How can I extract a substring after a match position? - regex

I have a requirement to grep a string or pattern (say around 200 characters before and after the string or pattern) from an extremely long line ed file. The file contains streams of data (market trading data) coming from a remote server and getting appended onto this line of the file.
I know that I can match lines containing a specific pattern using grep (or other tools), but once I have such lines, how can I extract a portion of the line? I want to grab the part of the line with the pattern plus roughly 200 characters before and after the pattern. I would be especially interested in answers using...(supply tools or languages you're comfortable with here).

If what you need is the 200 characters before and after the expression plus the expression itself, then you are looking at:
If you need captures for each (allowing you to extract each part as a unit), then you use this regexp:

If your grep has -o then that will output only the matched part.
echo "abc def ghi jkl mno pqr" | egrep -o ".{4}ghi.{4}"
def ghi jkl

(.{0,200}(pattern).{0,200}), or something?

Is this what you want (in C)?
If it is, feel free to adapt to your specific needs.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void prt_grep(const char *haystack, const char *needle, int padding) {
char *ptr, *start, *finish;
ptr = strstr(haystack, needle);
if (!ptr) return;
start = (ptr - padding);
if (start < haystack) start = haystack;
finish = ptr + strlen(needle) + padding;
if (finish > haystack + strlen(haystack)) finish = haystack + strlen(haystack);
for (ptr = start; ptr < finish; ptr++) putchar(*ptr);
int main(void) {
const char *longline = "123456789 ASDF 123456789";
const char *pattern = "ASDF";
prt_grep(longline, pattern, 5); /* you want 200 */
return 0;

I think I might approach the problem by matching the part of the string I need, then using the match position as the starting point for the substring extraction. In Perl, once your regex suceeds, the pos built-in tells you where you left off:
if( $long_string = m/$regex/ ) {
$substring = substr( $long_string, pos( $long_string ), 200 );
I tend to write my programs in Perl instead of doing everything in the regular expression. There's nothing particularly special about Perl in this case.

I think this may be more basic that everybody is thinking, correct me if I'm wrong...
Do you want to print before and after the string excluding the string?
awk -F "ASDF" '{print "Before ASDF" $1 "\n" "After ASDF" $2}' $FILE
This will print something like:
Before ASDF blablabla
After ASDF blablablabla
Change it to match your needs, remove the "\n" and or the "Before..." and "After..." comments
Do you want to supress the string from the file?
This will replace the string with a blank space, again, change it to whatever you need.
sed -i 's/ASDF/\ /' longstring.txt


How to represent many parts of awk sub/gsub's matched string

How to represent more than one part of awk sub or gsub's matched string.
For a regexpr like "##code", if I want to insert a word between "##" and "code", I would want a way like VSCode's syntax in witch $1 represent the first part and $2 represent the second part
sub(/(##)(code)/, "$1before$2", str)
from awk's user manual, I found that awk use & to represent the whole matched string。 How can I represent one,two or more part in the matched string like VSCode.
sub(regexp, replacement [, target])
Search target, which is treated as a string, for the leftmost, longest substring matched by the regular expression regexp. Modify the entire string by replacing the matched text with replacement. The modified string becomes the new value of target. Return the number of substitutions made (zero or one).
The regexp argument may be either a regexp constant (/…/) or a string constant ("…"). In the latter case, the string is treated as a regexp to be matched. See Computed Regexps for a discussion of the difference between the two forms, and the implications for writing your program correctly.
This function is peculiar because target is not simply used to compute a value, and not just any expression will do—it must be a variable, field, or array element so that sub() can store a modified value there. If this argument is omitted, then the default is to use and alter $0.48 For example:
str = "water, water, everywhere"
sub(/at/, "ith", str)
sets str to ‘wither, water, everywhere’, by replacing the leftmost longest occurrence of ‘at’ with ‘ith’.
If the special character ‘&’ appears in replacement, it stands for the precise substring that was matched by regexp. (If the regexp can match more than one string, then this precise substring may vary.) For example:
{ sub(/candidate/, "& and his wife"); print }
changes the first occurrence of ‘candidate’ to ‘candidate and his wife’ on each input line. Here is another example:
The user manual's link is here
Your best option is to use GNU awk for either of these:
$ awk '{$0=gensub(/(##)(code)/,"\\1before\\2",1)} 1' <<<'##code'
$ awk 'match($0,/(##)(code)/,a){$0=a[1] "before" a[2]} 1' <<<'##code'
The first one only lets you move text segments around while the 2nd lets you call functions, perform math ops or do anything else on the matching text before moving it around in the original or doing anything else with it:
$ awk 'match($0,/(##)(code)/,a){$0=length(a[1])*10 "before" toupper(a[2])} 1' <<<'##code'
After thinking about this for a bit, I don't know how to get the desired behavior in any reasonable way using just POSIX awk constructs. Here's something I tried (the matches() function):
$ cat tst.awk
str = "foobar"
re = "(f.*o)(b.*r)"
printf "\nre \"%s\" matching string \"%s\"\n", re, str
print "succ: gensub(): ", gensub(re,"<\\1> <\\2>",1,str)
print "succ: match(): ", (match(str,re,a) ? "<" a[1] "> <" a[2] ">" : "")
print "succ: matches(): ", (matches(str,re,a) ? "<" a[1] "> <" a[2] ">" : "")
str = "foofoo"
re = "(f.*o)(f.*o)"
printf "\nre \"%s\" matching string \"%s\"\n", re, str
print "succ: gensub(): ", gensub(re,"<\\1> <\\2>",1,str)
print "succ: match(): ", (match(str,re,a) ? "<" a[1] "> <" a[2] ">" : "")
print "fail: matches(): ", (matches(str,re,a) ? "<" a[1] "> <" a[2] ">" : "")
function matches(str,re,arr, start,tgt,n,i,segs) {
delete arr
if ( start=match(str,re) ) {
tgt = substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)
n = split(re,segs,/[)(]+/) - 1
for (i=1; RSTART && (i < n); i++) {
if ( match(str,segs[i+1]) ) {
arr[i] = substr(str,RSTART,RLENGTH)
str = substr(str,RSTART+RLENGTH)
return start
$ awk -f tst.awk
re "(f.*o)(b.*r)" matching string "foobar"
succ: gensub(): <foo> <bar>
succ: match(): <foo> <bar>
succ: matches(): <foo> <bar>
re "(f.*o)(f.*o)" matching string "foofoo"
succ: gensub(): <foo> <foo>
succ: match(): <foo> <foo>
fail: matches(): <foofoo> <>
but of course that doesn't work for the 2nd case as the first RE segment of f.*o matches the whole string foofoo and of course the same thing happens if you try to take the RE segments in reverse. I also considered getting the RE segments like above but then build up a new string one char at a time from the string passed in and compare the first RE segment to THAT until it matches as THAT would be the shortest matching string to the RE segment BUT that would fail for a string+RE like:
since f.*o would match foo with that alorigthm when it really needs to match fooooo.
So - I guess you'd need to keep iterating (being careful of what direction you iterate in - from the end is correct I expect) till you get the string split up into segments that each match every RE segment in a left-most-longest fashion. Seems like a lot of work!
When you use GNU awk, you can use gensub for this purpose. Without gensub for any generic awk it becomes a bit more tedious. The procedure could be something like this:
match(tmp,"ere1"); part1=substr(tmp,RSTART,RLENGTH)
sub(ere,part1 "before" part2,str)
The problem with this is that it will not always work and you have to engineer it a bit. A simple fail can be created due to the greedyness of the ERE":
match(str,ere) # finds "foocode"
tmp=substr(str,RSTART,RLENGTH) # tmp <: "foocode"
match(tmp,"(f.*o)"); # greedy "fooco"
part1=substr(tmp,RSTART,RLENGTH) # part1 <: "fooco"
part2=substr(tmp,RLENGTH) # part2 <: "de"
sub(ere,part1 "before" part2,str) # :> "foocobeforede

Alphabetic order regex using backreferences

I recently came across a puzzle to find a regular expression that matches:
5-character-long strings comprised of lowercase English letters in ascending ASCII order
Valid examples include:
Invalid examples include:
My current solution is kludgy. I use the regex:
which uses a non-consuming capture group to assert a string length of 5, and then verifies that the string comprises of lowercase English letters in order (see Rubular).
Instead, I'd like to use back references inside character classes. Something like:
The logic for the solution (see Rubular) in my head is to capture the first character [a-z], use it as a backrefence in the second character class and so on. However, \1, \2 ... within character classes seem to refer to ASCII values of 1, 2... effectively matching any four- or five-character string.
I have 2 questions:
Can I use back references in my character classes to check for ascending order strings?
Is there any less-hacky solution to this puzzle?
I'm posting this answer more as a comment than an answer since it has better formatting than comments.
Related to your questions:
Can I use back references in my character classes to check for ascending order strings?
No, you can't. If you take a look a backref regular-expressions section, you will find below documentation:
Parentheses and Backreferences Cannot Be Used Inside Character Classes
Parentheses cannot be used inside character classes, at least not as metacharacters. When you put a parenthesis in a character class, it is treated as a literal character. So the regex [(a)b] matches a, b, (, and ).
Backreferences, too, cannot be used inside a character class. The \1 in a regex like (a)[\1b] is either an error or a needlessly escaped literal 1. In JavaScript it's an octal escape.
Regarding your 2nd question:
Is there any less-hacky solution to this puzzle?
Imho, your regex is perfectly well, you could shorten it very little at the beginning like this:
^--- Here
Regex demo
If you are willing to use Perl (!), this will work:
Since someone has broken the ice by using Perl, this is a
Perl solution I guess ..
Note that this is a basic non-regex solution that just happens to be
stuffed into code constructs inside a Perl regex.
The interesting thing is that if a day comes when you need the synergy
of regex/code this is a good choice.
It is possible then that instead of a simple [a-z] character, you may
use a very complex pattern in it's place and using a check vs. last.
That is power !!
The regex ^(?:([a-z])(?(?{ $last gt $1 })(?!)|(?{ $last = $1 }))){5}$
Perl code
use strict;
use warnings;
$/ = "";
my #DAry = split /\s+/, <DATA>;
my $last;
for (#DAry)
$last = '';
if (
^ # BOS
(?: # Cluster begin
( [a-z] ) # (1), Single a-z letter
# Code conditional
$last gt $1 # last > current ?
(?!) # Fail
| # else,
(?{ $last = $1 }) # Assign last = current
){5} # Cluster end, do 5 times
$ # EOS
/x )
print "good $_\n";
else {
print "bad $_\n";
good aaaaa
good abcde
good xxyyz
good ghost
good chips
good demos
bad abCde
bad xxyyzz
bad hgost
bad chps
Ah, well, it's a finite set, so you can always enumerate it with alternation! This emits a "brute force" kind of regex in a little perl REPL:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
printf("while (<>) { if (/^(?:");
for (int a = 'a'; a <= 'z'; ++a)
for (int b = a; b <= 'z'; ++b)
for (int c = b; c <= 'z'; ++c) {
for (int d = c; d <= 'y'; ++d)
printf("%c%c%c%c[%c-z]|", a, b, c, d, d);
printf("%c%c%czz", a, b, c);
if (a != 'z' || b != 'z' || c != 'z') printf("|\n");
printf(")$/x) { print \"Match!\\n\" } else { print \"No match.\\n\" }}\n");
return 0;
And now:
$ gcc r.c
$ ./a.out >
$ cat > data.txt
$ perl < data.txt
No match.
No match.
No match.
No match.
The regex is only 220Kb or so ;-)

Detecting text like "#smth" with RegExp (with some more terms)

I'm really bad in regular expressions, so please help me.
I need to find in string any pieces like #text.
text mustn't contain any space characters (\\s). It's length must be at least 2 characters ({2,}), and it must contain at least 1 letter(QChar::isLetter()).
#c, #1, #123456, #123 456, #123_456 are incorrect
#cc, #text, #text123, #123text are correct
I use QRegExp.
QRegExp rx("#(\\S+[A-Za-z]\\S*|\\S*[A-Za-z]\\S+)$");
bool result = (rx.indexIn(str) == 0);
rx either finds a non-whitespace followed by a letter and by an unspecified number of non-whitespace characters, or a letter followed by at least non-whitespace.
Styne666 gave the right regex.
Here is a little Perl script which is trying to match its first argument with this regex:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $arg = shift;
if ($arg =~ m/(#(?=\d*[a-zA-Z])[a-zA-Z\d]{2,})/) {
print "$1 MATCHES THE PATTERN!\n";
} else {
print "NO MATCH\n";
Perl is always great to quickly test your regular expressions.
Now, your question is a bit different. You want to find all the substrings in your text string,
and you want to do it in C++/Qt. Here is what I could come up with in couple of minutes:
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QString str = argv[1];
QRegExp rx("[\\s]?(\\#(?=\\d*[a-zA-Z])[a-zA-Z\\d]{2,})\\b");
int pos = 0;
while ((pos = rx.indexIn(str, pos)) != -1)
QString token = rx.cap(1);
cout << token.toStdString().c_str() << endl;
pos += rx.matchedLength();
return 0;
To make my test I feed it an input like this (making a long string just one command line argument):
peter#ubuntu01$ qt-regexp "#hjhj 4324 fdsafdsa #33e #22"
And it matches only two words: #hjhj and #33e.
Hope it helps.
The shortest I could come up with (which should work, but I haven't tested extensively) is:
Which matches:
^ the start of the string
# a literal hash character
(?= then look ahead (but don't match)
[0-9]* zero or more latin numbers
[A-Za-z] a single upper- or lower-case latin letter
[A-Za-z0-9]{2,} then match at least two characters which may be upper- or lower-case latin letters or latin numbers
$ then find and consume the end of the line
Technically speaking though this is still wrong. It only matches latin letters and numbers. Replacing a few bits gives you:
This should work for non-latin letters and numbers but this is totally untested. Have a quick read of the QRegExp class reference for an explanation of each escaped group.
And then to match within larger strings of text (again, untested):
A useful tool is the Regular Expressions Example which comes with the SDK.
use this regular expression. hope fully your problem will solve with given RE.

I want to replace ',' on the 150th location in a String with a <br>

My String is : PI Last Name equal to one of
I need to have a regex which will greedily looks for up to 150 characters with a last character being a ','. And then replace the last ',' of the 150 with a <br />
Any suggestions pls?
I used this ','(?=[^()]*\)) but this one replaces all the occurences. I want the 150th ones to be replaced.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I managed to do it with Java code instead of regex.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(html);
int i = 0;
while ((i = sb.indexOf("','", i + 150)) != -1) {
int j = sb.lastIndexOf("','", i + 150);
sb.insert(i+1, "<BR>");
return sb.toString();
However, this breaks at the first encounter of ',' in the 150 chars.
Can anyone help modify my code to incorporate the break at the last occurence of ',' withing the 150 chars.
You'll want something like this:
Look for every occurrence of \([^)]+*,[^)]+*\) (Find a parenthesis-wrapped string with a comma in it and then run the following regular expression on each of the matched elements:
The first number is the minimum number of characters you want to match before you add a break tag -- the second is the maximum number of characters you would like to match before inserting a break tag. If there is no , between the characters in question then the regular expression will continue to consume characters until it finds a comma.
You could probably do it like this:
regex ~ /(^.{1,14}),/
replacement ~ '\1<replacement' or "$1<insert your text>"
In Perl:
$target = ','x 22;
$target =~ s/(^ .{1,14}) , /$1<15th comma>/x;
print $target;
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<15th comma>,,,,,,,
Edit: As an alternative, if you want to break the string up into succesive 150 or less
you could do it this way:
regex ~ /(.{1,150},)/sg
replacement ~ '\1<br/>' or "$1<br\/>"
// That is a regex of type global (/g) and include newlines (/s)
In Perl:
$target = "
if ($target =~ s/( .{1,150} , )/$1<br\/>/sxg) {
print $target;

Regex Replacing : to ":" etc

I've got a bunch of strings like:
"Hello, here's a test colon:. Here's a test semi-colon;"
I would like to replace that with
"Hello, here's a test colon:. Here's a test semi-colon;"
And so on for all printable ASCII values.
At present I'm using boost::regex_search to match &#(\d+);, building up a string as I process each match in turn (including appending the substring containing no matches since the last match I found).
Can anyone think of a better way of doing it? I'm open to non-regex methods, but regex seemed a reasonably sensible approach in this case.
The big advantage of using a regex is to deal with the tricky cases like &#38; Entity replacement isn't iterative, it's a single step. The regex is also going to be fairly efficient: the two lead characters are fixed, so it will quickly skip anything not starting with &#. Finally, the regex solution is one without a lot of surprises for future maintainers.
I'd say a regex was the right choice.
Is it the best regex, though? You know you need two digits and if you have 3 digits, the first one will be a 1. Printable ASCII is after all -~. For that reason, you could consider &#1?\d\d;.
As for replacing the content, I'd use the basic algorithm described for boost::regex::replace :
For each match // Using regex_iterator<>
Print the prefix of the match
Remove the first 2 and last character of the match (&#;)
lexical_cast the result to int, then truncate to char and append.
Print the suffix of the last match.
This will probably earn me some down votes, seeing as this is not a c++, boost or regex response, but here's a SNOBOL solution. This one works for ASCII. Am working on something for Unicode.
NUMS = '1234567890'
SWAP LINE ? '&#' SPAN(NUMS) . N ';' = CHAR( N ) :S(SWAP)
* Repaired SNOBOL4 Solution
* &#38; -> &
digit = '0123456789'
main line = input :f(end)
result =
swap line arb . l
+ '&#' span(digit) . n ';' rem . line :f(out)
result = result l char(n) :(swap)
out output = result line :(main)
I don't know about the regex support in boost, but check if it has a replace() method that supports callbacks or lambdas or some such. That's the usual way to do this with regexes in other languages I'd say.
Here's a Python implementation:
s = "Hello, here's a test colon:. Here's a test semi-colon;"
re.sub(r'&#(1?\d\d);', lambda match: chr(int(, s)
"Hello, here's a test colon:. Here's a test semi-colon;"
I've looked some at boost now and I see it has a regex_replace function. But C++ really confuses me so I can't figure out if you could use a callback for the replace part. But the string matched by the (\d\d) group should be available in $1 if I read the boost docs correctly. I'd check it out if I were using boost.
The existing SNOBOL solutions don't handle the multiple-patterns case properly, due to there only being one "&". The following solution ought to work better:
dd = "0123456789"
ccp = "#" span(dd) $ n ";" *?(s = s char(n)) fence (*ccp | null)
rdl line = input :f(done)
repl line "&" *?(s = ) ccp = s :s(repl)
output = line :(rdl)
Ya know, as long as we're off topic here, perl substitution has an 'e' option. As in evaluate expression. E.g.
echo "Hello, here's a test colon:. Here's a test semi-colon; Further test &#65;. abc.~.def." | perl -we 'sub translate { my $x=$_[0]; if ( ($x >= 32) && ($x <= 126) ) { return sprintf("%c",$x); } else { return "&#".$x.";"; } } while (<>) { s/&#(1?\d\d);/&translate($1)/ge; print; }'
Pretty-printing that:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
sub translate
my $x=$_[0];
if ( ($x >= 32) && ($x <= 126) )
return sprintf( "%c", $x );
return "&#" . $x . ";" ;
while (<>)
Though perl being perl, I'm sure there's a much better way to write that...
Back to C code:
You could also roll your own finite state machine. But that gets messy and troublesome to maintain later on.
Here's another Perl's one-liner (see #mrree's answer):
a test file:
$ cat ent.txt
Hello,  here's a test colon:.
Here's a test semi-colon; 'ƒ'
the one-liner:
$ perl -pe's~&#(1?\d\d);~
> sub{ return chr($1) if (31 < $1 && $1 < 127); $& }->()~eg' ent.txt
or using more specific regex:
$ perl -pe"s~&#(1(?:[01][0-9]|2[0-6])|3[2-9]|[4-9][0-9]);~chr($1)~eg" ent.txt
both one-liners produce the same output:
Hello,  here's a test colon:.
Here's a test semi-colon; 'ƒ'
boost::spirit parser generator framework allows easily to create a parser that transforms desirable NCRs.
// spirit_ncr2a.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/spirit/include/classic_core.hpp>
int main() {
using namespace BOOST_SPIRIT_CLASSIC_NS;
std::string line;
while (std::getline(std::cin, line)) {
assert(parse(line.begin(), line.end(),
// match "&#(\d+);" where 32 <= $1 <= 126 or any char
*(("&#" >> limit_d(32u, 126u)[uint_p][&putchar] >> ';')
| anychar_p[&putchar])).full);
$ g++ -I/path/to/boost -o spirit_ncr2a spirit_ncr2a.cpp
$ echo "Hello,  here's a test colon:." | spirit_ncr2a
"Hello,  here's a test colon:."
I did think I was pretty good at regex but I have never seen lambdas been used in regex, please enlighten me!
I'm currently using python and would have solved it with this oneliner:
''.join([x.isdigit() and chr(int(x)) or x for x in re.split('&#(\d+);',THESTRING)])
Does that make any sense?
Here's a NCR scanner created using Flex:
/** ncr2a.y: Replace all NCRs by corresponding printable ASCII characters. */
&#(1([01][0-9]|2[0-6])|3[2-9]|[4-9][0-9]); { /* accept 32..126 */
/**recursive: unput(atoi(yytext + 2)); skip '&#'; `atoi()` ignores ';' */
fputc(atoi(yytext + 2), yyout); /* non-recursive version */
To make an executable:
$ flex ncr2a.y
$ gcc -o ncr2a lex.yy.c -lfl
$ echo "Hello,  here's a test colon:.
> Here's a test semi-colon; 'ƒ'
> &#59; <-- may be recursive" \
> | ncr2a
It prints for non-recursive version:
Hello,  here's a test colon:.
Here's a test semi-colon; 'ƒ'
; <-- may be recursive
And the recursive one produces:
Hello,  here's a test colon:.
Here's a test semi-colon; 'ƒ'
; <-- may be recursive
This is one of those cases where the original problem statement apparently isn't very complete, it seems, but if you really want to only trigger on cases which produce characters between 32 and 126, that's a trivial change to the solution I posted earlier. Note that my solution also handles the multiple-patterns case (although this first version wouldn't handle cases where some of the adjacent patterns are in-range and others are not).
dd = "0123456789"
ccp = "#" span(dd) $ n *lt(n,127) *ge(n,32) ";" *?(s = s char(n))
+ fence (*ccp | null)
rdl line = input :f(done)
repl line "&" *?(s = ) ccp = s :s(repl)
output = line :(rdl)
It would not be particularly difficult to handle that case (e.g. ;#131;#58; produces ";#131;:" as well:
dd = "0123456789"
ccp = "#" (span(dd) $ n ";") $ enc
+ *?(s = s (lt(n,127) ge(n,32) char(n), char(10) enc))
+ fence (*ccp | null)
rdl line = input :f(done)
repl line "&" *?(s = ) ccp = s :s(repl)
output = replace(line,char(10),"#") :(rdl)
Here's a version based on boost::regex_token_iterator. The program replaces decimal NCRs read from stdin by corresponding ASCII characters and prints them to stdout.
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
int main()
boost::regex re("&#(1(?:[01][0-9]|2[0-6])|3[2-9]|[4-9][0-9]);"); // 32..126
const int subs[] = {-1, 1}; // non-match & subexpr
boost::sregex_token_iterator end;
std::string line;
while (std::getline(std::cin, line)) {
boost::sregex_token_iterator tok(line.begin(), line.end(), re, subs);
for (bool isncr = false; tok != end; ++tok, isncr = !isncr) {
if (isncr) { // convert NCR e.g., ':' -> ':'
const int d = boost::lexical_cast<int>(*tok);
assert(32 <= d && d < 127);
std::cout << static_cast<char>(d);
std::cout << *tok; // output as is
std::cout << '\n';