virtual method not seen in implementation - c++

i am currently working on a C++ project where i have an abstract interface that is implemented later on. The interface also has a implemented method which my implementation doesn't override.
My problem is that when using my implementation, the compiler(MSVC) doesn't see the interface method. What causes this, and how can i resolve it?
Here comes the code.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using std::string;
class A
string name;
class interface
virtual int num_foo() = 0;
virtual A* foo(int) = 0;
virtual A* foo(string &name){
for ( int i(0); i < num_foo(); i++)
if ( foo(i)->name == name )
return foo(i);
return 0;
class implementation : public interface
virtual int num_foo() { return m_foos.size(); }
virtual A* foo(int i) {
//check range
return &m_foos[i];
std::vector<A> m_foos;
int main(...)
implementation impl;
// impl is properly initialized here
string name( "bar" );
// here comes my problem, the MSVC compiler doesn't see foo(string &name)
// and gives an error
A *a = name );

Name resolution happens before overload resolution. In name ), then compiler looks at the implementation class and finds only virtual A& foo(int i). It does not look at the base class as it has found a function with the right name.
To correct this use can add a using interface::foo declaration to the derived class to pull all of the base versions of foo into the derived class for the purposes of overload resolution. Usually, I'd prefer to avoid overloaded functions and I'd probably give the variants of foo different function names.
(Other errors are that you don't define string, vector or m_ones; you attempt to use -> instead of . on a reference and you attempt to return 0 in a function returning a reference to an A.)

To re-publish base methods (such as foo(string)) in a subclass for overloading, add
using interface::foo;
into class implementation.

class implementation : public interface{
using interface::foo;
int num_foo() { return m_foos.size(); }
A& foo(int i)
{ //check range
return m_ones[i];
vector<A> m_foos;
vector<A> m_ones;

This is only an issue because you're accessing the implementation interface, which does have a foo member, as noted already in the answer by #charles-bailey.
Semantically, what you're trying to call is the interface method foo, so you probably should actually call that:
int main()
implementation impl;
string name( "bar" );
interface& interf = impl;
A *a = name );
A *b = 4 );
This would also allow you to implement the Non-Virtual Interface idiom, by making implementation::foo private. You'd still fail if you try to call directly, but you'd fail for all argument types, with the same error.
(I know this question is old, but NVI is older...)


C++ Errors declaring Interface with return template

I have a base interface, declaration like this - IBaseTest.h:
#pragma once
template <class T1>
class IBaseTest
virtual ~IBaseTest();
virtual T1 DoSomething() = 0;
And two children who overrides DoSomething() CBaseTest1 claass in - BaseTest1.h:
#pragma once
#include "IBaseTest.h"
class CBaseTest1: public IBaseTest<int>
virtual int DoSomething();
#include "BaseTest1.h"
int CBaseTest1::DoSomething()
return -1;
And CBaseTest2 in - BaseTest2.h
#pragma once
#include "IBaseTest.h"
class CBaseTest2: public IBaseTest<long long>
virtual long long DoSomething();
#include "BaseTest2.h"
long long CBaseTest2::DoSomething()
return -2;
So CBaseTest1::DoSomething() overrides return type to int, and CBaseTest2::DoSomething() to long long. Now, i want to use a pointer to the base interface, to work with those classes, and there i have the problem:
#include "IBaseTest.h"
#include "BaseTest1.h"
#include "BaseTest2.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
IBaseTest<T1> * pBase = NULL;
pBase = new CBaseTest1();
cout << pBase->DoSomething() << endl;
pBase = new CBaseTest2();
cout << pBase->DoSomething() << endl;
return 0;
The problem is i cannot declare IBaseTest<T1> * pBase = NULL; T1 is undefined. If declare the template before _tmain like this:
template <class T1>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
I get: error C2988: unrecognizable template declaration/definition
So what do i put here instead of T1?
IBaseTest<??> * pBase = NULL;
The problem is that T1 parameter needs to be known when you instantiate an object of the template class IBaseTest. Technically, IBaseTest<int> and IBaseTest<long long> are two different types without a common base and C++ does not allow you to declare a variable IBaseTest<T1> pBase = NULL; where T1 is determined at runtime. What you are trying to achieve is something that would be possible in a dynamically typed language, but not in C++ because it is statically typed.
However, if you know the expected return type of DoSomething whenever you call that method, you can sort of make your example to work. First, you need to introduce a common base class that is not a template:
#include <typeinfo>
#include <typeindex>
#include <assert.h>
class IDynamicBase {
virtual std::type_index type() const = 0;
virtual void doSomethingVoid(void* output) = 0;
template <typename T>
T doSomething() {
assert(type() == typeid(T));
T result;
return result;
virtual ~IDynamicBase() {}
Note that it has a template method called doSomething that takes a type parameter for the return value. This is the method that we will call later.
Now, modify your previous IBaseTest to extend IDynamicBase:
template <class T1>
class IBaseTest : public IDynamicBase
std::type_index type() const {return typeid(T1);}
void doSomethingVoid(void* output) {
*(reinterpret_cast<T1*>(output)) = DoSomething();
virtual T1 DoSomething() = 0;
virtual ~IBaseTest() {}
You don't need to change CBaseTest1 or CBaseTest2.
Finally, you can now write the code in your main function like this:
IDynamicBase* pBase = nullptr;
pBase = new CBaseTest1();
std::cout << pBase->doSomething<int>() << std::endl;
pBase = new CBaseTest2();
std::cout << pBase->doSomething<long long>() << std::endl;
Note that instead of calling pBase->DoSomething(), we now call pBase->doSomething<T>() where T is a type that must be known statically where we call the method and we provide that type at the call site, e.g. pBase->doSomething<int>().
The language does not allows to do directly what you are trying to do. At that point, you should ask yourself if that is the right solution for the problem.
The first approach that might work well assuming that you don't have too much different operations to do for each type would be to simply do the action in the function itself instead of returning type that are not related through inheritance.
class IBaseTest
virtual void OutputTo(std::ostream &os) = 0;
class CBaseTest1
virtual void OutputTo(std::ostream &os) override;
int DoSomething();
void CBaseTest1OutputTo(std::ostream &os)
os << DoSomething() << std::endl;
If you have only a few types but a lot of operation, you might use the visitor pattern instead.
If you mainly have operation that depends on type, you could use:
class IVisitor
virtual void Visit(int value) = 0;
virtual void Visit(long value) = 0;
Otherwise, use that which is more general
class IVisitor
virtual void Visit (CBaseTest1 &test1) = 0;
virtual void Visit (CBaseTest2 &test2) = 0;
Then in your classes add an apply function
class IBaseTest
virtual void Apply(IVisitor &visitor) = 0;
In each derived class, you implement the Apply function:
void CBaseTest1 : public IBaseTest
virtual void Apply(IVisitor &visitor) override
visitor.Visit(this->DoSomething()); // If you use first IVisitor definition
visitor.Visit(*this); // If you use second definition
And for creation purpose, you could have a factory that return the appropriate class from a type tag if you need to create those class from say a file…
One example assuming you want a new object each time:
enum class TypeTag { Integer = 1, LongInteger = 2 };
std::unique_ptr<IBaseTest> MakeObjectForTypeTag(TypeTag typeTag)
switch (typeTag)
case TypeTag::Integer : return new CBaseTest1();
case TypeTag::LongInteger : return new CBaseTest2();
So the only time you would do a switch statement is when you are creating an object… You could also use a map or even an array for that...
The right approach depends on your actual problem.
How many CBaseClass* do you have?
Do you expect to add other classes? Often?
How many operations similar to DoSomething() do you have?
How many actions that works on the result of DoSomething do you have?
Do you expect to add other actions? Often?
By responding to those questions, it will be much easier to take the right decision. If the action are stables (and you only have a few one), then specific virtual functions like OutputToabove is more appropriate. But if you have dozen of operation but don't expect much changes to ITestBase class hierarchy, then visitor solution is more appropriate.
And the reason why a given solution is more appropriate in a given context is mainly the maintenance effort when adding classes or actions in the future. You typically want that the most frequent change (adding a class or an action) require les changes everywhere in the code.

Why is it possible to change the visibility of a virtual member or a public base class?

Browsing in a code base I found something on the line of:
class Interface{
virtual void func() = 0;
class Implementation : public Interface{
void func() override {};
I thought that would have been a compilation error, but it seems it is not. What sense does it make?
In C++:
accessibility is a “static” notion (checked at compile-time), whereas
virtual dispatch is a “dynamic” notion (the implementation to call is chosen at run-time).
We can say that C++ keeps those two notions “orthogonal”.
So with your example, this will compile (not realistic code, just illustration):
Implementation obj;
Interface& ref = obj;
ref.func(); // (will call obj.func())
but this won't:
Implementation obj;
obj.func(); // error: Implementation::func is protected
effectively “forcing” you to only use the interface (which maybe was the intent). — Edit: see Dieter Lücking's answer for a maybe better design.
Freedom. Sometimes it may be kind of useful (for example if you want to hide a member you want to discourage to be used). At least when they access through derived class.
See it as kind of "explicit implementation". Let's say, for example, you have a base interface List like this (very simplified code for illustration purposes):
class List {
virtual void add(std::string item) = 0;
virtual std::string at(int index) = 0;
You create your ReadOnlyList concrete class which implements List interface, in this case you would discourage users of your class to call add() method, just change its visibility. Unless they're accessing it through List interface it'll be hidden.
Another example? If you want to provide an interface for some specific tasks but it's an implementation detail and it's not part of class contract. In this case you make them protected or private and they won't be accessible.
That said it's so weak and confusing that I would avoid to do it, besides very few, commented and well controlled exceptions.
What sense does it make?
Yes, it makes sense. If you try to create object of Derived type, you will not be able to call that method. So the idea is to always access the object through it's interface.
The idea is to enforce the Interface segregation principle.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
struct Base
virtual ~Base(){}
virtual void foo() = 0;
struct Derived1 : Base
virtual void foo(){
std::cout << "foo 1" << std::endl;
struct Derived2 : Base
virtual void foo(){
std::cout << "foo 2" << std::endl;
void wouldFail()
Derived1 d;
//; -- Error! Do not try to call it directly
void ok()
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Base > > v;
v.emplace_back( std::make_shared<Derived1>() );
v.emplace_back( std::make_shared<Derived2>() );
for ( auto & it : v )
int main()

Enforcing correct parameter types in derived virtual function

I'm finding it difficult to describe this problem very concisely, so I've attached the code for a demonstration program.
The general idea is that we want a set of Derived classes that are forced to implement some abstract Foo() function from a Base class. Each of the derived Foo() calls must accept a different parameter as input, but all of the parameters should also be derived from a BaseInput class.
We see two possible solutions so far, neither we're very happy with:
Remove the Foo() function from the base class and reimplement it with the correct input types in each Derived class. This, however, removes the enforcement that it be implemented in the same manner in each derived class.
Do some kind of dynamic cast inside the receiving function to verify that the type received is correct. However, this does not prevent the programmer from making an error and passing the incorrect input data type. We would like the type to be passed to the Foo() function to be compile-time correct.
Is there some sort of pattern that could enforce this kind of behaviour? Is this whole idea breaking some sort of fundamental idea underlying OOP? We'd really like to hear your input on possible solutions outside of what we've come up with.
Thanks so much!
#include <iostream>
// these inputs will be sent to our Foo function below
class BaseInput {};
class Derived1Input : public BaseInput { public: int d1Custom; };
class Derived2Input : public BaseInput { public: float d2Custom; };
class Base
virtual void Foo(BaseInput& i) = 0;
class Derived1 : public Base
// we don't know what type the input is -- do we have to try to cast to what we want
// and see if it works?
virtual void Foo(BaseInput& i) { std::cout << "I don't want to cast this..." << std::endl; }
// prefer something like this, but then it's not overriding the Base implementation
//virtual void Foo(Derived1Input& i) { std::cout << "Derived1 did something with Derived1Input..." << std::endl; }
class Derived2 : public Base
// we don't know what type the input is -- do we have to try to cast to what we want
// and see if it works?
virtual void Foo(BaseInput& i) { std::cout << "I don't want to cast this..." << std::endl; }
// prefer something like this, but then it's not overriding the Base implementation
//virtual void Foo(Derived2Input& i) { std::cout << "Derived2 did something with Derived2Input..." << std::endl; }
int main()
Derived1 d1; Derived1Input d1i;
Derived2 d2; Derived2Input d2i;
// set up some dummy data
d1i.d1Custom = 1;
d2i.d2Custom = 1.f;
d1.Foo(d2i); // this compiles, but is a mistake! how can we avoid this?
// Derived1::Foo() should only accept Derived1Input, but then
// we can't declare Foo() in the Base class.
return 0;
Since your Derived class is-a Base class, it should never tighten the base contract preconditions: if it has to behave like a Base, it should accept BaseInput allright. This is known as the Liskov Substitution Principle.
Although you can do runtime checking of your argument, you can never achieve a fully type-safe way of doing this: your compiler may be able to match the DerivedInput when it sees a Derived object (static type), but it can not know what subtype is going to be behind a Base object...
The requirements
DerivedX should take a DerivedXInput
DerivedX::Foo should be interface-equal to DerivedY::Foo
contradict: either the Foo methods are implemented in terms of the BaseInput, and thus have identical interfaces in all derived classes, or the DerivedXInput types differ, and they cannot have the same interface.
That's, in my opinion, the problem.
This problem occured to me, too, when writing tightly coupled classes that are handled in a type-unaware framework:
class Fruit {};
class FruitTree {
virtual Fruit* pick() = 0;
class FruitEater {
virtual void eat( Fruit* ) = 0;
class Banana : public Fruit {};
class BananaTree {
virtual Banana* pick() { return new Banana; }
class BananaEater : public FruitEater {
void eat( Fruit* f ){
assert( dynamic_cast<Banana*>(f)!=0 );
delete f;
And a framework:
struct FruitPipeLine {
FruitTree* tree;
FruitEater* eater;
void cycle(){
eater->eat( tree->pick() );
Now this proves a design that's too easily broken: there's no part in the design that aligns the trees with the eaters:
FruitPipeLine pipe = { new BananaTree, new LemonEater }; // compiles fine
pipe.cycle(); // crash, probably.
You may improve the cohesion of the design, and remove the need for virtual dispatching, by making it a template:
template<class F> class Tree {
F* pick(); // no implementation
template<class F> class Eater {
void eat( F* f ){ delete f; } // default implementation is possible
template<class F> PipeLine {
Tree<F> tree;
Eater<F> eater;
void cycle(){ tree.pick() ); }
The implementations are really template specializations:
template<> class Tree<Banana> {
Banana* pick(){ return new Banana; }
PipeLine<Banana> pipe; // can't be wrong
pipe.cycle(); // no typechecking needed.
You might be able to use a variation of the curiously recurring template pattern.
class Base {
// Stuff that don't depend on the input type.
template <typename Input>
class Middle : public Base {
virtual void Foo(Input &i) = 0;
class Derived1 : public Middle<Derived1Input> {
virtual void Foo(Derived1Input &i) { ... }
class Derived2 : public Middle<Derived2Input> {
virtual void Foo(Derived2Input &i) { ... }
This is untested, just a shot from the hip!
If you don't mind the dynamic cast, how about this:
Class BaseInput;
class Base
void foo(BaseInput & x) { foo_dispatch(x); };
virtual void foo_dispatch(BaseInput &) = 0;
template <typename TInput = BaseInput> // default value to enforce nothing
class FooDistpatch : public Base
virtual void foo_dispatch(BaseInput & x)
foo_impl(dynamic_cast<TInput &>(x));
virtual void foo_impl(TInput &) = 0;
class Derived1 : public FooDispatch<Der1Input>
virtual void foo_impl(Der1Input & x) { /* your implementation here */ }
That way, you've built the dynamic type checking into the intermediate class, and your clients only ever derive from FooDispatch<DerivedInput>.
What you are talking about are covariant argument types, and that is quite an uncommon feature in a language, as it breaks your contract: You promised to accept a base_input object because you inherit from base, but you want the compiler to reject all but a small subset of base_inputs...
It is much more common for programming languages to offer the opposite: contra-variant argument types, as the derived type will not only accept everything that it is bound to accept by the contract, but also other types.
At any rate, C++ does not offer contravariance in argument types either, only covariance in the return type.
C++ has a lot of dark areas, so it's hard to say any specific thing is undoable, but going from the dark areas I do know, without a cast, this cannot be done. The virtual function specified in the base class requires the argument type to remain the same in all the children.
I am sure a cast can be used in a non-painful way though, perhaps by giving the base class an Enum 'type' member that is uniquely set by the constructor of each possible child that might possibly inherit it. Foo() can then check that 'type' and determine which type it is before doing anything, and throwing an assertion if it is surprised by something unexpected. It isn't compile time, but it's the closest a compromise I can think of, while still having the benefits of requiring a Foo() be defined.
It's certainly restricted, but you can use/simulate coviarance in constructors parameters.

Object-Oriented Callbacks for C++?

Is there some library that allows me to easily and conveniently create Object-Oriented callbacks in c++?
the language Eiffel for example has the concept of "agents" which more or less work like this:
class Foo{
Bar* bar;
bar = new Bar();
bar->publisher.extend(agent say(?,"Hi from Foo!", ?));
say(string strA, string strB, int number){
print(strA + " " + strB + " " + number.out);
class Bar{
ActionSequence<string, int> publisher;
invokeCallback(){"Hi from Bar!", 3);
output will be:
Hi from Bar! 3 Hi from Foo!
So - the agent allows to to capsule a memberfunction into an object, give it along some predefined calling parameters (Hi from Foo), specify the open parameters (?), and pass it to some other object which can then invoke it later.
Since c++ doesn't allow to create function pointers on non-static member functions, it seems not that trivial to implement something as easy to use in c++. i found some articles with google on object oriented callbacks in c++, however, actually i'm looking for some library or header files i simply can import which allow me to use some similarily elegant syntax.
Anyone has some tips for me?
The most OO way to use Callbacks in C++ is to call a function of an interface and then pass an implementation of that interface.
#include <iostream>
class Interface
virtual void callback() = 0;
class Impl : public Interface
virtual void callback() { std::cout << "Hi from Impl\n"; }
class User
User(Interface& newCallback) : myCallback(newCallback) { }
void DoSomething() { myCallback.callback(); }
Interface& myCallback;
int main()
Impl cb;
User user(cb);
People typically use one of several patterns:
Inheritance. That is, you define an abstract class which contains the callback. Then you take a pointer/reference to it. That means that anyone can inherit and provide this callback.
class Foo {
virtual void MyCallback(...) = 0;
virtual ~Foo();
class Base {
std::auto_ptr<Foo> ptr;
void something(...) {
Base& SetCallback(Foo* newfoo) { ptr = newfoo; return *this; }
Foo* GetCallback() { return ptr; }
Inheritance again. That is, your root class is abstract, and the user inherits from it and defines the callbacks, rather than having a concrete class and dedicated callback objects.
class Foo {
virtual void MyCallback(...) = 0;
class RealFoo : Foo {
virtual void MyCallback(...) { ... }
Even more inheritance- static. This way, you can use templates to change the behaviour of an object. It's similar to the second option but works at compile time instead of at run time, which can yield various benefits and downsides, depending on the context.
template<typename T> class Foo {
void MyCallback(...) {
class RealFoo : Foo<RealFoo> {
void MyCallback(...) {
You can take and use member function pointers or regular function pointers
class Foo {
void (*callback)(...);
void something(...) { callback(...); }
Foo& SetCallback( void(*newcallback)(...) ) { callback = newcallback; return *this; }
void (*)(...) GetCallback() { return callback; }
There are function objects- they overload operator(). You will want to use or write a functional wrapper- currently provided in std::/boost:: function, but I'll also demonstrate a simple one here. It's similar to the first concept, but hides the implementation and accepts a vast array of other solutions. I personally normally use this as my callback method of choice.
class Foo {
virtual ... Call(...) = 0;
virtual ~Foo();
class Base {
std::auto_ptr<Foo> callback;
template<typename T> Base& SetCallback(T t) {
struct NewFoo : Foo {
T t;
NewFoo(T newt) : t(newt) {}
... Call(...) { return t(...); }
callback = new NewFoo<T>(t);
return this;
Foo* GetCallback() { return callback; }
void dosomething() { callback->Call(...); }
The right solution mainly depends on the context. If you need to expose a C-style API then function pointers is the only way to go (remember void* for user arguments). If you need to vary at runtime (for example, exposing code in a precompiled library) then static inheritance can't be used here.
Just a quick note: I hand whipped up that code, so it won't be perfect (like access modifiers for functions, etc) and may have a couple of bugs in. It's an example.
C++ allows function pointers on member objects.
See here for more details.
You can also use boost.signals or boost.signals2 (depanding if your program is multithreaded or not).
There are various libraries that let you do that. Check out boost::function.
Or try your own simple implementation:
template <typename ClassType, typename Result>
class Functor
typedef typename Result (ClassType::*FunctionType)();
ClassType* obj;
FunctionType fn;
Functor(ClassType& object, FunctionType method): obj(&object), fn(method) {}
Result Invoke()
return (*obj.*fn)();
Result operator()()
return Invoke();
class A
int value;
A(int v): value(v) {}
int getValue() { return value; }
int main()
A a(2);
Functor<A, int> fn(a, &A::getValue);
cout << fn();
Joining the idea of functors - use std::tr1::function and boost::bind to build the arguments into it before registering it.
There are many possibilities in C++, the issue generally being one of syntax.
You can use pointer to functions when you don't require state, but the syntax is really horrid. This can be combined with boost::bind for an even more... interesting... syntax (*)
I correct your false assumption, it is indeed feasible to have pointer to a member function, the syntax is just so awkward you'll run away (*)
You can use Functor objects, basically a Functor is an object which overloads the () operator, for example void Functor::operator()(int a) const;, because it's an object it has state and may derive from a common interface
You can simply create your own hierarchy, with a nicer name for the callback function if you don't want to go the operator overloading road
Finally, you can take advantage of C++0x facilities: std::function + the lambda functions are truly awesome when it comes to expressiveness.
I would appreciate a review on lambda syntax ;)
Foo foo;
std::function<void(std::string const&,int)> func =
[&foo](std::string const& s, int i) {
return foo.say(s,"Hi from Foo",i);
func("Hi from Bar", 2);
func("Hi from FooBar", 3);
Of course, func is only viable while foo is viable (scope issue), you could copy foo using [=foo] to indicate pass by value instead of pass by reference.
(*) Mandatory Tutorial on Function Pointers

C++ Header file that declares a class and methods but not members?

Is it possible to make a C++ header file (.h) that declares a class, and its public methods, but does not define the private members in that class? I found a few pages that say you should declare the class and all its members in the header file, then define the methods separately in you cpp file. I ask because I want to have a class that is defined in a Win32 DLL, and I want it to be properly encapsulated: the internal implementation of that class might change, including its members, but these changes should not affect code that uses the class.
I guess that if I had this, then it would make it impossible for the compiler to know the size of my objects ahead of time. But that should be fine, as long as the compiler is smart enough to use the constructor and just pass around pointers to the location in memory where my object is stored, and never let me run "sizeof(MyClass)".
Update: Thanks to everyone who answered! It seems like the pimpl idiom is a good way to achieve what I was talking about. I'm going to do something similar:
My Win32 DLL file will have a bunch of separate functions like this:
void * __stdcall DogCreate();
int __stdcall DogGetWeight(void * this);
void __stdcall DogSetWeight(void * this, int weight);
This is the typical way the Microsoft writes their DLL files so I think there is probably good reason for it.
But I want to take advantage of the nice syntax C++ has for classes, so I'll write a wrapper class to wrap up all of these functions. It will have one member, which will be "void * pimpl". This wrapper class will be so simple that I might as well just declare it AND define it in the header file. But this wrapper class really has no purposes other than making the C++ code look pretty as far as I can tell.
I think what you are looking for is something called the "pimpl idiom". To understand how this works, you need to understand that in C++ you can forward declare something like so.
class CWidget; // Widget will exist sometime in the future
CWidget* aWidget; // An address (integer) to something that
// isn't defined *yet*
// later on define CWidget to be something concrete
class CWidget
// methods and such
So to forward declare means to promise to fully declare a type later. Its saying "there will be this thing called a CWidget, I promise. I'll tell you more about it later.".
The rules of forward declaration say that you can define a pointer or a reference to something that has been forward declared. This is because pointers and references are really just addresses-a number where this yet-to-be-defined thing will be. Being able to declare a pointer to something without fully declaring it is convenient for a lot of reasons.
Its useful here because you can use this to hide some of the internals of a class using the "pimpl" method. Pimpl means "pointer to implementation". So instead of "widget" you have a class that is the actual implementation. The class you are declaring in your header is just a pass-through to the CImpl class. Here's how it works:
// Thing.h
class CThing
// CThings methods and constructors...
void DoSomething();
int GetSomething();
// CThing store's a pointer to some implementation class to
// be defined later
class CImpl; // forward declaration to CImpl
CImpl* m_pimpl; // pointer to my implementation
Thing.cpp has CThing's methods defined as pass-throughs to the impl:
// Fully define Impl
class CThing::CImpl
// all variables
// methods inlined
// constructor
void DoSomething()
// actual code that does something
//etc for all methods
// CThing methods are just pass-throughs
CThing::CThing() : m_pimpl(new CThing::CImpl());
delete m_pimpl;
int CThing::GetSomething()
return m_pimpl->GetSomething();
void CThing::DoSomething()
tada! You've hidden all the details in your cpp and your header file is a very tidy list of methods. Its a great thing. The only thing you might see different from the template above is that people may use boost::shared_ptr<> or other smart pointer for the impl. Something that deletes itself.
Also, keep in mind this method comes with some annoyances. Debugging can be a tad bit annoying (extra level of redirection to step through). Its also a lot of overhead for creating a class. If you do this for every class, you'll get tired of all the typing :).
Use pimpl idiom.
The pimpl idiom adds a void* private data member to your class, and this is a useful technique if you need something quick & dirty. It has its drawbacks however. Main among those is it makes it difficult to use polymorphism on the abstract type. Sometimes you might want an abstract base class and subclasses of that base class, collect pointers to all the different types in a vector and call methods on them. In addition, if the purpose of the pimpl idiom is to hide the implementation details of the class then it only almost succeeds: the pointer itself is an implementation detail. An opaque implementation detail, perhaps. But an implementation detail nonetheless.
An alternative to the pimpl idiom exists which can be used to remove all of the implementation details from the interface while providing a base type that can be used polymorphically, if needed.
In your DLL's header file (the one #included by client code) create an abstract class with only public methods and concepts which dictate how the class is to be instantiated (eg, public factory methods & clone methods):
*** The declaration of the kennel namespace & its members
*** would typically be in a header file.
// Provide an abstract interface class which clients will have pointers to.
// Do not permit client code to instantiate this class directly.
namespace kennel
class Animal
// factory method
static Animal* createDog(); // factory method
static Animal* createCat(); // factory method
virtual Animal* clone() const = 0; // creates a duplicate object
virtual string speak() const = 0; // says something this animal might say
virtual unsigned long serialNumber() const = 0; // returns a bit of state data
virtual string name() const = 0; // retuyrns this animal's name
virtual string type() const = 0; // returns the type of animal this is
virtual ~Animal() {}; // ensures the correct subclass' dtor is called when deleteing an Animal*
...Animal is an abstract base class and so cannot be instantiated; no private ctor needs to be declared. The presence of the virtual dtor ensures that if someone deletes an Animal*, the proper subclass' dtor will also be called.
In order to implement different subclasses of the base type (eg dogs & cats), you would declare implementation-level classes in your DLL. These classes derive ultimately from the abstract base class you declared in your header file, and the factory methods would actually instantiate one of these subclasses.
*** The code that follows implements the interface
*** declared above, and would typically be in a cc
*** file.
// Implementation of the Animal abstract interface
// this implementation includes several features
// found in real code:
// Each animal type has it's own properties/behavior (speak)
// Each instance has it's own member data (name)
// All Animals share some common properties/data (serial number)
// AnimalImpl provides properties & data that are shared by
// all Animals (serial number, clone)
class AnimalImpl : public kennel::Animal
unsigned long serialNumber() const;
string type() const;
AnimalImpl(const AnimalImpl& rhs);
virtual ~AnimalImpl();
unsigned long serial_; // each Animal has its own serial number
static unsigned long lastSerial_; // this increments every time an AnimalImpl is created
class Dog : public AnimalImpl
kennel::Animal* clone() const { Dog* copy = new Dog(*this); return copy;}
std::string speak() const { return "Woof!"; }
std::string name() const { return name_; }
Dog(const char* name) : name_(name) {};
virtual ~Dog() { cout << type() << " #" << serialNumber() << " is napping..." << endl; }
Dog(const Dog& rhs) : AnimalImpl(rhs), name_(rhs.name_) {};
std::string name_;
class Cat : public AnimalImpl
kennel::Animal* clone() const { Cat* copy = new Cat(*this); return copy;}
std::string speak() const { return "Meow!"; }
std::string name() const { return name_; }
Cat(const char* name) : name_(name) {};
virtual ~Cat() { cout << type() << " #" << serialNumber() << " escaped!" << endl; }
Cat(const Cat& rhs) : AnimalImpl(rhs), name_(rhs.name_) {};
std::string name_;
unsigned long AnimalImpl::lastSerial_ = 0;
// Implementation of interface-level functions
// In this case, just the factory functions.
kennel::Animal* kennel::Animal::createDog()
static const char* name [] = {"Kita", "Duffy", "Fido", "Bowser", "Spot", "Snoopy", "Smkoky"};
static const size_t numNames = sizeof(name)/sizeof(name[0]);
size_t ix = rand()/(RAND_MAX/numNames);
Dog* ret = new Dog(name[ix]);
return ret;
kennel::Animal* kennel::Animal::createCat()
static const char* name [] = {"Murpyhy", "Jasmine", "Spike", "Heathcliff", "Jerry", "Garfield"};
static const size_t numNames = sizeof(name)/sizeof(name[0]);
size_t ix = rand()/(RAND_MAX/numNames);
Cat* ret = new Cat(name[ix]);
return ret;
// Implementation of base implementation class
: serial_(++lastSerial_)
AnimalImpl::AnimalImpl(const AnimalImpl& rhs)
: serial_(rhs.serial_)
unsigned long AnimalImpl::serialNumber() const
return serial_;
string AnimalImpl::type() const
if( dynamic_cast<const Dog*>(this) )
return "Dog";
if( dynamic_cast<const Cat*>(this) )
return "Cat";
return "Alien";
Now you have the interface defined in the header & the implementation details completely seperated out where client code can't see it at all. You would use this by calling methods declared in your header file from code that links to your DLL. Here's a sample driver:
std::string dump(const kennel::Animal* animal)
stringstream ss;
ss << animal->type() << " #" << animal->serialNumber() << " says '" << animal->speak() << "'" << endl;
return ss.str();
template<class T> void del_ptr(T* p)
delete p;
int main()
srand((unsigned) time(0));
// start up a new farm
typedef vector<kennel::Animal*> Animals;
Animals farm;
// add 20 animals to the farm
for( size_t n = 0; n < 20; ++n )
bool makeDog = rand()/(RAND_MAX/2) != 0;
if( makeDog )
// list all the animals in the farm to the console
transform(farm.begin(), farm.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, ""), dump);
// deallocate all the animals in the farm
for_each( farm.begin(), farm.end(), del_ptr<kennel::Animal>);
return 0;
Google "pimple idiom" or "handle C++".
Yes, this can be a desireable thing to do. One easy way is to make the implementation class derive from the class defined in the header.
The downside is that the compiler won't know how to construct your class, so you'll need some kind of factory method to get instances of the class. It will be impossible to have local instances on the stack.
You have to declare all members in the header so the compiler knows how large is the object and so on.
But you can solve this by using an interface:
class ExtClass
virtual void func1(int xy) = 0;
virtual int func2(XYClass &param) = 0;
class ExtClassImpl : public ExtClass
void func1(int xy);
int func2(XYClass&param);
void ExtClassImpl::func1(int xy)
int ExtClassImpl::func2(XYClass&param)
Is it possible to make a C++ header
file (.h) that declares a class, and
its public methods, but does not
declare the private members in that
The most nearest answer is PIMPL idiom.
Refer this The Fast Pimpl Idiom from Herb Sutter.
IMO Pimpl is really useful during initial stages of development where your header file is going to change many times. Pimpl has its cost due to its allocation\deallocation of internal object on heap.
Check out the class The Handle-Body Idiom in C++