How do i create a GNU Autotool Project in Eclipse CDT from existing C++ source code? - c++

I have an existing C++ source code that is built using autotools and i wish to use in Eclipse CDT. I'm a beginner with Eclipse CDT. I've installed the Autotools plugin for eclipse but don't know how to create a project from existing code.
May you please guide me in the right direction so that i can create an eclipse project that uses autotools to build this source code?

Try to generate all makefiles and then try to import project to eclipse. I think when all Makefiles will exist, then would be no need to install any external plugin for autotools in eclipse IDE. It should work as it is.


How to use protoc.exe in Windows for eclipse luna?

I am using Eclipse IDE, Version: Luna Release (4.4.0) to build a project. I am trying to use google protocol buffers. But I don't know how to use protoc to compile .proto files and then how to use the source code to build my project. I have downloaded compiler and source code from
But how to integrate it with Eclipse IDE, I have no clue. As I am a beginner in protobuf, it will be a great help to me if someone could explain it step by step that how to use the protoc compiler and source code in eclipse.
Thanks in advance.

Qt with Eclipse CDT Juno

I am having a difficult time trying to find a way to link the Qt library to my Eclipse project.
The Qt SDK package 4.8.1
Eclipse CDT Juno
Is there a way to link Qt libraries to eclipse?
UPDATE: It appears that the Eclipse plugin is no longer officially supported but that it's still available via download. The link below references their ftp site.
Nokia provides Eclipse-Qt integration. That said, it's unnecessary as it's always possible to use an Eclipse project that's using custom build commands. You could simply create a makefile project making certain to run qmake at the appropriate times.
To start, it might be as simple as:
Create a file or two
qmake -project # create your project file
qmake # generate your makefile
# tell eclipse to build the project
If the above, you'd only need to re-run qmake when adding new files and doing other things that affect the qt project file.
Yes it does.
The Qt integration pack is 32bit and therefore all depencies like Eclipse / Java / Qt must be also 32bit.

Eclipse on Linux does not display options for C++ New Project

I recently installed Linux, from there I installed Eclipse, from there I installed the Eclipse PDE module, from there I installed CDT debug and CDT build tools. However when I go to create new project -> C++ -> I get an empty window...and I can not click next.
Seems like Eclipse is still missing something that I need to install.
My best suggestion would be to uninstall the eclipse you have, and install cdt directly, available here.

How do I need to configure Eclipse to create a C++ program?

I installed Eclipse for C/C++ Developers.
After installing it I also installed PyDev.
I managed to create a C++ project (The Hello World project that comes with it). But I cannot compile/run it.
When I created the project there was nothing in the toolchain list. So I think I will need to install a toolchain. But I cannot find anything. I need someone to help me with this please.
I am using 64 bit Windows 7.
No compiler, no executable.
Check MinGW
This is one of the first results i got in google for eclipse and mingw:
You need to install not only Eclipse CDT, but also a C/C++ compiler for Windows, like minGW.
Try installing TDM-GCC from . This should have you up and going with a compatible GCC setup under Windows in a snap.

OpenCV and Eclipse CDT

I have installed the latest versions of OpenCV and Eclipse CDT, but not able to make OpenCV to be used within Eclipse CDT.
Any ideas on how can I do that?
Thanks a lot.
What platform?
See ?
Otherwise you generally run cmake in the top of the opencv source dir and select the compiler you want, for Eclipse that's possibly mingw (unless there is an eclipse specific version)