create droplet app. to transform xml with xslt - xslt

I want to create a application, where you drop a xml doc on it, and an xslt transformation occurs using saxon as the transform engine. The result is a text file.
I am doing this on a mac. Does anyone know where I could find a beginner tutorail to approach this??

At sourceforge, take a look at the saxon resource zip file, it contains example applications for saxon.


XSLT Reports and Internet Explorer

with IE at its EOL and allowing file access from files in Chrome is not a viable option for us, what is the future of XSLT reports?
I am fairly new to this, and have just been "thrown" into finding a solution. Everything I'm finding online is years old, it's strange that no one is talking about this since "death" of IE.
our data is in XML format, using XSL templates to display formatted reports to browser via ScriptX ( (with page breaks, headers, etc). The user then "prints to PDF"
I am hoping to see what other organizations are doing to ensure existing XSLT reports continue to work. Converting to something else? Making them work with other, currently supported, browsers?
thank you, all and any tips, links and comments much appreciated.
You could try executing your XSLT transformations using a local script.
Take note that these solutions only support XSLT 1.0.
successor of msxsl.exe?
Applying XSL to XML with PowerShell : Exception calling "Transform"
If you want to use XSLT 2.0+
You can use Saxon and call the jar file from a batch file.

Altova Mapforce XSLT

I have two XSD files from two 3rd party people and an XSLT transform file to transform from one XSD to the other from one of the 3rd parties.
I now need to alter one of the XSD files and the transform file, I've opened both XSD files into Mapforce and I can't for the life of me seem to open the XSLTfile.
I don't know how the XSLT file was originally created and I'm not skilled enough to recreate the whole thing again. Is there anyway I can open the XSLT file in mapforce for it to display all the connections. if not is there a another tool I can get?
Many thanks
I've finally received an email from the support team the current version I'm using (2013 R2) doesn't have back engineering available for XSLT files, so the above isn't possibly.

Schema for the <project> XML in a Sitecore package

Does anyone have the schema that relates to the XML document that appears in the installer folder of a Sitecore package file?
Especially interested in the format of the project/Sources/xitems/Entries/x-item element.
That XML file seems to be a representation of the Sitecore.Install.PackageProject class, so I tried to generate an XSD from code using serialization on that class.
However, if you use a decompile to take a look at how package building and installation works, you'll find out that Sitecore has written their own serializer for this.
So I wasn't able to generate a correct XSD with the .NET serializer.
With a decompiler (I use dotPeek, freeware) you can track down a lot of information about that XML file and how it's being used by Sitecore, but I donĀ“t see a (realistic) way to extract a schema from this.
If you're going to look into it, look inside Sitecore.Kernel.dll and look for the Sitecore.Install namespace.
Have you tried asking Sitecore Support? If anyone has this schema, it's them.

How to create XSD document from an XSLT?

I have an XSLT, now i need to create a new XSD document from that xslt.
Please any one help.
As far as I understand you already have this flow
input XML --> XSLT --> output XML
Now its not clear if you want to creat the XSD for the input or output xml.
There are many tools which will help you in generating XSD schema from a given XML.
Here is one of those you can try online: click here
You can of course google for more or if you want to download a desktop version.

Any good XSLT sheets for XML to PDF?

Does anyone know of a solid non-encumbered suite of XSLT sheets that can generate PDF via an XSL transform?
I really like XSL transforms, I use them to make HTML output from dbms's.
Now I have some data in a DBMS that I like to generate PDF output from. I've not written a dbms to XML script yet for this data, so I have no commitment to any given set of XML tags.
Thanks in advance!
Depends on your XML. If you have, e.g., Docbook, look at David Pawson's site, for HTML IBM has a nice example over at developerWorks. Both go the way of XML -> via XSLT -> XSL-FO -> via Apache FOP -> PDF.