Is it possible for programmer to analyze unknown code fast? - c++

I got a task related to ANCIENT C++ project which hasn't any documentation, comments at all and all code/variables is written in foreign language. Do I have a chance to analyze this code in a 1 working day and make a design/UML to create new features? I have been sitting around for 3 hours already and I feel so frustrated... Maybe somebody also had same problem? Any advice?

I suspect the biggest issue may be the fact that it's in a foreign language. You can use various static code analysis tools to try and understand what's going on, but if everything is presented in an unfamiliar language then that's still no use. Your first step (I believe) is to find someone who can speak this language and get them to translate as you go...

1) Use Doxygen , You can configure doxygen to extract the code structure from undocumented source files.
2) Use source Insight, Source Insight is an advanced code editor and browser with built-in analysis for C/C++, C#, and Java programs

Short answer, no - you probably don't have a chance to understand the code in one day. Reading/maintaining code is one of the hardest things to do, especially when it's lacking documentation. The fact that the code is in a foreign language (!) makes it even harder.
Sounds like you are on a very restricted (unrealistic) time-budget, but Working With Legacy Software is a good book if you're working with legacy systems. If you are planning to keep adding new features to the legacy system it's your responsibility to make your management aware of the scope of the operation. Or at least try.

Under this time constraint (1 day) it may or may not be doable depending on the size of the project - if its a few hundred lines of code then for sure. If its a serious project with several tens of thousands code lines, then likely no.
The first thing you need to know is what is this program supposed to do at all. If you have no idea what it does and how it does it, then analyzing the code will give you the answer but it will be a long and frustrating task. So my first suggestion would be to get yourself familiar with the outer workings of the software - what does it supposed to do and generally how it is supposed to do it. If you are doing it as part as your work then you should be able to get someone to walk you through using the program - even if its UI is in a foreign language (which I hope it doesn't, even if the code is written by a foreign language speaker).
Once you know what the software is attempting to do, then it should be fairly straight forward (even if lengthy and daunting) to rewrite all the comments in your own language for you to understand. I suggest doing so in a bottoms-up approach: its easier to understand the small and trivial things a program does, then to understand the top-level logic - and a lot of trivial things in order make up the logic of the software.
Only once you understand - to a large degree, anyway - the inner workings of the program you may write its functional spec and work on features.

Non-free way on Windows:
You can use CppDepend. This application is able to parse your visual project or your source files. It gives you a lot of information like dependency trees. You can try the trial (Maybe it will be enough for what you have to do).
Free way multi-platform:
You can use doxygen with a special configuration (extract code structure from undocumented code) and analyze the result.

I was quite happy with a tool called Understand (15-day eval license available) for this kind of task. However, I agree with Guss that the time you'll need depends a lot on the size of the code, and one day is probably just enough for a small program.

cscope & ctags are a must when I do my own code, and even more when looking to other's code.

You may also try this ::


How to approach debugging a huge not so familiar code base?

Seldom during working on large scale projects, suddenly you are moved on to a project which is already in maintainance phase.You end up with having a huge code C/C++ code base on your hands, with not much doccumentation about the design.The last person who could give you some knowledge transfer about the code has left the company already and to add to your horrors there is not enough time to get acquainted with the code and develop an understanding of the overall module/s.In this scenario when you are expected to fix bugs(core dumps,functionality,performance problems etc) on the module/s what is the approach that you will take?
So the question is:
What are your usual steps for debugging a not so familiar C/C++ code base when trying to fix a bug?
EDIT: Enviornment is Linux, but code is ported on Windows too so suggestions for both will be helpful.
If possible, step through it from main() to the problematic area, and follow the execution path. Along the way you'll get a good idea of how the different parts play together.
It could also be helpful to use a static code analysis tool, like CppDepends or even Doxygen, to figure out the relations between modules and be able to view them graphically.
Use a pen and paper, or images/graphs/charts in general, to figure out which parts belong where and draw some arrows and so on.
This helps you build and see the image that will then be refined in your mind as you become more comfortable with it.
I used a similar approach attacking a hellish system that had 10 singletons all #including each other. I had to redraw it a few times in order to fit everything, but seeing it in front of you helps.
It might also be useful to use Graphviz when constructing dependency graphs. That way you only have to list everything (in a text file) and then the tool will draw the (often unsightly) picture. (This is what I did for the #include dependencies in above syste,)
As others have already suggested, writing unit-tests is a great way to get into the codebase. There are a number of advantages to this approach:
It allows you to test your
assumptions about how the code
works. Adding a passing test proves
that your assumptions about that
small piece of code that you are
testing are correct. The more
passing tests you write, the better
you understand the code.
A failing unit test that reproduces
the bug you want to fix will pass
when you fix the bug and you know
that you have succeeded.
The unit tests that you write act as
documentation for the future.
The unit tests you write act as
regression tests as more bugs are
Of course adding unit tests to legacy code is not always an easy task. Happily, a gentleman by the name of Michael Feathers has written an excellent book on the subject, which includes some great 'recipes' on adding tests to code bases without unit tests.
Some pointers:
Debug from the part which seems more
relevant to the workflow.
Use debug
Get appropriate .pdb and attach the
core dump in debuggers like Windbg
or debugdiag to analyze it.
Get a person's help in your
organization who is good at
debugging. Even if he is new to your
codebase, he could be very helpful.
I had prior experience. They would
give you valuable pointers.
Per Assaf Lavie's advice, you could use static code analyzers.
The most important thing: as you
explore and debug, document
everything as you progress. At least
the person succeeding you would
suffer less.
Three things i don't see yet:
write some unit tests which use the libraries/interfaces. demonstrate/verify your understanding of them and promote their maintainability.
sometimes it is nice to create an special assertion macro to check that the other engineer's assumptions are in line with yours. you could:
not commit their uses
commit their uses, converting them to 'real' assertions after a given period
commit their uses, allowing another engineer (more familiar with the project) to dispose or promote them to real assertions
refactoring can also help. code that is difficult to read is an indication.
The first step should be try to read the code. Try to see the code where the bug is. Follow the code from main to that point ans try to see what could be wrong. Read the comments from the code(if any). Normally the function names are useful. Understand what each function does.
Once you get some idea of the code then you can start debugging the code. Put breakpoints where you don't understand the code or where you think the error can be. Start following the code line by line. Debugging is like sex. Initially painful, but slowly you start to enjoy it.
cscope + ctags are available on both Linux and Windows (via Cygwin). If you give them a chance, these tools will become indispensable to you. Although, IDEs like Visual Studio also do an excellent job with code browsing facilities as well.
In a situation like yours, because of time constraints, you are driven by symptoms. I mean that you don't have time to reconstruct the big picture / design / architecture. So you focus on the symptoms and work outwards, and each time reconstruct as much of the big picture as you need for that particular problem. But do not make "local" decisions in a hurry. Have the patience to see as much of the big picture as needed to make a good quality decision. And don't get caught in the band-aid syndrome i.e. put any old fix in that will work. It is your job to preserve the underlying architecture / design (if there is one, and to whatever extent that you can discover it).
It will be a struggle at first, as your mind "hunts" excessively. But soon the main themes in the design / architecture will emerge, and all of it will start to make sense. Think, by not thinking, grasshoppa :)
You have to have a fully reliable IDE which has a lot of debbugging tools (breakpoints, watches, and the like). The best way to familiarize yourself with a huge code is to play around with it and see how data is passed from one method to another. Also, you can reverse engineer the code so could see the relationship of the classes. :D Good Luck!
For me, there is only one way to get to know a process - Interaction. Identify the interfaces of the process/system. Then identify the input/output relationship (these steps maybe not linear). Once you do that, you can start tinkering at the code with a fair amount of confidence because you know what it is "supposed to do" then it's just a matter of finding out "how it is actually being done". For me though, getting to know the interface (Not necessarily the user interface) of the system is the key. To put it bluntly - Never touch the code first!!!
Not sure about C/C++, but coming from Java and C#, unit testing will help. In Java there's JUnit and TestNG libraries for unit testing, in C# there's NUnit and mstest. Not sure about C/C++.
Read the book 'Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code' by Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, et al. Will be quite a few tips in there I'm sure that will help, and give you some guidance to improving the code.
One tip: if it aint broke, don't fix it. Don't bother trying to fix some library or really complicated function if it works. Focus on parts where there's bugs.
Write a unit test to reproduce the scenario where the code should work. The test will fail at first. Fix the code until the unit test passes successfully. Repeat :)
Once a majority of your code, the important bits that are too complex to manually debug and fix, is under automated unit tests, you'll have a safety harness of regression tests that'll make you feel more confident at changing the existing code base.
while (!codeUnderstood)
I don't try to get an overview of the whole system as suggested by many here. If there is something which needs fixing I learn the smallest part of the code I can to fix the bug. The next time there is an issue I'm a little more familiar and a little less daunted and I learn a little more. Eventually I'm able to support the whole shebang.
If management suggests I do a major change to something I'm not familiar with I make sure they understand the time scales and if things a really messy suggest a rewrite.
Usually the program in question will produce some kind of output ( log, console printout, dialog box ).
Find the closest place to your
problem in the program output
Search through the code base and look for the text in that output
Start putting your own printouts, nothing fancy, just printf( "Calling xxx\n" );, so you can pinpoint exactly to the point where the problem starts.
Once you pinpointed the problem spot, put a breakpoint
When you hit the breakpoint, print a stacktrace
Now you can see what players you have and start the analysis of how you've got to the wrong place.
Hopefully the names of the methods on the call stack are more meaningful than a, b and c ( seen this ), and there is some sort of comments, method documentation more meaningful than calling a ( seen this many times ).
If the source is poorly documented, don't be afraid to leave your comments once you have figured out what's going on. If program design permits it create a unit test for the problem you've fixed.
Thanks for the nice answers, quite a number of points to take up. I have worked on such situation a number of times and here is the usual procedure i follow:
Check the crash log or trace log. Check relevant trace if just a simple developer mistake if cannot evaluate in one go, then move on to 2.
Reproduce the bug! This is the most important thing to do. Some bugs are rare to occur and if you get to reproduce the bug nothing like it. It means you have a better % of cracking it.
If you cant reproduce a bug, find a alternative use case, situation where in you can actually reproduce the bug. Being able to actually debug a scenario is much more useful than just the crash log.
Head to version control! Check if the same buggy behavior exists on previous few SW versions. If NOT..Voila! You can find between what two versions the bug got introduced and You can easily get the code difference of the two versions and target the relevant area.(Sometimes it is not the newly added code which has the bug but it exposes some old leftovers.Well, We atleast have a start I would say!)
Enable the debug traces. Run the use case of the bug, check if you can find some additional information useful for investigation.
Get hold of the relevant code area through the trace log. Check out there for some code introducing the bug.
Put some breakpoints in the relevant code. Study the flow. Check the data flows.Lookout for pointers(usual culprits). Repeat till you get a hold of the flow.
If you have a SW version which does not reproduce the bug, compare what is different in the flows. Ask yourself, Whats the difference?
Still no Luck!- Arghh...My tricks have exhausted..Need to head the old way. Understand the code..and understand the code and understand it till you know what is happening in the code when that particular use case is being executed.
With newly developed understanding try debugging the code and sure the solution is around the corner.
Most important - Document the understanding you have developed about the module/s. Even small knitty gritty things. It is sure going to help you or someone just like you, someday..sometime!
You can try GNU cFlow tool (
It will give you graph, charting control flow within program.

Visualizing C++ to help understanding it

I'm a student who's learning C++ at school now. We are using Dev-C++ to make little, short exercises. Sometimes I find it hard to know where I made a mistake or what's really happing in the program. Our teacher taught us to make drawings. They can be useful when working with Linked Lists and Pointers but sometimes my drawing itself is wrong.
(example of a drawing that visualizes a linked list: )
Is there any software that could interpret my C++ code/program and visualize it (making the drawings for me)?
I found this: link text
other links: and
That looks like what I need but is not available for any download. I tried to contact that person but got no answer.
Does anybody know such software? Could be useful for other students also I guess...
Kind regards,
This is unrelated to the actual title but I'd like to make a simple suggestion concerning how to understand what's happening in the program.
I don't know if you've looked at a debugger but it's a great tool that can definitely vastly improve your understanding of what's going on. Depending on your IDE, it'll have more or less features, some of them should include:
seeing the current call stack (allows you to understand what function is calling what)
seeing the current accessible variables along with their values
allowing you to walk step by step and see how each value changes
and many, many more.
So I'd advise you to spend some time learning all about the particular debugger for your IDE, and start to use all of these features. There's sometimes a lot more stuff then simply clicking on Next. Some things may include dynamic code evaluation, going back in time, etc.
Have a look at DDD. It is a graphical front-end for debuggers.
Try debuggers in general to understand what your program is doing, they can walk you through your code step-by-step.
Doxygen has, if I recall, a basic form of this but it's really only a minor feature of a much bigger library, so that may be overkill for what you want. (Though it's a great program for documentation!)
Reverse engineering the code to some sort of diagram, will have limited benefit IMO. A better approach to understanding program flow is to step the code in the debugger. If you don't yet use a debugger, you should; it is the more appropriate tool for this particular problem.
Reverse engineering code to diagrams is useful when reusing or maintaining undocumented or poorly documented legacy code, but it seldom exposes the design intent of the code, since it lacks the abstraction that you would use if you were designing the code. You should not have to resort to such things on new code you have just written yourself! Moreover, tools that do this even moderately well are expensive.
Should you be thinking you can avoid design, and just hand in an automatically generated diagram, don't. It will be more than obvious that it is an automatically generated diagram!

How to start modification with big projects

I have to do enhancements to an existing C++ project with above 100k lines of code.
My question is How and where to start with such projects ?
The problem increases further if the code is not well documented.
Are there any automated tools for studying code flow with large projects?
Use Source Control before you touch anything!
There's a book for you: Working Effectively with Legacy Code
It's not about tools, but about various approaches, processes and techniques you can use to better understand and make changes to the code. It is even written from a mostly C++ perspective.
First study the existing interface well.
Write tests if they are absent, or expand already written ones.
Modify the source code.
Run tests to check if the modification somehow breaks the older behaviour.
There is another good book, currently freely available on the net, about object oriented reengineering :
The book "Code Reading" by Diomidis Spinellis contains lots of advice about how to gain an overview and in-depth knowledge about larger, unknown projects.
Chapter 6 is focuses sonely on that topic (Tacking Large Projects). Also the chapters about tooling (Ch. 9) and architecture (Ch. 8) might contain nice hints for you.
However, the book is about understanding (by reading) the "code". It does not tackle directly the maintenance step.
First thing I would do is try to find the product's requirements.
It's almost unthinkable that a product of this size would be developed without requirements.
By perusing the requirements, you'll be able to:
get a sense of what the product (and hence the code) is at least supposed to be doing
see just how well (or poorly) the code actually fulfills those requirements
Otherwise you're just looking at code, trying to divine the intention of the developers...
If you are able to run the code in a PC, you can try to build a callgraph usually from a profiling output.
Also cross referencing tools like cscope, ctags, lxr, etc. Can help a lot. A
Spending some time reading, building class diagrams or even adding comments to the parts of the code you took long to understand are steps towards getting familiar with the codebase and getting ready to modify/extend it.
The first thing you need to do is understand how the code works. Read what documentation there is and then watch the program operate under a debugger. If you watch the main function/loop and then slowly work your way deeper into the program, you can gain a pretty good idea how things are operating. Make sure you write down your findings so others who follow after you have a better position to start from.
Running Doxygen with the EXTRACT_ALL tag set to document all the relationships in the code base. It's not going to help you with the code flow, but hopefully it will shed some light with regards to the structure and design of the entire application.
A very good austrian programmer once told me that in order to understand a program you first have to understand the data-structures that the program uses.

What are some good approaches to learning the Half-Life 2 SDK?

I have been a Half-Life lover for years. I have a BS in CS and have been informally programming since High-School. When I was still in college I tried to become a mod programmer for fun..using the first Half-Life engine...didn't work so good. So i figured after all my great college learrning :-) I would have more insight on how to tackle this problem and could finally do it. So here I am..finally out in the business world programming I downloaded the HL2 SDk and started looking through the class structure. I feel like I did that last time I tried this...dazed and confused. Sorry about all the back ground.
So what is the best way to systematically learn the code structure? I know java and I know c++..i just dont know what any of the classes do...the comments are few and far between and the documentation seems meager. Any good approahces? I **don'**t wanna start my own mod... I just wanna maybe be a spare-time mod programmer on some cool MOD one keep the fun in learning programming along with the business side.
the comments are few and far between
and the documentation seems meager.
Any good approahces?
Welcome to the wonder that is the Source SDK. No, it's not documented. Experiment, hack, place breakpoints and see what happens if you change bits of code.
There is a wiki you may find helpful in some cases, but it's filled in by the community, and not by Valve, which means that you won't find any actual documentation there, just explanations of how previous modders have hacked the engine.
Honestly, it sucks. The only way around it is to dive in. Try to achieve various changes to the game and don't be afraid to rip the existing code apart. It won't be pretty, but if it works, who's going to complain? Their code is pretty horrible, and most likely, yours will be too.
You can start at the Valve Developer Wiki.
I think the best way is to check out the source code of one of the few open source mods out there, Open Source Jail Break. It will help you at least get familiar with the code.
Beyond that, its just developer resources and forums.
Edit:Plan of Attack seems great too.
Also: This is a great list, including both general and specific topics.
I'd do what I do with any other vague system... set lots of breakpoints and get a feel for the structure by watching it function. Add your own comments/documentation as you go. Test your understanding by making small changes and see if you get expected results.
I've worked with the Source SDK for a little and made some modifications. Really you have to have a good understanding of C and C++. The Source SDK isn't modern C++ and is much more akin to C with classes than any real OOP.
The SDK is simply fashioned in that the major of code is comprised of entities, of which many you can ignore.
Also know that the SDK uses inheritance very heavily, so look to base classes for functionality that you may desire.
I'd say make a list of important files and classes that maybe relevant to what you want to do with the SDK. Then start sorting these files using virtual folders in VS (or real folders on the filesystem) and use the find in files option (or grep) to find your way around.
Some sample files:
eiface.h - Engine interfaces
gameinterface.cpp/.h - Lots of interfaces from external dlls for server
cdll_client_int.cpp/.h - Lots of interfaces from external dlls for client
*_gamerules.cpp/.h - Gamerules (determines logic of game)
world.cpp - Entity that determines the map properties and loads the gamerules and other entities
Also try to use the Source SDK Base instead of the HL2MP Base for a mod. The former is a lot cleaner and easier to build off of.

Improving and publishing an application. Need some advice

Last term (August - December 2008) me and some class mates wrote an application in C++. Nothing spectacular, it is an ORM for Sqlite3. We implemented some stuff like reflection to make it work and release the end user from the ugly stuff. Personally, i think we made a nice job, and that our ORM could actually be useful for someone (even though its writen specifically for Sqlite3, its easily adaptable for oter databases).
Consequently, i`ve come to the conclusion that it should be published somewhere (sourceforge most likely) as an open source project. But, as it was a term project, there are some things that need to be addresesed before doing that. Namely, it has some memory leaks that should be fixed, and some parts of the code could be refactored to make everyone´s life easier in the future.
I would like to know more experienced C++ programmers opinion on some issues:
Is it worth rewriting some parts to
apply new techonologies (for example,
Should our ORM be adapted to latest
C++ standard? Is there any benefit in
doing this?
How will we know when our code is
ready for release?
What are the chances that this ORM
will be forgotten into the mists of
the internet? (i.e is it worth
publishing it beyond personal pride
as a programmer?)
Right now i can`t think of many more questions, but i would like to read on similar experiences.
EDIT: I should probably translate my code + comments to english right? (self question)
Thanks in advance.
I guess I am "more experienced" with regard to your particular question. I co-developed an open source web application language & template system a lot like ColdFusion back in the early days of web design before Java or ASP were around. You can still see it at if you are interested. It's still used at the company I was at when it was developed, but I don't think anywhere else.
What I found is that unless you are already well connected and people are watching what you are doing, getting people to use your open source code is just about as hard as selling somone your closed source program. You really need to advocate for your project and it should have some kind of unique selling proposition that distinguishes it from the compitition.
So, that's the unsolicited advice. Here are some specific answers to the questions you had...all purely my opinion, of course.
I wouldn't rewrite any code unless you have a featuer you want to put in. That feature might be compatibility with a specific platforms or compilers. It might be to support a new db datatype or smarter indicies or whatever. If you are going to put some more serious work into the applicaiton, think about a roadmap of what you can realistically accomplish in the next iteration and what choices will make the app the "most better" at the end of your cycle.
Release the code as soon as it is usable for a specific purpose, any purpose. Two reasons. First off, there might be someone who wants it for that purpose right now. If it's not available, they will use something else. Also, if it's open source, they might contribute back to the project. Second, the sooner you find out how much people want to use the code, the better. Either it will be more popular than you expect and you can get excited about continuing the will find that no one is even visiting your web page to see what you've got. In either case, better to know sooner than later what people really want from your project so you can take that into account when planning new releases.
About the "forgotten into the mists." I think most projects are. I don't want to be a downer, but looking at Wikipedia, there were 5 C++ ORM tools popular enough to get mention and they were all open source. As I said above, unless you can sell your idea to people, they are going to go with another proven open source solution. For someone to choose you over them, three things have to happen: 1. They need a feature you have that the others don't. 2. They find your project web site and it demonstrates the superiority of your code. 3. They trust your code enough to give it a shot.
On the other hand, if you are in this for the long haul and want to continue development thigns get easier over time. Eventually the project will get all the basics covered and you can start developing those new featuers that aren't in the other solutions. Also, the longer you are in active development the more trustworthy the project will seem. Finally, you will get more experience in the nitch. 2 years from now you will be better positioned to say where your effort will have the most impact on bettering the project.
A final thought: If you are enjoying it, learning from it, and it's not getting in the way of you keeping food on the table, it's a good use of your time.
Good luck!
Regarding the open source part:
If you really want to make it an open source project, you really should publish it regardless of it's current state - fully working and debugged - or half working and full of memory leaks.
Just, if it's state is bad, make sure to document it, and give it a suitable version number (less than one?). then others may view your code, suggest improving, join your team, etc...
My--rather random--thoughts on the matter (in the order I think is most important):
How will we know when our code is ready for release?
Like Liran Orevi said: if you're going open source release early. Document it reasonable well, and take the time to provide a road map of planned or hoped for future improvements (these are a invitation for people to help you, so note which ones have no one working on them).
Is it worth rewriting some parts to apply new technologies (for example, boost).
Should our ORM be adapted to latest C++ standard? Is there any benefit in doing this?
SQLite relies on a fairly limited base. Maybe you don't want your tool to demand a much heavier environment. If the code in not currently a tangled and unmaintainable mess, you might want to avoid boost and newest frills. Once you have a stable release (1.0 at least) you can starting thinking about the improvements that can be made for version 2.
What are the chances that this ORM will be forgotten into the mists of the internet? (i.e is it worth publishing it beyond personal pride as a programmer?)
Most things end up in the big /dev/null in the sky, and there is only one way to find out... If it goes anywhere at all, you win. If it doesn't it was a modest investment, and maybe you learned something while you were at it.