I've created a json fixture, and put it in my myapp/fixtures/. I've added myapp/fixtures to settings.FIXTURE_DIRS.
Here's the output of my attempt to load the fixture:
jeff#jeff-linux:~/myapp$ ./manage.py loaddata --verbosity=2 default.json
Loading 'default' fixtures...
[...truncated checking default paths and installed apps/fixtures...]
Checking '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/' for fixtures...
Trying '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/' for default.json fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/'.
Trying '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/' for default.json.gz fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/'.
Trying '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/' for default.json.zip fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/'.
Trying '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/' for default.json.bz2 fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in '/home/jeff/myapp/fixtures/'.
Checking absolute path for fixtures...
Trying absolute path for default.json fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in absolute path.
Trying absolute path for default.json.gz fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in absolute path.
Trying absolute path for default.json.zip fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in absolute path.
Trying absolute path for default.json.bz2 fixture 'default'...
No json fixture 'default' in absolute path.
No fixtures found.
jeff#jeff-linux:~/myapp$ ls fixtures/
defaults.json moneytrail.json
here's what's in default.json:
"pk": 1,
"model": "myapp.feature",
"fields": {
"default_feature": "0.25"
Am I missing something obvious here? I've tried the FIXTURE_DIRS as both fixtures and fixtures/ same results.
Your file: defaults.json
Your command line argument: default.json
Look closely.
I am using Robot Framework for my acceptance testing.
To start the django server I run the python manage.py runserver command from the RobotFramework. After that, I call python manage.py migrate. But the tests are slow because is not using an in-memory database.
I tried creating a new setting file called testing and I an using the following configuration:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': ':memory:',
and setting the enviroment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE at runtime with this config.
I run a migrate followed by a runserver but the database does not exist. I can't figure out why. If I use a physical database it works.
I tried to check how the Django TestCase works to run and create the database but I could not find it.
I try to simulate make migrate before running test cases by calling execute_from_command_line() manually.
So the command I choose is: (removing poetry run if you don't use poetry).
poetry run ./manage.py test --settings=myproject.settings_test
I put this command into GNUMakefile to allow me use make test.
Then inside myproject/settings_test.py:
from .settings import *
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': ':memory:',
from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line
execute_from_command_line(['./manage.py', 'migrate'])
You might be able to use the django.db.connection.creation.create_test_db function documented here at the start of your tests and then call django.db.connection.creation.destroy_test_db after completing your tests.
how to copy records from one database to another django ?
I tried for the first database
python manage.py dumpdata material - indent = 1
material is the directory database
after ?
material.json ?
do I copy this file somewhere? in the second database ?
You can use this command to dump the data to a json file:
python manage.py dumpdata material --indent=1 > my_dir/material.json
And then this command to load it into the database:
python manage.py loaddata my_dir/material.json
I've got Django 1.4. In my test.py, I've got the requisite TestCase import:
from django.test import TestCase
To isolate the issue, I've added the line:
fixtures = ['westeros']
to the default example test case, i.e.
class SimpleTest(TestCase):
fixtures = ['westeros']
def test_basic_addition(self):
Tests that 1 + 1 always equals 2.
self.assertEqual(1 + 1, 2)
Using django-admin.py dumpdata, I created a fixture file called "westeros" in my customers/fixtures directory, where "customers" is an app that is listed in settings.INSTALLED_APPS.
When I run the test, at any verbosity, Django simply ignores the fixture and passes the test_basic_addition test. No error, no fixture loading. It's as if the TestCase import isn't there. Any ideas on what could be wrong or how to debug this?
It's ok to omit the extension when defining fixtures as you have done, i.e.
fixtures = ['westeros']
However, the fixture file itself must have the extension that corresponds to its serializer e.g westeros.json, westeros.json.zip or westeros.xml for json, zipped json or xml respectively.
Where is your westeros file located?
It needs to either be in a fixtures directory inside an app or in the dir specified by FIXTURE_DIRS in your settings.py file
You can run with tests with verbosity=2 to get full output.
Is your fixtures file named westeros ? or does it have a file extension?
Django will fail silently on fixture loads as you see. (at least up until 1.3, I haven't used fixtures in new 1.4 version yet). But you are not actually testing if the fixtures are loading.
Throw in a self.assertGreater(YourModel.objects.all(), 0) or somethign to verify that there are no objects, or drop in a debbuger and start querying some of your models.
I've a very simple app and I've created a fixture. A folder named as fixtures and a file named as initial_data.json. Following is the code I've in my initial_data.json file:
"model": "myapp.model_in_lower_case",
"pk": 1,
"fields": {
"title": "my Title",
"description": "Description goes here..."
But when I run the syncdb command, it says zero fixtures found and the data is not being saved. What's missing?
Make sure you are using manage.py /dumpdata to export the fixture.
save the fixuture under your app fixtures directory not your project directory.
name it initial_data.json and it should work for you.
when the json file does not fit to your database or is invalid, manage.py will throw an exception. I am positive that currently you didnt put the json file in the right place.
When trying to use loaddata on my local machine (win/sqlite):
python django-admin.py loaddata dumpdata.json
I get the following error:
raise ImportError("Settings cannot be imported, because environment variable %s is undefined." % ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE) ImportError: Settings cannot be imported, because environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is undefined.
I am using djangoconfig app if that helps:
Django-config settings loader.
import os
# Import defaults
from config.base import *
# Import overrides
overrides = __import__(
for attribute in dir(overrides):
if attribute.isupper():
globals()[attribute] = getattr(overrides, attribute)
projects>python manage.py loaddata dumpdata.json --settings=config.base
WARNING: Forced to run environment with LOCAL configuration.
Problem installing fixture 'dumpdata.json': Traceback
(most recent call last):
File "loaddata.py", line 174, in handle
File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\db\backends\sqlite3\base.py", line
234, in execute
return Database.Cursor.execute(self, query, params)
IntegrityError: columns app_label, model are not unique
Don't use django-admin.py for anything other than setting up an initial project. Once you have a project, use manage.py instead - it sets up the reference to your settings file.
syncdb will load content_types, you need to clear that table before loading data. Something like this:
c:\> sqlite3 classifier.db
sqlite> delete from django_content_type;
sqlite> ^Z
c:\> python django-admin.py loaddata dumpdata.json
Also, make sure you do not create a superuser, or any user, when you syncdb, as those are likely to also collide with your data fixture ...
There are two standard ways to provide your settings to Django.
Using set (or export on Unix) set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mysite.settings
Alternatively as an option with django-admin.py --settings=mysite.settings
Django-config does things differently because it allows you to have multiple settings files. Django-config works with manage.py to specify which to use. You should use manage.py whenever possible; it sets up the environment. In your case try this where --settings points to the specific .py file you want to use from django-config's config folder.
django-admin.py loaddata dumpdata.json --settings=<config/settings.py>
Actually --settings wants python package syntax so maybe <mysite>.config.<your settings>.py