Don't uninstall file with WSPBuilder - uninstallation

I am building a WSP file with WSPBuilder. All my DLL's are added to the file and the WSP install will install them at the proper place (bin, GAC etc...). My problem is that I don't want some of those files to be uninstalled when uninstalling the feature. How can I do that? Please help.

It cant be done. If you really want that edit manifest.xml and remove the entries of the files you dont want to remove. Then try the uninistall. Install/uninstall basically reads manifest.xml for the list of files/references/CAS etc.


How to clean including nuget packages

If I want to keep backups of my code and I don't want all the libraries and nuget libraries in the backup, how do I do that?
I run clean on my solution and I noticed there are still DLL's and EXE in the bin and obj folders. Ok, I can delete those folders manually. I can delete the package folder which will remove all the nuget libraries, but if I ever want to restore, will my solution redownload all the nuget packages needed for the project? I'm afraid to test that theory and from what I read there is meta data and other things in the package folder will will cause me problems. If I zip what I have after deleting bin and obj folder, the zip is 450MB. If I go into the zip and delete the package folder, I see it is only 25MB. It seems to be all in the Package folder. From an ReactJS perspective, I can do a build and it cleans all this out and when I want to reimport for an existing project, I run a install. Is there not something like this for Visual Studio 2017? Will I be able to recover easily if I just delete the package folder before I back it up?
If I want to keep backups of my code and I don't want all the
libraries and nuget libraries in the backup, how do I do that?
Which way do you backup the code? According to your description, it seems you're trying to zip the solution and store it somewhere to do the backup. If so, you can delete the bin, obj and packages folders before you zip the solution. (You can even delete the .vs folder)
Is there not something like this for Visual Studio 2017? Will I be
able to recover easily if I just delete the package folder before I
back it up?
There're two ways to manage nuget packages in VS, packages.config and PackageReference format. Since you have packages folder in your solution, I think you use packages.config format. The info about nuget packages your project consume are defined in packages.config and xx.csproj file. After you delete the packages folder, you can easily recover the packages with the help of the packages.config file and xx.csproj file.
Import the solution which you've deleted bin, obj, packages folders in VS, right-click the solution in Solution Explorer and choose Restore nuget packages option, then it will help install the packages your solution need according to your packages.config file. So the answer is Yes for Will I be able to recover easily.
In addition:
1.When you install one nuget package, it will firstly install it in global-packages folder, and then copy them to your solution. So in same machine, if you zip the solution before delete the packages folder in solution. When you recover, it will first look for the cache, if the cache doesn't have the required nuget packages, it will install them from package source.(like You need to enable these two options in VS setting.
2.If you're using PackageReference format, the packages are stored in %userprofile%\.nuget\packages but not in your solution. And you can easily recover the packages though you zip the solution and copy it to remote server.
3.Apart from the restore nuget packages option in VS, you can also use command-line like nuget.exe, msbuild.exe... More details see here.
Why not just use some source control to do just that?
If you use Team Foundation Server with TFVC or Git it will do just that. You will have all your code under version control, without dll´s, bins, build artifacts, packages or anything. Without all those heavy, innecesary things that can be recreated by just rebuilding the solution again.
And of course you will enjoy all the advantages of having your code under source control: namely, not only having a backup of your code, but of all changes it has undergone with thus far.
Just saying.

Eclipse - Can't edit cpp files in my eclipse - folder is not accessible

i want to edit cpp files in Eclipse but can't open the folder that contains the cpp files.
The folder symbol is a folder with an exclamation mark at the bottom right. I tried to look up the meaning of the symbol in the eclipse docs but didnt find something. Maybe a bit more background: the cpp files belong to a cocos2d-x application, eclipse cdt is installed. The files are normally accessible with notepad++ or any other texteditor but eclipse just doesn't list them. Refresh, clean or restart didnt help either. Maybe you guys can help me out.
The esclamation Mark deals with build path problem. This problem are usually related with eclipse metadata, probably rebuilding the Index Will fix it, but the easiest thing is delete the project (without deleting from disk) and import the project using import existing project into workspace. Male a backup before any operation.
Found the problem, a little fault in the path, edited the folder properties now everything works!

Build all dependencies to one file

I'm working on a small installer program (silent install of setup, unzipping, ...).
I wondered how to build everything into one .exe file.
I don't even know HOW to search for that correctly.
Could you tell me some keyword to search for?
I have Setup.exe and for my installer to use.
After compiling I just wanna have 1 file (Install.exe) which has Setup.exe and included and can use them.
You could use resources that is a normal way to store such files. You can extract that files and execute that than from the temp directory.

How do I get Eclipse CDT to ignore files

I have a C++ project in Eclipse. The project uses Perforce and Eclipse has the Perforce plugin installed. Everything was fine, until I decided to create a git repo in my project. I created the git repo to snapshot some changes which I wasn't ready to commit. Everything was fine until I refreshed my files in Eclipse. Two problems have occurred:
Eclipse found my .git folder, and indexed all of the files inside of it.
Eclipse also decided to add all the git file to my pending change list.
If I create a new file within Eclipse, I'd like it to add it to Perforce, but if it happens to find a file, I don't want it to do anything with it. I'd also like to give Eclipse a list of file types to always ignore, just like I do with my .gitignore file.
I'm using the P4WSAD plugin, but I'm pretty sure the problem can occur anytime you have files you want Eclipse to not see.
Just add a file .p4ignore in your project root and add everything you want P4WSAD to ignore, such as
See the docu on P4WSAD for more info.
That should take care of the Perforce part of your question. For the Eclipse part, please see this SO question.

How do you install cocos2d-iphone on the Mac?

There are no good instructions for installing cocos2d for iPhone on the mac.
I downloaded the current build from git, a folder called "cocos2d-iphone-0.99.1". i put this folder in /Developer/Libary. Q: is this right?
I tried running the file called "". it said the templates were already installed.
Instead, I manually dragged the templates folders where they belong, and they ~do~ appear in the XCode's "New Project" dialog.
When I create a new cocos2d project, I see all these red links for project files, instead of the regular black links. When I try to open them in the finder, nothing happens.
I can tell that something is not linked. Can someone please help walk me through this?
To install the templates, these instructions worked for me. You can see them here. Otherwise you can just download the library and use it. No install is really needed.
You also need to add the cocos2d files to your project in Xcode.