Django extensions error message - django

Im a django beginner and am using it on a windows machine. Now when i run 'python runserver', im getting the following message :
"Error: No module named django_extensions"
Any way to fix this ?
Thank You

Look inside your file under the INSTALLED_APPS setting and delete "django_extensions". Or you can install django_extensions in this environment.

You're testing a Django application right ? (one you didn't write). It seems you miss some dependencies (at least this one).
You might be able to install it throw easy_install or by executing the of the following package (django-extension).
You also have to check if you have django_extension in your INSTALLED_APPS settings variable, but I'm not quite sure it is needed for django-extension..
Anyway, you might want to install this package : django-extension


ImportError sayins module dot not exist, but is already installed

I had to install new package on my project to handle with Base64 images from my API, so i installed django-extra-fields, so far so good, i have made my testes locally, everything working just fine, when i pushed my changes to production and installed the new package running pip install django-extra-fields with right virtualenv on, i just keep getting the error ImportError at /
No module named drf_extra_fields.fields
That seens a silly mistake, so i checked my code like 100 times so far, and everything is right
I'm using Django 1.11 with Python 2.7
My vm is called: vm-prod_cfr_nuvem
When i run pip freeze show all my packages:
(vm-prod_cfr_nuvem) [~ site-packages]$ pip freeze
And if i enter in vm site-packages path, i can see that is installed there
on my view where the show the error, as you can see, is the same path as the last one in list
ImportError at /
No module named drf_extra_fields.fields
Python Path:
Obs.: I thought that somehow my server is not using my VM or something like it... so i activate it manually on my terminal and run python shell and tried to import the lib import drf_extra_fields im still getting the same error
Obs2.: Didnt found anyone with same problem using that lib, and there is no issues about it, so probabily is my misconfiguration rather than something broke in the lib
Package Page:
That error make me crazy... i solved it going back 1 small version... so instead of using 2.0.2 i'm using 2.0.1, the odd thing is... the 2.0.2 still working on my local environment, but dont work on production, and dont seems be environment problem cuz my server match all requirements to use that lib

E0401:Unable to import 'django.db'

So i'm studying python crashcourse and after finishing the basics I jumped to the django project.
I created a virtual env, installed django and created an app with startapp command.
I use Visual Studio Code, and the problem is when I go to it gives an error that it's unable to find django.db module
unable to import error
Now I understand this is because of the file structure, which is as per my research the correct one, and I followed the book carefully, however i don't know how to fix this and I feel that i'm missing something.
This is my file structure for the virtual environment
file structure
Any idea how to fix it ? :)
Thanks in advance
Thank you Incognos !
To be more specific The solution was :
enter "code ." in the terminal and then a new VS opens.
Ctrl+Shift+P -> Select Interpreter
select the environment that starts with ./env or .\env
run Ctrl+Shift+` to activate it
VS is not seeing your virtualenv. You need to activate it for VS code so that it knows that django is installed in the virtualenv see
it happens because pylint is installed outside your virtual environment. So install pylint inside virtual environment with this command (pip install pylint).
Note: If you're using Visual Studio Code - Insiders you'll use code-insiders . instead of the code . command.
Then, a new window will open and you can set your virtual environment interpreter there.
in my case, the problem was solved by opening VS-Code in the directory where virtualenv is located.
Click Ctrl-shift-p to access the Command pallete, then search for Python: Select Interpreter. Click on it and then select on the one that has been recommended by the editor.

Django South syncdb gives a SyntaxError

I installed South using pip.
Following the official guide (
I add 'south', to my installed_apps, run syncdb, get this:
*Long Traceback ending in south\management\commands\, line 52
except Import Error, exc:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Take south away, run syncdb, everything is fine. What gives?
UPDATE: South only works on Python 2.x so installing 2.7 did the trick. Thank you IRC.
I do not know what you may have done wrong, but to do the work you need to just south of 3 small steps, described previously by you.
1) pip install south
2) Add the 'south' in your INSTALLED_APPS the end of all "django.contrib"
3) run python syncdb
With these steps your syncdb will be different and, from this point forward, you should normally use the south.
I did a video recently (in Portuguese), showing how to install and run south with a project already started, maybe this video can help you
I got the same error using python 3.2.3. I my case this is a non-backwards compatible change from python 2.*. I went to the source file and deleted the ", exc" you will find at the end of an except statement. This fixed the error in question, however you will get more errors from there. I tried running 2to3 on the whole south directory and and not getting and code specific errors anymore. Unfortunalty I am now getting and error "NameError: global name 'exc' is not defined" but with no traceback. I have been stuck here for a while, but at least this is progress. I will report if I get this thing working.
[Check here for info regarding the specific incompatibility. Under the heading "Changes Already Present In Python 2.6"]

No module named django.core when creating project in virtualenv

So I have looked around at a lot of questions similar to mine, however I couldn't find a concrete answer. My comp specifications are Windows 7 64-bit.
My problem is as such:
1) I installed virtualenv using pip:
pip install virtualenv
2) After that I created and activated a new environment:
path/virtualenv env
3) While running the new environment, I installed django:
(env) path/pip install django
4) After installing successfully, I am ready to make a project. However, upon trying it out:
path/ startproject test
I get the following error:
File "C:/path/env/Scripts/", line 2, in (module)
from django.core import management
ImportError: No module named django.core
I have tried out various solutions people have posted, including using the full path:
python C:/path/to/ startproject test
I have also checked to make sure the versions of Python it is referencing are correct,as both inside and outside the virtualenv it is associated with Python27. Many other solutions talked about PYTHONPATH or the syspath, however, when I import django or managemnet in the python shell, those work fine.
I have a feeling it may have something to do with the paths, but I'm not sure how a virtualenv interacts with the system paths. Since it is self-contained and the system paths are system wide, is it necessary to have something in the path specifically?
As an aside, my file is in both
and the django folder is in
How to fix this problem?
I solved this problem by using this command as following instead:
django-admin startproject
just remove the ".py" attached to "django-admin"
I could not get any other stack overflow answers to work either. Getting a venved Django stack running on Win64 is a bit of an ordeal.
But, I found an answer that worked for me here:
Try running from an admin command prompt:
ftype Python.File="[your venv path]\Scripts\python.exe" "%1" %*
Just be sure to set it back to the original value when you're done.
This will help you understand why your facing that problem and there is also simple solution for that:
I've literally searched for hours to a solution for this issue... I came across this video randomly: ( where he put "python .\Script\ startproject" into the command prompt while in a virtual environment, so I tried the same with the following modification to point to the correct path on my machine "python .\env\Script\ startproject". Voila!
Hopefully this helps someone as it seems there are multiple reasons for this issue.
Windows server 2003 provides the Where command
where python.exe
will show the full path of the current python.exe found on the path, use that to check it's using the correct one for your virtualenv.
The association issue comes into play because running
so the .py is argv[0] passes it through the windows association, which won't follow your venv.
will not find unless it's in the current directory.
So the solution is -
python %VIRTUAL_ENV%\scripts\ startproject myproject
This runs python from the current active venv
and uses the venv env variable so it points to the correct location of (or you could give it an absolute path yourself of course)
I had the same problem. I solved that using this command:
(env)C:\environment directory>python Scripts\
This link was helpful for me:
enter link description here
i had the same problem i am running both python 3.4 and 2.7, so i pip installed Django globally on my machine and when i returned to my virtual environment i was able to create a project with no problems.
In Windows, you set:
set PATH=C:\virtualenv\python2.7\Scripts REM Scripts folder contains python.exe, pip.exe, django-admin.exe,...
set PYTHONPATH=C:\virtualenv\python2.7\Lib\site-packages REM site-packages folder contains packages of python such as django,...
After, create project mysite by startproject mysite
I had this same problem using virtualenv in Terminal in MacOSX (Snow Leopard). My solution to the problem was to change the first line of from
Hope this helps someone.
I had the same problem and the way I resolve it was by activating my project directory before making migrations and running my server "python runserver".
Activate project Directory: source /path/bin/active
Path meaning where your project is stored.
Had same error and This solved it out for me.
source /path/to/virtualwrapper/activate
pip install django
This fix tries to re-install and configure django
I had the same problem, but I solved it, first I activated the virtual env, then ran:
django-admin.exe startproject project_name

Django Gramps no module named web.settings

I'm using Gramps 3.3.1 under Ubuntu 12.04 and trying to in Django Export/Import. The install is okay, but when I look at the installed addons, it says that it failed, with reason: "No module named web.settings".
I cann't for the life of me figure out how to fix this. I'm assuming that it's this line in the python script:
import web.settings as default_settings
Anyone have any ideas? I'm trying to get this data out and into a MySQL database, but I can't seem to.
When you run into an error where Python tells you "No module named blah" it really means it can't find "blah".
I would check your pythonpath and the filesystem permissions on the stuff in your path.
Your issue seems to be a known issue:
It's caused by not running Gramps from source, near as I can tell. It doesn't look like a Python Path issue, so much as the Gramps Django devs making assumptions where your Django settings would be (but I could be wrong).
As for Python Path, there's plenty of resources describing how to. The simplest way to check your Python path is to run echo $PYTHONPATH in a terminal. If you don't see it there, Python might not find it.