-10 seconds), and I would like to display a progress bar to the user showing how much of the sorting is done so far.
But (even if I was to write my own sorting routine) how can I tell how much progress I have made, and how much more there is left to go?
I don't need it to be exact, but I need it to be "reasonable" (i.e. reasonably linear, not faked, and certainly not backtracking).
Standard library sort uses a user-supplied comparison function, so you can insert a comparison counter into it. The total number of comparisons for either quicksort/introsort or mergesort will be very close to log2N * N (where N is the number of elements in the vector). So that's what I'd export to a progress bar: number of comparisons / N*log2N
Since you're using mergesort, the comparison count will be a very precise measure of progress. It might be slightly non-linear if the implementation spends time permuting the vector between comparison runs, but I doubt your users will see the non-linearity (and anyway, we're all used to inaccurate non-linear progress bars :) ).
Quicksort/introsort would show more variance, depending on the nature of the data, but even in that case it's better than nothing, and you could always add a fudge factor on the basis of experience.
A simple counter in your compare class will cost you practically nothing. Personally I wouldn't even bother locking it (the locks would hurt performance); it's unlikely to get into an inconsistent state, and anyway the progress bar won't go start radiating lizards just because it gets an inconsistent progress number.
Split the vector into several equal sections, the quantity depending upon the granularity of progress reporting you desire. Sort each section seperately. Then start merging with std::merge. You can report your progress after sorting each section, and after each merge. You'll need to experiment to determine how much percentage the sorting of the sections should be counted compared to the mergings.
I did some experiments of my own and found the merging to be insignificant compared to the sorting, and this is the function I came up with:
template<typename It, typename Comp, typename Reporter>
void ReportSort(It ibegin, It iend, Comp cmp, Reporter report, double range_low=0.0, double range_high=1.0)
double range_span = range_high - range_low;
double range_mid = range_low + range_span/2.0;
using namespace std;
auto size = iend - ibegin;
if (size < 32768) {
} else {
inplace_merge(ibegin, ibegin + size/2, iend);
int main()
std::vector<int> v(100000000);
std::iota(v.begin(), v.end(), 0);
std::random_shuffle(v.begin(), v.end());
std::cout << "starting...\n";
double percent_done = 0.0;
auto report = [&](double d) {
if (d - percent_done >= 0.05) {
percent_done += 0.05;
std::cout << static_cast<int>(percent_done * 100) << "%\n";
ReportSort(v.begin(), v.end(), std::less<int>(), report);
Stable sort is based on merge sort. If you wrote your own version of merge sort then (ignoring some speed-up tricks) you would see that it consists of log N passes. Each pass starts with 2^k sorted lists and produces 2^(k-1) lists, with the sort finished when it merges two lists into one. So you could use the value of k as an indication of progress.
If you were going to run experiments, you might instrument the comparison object to count the number of comparisons made and try and see if the number of comparisons made is some reasonably predictable multiple of n log n. Then you could keep track of progress by counting the number of comparisons done.
(Note that with the C++ stable sort, you have to hope that it finds enough store to hold a copy of the data. Otherwise the cost goes from N log N to perhaps N (log N)^2 and your predictions will be far too optimistic).
Select a small subset of indices and count inversions. You know its maximal value, and you know when you are done the value is zero. So, you can use this value as a "progressor". You can think of it as a measure of entropy.
Easiest way to do it: sort a small vector and extrapolate the time assuming O(n log n) complexity.
t(n) = C * n * log(n) ⇒ t(n1) / t(n2) = n1/n2 * log(n1)/log(n2)
If sorting 10 elements takes 1 μs, then 100 elements will take 1 μs * 100/10 * log(100)/log(10) = 20 μs.
Quicksort is basically
partition input using a pivot element
sort smallest part recursively
sort largest part using tail recursion
All the work is done in the partition step. You could do the outer partition directly and then report progress as the smallest part is done.
So there would be an additional step between 2 and 3 above.
Update progressor
Here is some code.
template <typename RandomAccessIterator>
void sort_wReporting(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last)
double done = 0;
double whole = static_cast<double>(std::distance(first, last));
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type value_type;
while (first != last && first + 1 != last)
auto d = std::distance(first, last);
value_type pivot = *(first + std::rand() % d);
auto iter = std::partition(first, last,
[pivot](const value_type& x){ return x < pivot; });
auto lower = distance(first, iter);
auto upper = distance(iter, last);
if (lower < upper)
std::sort(first, iter);
done += lower;
first = iter;
std::sort(iter, last);
done += upper;
last = iter;
std::cout << done / whole << std::endl;
I spent almost one day to figure out how to display the progress for shell sort, so I will leave here my simple formula. Given an array of colors, it will display the progress. It is blending the colors from red to yellow and then to green. When it is Sorted, it is the last position of the array that is blue. For shell sort, the iterations each time it passes through the array are quite proportional, so the progress becomes pretty accurate.
(Code in Dart/Flutter)
List<Color> colors = [
style: TextStyle(
color: colors[(((pass - 1) * (colors.length - 1)) / (log(a.length) / log(2)).floor()).floor()]),
It is basically a cross-multiplication.
a means array. (log(a.length) / log(2)).floor() means rounding down the log2(N), where N means the number of items. I tested this with several combinations of array sizes, array numbers, and sizes for the array of colors, so I think it is good to go.

Random algorithm with priority to one end

I am writing a little program with a GUI in C++ and Qt.
It is supposed to be similar to a vocabulary trainer. I will use it for my own studying.
I have a QList of objects (name and description as string for example).
Then I have a second QList with ints in it. For every object in my other list, an int is in this list. Start value is 50 for every object; if user clicks correct, it gets decremented, vice versa.
So a object with value 70 should be shown more often to the user than an object with value 30. So in the correct answer method I increase/decrease it, sort the QList and use my random algorithm:
if(packList.count()==0) // the QList with objects
int Min = 0;
int Max = packList.count()-1; // -1 because i need the index
if (Min > Max)
int Temp = Min;
Min = Max;
Max = Temp;
int randNum = ((rand()%(Max-Min+1))+Min);
setPage(randNum); // randNum will be used as index in this method
Now what I need is a way to implement my priority in this random algorithm. I don't want the ones with a higher value to appear 90% of the time, but just more often, just like a vocabulary trainer.
First a remark: You should use qsrand only once at the beginning of the program.
Now to your algorithm: First get the sum of all your values, let us call it sumValues, then compute your random number between 0 and sumValues-1. Go through your list and sum the values into the variable currentSum until it is greater or equal to your random number, and use the index of this entry. This will be more efficient if you sort your list by decreasing values.

Top 10 Frequencies in a Hash Table with Linked Lists

The code below will print me the highest frequency it can find in my hash table (of which is a bunch of linked lists) 10 times. I need my code to print the top 10 frequencies in my hash table. I do not know how to do this (code examples would be great, plain english logic/pseudocode is just as great).
I create a temporary hashing list called 'tmp' which is pointing to my hash table 'hashtable'
A while loop then goes through the list and looks for the highest frequency, which is an int 'tmp->freq'
The loop will continue this process of duplicating the highest frequency it finds with the variable 'topfreq' until it reaches the end of the linked lists on the the hash table.
My 'node' is a struct comprising of the variables 'freq' (int) and 'word' (128 char). When the loop has nothing else to search for it prints these two values on screen.
The problem is, I can't wrap my head around figuring out how to find the next lowest number from the number I've just found (and this can include another node with the same freq value, so I have to check that the word is not the same too).
void toptenwords()
int topfreq = 0;
int minfreq = 0;
char topword[SIZEOFWORD];
for(int p = 0; p < 10; p++) // We need the top 10 frequencies... so we do this 10 times
for(int m = 0; m < HASHTABLESIZE; m++) // Go through the entire hast table
node* tmp;
tmp = hashtable[m];
while(tmp != NULL) // Walk through the entire linked list
if(tmp->freq > topfreq) // If the freqency on hand is larger that the one found, store...
topfreq = tmp->freq;
strcpy(topword, tmp->word);
tmp = tmp->next;
cout << topfreq << "\t" << topword << endl;
Any and all help would be GREATLY appreciated :)
Keep an array of 10 node pointers, and insert each node into the array, maintaining the array in sorted order. The eleventh node in the array is overwritten on each iteration and contains junk.
void toptenwords()
int topfreq = 0;
int minfreq = 0;
node *topwords[11];
int current_topwords = 0;
for(int m = 0; m < HASHTABLESIZE; m++) // Go through the entire hast table
node* tmp;
tmp = hashtable[m];
while(tmp != NULL) // Walk through the entire linked list
topwords[current_topwords] = tmp;
for(int i = current_topwords - 1; i > 0; i--)
if(topwords[i]->freq > topwords[i - 1]->freq)
node *temp = topwords[i - 1];
topwords[i - 1] = topwords[i];
topwords[i] = temp;
else break;
if(current_topwords > 10) current_topwords = 10;
tmp = tmp->next;
I would maintain a set of words already used and change the inner-most if condition to test for frequency greater than previous top frequency AND tmp->word not in list of words already used.
When iterating over the hash table (and then over each linked list contained therein) keep a self balancing binary tree (std::set) as a "result" list. As you come across each frequency, insert it into the list, then truncate the list if it has more than 10 entries. When you finish, you'll have a set (sorted list) of the top ten frequencies, which you can manipulate as you desire.
There may be perform gains to be had by using sets instead of linked lists in the hash table itself, but you can work that out for yourself.
Step 1 (Inefficient):
Move the vector into a sorted container via insertion sort, but insert into a container (e.g. linkedlist or vector) of size 10, and drop any elements that fall off the bottom of the list.
Step 2 (Efficient):
Same as step 1, but keep track of the size of the item at the bottom of the list, and skip the insertion step entirely if the current item is too small.
Suppose there are n words in total, and we need the most-frequent k words (here, k = 10).
If n is much larger than k, the most efficient way I know of is to maintain a min-heap (i.e. the top element has the minimum frequency of all elements in the heap). On each iteration, you insert the next frequency into the heap, and if the heap now contains k+1 elements, you remove the smallest. This way, the heap is maintained at a size of k elements throughout, containing at any time the k highest-frequency elements seen so far. At the end of processing, read out the k highest-frequency elements in increasing order.
Time complexity: For each of n words, we do two things: insert into a heap of size at most k, and remove the minimum element. Each operation costs O(log k) time, so the entire loop takes O(nlog k) time. Finally, we read out the k elements from a heap of size at most k, taking O(klog k) time, for a total time of O((n+k)log k). Since we know that k < n, O(klog k) is at worst O(nlog k), so this can be simplified to just O(nlog k).
A hash table containing linked lists of words seems like a peculiar data structure to use if the goal is to accumulate are word frequencies.
Nonetheless, the efficient way to get the ten highest frequency nodes is to insert each into a priority queue/heap, such as the Fibonacci heap, which has O(1) insertion time and O(n) deletion time. Assuming that iteration over the hash table table is fast, this method has a runtime which is O(n×O(1) + 10×O(n)) ≡ O(n).
The absolute fastest way to do this would be to use a SoftHeap. Using a SoftHeap, you can find the top 10 items in O(n) time whereas every other solution posted here would take O(n lg n) time.
This wikipedia article shows how to find the median in O(n) time using a softheap, and the top 10 is simply a subset of the median problem. You could then sort the items that were in the top 10 if you needed them in order, and since you're always at most sorting 10 items, it's still O(n) time.