C++ Class or Struct compatiblity with C struct - c++

Is it possible to write a C++ class or struct that is fully compatible with C struct. From compatibility I mean size of the object and memory locations of the variables. I know that its evil to use *(point*)&pnt or even (float*)&pnt (on a different case where variables are floats) but consider that its really required for the performance sake. Its not logical to use regular type casting operator million times per second.
Take this example
Class Point {
long x,y;
Point(long x, long y) {
float Distance(Point &point) {
return ....;
C version is a POD struct
struct point {
long x,y;

The cleanest was to do this is to inherit from the C struct:
struct point
long x, y;
class Point : public struct point
Point(long x, long y)
{ this->x=x; this->y=y; }
float Distance(Point &point)
{ return ....; }
The C++ compiler guarantees the C style struct point has the same layout as with the C compiler. The C++ class Point inherits this layout for its base class portion (and since it adds no data or virtual members, it will have the same layout). A pointer to class Point will be converted to a pointer to struct point without a cast, since conversion to a base class pointer is always supported. So, you can use class Point objects and freely pass pointers to them to C functions expecting a pointer to struct point.
Of course, if there is already a C header file defining struct point, then you can just include this instead of repeating the definition.

Use the same types in the same order in both languages
Make sure the class doesn't have anything virtual in it (so you don't get a vtable pointer stuck on the front)
Depending on the compilers used you may need to adjust the structure packing (usually with pragmas) to ensure compatibility.
Also, you must take care to check the sizeof() the types with your compilers. For example, I've encountered a compiler that stored shorts as 32 bit values (when most will use 16). A more common case is that an int will usually be 32 bits on a 32-bit architecture and 64 bits on a 64-bit architecture.

POD applies to C++. You can have member functions. "A POD type in C++ is an aggregate class that contains only POD types as members, has no user-defined destructor, no user-defined copy assignment operator, and no nonstatic members of pointer-to-member type"
You should design your POD data structures so they have natural alignment, and then they can be passed between programs created by different compilers on different architectures. Natural alignment is where the memory offset of any member is divisible by the size of that member. IE: a float is located at an address that is divisible by 4, a double is on an address divisible by 8. If you declare a char followed by a float, most architectures will pad 3 bytes, but some could conceivably pad 1 byte. If you declare a float followed by a char, all compilers (I ought to add a source for this claim, sorry) will not pad at all.

C and C++ are different languages but it has always been the C++'s intention that you can have an implementation that supports both languages in a binary compatible fashion. Because they are different languages it is always a compiler implementation detail whether this is actually supported. Typically vendors who supply both a C and C++ compiler (or a single compiler with two modes) do support full compatibility for passing POD-structs (and pointers to POD-structs) between C++ code and C code.
Often, merely having a user-defined constructor breaks the guarantee although sometimes you can pass a pointer to such an object to a C function expecting a pointer to a struct with and identical data structure and it will work.
In short: check your compiler documentation.

Use the same "struct" in both C and C++. If you want to add methods in the C++ implementation, you can inherit the struct and the size should be the same as long as you don't add data members or virtual functions.
Be aware that if you have an empty struct or data members that are empty structs, they are different sizes in C and C++. In C, sizeof(empty-struct) == 0 although in C99, empty-structs are not supposed to be allowed (but may be supported anyway as a "compiler extension"). In C++, sizeof(empty-struct) != 0 (typical value is 1).

In addition to other answers, I would be sure not to put any access specifiers (public:, private: etc) into your C++ class / struct. IIRC the compiler is allowed to reorder blocks of member variables according to visibility, so that private: int a; pubic: int b; might get a and b swapped round. See eg this link: http://www.embedded.com/design/218600150?printable=true
I admit to being baffled as to why the definition of POD does not include a prohibition to this effect.

As long as your class doesn't exhibit some advanced traits of its kind, like growing something virtual, it should be pretty much the same struct.
Besides, you can change Class (which is invalid due to capitalization, anyway) to struct without doing any harm. Except for the members will turn public (they are private now).
But now that I think of your talking about type conversion… There's no way you can turn float into long representing the same value or vice versa by casting pointer type. I hope you only want it these pointers for the sake of moving stuff around.


Difference between struct and enum?

I am newbie to C++, and want to understand what is the difference between saying
typedef enum stateUpdateReasonCode
} StateUpdateReasonCode;
struct StateUpdateReasonCode
What is difference between them ? Wy would we use one over another ?
Kind Regards
An enum and a struct are totally different concepts, fulfilling different purposes.
An enum lets you declare a series of identifiers for use in your code. The compiler replaces them with numbers for you. It's often useful for making your code more readable and maintainable, because you can use descriptive names without the performance penalty of string comparisons. It can also make the code less bug-prone because you don't have to keep writing in specific numbers everywhere, which could go wrong if a number changes.
A struct is a data structure. At its simplest, it contains zero or more pieces of data (variables or objects), grouped together so they can be stored, processed, or passed as a single unit. You can usually have multiple copies (or instances) of it. A struct can be a lot more complex though. It's actually exactly the same as a class, except that members are public by default instead of private. Like a class, a struct can have member functions and template parameters and so on.
One of the vital difference between structs and enums is that an enum doesn't exist at run-time. It's only for your benefit when you're read/writing the code. However, instances of structs (and classes) certainly can exist in memory at runtime.
From a coding standpoint, each identifier in an enum doesn't have its own type. Every member within a struct must have a type.
The first compiles, the second does not.
Your struct declaration is invalid. In plain C struct are so called record types, they contain a set of values (each with it's own type). In C++ this capability is expanded and a struct is basically equivalent to a class. The struct can now have base classes, member functions, access specifiers, conversion operators, operator overloads and so on.
An enum is an enumeration type: it describes a finite set of states. In C and C++ the fact that enum values are convertible to integers is more or less a leaking abstraction.
They are fundamentally different.
For a struct these values are defaults (only for C++ 11 onwards) for the data structure. A "struct" is a structure of data, for example:
struct Car
float enginesize = 0.0f;
char modelname[100];
You would assign these values after you've declared a variable of the type Car etc:
Car brum = {1.0f}; // Specify a a size: don't use default
Car zoom; // Will default to 0.0 as specified in the struct
Without a default value it will undefined (something random).
An enumeration, however, is renamed numeric values: it's a very handy way of naming numeric constants. e.g.
enum EngineType
LPG = 34 // NB assigning values is optional
enum work like the constants where you want to specify the the value with a word. Like for the days of week one want that sun = 0, mon = 1 and so on. In this case enum can be used.
struct is totally different from the enum. It can be seen analogues to the class in c++ or any other programming language. structure is a user defined data type which can be used to store the info. Like in address different fields can be there street , zip code etc.
the first one compiles as it stores the value of an enum and second one does not as struct variable data members values can be assigned by creating a struct variable.

Why does C++ allow private members to be modified using this approach?

After seeing this question a few minutes ago, I wondered why the language designers allow it as it allows indirect modification of private data. As an example
class TestClass {
int cc;
TestClass(int i) : cc(i) {};
TestClass cc(5);
int* pp = (int*)&cc;
*pp = 70; // private member has been modified
I tested the above code and indeed the private data has been modified. Is there any explanation of why this is allowed to happen or this just an oversight in the language? It seems to directly undermine the use of private data members.
Because, as Bjarne puts it, C++ is designed to protect against Murphy, not Machiavelli.
In other words, it's supposed to protect you from accidents -- but if you go to any work at all to subvert it (such as using a cast) it's not even going to attempt to stop you.
When I think of it, I have a somewhat different analogy in mind: it's like the lock on a bathroom door. It gives you a warning that you probably don't want to walk in there right now, but it's trivial to unlock the door from the outside if you decide to.
Edit: as to the question #Xeo discusses, about why the standard says "have the same access control" instead of "have all public access control", the answer is long and a little tortuous.
Let's step back to the beginning and consider a struct like:
struct X {
int a;
int b;
C always had a few rules for a struct like this. One is that in an instance of the struct, the address of the struct itself has to equal the address of a, so you can cast a pointer to the struct to a pointer to int, and access a with well defined results. Another is that the members have to be arranged in the same order in memory as they are defined in the struct (though the compiler is free to insert padding between them).
For C++, there was an intent to maintain that, especially for existing C structs. At the same time, there was an apparent intent that if the compiler wanted to enforce private (and protected) at run-time, it should be easy to do that (reasonably efficiently).
Therefore, given something like:
struct Y {
int a;
int b;
int c;
int d;
int e;
// code to use `c` and `d` goes here.
The compiler should be required to maintain the same rules as C with respect to Y.a and Y.b. At the same time, if it's going to enforce access at run time, it may want to move all the public variables together in memory, so the layout would be more like:
struct Z {
int a;
int b;
int e;
int c;
int d;
// code to use `c` and `d` goes here.
Then, when it's enforcing things at run-time, it can basically do something like if (offset > 3 * sizeof(int)) access_violation();
To my knowledge nobody's ever done this, and I'm not sure the rest of the standard really allows it, but there does seem to have been at least the half-formed germ of an idea along that line.
To enforce both of those, the C++98 said Y::a and Y::b had to be in that order in memory, and Y::a had to be at the beginning of the struct (i.e., C-like rules). But, because of the intervening access specifiers, Y::c and Y::e no longer had to be in order relative to each other. In other words, all the consecutive variables defined without an access specifier between them were grouped together, the compiler was free to rearrange those groups (but still had to keep the first one at the beginning).
That was fine until some jerk (i.e., me) pointed out that the way the rules were written had another little problem. If I wrote code like:
struct A {
int a;
int b;
int c;
int d;
...you ended up with a little bit of self contradition. On one hand, this was still officially a POD struct, so the C-like rules were supposed to apply -- but since you had (admittedly meaningless) access specifiers between the members, it also gave the compiler permission to rearrange the members, thus breaking the C-like rules they intended.
To cure that, they re-worded the standard a little so it would talk about the members all having the same access, rather than about whether or not there was an access specifier between them. Yes, they could have just decreed that the rules would only apply to public members, but it would appear that nobody saw anything to be gained from that. Given that this was modifying an existing standard with lots of code that had been in use for quite a while, the opted for the smallest change they could make that would still cure the problem.
Because of backwards-compatability with C, where you can do the same thing.
For all people wondering, here's why this is not UB and is actually allowed by the standard:
First, TestClass is a standard-layout class (§9 [class] p7):
A standard-layout class is a class that:
has no non-static data members of type non-standard-layout class (or array of such types) or reference, // OK: non-static data member is of type 'int'
has no virtual functions (10.3) and no virtual base classes (10.1), // OK
has the same access control (Clause 11) for all non-static data members, // OK, all non-static data members (1) are 'private'
has no non-standard-layout base classes, // OK, no base classes
either has no non-static data members in the most derived class and at most one base class with non-static data members, or has no base classes with non-static data members, and // OK, no base classes again
has no base classes of the same type as the first non-static data member. // OK, no base classes again
And with that, you can are allowed to reinterpret_cast the class to the type of its first member (§9.2 [class.mem] p20):
A pointer to a standard-layout struct object, suitably converted using a reinterpret_cast, points to its initial member (or if that member is a bit-field, then to the unit in which it resides) and vice versa.
In your case, the C-style (int*) cast resolves to a reinterpret_cast (§5.4 [expr.cast] p4).
A good reason is to allow compatibility with C but extra access safety on the C++ layer.
struct S {
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __cplusplus
int i, j;
#ifdef __cplusplus
int get_i() const { return i; }
int get_j() const { return j; }
#endif // __cplusplus
By requiring that the C-visible S and the C++-visible S be layout-compatible, S can be used across the language boundary with the C++ side having greater access safety. The reinterpret_cast access safety subversion is an unfortunate but necessary corollary.
As an aside, the restriction on having all members with the same access control is because the implementation is permitted to rearrange members relative to members with different access control. Presumably some implementations put members with the same access control together, for the sake of tidiness; it could also be used to reduce padding, although I don't know of any compiler that does that.
The whole purpose of reinterpret_cast (and a C style cast is even more powerful than a reinterpret_cast) is to provide an escape path around safety measures.
The compiler would have given you an error if you had tried int *pp = &cc.cc, the compiler would have told you that you cannot access a private member.
In your code you are reinterpreting the address of cc as a pointer to an int. You wrote it the C style way, the C++ style way would have been int* pp = reinterpret_cast<int*>(&cc);. The reinterpret_cast always is a warning that you are doing a cast between two pointers that are not related. In such a case you must make sure that you are doing right. You must know the underlying memory (layout). The compiler does not prevent you from doing so, because this if often needed.
When doing the cast you throw away all knowledge about the class. From now on the compiler only sees an int pointer. Of course you can access the memory the pointer points to. In your case, on your platform the compiler happened to put cc in the first n bytes of a TestClass object, so a TestClass pointer also points to the cc member.
This is because you are manipulating the memory where your class is located in memory. In your case it just happen to store the private member at this memory location so you change it. It is not a very good idea to do because you do now know how the object will be stored in memory.

Decent way to disallow virtual functions due to placement new usage

What would be a decent approach to check at compile/run-time that a particular struct/class does not have any virtual functions. This check is required in order to ensure the proper byte alignment when doing placement new.
Having so much as a single virtual function will shift the entire data by a vtable pointer size, which will completely mess things up in conjunction with the placement new operator.
Some more details: I need something that works across all major compiler and platforms, e.g. VS2005, VC++10, GCC 4.5, and Sun Studio 12.1 on top of Windows, Linux, and Solaris.
Something that is guaranteed to work with the following scenario should suffice:
struct A { char c; void m(); };
struct B : A { void m(); };
Should someone decide to make this change:
struct A { char c; virtual void m(); };
struct B : A { void m(); };
It would be great to see a compile-time error that says struct A must not contain virtual functions.
There are facilities and tricks (depending on the version of C++ you are using) to get the proper alignment for a class.
In C++0x, the alignof command is similar to sizeof but returns the required alignment instead.
In C++03, the first thing to note is that the size is a multiple of the alignment, because elements need be contiguous in an array. This means that using the size as the alignment is over-zealous (and may waste space) but works fine. With some trickery you can get a better value:
template <typename T>
struct AlignHelper
T t;
char c;
template <typename T>
struct Alignment
static size_t const diff = sizeof(AlignHelper<T>) - sizeof(T);
static size_t const value = (diff != 0) ? diff : sizeof(T);
This little helper gives a correct alignment as a compile-time constant (suitable for template programming therefore). It may be larger than the minimal alignment required (*).
Normally though it should be fine to use placement new, unless you are actually using it on a "raw buffer". In this case, the size of the buffer should be determined with the following formula:
// C++03
char buffer[sizeof(T) + alignof(T) - 1];
Or you should make use of C++0x facilities:
// C++0x
std::aligned_storage<sizeof(T), alignof(T)> buffer;
Another trick to ensure a "right" alignment for virtual tables it to make use of the union:
// C++03 and C++0x
union { char raw[sizeof(T)]; void* aligner; } buffer;
The aligner parameter guarantees that the buffer is correctly aligned for pointers, and thus for virtual tables pointers as well.
EDIT: Additional explanations as suggested by #Tony.
(*) How does this work ?
To understand it we need to delve into the memory representation of a class. Each subelement of a class has its own alignment requirement, so for example:
struct A { int a; char b; int c; };
| a |b|xxx| c |
Where xxx denotes padding added so that c is suitably aligned.
What is the alignment of A ? Generally speaking, it is the stricter alignment of the subelements, so here, the alignment of int (which is often 4 since int is often a 32 bits integral).
To "guess" the alignment of an arbitrary type, we thus "trick" the compiler by using the AlignHelper template. Remember that sizeof(AlignHelper<T>) must be a multiple of the alignment because types should be laid out contiguously in an array, thus we hope our type will be padded after the c attribute, and the alignment will be the size of c (1 by definition) plus the size of the padding.
// AlignHelper<T>
| t |c|xxx|
// T
| t |
When we do sizeof(AlignHelper<T>) - sizeof(T) we get this difference. Surprisingly though, it could be 0.
The issue comes from the fact that if there is some padding (unused bytes) at the end of T, then a smart compiler could decide to stash c there, and thus the difference of size would be 0.
We could, obviously, try to recursively increase the size of c attribute (using a char array), until we finally get a non-zero difference. In which case we would get a "tight" alignment, but the simplest thing to do is to bail out and use sizeof(T), since we already know it is a multiple of the alignment.
Finally, there is no guarantee that the alignment we get with this method is the alignment of T, we get a multiple of it, but it could be bigger, since sizeof is implementation dependent and a compiler could decide to align all types on power of 2 boundaries, for example.
What would be a decent approach to
check at compile/run-time that a
particular struct/class does not have
any virtual functions
template<typename T>
struct Is_Polymorphic
struct Test : T { virtual ~Test() = 0; };
static const bool value = (sizeof(T) == sizeof(Test));
Above class can help you to check if the given class is polymorphic or not at compile time. [Note: virtual inheritance also have a vtable included]
You are almost certainly doing something wrong.
However, given that you have decided to do something wrong, you don't want to know if your tpe has no virtual functions. You want to know if it is okay to treat your type as an array of bytes.
In C++03, is your type POD? As luck would have it, there's a trait for that, aptly named is_pod<T>. This is provided by Boost/TR1 in C++03, although it requires a relatively modern compiler [gcc > 4.3, MSVC > 8, others I don't know].
In C++11, you can ease up your requirements by asking if your type is trivially copiable. Again, there's a trait for that: is_trivially_copyable<T>.
In either case, there is also is_polymorphic<T>, but as I said, that's really not what you want anyhow. If you are using an older compiler, it does have the advantage of working out of the box if you get it from Boost; it performs the sizeof test mentioned elsewhere, rather than simply reporting false for all user defined types as is the case with is_pod.
No matter what, you'd better be 120% sure your constructor is a noop; that's not something that can be verified.
I just saw your edit. Of what you listed, Sun Studio is the only one that might not have the necessary intrinsics for these traits to work. gcc and MSVC have both had them for several years now.
dynamic_cast is only allowed for polymorphic classes, so you can utilize that for a compile time check.
Use is_pod type trait from tr1?
There is no feature for you to determine whether a class has virtual functions are not.

Typecasting from bare data to C++ wrapper

Say I have some data allocated somewhere in my program, like:
some_type a;
and I want to wrap this data in a class for access. Is it valid to say,
class Foo {
some_type _val;
inline void doSomething() { c_doSomething(&_val); }
Foo *x = reinterpret_cast<Foo *>(&a);
The class has no virtual functions, and only includes a single data item of the type I'm trying to wrap. Does the C++ standard specify that this reinterpret_cast is safe and valid? sizeof(Foo) == sizeof(some_type), no address alignment issues, or anything? (In my case, I'd be ensuring that some_type is either a primitive type like int, or a POD structure, but I'm curious what happens if we don't enforce that restriction, too - for example, a derived class of a UIWidget like a UIMenuItem, or something.)
Is it valid to say...
No, this is not valid. There are only a small number of types that a can be treated as; the complete list can be found in an answer I gave to another question.
Does the C++ standard specify that this reinterpret_cast is safe and valid?
The C++ Standards says very little about reinterpret_cast. Its behavior is almost entirely implementation-defined, so use of it is usually non-portable.
The correct way to do this would be to either
have a Foo constructor that takes a some_type argument and makes a copy of it or stores a reference or pointer to it, or
implement your "wrapper" interface as a set of non-member functions that take a some_type object by reference as an argument.
"A pointer to a PODstruct
object, suitably converted using a reinterpret_cast, points to its initial
member (or if that member is a bitfield,
then to the unit in which it resides) and vice versa. [Note: There
might therefore be unnamed padding within a PODstruct
object, but not at its beginning, as necessary to
achieve appropriate alignment. ]"
So, it would be valid if your wrapper was strictly a POD in itself. However, access specifiers mean that it is not a strictly a POD. That said, I would be interested in knowing whether any current implementation changes object layout due to access specifiers. I think that for all practical purposes, you are good to go.
And for the case when the element is not a POD, it follows that the container is not a POD, and hence all bets are off.
Since your Foo object is already only valid as long as the existing a is valid:
struct Foo {
some_type &base;
Foo(some_type &base) : base (base) {}
void doSomething() { c_doSomething(&base); }
Foo x = a;
You want to look up the rules governing POD (plain old data) types. If the C++ class is a POD type, then yes, you can cast it.
The details of what actually happens and how aliasing is handled are implementation defined, but are usually reasonable and should match what would happen with a similar C type or struct.
I happen to use this a lot in a project of mine that implements B+ trees in shared memory maps. It has worked in GCC across multiple types of Linux and BSDs including Mac OS X. It also works fine in Windows with MSVC.
Yes, this is valid as long as the wrapper type you are creating (Foo in your example) is a POD-type.

a struct doesn't belong in an object oriented program

Or does it?
Should an object-oriented design use a language construct that exposes member data by default, if there is an equally useful construct that properly hides data members?
EDIT: One of the responders mentioned that if there's no invariant one can use a struct. That's an interesting observation: a struct is a data structure, i.e. it contains related data. If the data members in a struct are related isn't there's always an invariant?
In C++, structs and classes are identical except for the default public/privateness of their members. (This default is easily, and usually, overridden.)
However, most programmers think of a struct as a "data object" and a class as an "interactive object". That's not a bad thing; and in fact should be taken advantage of. If something is just an inanimate lump of data (even maybe if it has a couple of inspector methods), use a struct for it; it'll save a bit of effort when a programmer is trying to see what it's for.
Don't be a hiding zealot. If your get/set methods do nothing but simply copy verbatim the value onto/from a hidden, private field, you've gained nothing over a public member and only complicate unnecessarily your class (and, depending on the intelligence of the compiler, slow its usage a bit).
There's a case for not allowing direct access when your setter methods do some validation, copy the data somewhere else, process it a bit before storing it, etc. Same in the case of getters that actually calculate the value they return from multiple internal sources, and hide the way it's derived (I believe Bertrand Meyer speaks a bit about this in his book)
Or if allowing the users of your class to directly change such a value would have unintended side effects or breaks an assumption some of your member classes have about the values. On those situations, by all means, do hide your values.
For instance, for a simple "Point" class, that only holds a couple coordinates and colour, and methods to "Plot" it and "Hide" it on screen, I would see no point in not allowing the user to directly set the values for its fields.
In C# for example I use structs for some simple better-left-as-values data types:
public struct Point
int X;
int Y;
and for any P/Invoke to libraries where the arguments are structs you'll have to use them for certain.
Do they belong in the general design of an application? Of course they do, use a struct when it makes sense to do so. Just like you'd use a enum with bit flags when it makes sense to do so instead of resorting to some complicated string parsing for storing combined values.
In C++, the difference between a struct and a class is the default visibility of its contents (i.e. public for a struct, and private for a class). I guess this difference was to keep C compatibility.
But semantically, I guess this is subject to interpretation.
An example of struct
In a struct, everything is public (by default), meaning the user can modify each data value as desired, and still the struct remains a valid object. Example of struct:
struct CPoint
int x ;
int y ;
CPoint() : x(0), y(0) {}
int getDistanceFromOrigin() const
return std::sqrt(x * x + y * y) ;
} ;
inline CPoint operator + (const CPoint & lhs, const CPoint & rhs)
CPoint r(lhs) ;
r.x += rhs.x ;
r.y += rhs.y ;
return r ;
You can change the x value of a CPoint, and it still remains a valid CPoint.
Note that, unlike some believe, a C++ struct can (and should) have constructors, methods and non-member functions attached to its interface, as shown above.
An example of class
In a class, everything is private (by default), meaning the user can modify the data only through a well defined interface, because the class must keep its internals valid. Example of class:
class CString
public :
CString(const char * p) { /* etc. */ } ;
CString(const CString & p) { /* etc. */ } ;
const char * getString() const { return this->m_pString ; }
size_t getSize() const { return this->m_iSize ; }
void copy { /* code for string copy */ }
void concat { /* code for string concatenation */ }
private :
size_t m_iSize ;
char * m_pString ;
} ;
inline CString operator + (const CString & lhs, const CString & rhs)
CString r(lhs) ;
r.concat(rhs) ;
return r ;
You see that when you call concat, both the pointer could need reallocation (to increase its size), and the size of the string must be updated automatically. You can't let the user modify the string by hand, and forget updating the size.
So, the class must protect its internal, and be sure everything will be correctly updated when needed.
For me, the difference between a struct and a class is the dependencies between the aggregated data.
If each and every piece of data is independent from all the others, then perhaps you should consider a struct (i.e., a class with public data member).
If not, or if in doubt, use a class.
Now, of course, in C#, the struct and class are two different type of objects (i.e. value types for structs, and referenced types for classes). But this is out of this topic, I guess.
Technically, a struct is a class with the default visibility of public (a real class has a default visibility of private).
There is more of a distinction in common use.
A struct is normally just a collection of data, to be examined and processed by other code.
A class is normally more of a thing, maintaining some sort of control over its data, and with behavior specified by associated functions.
Typically, classes are more useful, but every so often there's uses for something like a C struct, and it's useful to have a notational difference to show it.
The matter is easy. If the class does have invariants to guarantee, you should never make the members constraining the invariant public.
If your struct is merely an aggregate of different objects, and doesn't have an invariant to hold, you are indeed free and encouraged to put its members public. That's the way std::pair<T, U> in C++ does it.
What's that invariant stuff?
Simple example: Consider you have a Point class whose x and y members must always be >= 0 . You can make an invariant stating
/* x >= 0 && y >= 0 for this classes' objects. */
If you now make those members public, clients could simply change x and y, and your invariant could break easily. If the members, however, are allowed to contain all possible values fitting their own invariants respectively, you could of course just make those members public: You wouldn't add any protection to them anyway.
A struct is essentially a model class but with different syntax.
public struct Point {
int x;
int y;
is logically the same as:
public class Point {
private int x;
private int y;
public void setX(int x) { this.x=x; }
public int getX(); { return x; }
public void setY(int y) { this.y=y; }
public int getY(); { return y; }
Both are a mutable model that holds pair of integer values called x and y. So I would say that it's a valid object oriented construct.
Yes. It's like a mini-class.
Yes, they do. They have different semantic than classes. A struct is generally considered and treated as a value type, while a class is generally considered and treated as a reference type. The difference is not as much pronunciated in every day programming; however, it is an imprtant difference when it comes to things like marshalling, COM interop and passing instances around.
I use structs regularly - mostly for data received from the network or hardware. They are usually wrapped in a class for use by higher level parts of the program.
My rule of thumb is a struct is always pure data, except for a constructor. Anything else is a class.
Most answers seem to be in favor of a struct as something to be acceptable and useful, as long as it does not have a behavior (i.e. methods). That seems fair enough.
However, you can never be sure that your object does not evolve into something that may need behavior, and hence some control over its data members. If you're lucky enough that you have control over all users of your struct, you can go over all uses of all data members. But what if you don't have access to all users?
A struct, as used in C or C++, and the struct used in C# ( or any .Net language ), are such different animals that they probably should not even have the same name... Just about any generalization about structs in one language can easily be false, or true for a completely unrelated reason, in the other.
If there is a need for invariant, make it a class. Otherwise, struct is OK.
See these similar questions:
When should you use a class vs a struct in C++?
What are the differences between struct and class in C++
According to Stroustrup in the C++ Programming Language:
Which style you use depends on circumstances and taste. I usually prefer to use struct for classes that have all data public. I think of such classes as "not quite proper types, just data structures."
Formally, in C++ a struct is a class with the visibility of its members set to public by default. By tradition structs are used to group collection of homogeneous data that have no particular reasons for being accessed by specific methods.
The public visibility of its members makes structs preferred to class to implement policy classes and metafunctions.
There's nothing wrong with using structs per se, but if you're finding yourself needing them, you should ask what's wrong with your analysis. Consider, eg, the Point class above: it gives some little improvement in readability, since you can always use
Point foo;
foo.x = bar;
in place of, say, having a two element array as in
#define X 0
#define Y 1
foo[X] = bar;
But classes are meant to hide details behind a contract. If your Point is in some normalized space, the values may range in the half-open interval [0.0..1.0); if it's a screen they may range in [0..1023]. If you use a struct in place of accessors, how will you keep someone from assigning foo.x = 1023 when x should be everywhere < 1.0?
The only reason C++ programmers used structs for Points is that back at the dawn of time --- 20 years ago, when C++ was new --- inlining wasn't handled very well, so that foo.setX(1023) actually took more instructions than foo.x = 1023. That's no longer true.
Structs are fine as long as they're kept small. As you probably know, they are allocated on the stack (not the heap) so you need to watch the size. They can come in handy for small data structures like Point, Size, etc. A class is usually the better choice though, being a reference type and all.