Restricting admin model entry - django

I have a such model named Foo:
class Foo(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
entry = models.DateField()
I have 2 types of users who can login to the admin panel, regular and superusers. I want to disallow the edition/deletion of Foo entries that are older than 2 days (by using the entry date field) but superusers may edit without any restriction.
How can I achieve this?

Override ModelAdmin's queryset and has_change_permission :
from django.contrib.admin import ModelAdmin
class FooAdmin(ModelAdmin):
def has_change_permission(self, request, obj):
return obj is None or self.queryset(request).filter( > 0
def queryset(self, request):
query = super(FooAdmin, self).queryset(request)
if request.user.is_superuser:
return query
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
return query.filter(, FooAdmin)
has_change_permission is used by the change view, and queryset by the list view. I reuse the queryset inside the overridden has_change_permission to stay DRY ( so you can add additional filters in queryset without caring to add this logic in the change permission check ), but it's worth mentioning that it costs an additional query.


Looking for wagtail modeladmin PermissionHelper example

In "" I have the code below. As wagtail admin I can see the StudentModelAdmin, but as a user with restricted access to the admin interface I can't.
I would like to allow users with wagtail admin access and the specific permission below to access the student model admin. How do I go about creating the "CourseRegisterPermission" class?
from wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.options import (ModelAdmin, modeladmin_register)
from wagtail.wagtailcore import hooks
from .models import Participant
def view_course_registrations():
return Permission.objects.filter(codename="view_course_registrations")
class CourseRegisterPermission(PermissionHelper):
# how do I allow users with the permission to view course registrations
# to see the 'StudentModelAdmin" below?
class StudentModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
model = Participant
menu_label = "Student Registrations"
menu_icon = "group"
search_fields = ('name', 'supervisor_name')
list_display = ('name', 'email')
list_filter = ('course',)
permission_helper_class = CourseRegisterPermission
I tried to find some examples of wagtail PermissionHelper but wasn't able to find any.
Any hint would be appreciated!
You can use the wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.helpers.PermissionHelper or wagtail.contrib.modeladmin.helpers.PagePermissionHelper permission helper classes from Wagtail's sources as an example. See methods like user_can_list, user_can_create, etc.
But... Are you sure that you need to define your own permission helper class? It seems to me that you can just create a new (or edit existing) group in the Wagtail admin and give required object permissions to your Participant model.
On my screenshot Programme is the model that I manage using ModelAdmin.
You can override some functions inside CourseRegisterPermission
class CourseRegisterPermission(PermissionHelper):
def user_can_list(self, user):
Return a boolean to indicate whether `user` is permitted to access the
list view for self.model
# this is just an example
return user.role == "driver"
def user_can_delete_obj(self, user, obj):
Return a boolean to indicate whether `user` is permitted to 'delete'
a specific `self.model` instance.
perm_codename = self.get_perm_codename('delete')
if obj.status > 0:
return False
if not self.user_has_specific_permission(user, perm_codename):
return False
if ==
# users may not delete themselves
return False
You can also override the following functions:
def user_can_list(self, user):
def user_can_create(self, user):
def user_can_inspect_obj(self, user, obj):
def user_can_edit_obj(self, user, obj):
def user_can_delete_obj(self, user, obj):
def user_can_unpublish_obj(self, user, obj):
def user_can_copy_obj(self, user, obj):

Django Admin change_list forcing search_form to reject given seach keywords

I'd like to enforce the change_list_view when opening the page with "?q=" (that is with no value or whitespace) and simply load the page by not executing queries at all.
Possible ways:
My question is how can I do that by overriding the queryset, get_queryset, or get_search_results methods ?
Any other means are welcomed?
The end goal is to:
start with a page displaying 0 results
no database activity
the search text input focused
underneath a message instructing the user the it may start typing the thing it seeks.
You can't override ModelAdmin.get_queryset() because it is used in the edit/delete views. So you have to inherit ChangeList class and override get_queryset() in it:
from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.admin.views.main import ChangeList
class MyChangeList(ChangeList):
def get_queryset(self, request):
queryset = super(MyChangeList, self).get_queryset(request)
if not request.GET.get('q', ''):
messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Start typing.')
queryset = queryset.none()
return queryset
class MyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def get_changelist(self, request, **kwargs):
return MyChangeList

Filter django admin by logged in user

I'm new to django.
I'm creating simple app in which I have users enter some data and view it later. I need to make django admin show to the user only the data she enter and non of the other users data.
Is it possible to change it to multiple admin pages?
Thank you
Store a reference to a user in your model.
from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
class MyModel(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
... (your fields) ...
Force the current user to be stored in that field (when using admin)
Force any list of these objects to be (additionally) filtered by the current user (when using admin)
Prevent other users from editing (even though they can't see the object in the list they could access its change_form directly)
from django.contrib import admin
from models import MyModel
class FilterUserAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
obj.user = request.user
def get_queryset(self, request):
# For Django < 1.6, override queryset instead of get_queryset
qs = super(FilterUserAdmin, self).get_queryset(request)
return qs.filter(created_by=request.user)
def has_change_permission(self, request, obj=None):
if not obj:
# the changelist itself
return True
return obj.user === request.user
class MyModelAdmin(FilterUserAdmin):
pass # (replace this with anything else you need), MyModelAdmin)
If you have MyOtherModel with a foreign key "user" just subclass MyOtherModelAdmin from FilterUserAdmin in the same manner.
If you want certain superusers to be able to see anything, adjust queryset() and has_change_permission() accordingly with your own requirements (e.g. don't filter/forbid editing if request.user.username=='me').
In that case you should also adjust save_model() so that your editing doesn't set the user and thus "take away" the object from the previous user (e.g. only set user if self.user is None (a new instance)).
You'll have to save in the user to every item and query each item with that user as search criteria. You'll probably build a base model which all your other models will inherit from. To get you started take a look at row-level permissions in the admin.

How Do I Show Django Admin Change List View of foreign key children?

I'm working on an app with a Model hierarchy of Campaign > Category > Account. Ideally, I'd like users to be able to click on a link in the campaign admin list view and go to a URL like "/admin/myapp/campaign/2/accounts/" which will show a Django admin view with all the handy ChangeList amenities but which is filtered to show just the accounts in categories in the specified campaign (ie. Account.object.filter(category__campaign__id = 2)). (Note, categories themselves I'm happy to just be "filters" on this accounts list view).
I can't seem to find any reference to a way to mimic this item-click-goes-to-list-of-foriegn-key-children approach that is common in many other frameworks.
Is it possible? Is there a "better" approach in the django paradigm?
thanks for any help!
This was an interesting question so I whipped up a sample app to figure it out.
from django.db import models
class Campaign(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(
class Category(models.Model):
campaign = models.ForeignKey(Campaign)
name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(
class Account(models.Model):
category = models.ForeignKey(Category)
name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(
from django.contrib import admin
from models import Campaign, Category, Account
class CampaignAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('name', 'related_accounts', )
def related_accounts(self, obj):
from django.core import urlresolvers
url = urlresolvers.reverse("admin:<yourapp>_account_changelist")
lookup = u"category__campaign__exact"
text = u"View Accounts"
return u"<a href='%s?%s=%d'>%s</a>" % (url, lookup,, text)
related_accounts.allow_tags = True, CampaignAdmin)
class AccountAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('category', 'name')
list_filter = ('category__campaign',), AccountAdmin)
You'll need to replace with the name of your app where the Account ModelAdmin lives.
Note: the list_filter on the AccountAdmin is required since Django 1.2.4, Django 1.1.3 and Django 1.3 beta 1, which introduced protection from arbitrary filtering via URL parameter in the admin.
If i understand you correctly, you want to add a custom field (a callable in your ModelAdmin's list_display) to your CampaignAdmin change_list view.
Your custom field would be a link that takes the of each category in your change_list and generates a link to the desired, filtered admin view, which seems to be the account-change_list in your case:
Assuming category is a field on your Campaign-Model you could add the follwoing method to your CampaignAdmin:
def account_link(self, obj):
return 'Accounts' % (
account_link.allow_tags = True
And then you add it to the admin's list_display option:
list_display = ('account_link', ...)
It depends a bit on your data model though.
If you want to create a permanent, filtered change_list view that suits your needs, you may take a look at this article:
The other solutions don't pay attention to the filters you already have applied. They are part of the query string and I wanted to retain them as well.
First you need to get a reference to the request, you can do that by wrapping changelist_view or queryset as I did:
class AccountAdmin(ModelAdmin):
model = Account
list_display = ('pk', 'campaign_changelist')
# ...
def queryset(self, request):
self._get_params = request.GET
return super(AccountAdmin, self).queryset(request)
def campaign_changelist(self, obj):
url = reverse('admin:yourapp_account_changelist')
querystring = self._get_params.copy()
querystring['campaign__id__exact'] =
return u'{2}'.format(
url, querystring.urlencode(), obj.campaign)
campaign_changelist.allow_tags = True
And something like that will give you a filter inside the changelist rows. Really helpful. :-)
These are good solutions. I wasn't aware of the auto-filter by url paradigm. Here's another I've discovered which allows you use a custom url scheme:
from consensio.models import Account
from django.contrib import admin
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, include, url
class AccountAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
campaign_id = 0;
def campaign_account_list(self, request, campaign_id, extra_context=None):
First create your changelist_view wrapper which grabs the extra
pattern matches
self.campaign_id = int(campaign_id)
return self.changelist_view(request, extra_context)
def get_urls(self):
Add your url patterns to get the foreign key
urls = super(AccountAdmin, self).get_urls()
my_urls = patterns('',
(r'^bycampaign/(?P<campaign_id>\d+)/$', self.admin_site.admin_view(self.campaign_account_list))
return my_urls + urls
def queryset(self, request):
Filter the query set based on the additional param if set
qs = super(AccountAdmin, self).queryset(request)
if (self.campaign_id > 0):
qs = qs.filter(category__campaign__id = self.campaign_id)
return qs
And plus you'd need to incorporate the URL link into CampaignAdmin's list view...

Django disable editing (but allow adding) in TabularInline view

I want to disable editing ALL objects within a particular TabularInline instance, while still allowing additions and while still allowing editing of the parent model.
I have this trivial setup:
class SuperviseeAdmin(admin.TabularInline):
model = Supervisee
class SupervisorAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [SuperviseeAdmin], SupervisorAdmin)
I have tried adding a has_change_permission function to SuperviseeAdmin that returns False unconditionally, but it had no effect.
I have tried setting actions = None in SuperviseeAdmin but it had no effect.
What might I be overlooking that could get this to work?
User django admin build in function has_change_permission() and return false to restrict object Edit view.
class SuperviseeAdmin(admin.TabularInline):
model = Supervisee
def has_change_permission(self, request):
return False
class SupervisorAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [SuperviseeAdmin], SupervisorAdmin)
See this solution: Django admin: make field editable in add but not edit
Override get_readonly_fields method:
def get_readonly_fields(self, request, obj=None):
if obj: # obj is not None, so this is an edit
return ['name1',..] # Return a list or tuple of readonly fields' names
else: # This is an addition
return []
You can try creating a separate inline class (see the InlineModelAdmin docs) that uses a custom ModelForm where you can customise the the clean method to throw an error when trying to update:
from django.contrib import admin
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.forms import ModelForm
from myapp.models import Supervisee
class SuperviseeModelForm(ModelForm):
class Meta(object):
model = Supervisee
# other options ...
def clean(self):
# instance already exists
raise ValidationError('Update not allowed')
# instance doesn't exist yet, continue
return super(SuperviseeModelForm, self).clean()
class SuperviseeInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Supervisee
form = SuperviseeModelForm
class SuperviseeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [SuperviseeInline]
just make all your fields readonly_fields in your admin.TabularInline as :
class SuperviseeAdmin(admin.TabularInline):
model = Supervisee
readonly_fields = ('your_field', 'your_field2',)
class SuperviseeAdmin(admin.TabularInline):
model = Supervisee
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(SuperviseeAdmin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.list_display_links = (None, )