Boost Library, how to get determinant from lu_factorize()? - c++

I am trying to calculate a determinant using the boost c++ libraries. I found the code for the function InvertMatrix() which I have copied below. Every time I calculate this inverse, I want the determinant as well. I have a good idea how to calculate, by multiplying down the diagonal of the U matrix from the LU decomposition. There is one problem, I am able to calculate the determinant properly, except for the sign. Depending on the pivoting I get the sign incorrect half of the time. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to get the sign right every time? Thanks in advance.
template<class T>
bool InvertMatrix(const ublas::matrix<T>& input, ublas::matrix<T>& inverse)
using namespace boost::numeric::ublas;
typedef permutation_matrix<std::size_t> pmatrix;
// create a working copy of the input
matrix<T> A(input);
// create a permutation matrix for the LU-factorization
pmatrix pm(A.size1());
// perform LU-factorization
int res = lu_factorize(A,pm);
if( res != 0 ) return false;
Here is where I inserted my best shot at calculating the determinant.
T determinant = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < A.size1(); i++)
determinant *= A(i,i);
End my portion of the code.
// create identity matrix of "inverse"
// backsubstitute to get the inverse
lu_substitute(A, pm, inverse);
return true;

The permutation matrix pm contains the information you'll need to determine the sign change: you'll want to multiply your determinant by the determinant of the permutation matrix.
Perusing the source file lu.hpp we find a function called swap_rows which tells how to apply a permutation matrix to a matrix. It's easily modified to yield the determinant of the permutation matrix (the sign of the permutation), given that each actual swap contributes a factor of -1:
template <typename size_type, typename A>
int determinant(const permutation_matrix<size_type,A>& pm)
int pm_sign=1;
size_type size=pm.size();
for (size_type i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (i != pm(i))
pm_sign* = -1; // swap_rows would swap a pair of rows here, so we change sign
return pm_sign;
Another alternative would be to use the lu_factorize and lu_substitute methods which don't do any pivoting (consult the source, but basically drop the pm in the calls to lu_factorize and lu_substitute). That change would make your determinant calculation work as-is. Be careful, however: removing pivoting will make the algorithm less numerically stable.

According to
Just change determinant *= A(i,i) to determinant *= (pm(i) == i ? 1 : -1) * A(i,i).
I tried this way and it works.
I know, that it's actually very similar to Managu's answer and the idea is the same, but I believe it is simpler (and "2 in 1" if used in InvertMatrix function).


How to write Multiplicative Update Rules for Matrix Factorization when one doesn't have access to the whole matrix?

So we want to approximate the matrix A with m rows and n columns with the product of two matrices P and Q that have dimension mxk and kxn respectively. Here is an implementation of the multiplicative update rule due to Lee in C++ using the Eigen library.
void multiplicative_update()
Q = Q.cwiseProduct((P.transpose()*matrix).cwiseQuotient(P.transpose()*P*Q));
P = P.cwiseProduct((matrix*Q.transpose()).cwiseQuotient(P*Q*Q.transpose()));
where P, Q, and the matrix (matrix = A) are global variables in the class mat_fac. Thus I train them using the following method,
void train_2(){
double error_trial = 0;
for (int count = 0;count < num_iterations; count ++)
error_trial = (matrix-P*Q).squaredNorm();
if (error_trial < 0.001)
where num_iterations is also a global variable in the class mat_fac.
The problem is that I am working with very large matrices and in particular I do not have access to the entire matrix. Given a triple (i,j,matrix[i][j]), I have access to the row vector P[i][:] and the column vector Q[:][j]. So my goal is to write rewrite the multiplicative update rule in such a way that I update these two vectors every time, I see a non-zero matrix value.
In code, I want to have something like this:
void multiplicative_update(int i, int j, double mat_value)
Eigen::MatrixXd q_vect = get_vector(1, j); // get_vector returns Q[:][j] as a column vector
Eigen::MatrixXd p_vect = get_vector(0, i); // get_vector returns P[i][:] as a column vector
// Somehow compute coeff_AQ_t, coeff_PQQ_t, coeff_P_tA and coeff_P_tA.
for(int i = 0; i< k; i++):
p_vect[i] = p_vect[i]* (coeff_AQ_t)/(coeff_PQQ_t)
q_vect[i] = q_vect[i]* (coeff_P_tA)/(coeff_P_tA)
Thus the problem boils down to computing the required coefficients given the two vectors. Is this a possible thing to do? If not, what more data do I need for the multiplicative update to work in this manner?

Fast way to slice an Eigen SparseMatrix

In finite element analyses it is quite common to apply some prescribed condition(s) to a big sparse matrix and get a reduced one. This can be achieved easily in MATLAB, SciPy and Julia, for instance, in MATLAB
a=sprand(10000,10000,0.2); % create a random sparse matrix; fill %20
tic; c=a(1:2:4000,2:3:5000); toc % slice the matrix to get a reduced one
Assuming that one has a similar sparse matrix in Eigen, what is the most efficient way to slice an Eigen matrix. I don't care about a copy or a view, but the methodology needs to be able to cope up with non-contiguous slicing. The latter requirement makes the Eigen block operations useless in this regard.
I can think of two methodologies that I have tested:
Iterate over the columns and rows using for loops and assign the values to a second sparse matrix (I know this is a truly bad idea).
Create a dummy sparse matrix with zeros and ones and pre and post multiply it with the actual matrix D*A*A.transpose()
I always use setFromTriplets to create a sparse matrices in Eigen and I have been happy with the solvers and assembling of sparse matrices. However it seems that this slicing is the bottleneck in my code at the moment
The timing of MATLAB vs Eigen (using -O3 -DNDEBUG -march=native) is
MATLAB: 0.016 secs
The other methodology that I do not know how to go about is to manipulate directly the [I,J,V] triplets outerIndexPtr, innerIndexPtr, valuePtr.
Here is a proof of concept code snippet
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
template<typename T>
using spmatrix = Eigen::SparseMatrix<T,Eigen::RowMajor>;
spmatrix<double> sprand(int rows, int cols, double sparsity) {
std::default_random_engine gen;
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(0.0,1.0);
int sparsity_ = sparsity*100;
typedef Eigen::Triplet<double> T;
std::vector<T> tripletList; tripletList.reserve(rows*cols);
int counter = 0;
for(int i=0;i<rows;++i) {
for(int j=0;j<cols;++j) {
if (counter % sparsity_ == 0) {
auto v_ij=dist(gen);
spmatrix<double> mat(rows,cols);
mat.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());
return mat;
int main() {
int m=1000,n=10000;
auto a = sprand(n,n,0.05);
auto b = sprand(m,n,0.1);
spmatrix<double> c;
// this is efficient but definitely not the right way to do this
// c = b*a*b.transpose(); // uncomment to check, much slower than block operation
c = a.block(0,0,1000,1000); // very fast, Faster than MATLAB (I believe this is just a view)
return 0;
So Any pointers, in this direction would be useful.

Increase precision in SelfAdjointEigenSolver in Eigen

I am trying to determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a sparse array in Eigen. Since I need to compute all the eigenvectors and eigenvalues, and I could not get this done using the unsupported ArpackSupport module working, I chose to convert the system to a dense matrix and compute the eigensystem using SelfAdjointEigenSolver (I know my matrix is real and has real eigenvalues). This works well until I have matrices of size 1024*1024 but then I start getting deviations from the expected results.
In the documentation of this module ( from what I understood it is possible to change the number of max iterations:
const int m_maxIterations
Maximum number of iterations.
The algorithm terminates if it does not converge within m_maxIterations * n iterations, where n denotes the size of the matrix. This value is currently set to 30 (copied from LAPACK).
However, I do not understand how do you implement this, using their examples:
SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Matrix4f> es;
Matrix4f X = Matrix4f::Random(4,4);
Matrix4f A = X + X.transpose();
cout << "The eigenvalues of A are: " << es.eigenvalues().transpose() << endl;
es.compute(A + Matrix4f::Identity(4,4)); // re-use es to compute eigenvalues of A+I
cout << "The eigenvalues of A+I are: " << es.eigenvalues().transpose() << endl
How would you modify it in order to change the maximum number of iterations?
Additionally, will this solve my problem or should I try to find an alternative function or algorithm to solve the eigensystem?
My thanks in advance.
Increasing the number of iterations is unlikely to help. On the other hand, moving from float to double will help a lot!
If that does not help, please, be more specific on "deviations from the expected results".
m_maxIterations is a static const int variable, and as such it can be considered an intrinsic property of the type. Changing such a type property usually would be done via a specific template parameter. In this case, however, it is set to the constant number 30, so it's not possible.
Therefore, you're only choice is to change the value in the header file and recompile your program.
However, before doing that, I would try the Singular Value Decomposition. According to the homepage, its accuracy is "Excellent-Proven". Moreover, it can overcome problems due to numerically not completely symmetric matrices.
I solved the problem by writing the Jacobi algorithm adapted from the Book Numerical Recipes:
void ROTATy(MatrixXd &a, int i, int j, int k, int l, double s, double tau)
double g,h;
void jacoby(int n, MatrixXd &a, MatrixXd &v, VectorXd &d )
int j,iq,ip,i;
double tresh,theta,tau,t,sm,s,h,g,c;
VectorXd b(n);
VectorXd z(n);
for (ip=0;ip<n;ip++)
for (i=0;i<50;i++)
for (ip=0;ip<n-1;ip++)
for (iq=ip+1;iq<n;iq++)
sm += fabs(a(ip,iq));
if (sm == 0.0) {
if (i < 3)
for (ip=0;ip<n-1;ip++)
for (iq=ip+1;iq<n;iq++)
if (i > 3 && (fabs(d(ip))+g) == fabs(d[ip]) && (fabs(d[iq])+g) == fabs(d[iq]))
else if (fabs(a(ip,iq)) > tresh)
if ((fabs(h)+g) == fabs(h))
if (theta < 0.0)
t = -t;
d(ip)=d(ip)- h;
d(iq)=d(iq) + h;
for (j=0;j<ip;j++)
for (j=ip+1;j<iq;j++)
for (j=iq+1;j<n;j++)
for (j=0;j<n;j++)
the function jacoby receives the size of of the square matrix n, the matrix we want to calculate the we want to solve (a) and a matrix that will receive the eigenvectors in each column and a vector that is going to receive the eigenvalues. It is a bit slower so I tried to parallelize it with OpenMp (see: Parallelization of Jacobi algorithm using eigen c++ using openmp) but for 4096x4096 sized matrices what I did not mean an improvement in computation time, unfortunately.

C++ eigenvalue/vector decomposition, only need first n vectors fast

I have a ~3000x3000 covariance-alike matrix on which I compute the eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition (it's a OpenCV matrix, and I use cv::eigen() to get the job done).
However, I actually only need the, say, first 30 eigenvalues/vectors, I don't care about the rest. Theoretically, this should allow to speed up the computation significantly, right? I mean, that means it has 2970 eigenvectors less that need to be computed.
Which C++ library will allow me to do that? Please note that OpenCV's eigen() method does have the parameters for that, but the documentation says they are ignored, and I tested it myself, they are indeed ignored :D
I managed to do it with ARPACK. I managed to compile it for windows, and even to use it. The results look promising, an illustration can be seen in this toy example:
#include "ardsmat.h"
#include "ardssym.h"
int n = 3; // Dimension of the problem.
double* EigVal = NULL; // Eigenvalues.
double* EigVec = NULL; // Eigenvectors stored sequentially.
int lowerHalfElementCount = (n*n+n) / 2;
//whole matrix:
2 3 8
3 9 -7
8 -7 19
double* lower = new double[lowerHalfElementCount]; //lower half of the matrix
//to be filled with COLUMN major (i.e. one column after the other, always starting from the diagonal element)
lower[0] = 2; lower[1] = 3; lower[2] = 8; lower[3] = 9; lower[4] = -7; lower[5] = 19;
//params: dimensions (i.e. width/height), array with values of the lower or upper half (sequentially, row major), 'L' or 'U' for upper or lower
ARdsSymMatrix<double> mat(n, lower, 'L');
// Defining the eigenvalue problem.
int noOfEigVecValues = 2;
//int maxIterations = 50000000;
//ARluSymStdEig<double> dprob(noOfEigVecValues, mat, "LM", 0, 0.5, maxIterations);
ARluSymStdEig<double> dprob(noOfEigVecValues, mat);
// Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
int converged = dprob.EigenValVectors(EigVec, EigVal);
for (int eigValIdx = 0; eigValIdx < noOfEigVecValues; eigValIdx++) {
std::cout << "Eigenvalue: " << EigVal[eigValIdx] << "\nEigenvector: ";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int idx = n*eigValIdx+i;
std::cout << EigVec[idx] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
The results are:
9.4298, 24.24059
for the eigenvalues, and
-0.523207, -0.83446237, -0.17299346
0.273269, -0.356554, 0.893416
for the 2 eigenvectors respectively (one eigenvector per row)
The code fails to find 3 eigenvectors (it can only find 1-2 in this case, an assert() makes sure of that, but well, that's not a problem).
In this article, Simon Funk shows a simple, effective way to estimate a singular value decomposition (SVD) of a very large matrix. In his case, the matrix is sparse, with dimensions: 17,000 x 500,000.
Now, looking here, describes how eigenvalue decomposition closely related to SVD. Thus, you might benefit from considering a modified version of Simon Funk's approach, especially if your matrix is sparse. Furthermore, your matrix is not only square but also symmetric (if that is what you mean by covariance-like), which likely leads to additional simplification.
... Just an idea :)
It seems that Spectra will do the job with good performances.
Here is an example from their documentation to compute the 3 first eigen values of a dense symmetric matrix M (likewise your covariance matrix):
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Spectra/SymEigsSolver.h>
// <Spectra/MatOp/DenseSymMatProd.h> is implicitly included
#include <iostream>
using namespace Spectra;
int main()
// We are going to calculate the eigenvalues of M
Eigen::MatrixXd A = Eigen::MatrixXd::Random(10, 10);
Eigen::MatrixXd M = A + A.transpose();
// Construct matrix operation object using the wrapper class DenseSymMatProd
DenseSymMatProd<double> op(M);
// Construct eigen solver object, requesting the largest three eigenvalues
SymEigsSolver< double, LARGEST_ALGE, DenseSymMatProd<double> > eigs(&op, 3, 6);
// Initialize and compute
int nconv = eigs.compute();
// Retrieve results
Eigen::VectorXd evalues;
evalues = eigs.eigenvalues();
std::cout << "Eigenvalues found:\n" << evalues << std::endl;
return 0;

Complex matrix exponential in C++

Is it actually possible to calculate the Matrix Exponential of a Complex Matrix in c / c++?
I've managed to take the product of two complex matrices using blas functions from the GNU Science Library. for matC = matA * matB:
gsl_blas_zgemm (CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, GSL_COMPLEX_ONE, matA, matB, GSL_COMPLEX_ZERO, matC);
And I've managed to get the matrix exponential of a matrix by using the undocumented
gsl_linalg_exponential_ss(&m.matrix, &em.matrix, .01);
But this doesn't seems to accept complex arguments.
Is there anyway to do this? I used to think c++ was capable of anything. Now I think its outdated and cryptic...
Several options:
modify the gsl_linalg_exponential_ss code to accept complex matrices
write your complex NxN matrix as real 2N x 2N matrix
Diagonalize the matrix, take the exponential of the eigenvalues, and rotate the matrix back to the original basis
Using the complex matrix product that is available, implement the matrix exponential according to it's definition: exp(A) = sum_(n=0)^(n=infinity) A^n/(n!)
You have to check which methods are appropriate for your problem.
C++ is a general purpose language. As mentioned above, if you need specific functionality you have to find a library that can do it or implement it yourself. Alternatively you could use software like MatLab and Mathematica. If that's too expensive there are open source alternatives, e.g. Sage and Octave.
"I used to think c++ was capable of anything" - if a general-purpose language has built-in complex math in its core, then something is wrong with that language.
Fur such very specific tasks there is a well-accepted solution: libraries. Either write your own, or much better, use an already existing one.
I myself rarely need complex matrices in C++, I always used Matlab and similar tools for that. However, this might be of interest to you if you know Matlab.
There are a couple other libraries which might be of help:
I was also thinking to do the same, writing your complex NxN matrix as real 2N x 2N matrix is the best way to solve the problem, then use gsl_linalg_exponential_ss().
Suppose A=Ar+i*Ai, where A is the complex matrix and Ar and Ai are the real matrices. Then write the new matrix B=[Ar Ai ;-Ai Ar] (Here the matrix is written in matlab notation). Now calculate the exponential of B, that is eB=[eB1 eB2 ;eB3 eB4], then exponential of A is given by, eA=eB1+1i.*eB2
(summing the matrices eB1 and 1i.*eB2).
I have written a code to calculate the matrix exponential of the complex matrices with the gsl function, gsl_linalg_exponential_ss(&m.matrix, &em.matrix, .01);
Here you have the complete code, and the compilation results. I have checked the result with the Matlab and result agrees.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_complex.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_complex_math.h>
void my_gsl_complex_matrix_exponential(gsl_matrix_complex *eA, gsl_matrix_complex *A, int dimx)
int j,k=0;
gsl_complex temp;
gsl_matrix *matreal =gsl_matrix_alloc(2*dimx,2*dimx);
gsl_matrix *expmatreal =gsl_matrix_alloc(2*dimx,2*dimx);
//Converting the complex matrix into real one using A=[Areal, Aimag;-Aimag,Areal]
for (j = 0; j < dimx;j++)
for (k = 0; k < dimx;k++)
double realp;
double imagp;
for (j = 0; j < dimx;j++)
for (k = 0; k < dimx;k++)
int main()
int dimx=4;
int i, j ;
gsl_matrix_complex *A = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc (dimx, dimx);
gsl_matrix_complex *eA = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc (dimx, dimx);
for (i = 0; i < dimx;i++)
for (j = 0; j < dimx;j++)
if ((i-j)>=0)
printf("%d+%di ",i+j,i-j);
printf("%d%di ",i+j,i-j);
printf("\n Printing the complex matrix exponential\n");
gsl_complex compnum;
for (i = 0; i < dimx;i++)
for (j = 0; j < dimx;j++)
if (GSL_IMAG(compnum)>=0)
printf("%f+%fi\t ",GSL_REAL(compnum),GSL_IMAG(compnum));
printf("%f%fi\t ",GSL_REAL(compnum),GSL_IMAG(compnum));