Extend ELMAH to include another viewer hitting a different table - elmah

I've been doing a little tweaking of the SQL-side of ELMAH to provide basic logging capabilities to my MVC app.
I changed ELMAH_LogError to test the TYPE field for text sent by my App and, if found, inserts to a different table that i'd created by 'Script As'
It was reasonably easy to simply create a new table because I didn't try to rename any fields. The structure is identical to the original. Any chance this same principle (same structure/different table name) could be (easily) extended to providing a new 'Logger.axd' that would provide viewing of my newly created table?


Kentico 10 - Use a repeater to display multiple page types

We are currently use the oob page types for Blog, News and Event. We have one page for each of these types that includes a repeater to show a list of the pages of that type. We would also like to have a page that includes a repeater that shows all blog, news and event pages in one spot, sorted by their created date.
I have seen some old comments (here, here) on devnet saying that although a repeater can render multiple page types, the fields rendered must be identical across each of those page types. The workarounds suggested are either to create the same fields in each page type, or to create a custom SQL query and use a query repeater to render the data. I've done this and it works just fine, but it was pretty cumbersome to create and will be difficult to maintain. (If we want to add other page types, for example.) Can anyone suggest a more out-of-the-box method available in Kentico 10?
I'm trying to accomplish this as Brenden described, but am running into trouble.
My page structure is as follows:
.RollupPage (CMS.MenuItem)
..BlogPosts (CMS.Blog)
...January 2017 (CMS.BlogMonth)
....blog post 1 (CMS.BlogPost)
...February 2017 (CMS.BlogMonth)
....blog post 2 (CMS.BlogPost)
..Events (CMS.MenuItem)
...Event1 (CMS.BookingEvent)
...Event2 (CMS.BookingEvent)
I've attempted to use a universal viewer, but failed to get it to return any data.
I configured it with:
Path: /RollupPage/%
Page types: CMS.BlogPost;CMS.BookingEvent
Hierarchical Transformation: CMS.MenuItem.HierTrans1
HierTrans1 has the following transformations:
CMS.BlogPost.Default (Item transformation for type CMS.BlogPost)
CMS.BookingEvent.EventCalendarItem (Item transformation for type CMS.BookingEvent)
These aren't customized at all; they are standard OOB transformations just so I can see it work.
When I view the RollupPage, the universal viewer displays nothing.
I attempted to use a Hierarchical Viewer with the same settings as I did with the Universal Viewer. It kind-of worked. It displayed my booking events but did not display any blog posts. Yet using the same blog post transformation (CMS.BlogPost.default) with hierarchical viewer whose Path was set to /RollupPage/BlogPosts/% displayed my blog posts correctly but, obviously, did not display my booking events.
The results I've gotten so far makes me think a) something about the way I've created my pages is stopping the universal viewer from traversing the whole tree and/or b) the hierarchical viewer either only goes a couple of levels deep, or maybe it is being blocked from traversing the tree too... No events are recorded when I edit or view these web parts.
Any idea what I may be doing wrong?
For this scenario use a universal viewer. Reason being is you can create a hierarchical transformation which will have different transformations for each of your unique page types. You most likely won't use the hierarchy at all but you can simply add 3 different item transformations for the different page types.
You can use the Hierarchical viewer or the Universal viewer, as Brenden Kehren mentioned, to achieve the goal you are describing.
When configuring the web part you must select all the Page types that are included in the hierarchy, in your case: CMS.MenuItem, CMS.Blog, CMS.BlogMonth, CMS.BlogPost and CMSBookingEvent.
Create a Hierarchical transformation to be used with your viewer and add an Item transformation for each of the items you wish to display. Also make sure the Level setting for each transformation is configured properly (-1 applies the transformation to all levels).
For Universal viewer it is necessary to check the property Load hierarchical data in the section Extended settings of the configuration.
As an additional note, you can leave the path property empty in case you are viewing the child documents of the current page.
For reference there is also an example on the Corporate Site example site in the content tree path Examples > Web Parts > Listings and viewers > Pages > Hierarchical viewer (or Universal viewer).
Hope this helps!
The other ways are this
Evaluate right fieldname by check object classname inside the transformation and assign appropriate value.
Dynamically assign transformation by checking the object classname

Sitecore ItemID does it change from deployment to deployment?

I am new to Sitecore and have a basic question around this. When I create a Sitecore item a Unique ID is created for this item. Is it ok if I use this item ID in the code to hold a reference to it? Does this change from deployment to deployment?
If you actually "deploy" your items -using a package or serialization (tool)-, the ID will stay the same and you can keep a reference to it in your code.
It is a good coding practice however not to spread hard-coded guids (as that is what the ID actually is wrapping) around all over your code. So either bundle them somewhere in a piece of code that can easily be deployed without side-effects or put them in a configuration file (but again, bundle them and don't mix with other stuff).
If for some reason the item would be gone some day and you need to re-create it (meaning: the id is changed) or you just need it to point to a new one, you will be grateful that you did keep it somewhere separated ;)
This is Sitecore behaviour to have Sitecore ID like a GUID. It is a very good aproach. The ID of an item can be also use in your C# code
The ID class in Sitecore is used to identify all types of item in Sitecore i.e. content items, templates, media items etc. It is a wrapper around .NET's own System.Guid struct and has a property called Guid which returns a System.Guid. Internally Sitecore stores IDs in it's SQL Server database using the uniqueidentifier type.
For exemple a template is also an item and it has a unique ID. If it wasn't the same ID between environments you need to modify your code between environments.
Sitecore ItemID always remain unique. So If you publish the content from your CM server to CD server, Item ID will not change. You can use ItemID as this ensure even if you change the name, you still reference to right Sitecore Content Item.
It is recommended to use some kind of class and put the item id there and reference from there so that in future, if you ever need to change then you change it in one place.
Using directly GUID or any number value for that matter are kind of magic values and is always prone to bugs.
A quick answer is yes, an ID does not change during deployments, so you can hold a reference in your code.
Sitecore Item Id will not change from deployment to deployment, You can use this ID in your code like:
Creating a class holding IDs
Or maybe a configuration file

How to clean up after Sitecore template "Shared" setting was "packaged" and "installed" and items using this field are unaware

we faced very specific scenario in our Sitecore enviroment. In our Sitecore we have a item, lets call it "Promotion". Promotion was using "End date" field that was shared.
On our dev instance we "unshared" the field. Which naturally triggers the background process that changes the items to use field in unshared mode.
Similar process is described here: http://sitecoreblog.alexshyba.com/2011/10/changing-field-sharing-settings-in.html
So then we packaged and installed change of "unsharing field" on production "master" database. As I assume during installation the background process of "updating the items" has not been triggered. Which now behaves in the way, that "unshared" field on our production master database cannot be saved. Cahnges of value after clicking save are "vanishing". I am sure they are now being saved in some language agnostic mode.
Of course simple fix for that is to "share" it back and "unshare" it again. However when we tried to do this experiment on copy of our enviroment and we noticed all the values were lost. As the items from mentioned template are heavily used, we cannot really afford loosing those values.
Any ideas?
I would go "database digging". Sitecore stores these field values in their respective databases inside the "SharedFields", "VersionedFields" and "UnversionedFields" tables.
Assuming you shut off your Sitecore instances (this is important), you should be able to SELECT the data out of the wrong table, and INSERT it into the correct one.
(you need to look for items where FieldId matches the field you are having trouble with)
From what you've described, I don't believe Sitecore has removed any data on your production environment (yet).
So the solution we came up to, was to use Sitecore Rocks tool. We exported all the Items containing the fields before changing the field to "Share". The query was more or less like that:
SELECT ##ID, ##Start Date#, ##End Date# FROM //*[##templateid='{993DC54F-6724-46C3-B8D2-3EE13F15366A}']
It gave us proper values at that point, even though to items were pointing to the SharedFields table. We just simply converted the result of this query (around 9000 rows) in Excel to Sitecore Rocks update query -
UPDATE SET ##Start Date#='20120531T000000',##End Date#='20120614T000000' FROM //* [##ID='{E3FD9819-3DBD-4FAA-8DEF-FEF2A6272723}'];
After prepared this migrations script, we shared the appropriate field and apply the script of 9000 updates queries through Sitecore Rocks. We need to to exactly the same on Live database. Everything went pretty smooth.
The same approach could be easily done with the database I believe, however this solution was better for us, because of non-technical reasons (security policies etc.). Anyway Sitecore Rocks rocks!

Avoid report to allow modifications of records in Filemaker Pro 11

I'm building a database that needs to display tables as lists and allow the user to export such lists as Excel spreadsheets.
Creating the reports, showing them as lists and providing the button for exporting as Excel was not a problem, however I noticed that when I show those lists the user can still edit them, hence add/deleting records and modify the content of existing records.
I'd like to find a way to avoid such modifications when visualizing the list, in such a way to be sure the user does not accidentally change data.
Any idea as to how to do this? I'm using Filemaker pro 11
Thanks in advance.
There are a couple of different ways that might be appropriate, depending on your needs:
In layout mode, click on the field, go to the Data tab of the Inspector, and turn off field entry in 'Browse' mode. (You also have the option to turn off field entry in 'Find' mode. And you can select multiple fields at once to make the selection for all of them.) This is appropriate if your users can regularly enter data into these fields but you don't want them to enter data for this particular layout.
In Manage Database, under the field options, turn on Prohibit modification of value during data entry in the Auto-Enter tab. This is appropriate if you will only be changing the value of a field during an import or with a script.
In Manage Security, create a new Privilege Set that is View-Only for that table (or for those fields). This is appropriate when some users should be able to modify the data and other users should not be able to modify the data.
There are other methods, as well, but those are the three most common for limiting user access to data.

Saving user's data for my application

I was wondering what would be the correct method for saving all user data for an application I am working on. The application is in QT. The user inputs a lot of data into the application and the data will be different for every user. I want the ability for the user to save all the current data to a file that can be user by the loaded by the application again once the user wants to use it again or use it on another computer running the application.
What would be the correct and best way to do this? Do I need to use xml format? And then use the xmlreader for QT? Or do I just need to create my own file format and just use the stream to just read everything in. The data in the file will need to be labeled, because it will need to put the data in certain spots on the gui. And the user has the option to dynamically create boxes and tabs that hold certain information.
If you need any more information, please let me know.
A short example:
I am not only reading gui locations.
But the contents of those. For
instance. The user is able to create
tabs that contain edit text boxes. And
those tabs are associated with items
that are in a list. When the user
clicks on an item in the list the user
will be presented with a whole set of
new tabs. And each tab has some
editing forms. The file will need to
contain what is in the list, what tabs
the user has created under each item
in that list and the contents of each
tab associated with the tab of each
item in the list.
In essense, yes you'll be creating your own file format, but the actual content can just be XML in whatever scheme you need. Then you can use Qt's built-in XML processing capabilities to pull the heavy lifting of parsing the text (I personally prefer the DOM model, so I use QDomDocument as my base point), and you'll just need to worry about parsing things to and from the individual nodes.
The Qt framework has some great XML samples if I remember correctly that helped me get off the ground almost immediately. Hope they help!
Another great solution is to use internal database implementation (QSQL on top of sqlite). Compared to the xml solution, it might be more versatile (update when needed, can use external keys). Qt has some rgeat examples about using it aas well.
In terms of dependencies, XML solution will require you to use xml and xmlpatterns (if you want to validate stuff), whereas sqlite solution will require QSQL + sqlite plugin. I think that sqlite guarantees atomicity of writing , thus preventing corruption of data (think : the user is killing the app while it's saving).