I made a function like this:
bool IsSameString(char* p1, char* p2)
return 0 == strcmp(p1, p2);
The problem is that sometimes, by mistake, arguments are passed which are not strings (meaning that p1 or p2 is not terminated with a null character).
Then, strcmp continues comparing until it reaches non-accessible memory and crashes.
Is there a safe version of strcmp? Or can I tell whether p1 (and p2) is a string or not in a safe manner?
No, there's no (standard) way to tell whether a char * actually points to valid memory.
In your situation, it is better to use std::string rather than char *s for all your strings, along with the overloaded == operator. If you do this, the compiler would enforce type safety.
EDIT: As per the comments below if you find yourself in a situation where you sometimes pass char *s that may or may not be valid strings to functions that expect null-terminated strings then something is fundamentally wrong with your approach, so basically
#janm's answer below.
In some cases std::strncmp can solve your problem:
int strncmp ( const char * str1, const char * str2, size_t num );
It compares up to num characters of the C string str1 to those of the C string str2.
Also, take a look, what the US DHS National Cyber Security Division recommends on this matter:
Ensure that strings are null terminated before passing into strcmp. This can be enforced by always placing a \0 in the last allocated byte of the buffer.
char str1[] ="something";
char str2[] = "another thing";
/* In this case we know strings are null terminated. Pretend we don't. */
str1[sizeof(str1)-1] = '\0';
str2[sizeof(str2)-1] = '\0';
/* Now the following is safe. */
if (strcmp(str1, str2)) { /* do something */ } else { /* do something else */ }
If you are passing strings to strcmp() that are not null terminated you have already lost. The fact that you have a string that is not null terminated (but should be) indicates that you have deeper issues in your code. You cannot change strcmp() to safely deal with this problem.
You should be writing your code so that can never happen. Start by using the string class. At the boundaries where you take data into your code you need to make sure you deal with the exceptional cases; if you get too much data you need to Do The Right Thing. That does not involve running off the end of your buffer. If you must perform I/O into a C style buffer, use functions where you specify the length of the buffer and detect and deal with cases where the buffer is not large enough at that point.
There's no cure for this that is portable. The convention states that there's an extra character holding a null character that belongs to the same correctly allocated block of memory as the string itself. Either this convention is followed and everything's fine or undefined behaviour occurs.
If you know the length of the string you compare against you can use strncmp() but his will not help if the string passed to your code is actually shorter than the string you compare against.
you can use strncmp, But if possible use std::string to avoid many problems :)
You can put an upper limit on the number of characters to be compared using the strncmp function.
There is no best answer to this as you can't verify the char* is a string. The only solution is to create a type and use it for string for example str::string or create your own if you want something lighter. ie
struct MyString
MyString() : str(0), len(0) {}
MyString( char* x ) { len = strlen(x); str = strdup(x); }
âMyString() { if(str) free(str); }
char* str;
size_t len;
bool IsSameString(MyString& p1, MyString& p2)
return 0 == strcmp(p1.str, p2.str);
MyString str1("test");
MyString str2("test");
if( IsSameString( str1, str2 ) {}
You dont write, what platform you are using. Windows has the following functions:
IsBadStringPtr might be what you are looking for, if you are using windows.
I cannot connect to Wi-fi on my ESP32 DEV-KIT; I have a String which contains ssid and password, but the WIFI.begin() function accepts only const char*, and I don't know how to convert String to const char*. I have tried the c_str() function, but the result I am getting is != (not equal) to the actual ssid.
String ssid = "DIR-615A";
char ssidR;
const char* ssidR2 = "DIR-615A";
void setup() {
ssidR = ssid.c_str();
Serial.println(ssidR == ssidR2); //this returns 0
Both ssidR and ssidR2 look identical when printing them, but when I use ssidR to connect to wi-fi, it is not working.
You can use toCharArray() to convert the String object into an array of chars.
Also, you have to use strcmp() to compare two strings, otherwise you're literally just comparing the address in memory where the data is kept.
To use it:
char ssid_char[100]; /* or however long your SSID is going to be */
ssid.toCharArray(ssid_char, ssid.length());
The reason is that you need space to store the content of the string somewhere. Your ssidR variable was just a pointer to memory, but there was no memory to store the actual string. By using a static array, the memory is reserved for the toCharArray() call to fill.
I was going to try to put this as a comment, but it's unwieldy there. It's kind of screwed up as an answer, because your question seems to be predicated on an misunderstandings of what to expect from == and const char * and what can be done with a single char, but it does at least address what's been said.
Regarding /*char*/ ssidR = ssid.c_str(); and ssidR == ssidR2
I addressed this part in a comment, but since as though I'm making an answer now I'll pull it into here. I'm not repeating this just to beat a dead horse.
You are attempting to assign a pointer to const char to a single char. Basically you're trying to cram 32bit (in this case) address of something into a character and then you're trying to compare that with const char * again:
Serial.println(ssidR == ssidR2); //this returns 0
Right, it would do. Without splitting hairs about the language standard and undefined behaviour on overflow, etc. what you're doing here is comparing the low byte of the address of the buffer maintained by your String object with the full address of your string literal "DIR-615A" and they're not equal.
begin() and const char *
From your comment on the question
i dont know why the guy who wrote th elibrary decided to make it accept only char pointers.
An entire answer could be written on the decision to just support const char *; There are reasons, though some maybe relevant more historically and may persist more out of habit than anything else. If you want an example of that sort of thing you can look at open() for fstream in C++ prior to C++17; it accepted const char * but not std::string which is standard C++'s counterpart to the Arduino String type.
The main thing I'd impress on you is that it accepting const char * is not actually a problem for you at all. There's absolutely nothing wrong with calling begin with ssid.c_str() and your WiFi connectivity problems don't have anything to do with their decision.
NOT Comparing c-strings
== on pointers compares the pointers themselves and not the things being pointed-to. In the case of const char *, the compiler couldn't generally know what to compare once it followed the pointer; at the time == is evaluated the compiler can't reliable know that these pointers point at null terminated strings and not some other sequence of zero or more chars.
The C and C++ languages allow for string literals to be overlapped in memory, that is to not have distinct addresses, which can lead you to the false sense that you've used == in a way that it's actually comparing the strings. "yes" == "yes" will usually evaluate to true, because typical compilers will reuse the first instance of the literal for the second, and so they're in the same memory location, so == appears to work when it in fact didn't. There's no requirement that the reuse the same memory. And in this case: char no[3] = "no"; if (no == "no") { will be false. Because the no char array is a distinct object, nothing else has its address, including a string literal you might try to compare it to which has the same contents.
Comparing c-strings
What you seem to want to do to convince yourself that .c_str() yields what you want can be done in a pile of ways. The traditional way (from C) to compare null-terminated c-strings is with the strcmp function:
String ssid_via_str_obj = "DIR-615A";
const char *ssid_via_char_ptr = "DIR-615A";
// ...
if (strcmp(ssid_via_str_obj.c_str(), ssid_via_char_ptr) == 0) {
// note strcmp returns zero for equality,
// numbers above and below zero are used to represent greater and lessor.
} else {
There's also an endless pile of ways you could do this with the Arduino String, and c++ std::string and std::string_view classes you have available to you.
There is a function which sends data to the server:
int send(
_In_ SOCKET s,
_In_ const char *buf,
_In_ int len,
_In_ int flags
Providing length seems to me a little bit weird. I need to write a function, sending a line to the server and wrapping this one such that we don't have to provide length explicitly. I'm a Java-developer and in Java we could just invoke String::length() method, but now we're not in Java. How can I do that, unless providing length as a template parameter? For instance:
void sendLine(SOCKET s, const char *buf)
Is it possible to implement such a function?
Use std string:
void sendLine(SOCKET s, const std::string& buf) {
send (s, buf.c_str(), buf.size()+1, 0); //+1 will also transmit terminating \0.
On a side note: your wrapper function ignores the return value and doesn't take any flags.
you can retrieve the length of C-string by using strlen(const char*) function.
make sure all the strings are null terminated and keep in mind that null-termination (the length grows by 1)
Edit: My answer originally only mentioned std::string. I've now also added std::vector<char> to account for situations where send is not used for strictly textual data.
First of all, you absolutely need a C++ book. You are looking for either the std::string class or for std::vector<char>, both of which are fundamental elements of the language.
Your question is a bit like asking, in Java, how to avoid char[] because you never heard of java.lang.String, or how to avoid arrays in general because you never heard of java.util.ArrayList.
For the first part of this answer, let's assume you are dealing with just text output here, i.e. with output where a char is really meant to be a text character. That's the std::string use case.
Providing lenght seems to me a little bit wierd.
That's the way strings work in C. A C string is really a pointer to a memory location where characters are stored. Normally, C strings are null-terminated. This means that the last character stored for the string is '\0'. It means "the string stops here, and if you move further, you enter illegal territory".
Here is a C-style example:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void f(char const* s)
int l = strlen(s); // l = 3
printf(s); // prints "foo"
int main()
char* test = new char[4]; // avoid new[] in real programs
test[0] = 'f';
test[1] = 'o';
test[2] = 'o';
test[3] = '\0';
delete[] test;
strlen just counts all characters at the specified position in memory until it finds '\0'. printf just writes all characters at the specified position in memory until it finds '\0'.
So far, so good. Now what happens if someone forgets about the null terminator?
char* test = new char[3]; // don't do this at home, please
test[0] = 'f';
test[1] = 'o';
test[2] = 'o';
f(test); // uh-oh, there is no null terminator...
The result will be undefined behaviour. strlen will keep looking for '\0'. So will printf. The functions will try to read memory they are not supposed to. The program is allowed to do anything, including crashing. The evil thing is that most likely, nothing will happen for a while because a '\0' just happens to be stored there in memory, until one day you are not so lucky anymore.
That's why C functions are sometimes made safer by requiring you to explicitly specify the number of characters. Your send is such a function. It works fine even without null-terminated strings.
So much for C strings. And now please don't use them in your C++ code. Use std::string. It is designed to be compatible with C functions by providing the c_str() member function, which returns a null-terminated char const * pointing to the contents of the string, and it of course has a size() member function to tell you the number of characters without the null-terminated character (e.g. for a std::string representing the word "foo", size() would be 3, not 4, and 3 is also what a C function like yours would probably expect, but you have to look at the documentation of the function to find out whether it needs the number of visible characters or number of elements in memory).
In fact, with std::string you can just forget about the whole null-termination business. Everything is nicely automated. std::string is exactly as easy and safe to use as java.lang.String.
Your sendLine should thus become:
void sendLine(SOCKET s, std::string const& line)
send(s, line.c_str(), line.size());
(Passing a std::string by const& is the normal way of passing big objects in C++. It's just for performance, but it's such a widely-used convention that your code would look strange if you just passed std::string.)
How can I do that, unless providing lenght as a template parameter?
This is a misunderstanding of how templates work. With a template, the length would have to be known at compile time. That's certainly not what you intended.
Now, for the second part of the answer, perhaps you aren't really dealing with text here. It's unlikely, as the name "sendLine" in your example sounds very much like text, but perhaps you are dealing with raw data, and a char in your output does not represent a text character but just a value to be interpreted as something completely different, such as the contents of an image file.
In that case, std::string is a poor choice. Your output could contain '\0' characters that do not have the meaning of "data ends here", but which are part of the normal contents. In other words, you don't really have strings anymore, you have a range of char elements in which '\0' has no special meaning.
For this situation, C++ offers the std::vector template, which you can use as std::vector<char>. It is also designed to be usable with C functions by providing a member function that returns a char pointer. Here's an example:
void sendLine(SOCKET s, std::vector<char> const& data)
send(s, &data[0], data.size());
(The unusual &data[0] syntax means "pointer to the first element of the encapsulated data. C++11 has nicer-to-read ways of doing this, but &data[0] also works in older versions of C++.)
Things to keep in mind:
std::string is like String in Java.
std::vector is like ArrayList in Java.
std::string is for a range of char with the meaning of text, std::vector<char> is for a range of char with the meaning of raw data.
std::string and std::vector are designed to work together with C APIs.
Do not use new[] in C++.
Understand the null termination of C strings.
I am trying to make a function like strcpy in C++. I cannot use built-in string.h functions because of restriction by our instructor. I have made the following function:
int strlen (char* string)
int len = 0;
while (string [len] != (char)0) len ++;
return len;
char* strcpy (char* *string1, char* string2)
for (int i = 0; i<strlen (string2); i++) *string1[i] = string2[i];
return *string1;
char* i = "Farid";
strcpy (&i, "ABC ");
But I am unable to set *string1 [i] value. When I try to do so an error appears on screen 'Program has encountered a problem and need to close'.
What should I do to resolve this problem?
Your strcpy function is wrong. When you write *string1[i] you are actually modifying the first character of the i-th element of an imaginary array of strings. That memory location does not exist and your program segfaults.
Do this instead:
char* strcpy (char* string1, char* string2)
for (int i = 0; i<strlen (string2); i++) string1[i] = string2[i];
return string1;
If you pass a char* the characters are already modifiable. Note It is responsibility of the caller to allocate the memory to hold the copy. And the declaration:
char* i = "Farid";
is not a valid allocation, because the i pointer will likely point to read-only memory. Do instead:
char i[100] = "Farid";
Now i holds 100 chars of local memory, plenty of room for your copy:
strcpy(i, "ABC ");
If you wanted this function to allocate memory, then you should create another one, say strdup():
char* strdup (char* string)
size_t len = strlen(string);
char *n = malloc(len);
if (!n)
return 0;
strcpy(n, string);
return n;
Now, with this function the caller has the responsibility to free the memory:
char *i = strdup("ABC ");
//use i
Because this error in the declaration of strcpy: "char* *string1"
I don't think you meant string1 to be a pointer to a pointer to char.
Removing one of the * should word
The code has several issues:
You can't assign a string literal to char* because the string literal has type char const[N] (for a suitable value of N) which converts to char const* but not to char*. In C++03 it was possible to convert to char* for backward compatibility but this rule is now gone. That is, your i needs to be declared char const*. As implemented above, your code tries to write read-only memory which will have undesirable effects.
The declaration of std::strcpy() takes a char* and a char const*: for the first pointer you need to provide sufficient space to hold a string of the second argument. Since this is error-prone it is a bad idea to use strcpy() in the first place! Instead, you want to replicate std::strncpy() which takes as third argument the length of the first buffer (actually, I'm never sure if std::strncpy() guarantees zero termination or not; you definitely also want to guarantee zero termination).
It is a bad idea to use strlen() in the loop condition as the function needs to be evaluated for each iteration of the loop, effectively changing the complexity of strlen() from linear (O(N)) to quadratic (O(N2)). Quadratic complexity is very bad. Copying a string of 1000 characters takes 1000000 operations. If you want to try out the effect, copy a string with 1000000 characters using a linear and a quadratic algorithm.
Your strcpy() doesn't add a null-terminator.
In C++ (and in C since ~1990) the implicit int rule doesn't apply. That is, you really need to write int in front of main().
OK, a couple of things:
you are missing the return type for the main function
declaration. Not really allowed under the standard. Some compilers will still allow it, but others will fail on the compile.
the way you have your for loop structured in
strcpy you are calling your strlen function each time through
the loop, and it is having to re-count the characters in the source
string. Not a big deal with a string like "ABC " but as strings get
longer.... Better to save the value of the result into a variable and use that in the for loop
Because of the way that you are declaring i in
`main' you are pointing to read-only storage, and will be causing an
access violation
Look at the other answers here for how to rebuild your code.
Pointer use in C and C++ is a perennial issue. I'd like to suggest the following tutorial from Paul DiLorenzo, "Learning C++ Pointers for REAL dummies.".
(This is not to imply that you are a "dummy," it's just a reference to the ",insert subject here> for Dummies" lines of books. I would not be surprised that the insertion of "REAL" is to forestall lawsuits over trademarked titles)
It is an excellent tutorial.
Hope it helps.
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Splitting a string in C++
char *strtok(char *s1, const char *s2)
How can I convert a string to a char* as required by strtok? I did
for (string line; getline(sourceFile, line);) {
tokens = strtok(line.c_str(), " {};");
Where sourceFile is an ifstream (sourceFile.open(filepath.c_str());)
I am getting:
argument of type "const char *" is incompatible with parameter of type "char *"
As others have said, you probably want to use something other than strtok.
However, to do what you are asking (and you probably shouldn't):
for (string line; getline(sourceFile, line);) {
char* line_cstr = strdup(line.c_str());
char* token = strtok(line_cstr, " {};");
while ((token = strtok(NULL, " {};")) != NULL) {
If you do something like this:
char fp[40]; // or some reasonable size
strcpy( fp, filepath.c_str()); // fp is not a const char* like c_str() returns
You should be able to use strtok() against fp.
But you might want to consider a more C++ way of splitting strings.
As Jonathan Leffler's comment explains, strtok actually modifies the buffer in place to terminate successive tokens. That's great for speed - saves copying each token out to some other memory area while still giving you convenient access to it as a separate NUL-terminated sequence. It's an interesting question whether it's legitimate to use strtok on a std::string instance - certainly, the c_str() member returns a const char* because you're not meant to write over parts of that buffer. But, as long as you don't have an empty string (for which it'd give undefined behaviour), you can get a char* to the first element with &line[0]. Having done that, you can mutate the string, but only at offsets [0]..[size()-1]... it's not guaranteed to be NUL terminated the way the c_str()-returned buffer is, and precisely because of that the &line[0]-returned buffer may not be suitable for use by strtok. You could append a NUL (i.e. line += '\0' - NUL is legal std::string content), but it would make the code a bit hackish and harder to maintain, and you might need to remove the NUL afterwards if you're planning to use the original value for anything.
If you really want to use strtok, seems best to copy the data to a separate writable NUL-terminated buffer first. For example:
char* p = strdup(line.c_str());
... use strtok on p ...
You could use alloca(), a smart pointer, a std::vector<char> to minimise potential for memory leaks. (I don't see any particular reason to prefer C++ new and delete for the above - you're using strtok anyway, but if you've smart-pointer libraries that expect it go for it).
All that said, finding another mechanism - like those in boost - is a better option. I'm guessing alternatives like that are discussed in the link chris posted in a comment under your question....
I want to copy a string into a char array, and not overrun the buffer.
So if I have a char array of size 5, then I want to copy a maximum of 5 bytes from a string into it.
what's the code to do that?
This is exactly what std::string's copy function does.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main()
char test[5];
std::string str( "Hello, world" );
str.copy(test, 5);
std::cout.write(test, 5);
return 0;
If you need null termination you should do something like this:
str.copy(test, 4);
test[4] = '\0';
First of all, strncpy is almost certainly not what you want. strncpy was designed for a fairly specific purpose. It's in the standard library almost exclusively because it already exists, not because it's generally useful.
Probably the simplest way to do what you want is with something like:
sprintf(buffer, "%.4s", your_string.c_str());
Unlike strncpy, this guarantees that the result will be NUL terminated, but does not fill in extra data in the target if the source is shorter than specified (though the latter isn't a major issue when the target length is 5).
Use function strlcpybroken link, and material not found on destination site if your implementation provides one (the function is not in the standard C library), yet it is rather widely accepted as a de-facto standard name for a "safe" limited-length copying function for zero-terminated strings.
If your implementation does not provide strlcpy function, implement one yourself. For example, something like this might work for you
char *my_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t n)
assert(dst != NULL && src != NULL);
if (n > 0)
char *pd;
const char *ps;
for (--n, pd = dst, ps = src; n > 0 && *ps != '\0'; --n, ++pd, ++ps)
*pd = *ps;
*pd = '\0';
return dst;
(Actually, the de-facto accepted strlcpy returns size_t, so you might prefer to implement the accepted specification instead of what I did above).
Beware of the answers that recommend using strncpy for that purpose. strncpy is not a safe limited-length string copying function and is not supposed to be used for that purpose. While you can force strncpy to "work" for that purpose, it is still akin to driving woodscrews with a hammer.
Update: Thought I would try to tie together some of the answers, answers which have convinced me that my own original knee-jerk strncpy response was poor.
First, as AndreyT noted in the comments to this question, truncation methods (snprintf, strlcpy, and strncpy) are often not a good solution. Its often better to check the size of the string string.size() against the buffer length and return/throw an error or resize the buffer.
If truncation is OK in your situation, IMHO, strlcpy is the best solution, being the fastest/least overhead method that ensures null termination. Unfortunately, its not in many/all standard distributions and so is not portable. If you are doing a lot of these, it maybe worth providing your own implementation, AndreyT gave an example. It runs in O(result length). Also the reference specification returns the number of bytes copied, which can assist in detecting if the source was truncated.
Other good solutions are sprintf and snprintf. They are standard, and so are portable and provide a safe null terminated result. They have more overhead than strlcpy (parsing the format string specifier and variable argument list), but unless you are doing a lot of these you probably won't notice the difference. It also runs in O(result length). snprintf is always safe and that sprintf may overflow if you get the format specifier wrong (as other have noted, format string should be "%.<N>s" not "%<N>s"). These methods also return the number of bytes copied.
A special case solution is strncpy. It runs in O(buffer length), because if it reaches the end of the src it zeros out the remainder of the buffer. Only useful if you need to zero the tail of the buffer or are confident that destination and source string lengths are the same. Also note that it is not safe in that it doesn't necessarily null terminate the string. If the source is truncated, then null will not be appended, so call in sequence with a null assignment to ensure null termination: strncpy(buffer, str.c_str(), BUFFER_LAST); buffer[BUFFER_LAST] = '\0';
Some nice libc versions provide non-standard but great replacement for strcpy(3)/strncpy(3) - strlcpy(3).
If yours doesn't, the source code is freely available here from the OpenBSD repository.
void stringChange(string var){
char strArray[100];
strcpy(strArray, var.c_str());
I guess this should work. it'll copy form string to an char array.
i think snprintf() is much safe and simlest
snprintf ( buffer, 100, "The half of %d is %d", 60, 60/2 );
null character is append it end automatically :)
The most popular answer is fine but the null-termination is not generic. The generic way to null-terminate the char-buffer is:
std::string aString = "foo";
const size_t BUF_LEN = 5;
char buf[BUF_LEN];
size_t len = aString.copy(buf, BUF_LEN-1); // leave one char for the null-termination
buf[len] = '\0';
len is the number of chars copied so it's between 0 and BUF_LEN-1.
std::string my_string("something");
char* my_char_array = new char[5];
strncpy(my_char_array, my_string.c_str(), 4);
my_char_array[4] = '\0'; // my_char_array contains "some"
With strncpy, you can copy at most n characters from the source to the destination. However, note that if the source string is at most n chars long, the destination will not be null terminated; you must put the terminating null character into it yourself.
A char array with a length of 5 can contain at most a string of 4 characters, since the 5th must be the terminating null character. Hence in the above code, n = 4.
std::string str = "Your string";
char buffer[5];
strncpy(buffer, str.c_str(), sizeof(buffer));
buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0';
The last line is required because strncpy isn't guaranteed to NUL terminate the string (there has been a discussion about the motivation yesterday).
If you used wide strings, instead of sizeof(buffer) you'd use sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(*buffer), or, even better, a macro like
#define ARRSIZE(arr) (sizeof(arr)/sizeof(*(arr)))
/* ... */
char mystring[101]; // a 100 character string plus terminator
char *any_input;
any_input = "Example";
iterate = 0;
while ( any_input[iterate] != '\0' && iterate < 100) {
mystring[iterate] = any_input[iterate];
mystring[iterate] = '\0';
This is the basic efficient design.
If you always have a buffer of size 5, then you could do:
std::string s = "Your string";
char buffer[5]={s[0],s[1],s[2],s[3],'\0'};
Of course, assuming that your std::string is large enough.