Subclassing a window with a functor (Win32) - c++

Quick sanity check: Is it possible to subclass a window using a functor? I'm running into a situation where I want to have some data available in the win proc, but GWLP_USERDATA is already being used. A functor seems like a good alternative, but I'm having trouble getting it to work.
Here's the basics:
class MyWinProc { // Win Proc Functor
MyWinProc(ExternalClass* obj, HWND window) :
obj(obj), window(window) {
oldWinProc = SubclassWindow(window, this); // Apply Subclass
virtual ~MyWinProc() {
SubclassWindow(window, oldWinProc); // Remove Subclass
switch( uMsg ) {
return CallWindowProc(oldWinProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
ExternalClass* obj;
HWND window;
WNDPROC oldWinProc;
Seems all well and good, but when I hit DispatchMessage() in me message pump, I "Access Violation Writing Location 0x00000000", obviously not a good sign. Remove the call to the above code and life is happy again. :( So is this even possible, or am I going about it entirely the wrong way?

A CALLBACK function must be a static member function or an otherwise straight C-style function. The Windows API doesn't really know anything about C++ objects.
Something along the lines of this should work:
class MyWinProc {
MyWinProc(ExternalClass* obj, HWND window) :
obj(obj), window(window) {
pContext = this;
oldWinProc = SubclassWindow(window, &MyWinProc::wndproc); // Apply Subclass
virtual ~MyWinProc() {
SubclassWindow(window, oldWinProc); // Remove Subclass
static MyWinProc* pContext;
MyWndProc& me = *pContext;
// do your WndProc work...
ExternalClass* obj;
HWND window;
WNDPROC oldWinProc;

The problem with using a functor is the calling convention: Windows is expecting the address to be the address of a static function, and will use/invoke that address as such; whereas the 'this' which you're passing is not the address of a static function.
Windows is going to use the address like this (pseudo-coded assembly):
; push the necessary parameters
push [hWnd]
push etc...
; invoke the specified address (of the static function)
call [callback]
To invoke a functor, the Windows code would need to be like this
; push the necessary parameters
push [hWnd]
push etc...
; invoke the specified address (of the functor object)
; ... first, put the 'this' pointer as a hidden parameter into the ecx register
mov ecx,[callback]
; ... next, invoke the address (where is it?) of the class' functor method
call MyWinProc::operator()
... or instead of the last two statements, the following statements if the operator is virtual ...
; ... first, put the 'this' pointer as a hidden parameter into the ecx register
mov ecx,[callback]
; ... next, invoke the address of the operator via an (which?) entry
; in the class' vtable
call [ecx+8]
Neither of these is possible because the O/S isn't aware of the calling conventions for non-static C++ methods, especially including:
The way in which the implicit 'this' parameter is passed
The address of the class' non-virtual methods
The vtable entries of the class' virtual methods

GWLP_USERDATA is not the only way to store data associated with a window, you can also use SetProp().
And at least on x86, you can do ATL style thunking (A small piece of asm code that puts your class pointer in ecx and then jumps to your wndproc) You can find some links about that in a answer I posted here

GWLP_USERDATA is already being used
I don't know what your SubclassWindow function is, but CWnd::SubclassWindow says, "The window must not already be attached to an MFC object when this function is called".
I'm running into a situation where I want to have some data available in the win proc
A usual (non-MFC) way to implement that is to have a global/static dictionary, whose key/index is the HWND value of the subclassed windows, and whose data is the data that you want to associate with that window: that data is often the this pointer of a C++ class of yours.
You subclass the window procedure with a static callback function of yours: your static callback function then, when it's invoked, uses the HWND which it's passed to look up the data in the static dictionary.

You can still use the value stored in GWLP_USERDATA...
class MyWinProc { // Win Proc Functor
MyWinProc(ExternalClass* obj, HWND window) :
obj(obj), window(window) {
oldUserData = GetWindowLongPtr(GWLP_USERDATA);
oldWinProc = SubclassWindow(window, this); // Apply Subclass
virtual ~MyWinProc() {
SubclassWindow(window, oldWinProc); // Remove Subclass
switch( uMsg ) {
LONG userDataToRestore = SetWindowLongPtr(GWLP_USERDATA, oldUserData);
LRESULT lRet = CallWindowProc(oldWinProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
SetWindowLongPtr(GWLP_USERDATA, userDataToRestore);
ExternalClass* obj;
HWND window;
LONG oldUserData;
WNDPROC oldWinProc;


Why does a virtual function call from constructor work sometimes but not others?

The general rule of thumb is not to call a virtual function from a constructor because it can lead to unpredictable behavior. So why does it work sometimes?
I recently wrote a couple of base classes with pure virtual functions, and accidentally included an indirect call to those functions in the constructor. I realized my mistake and corrected it, but one of them worked while the other did not.
Here's the definition of the class that worked:
template <typename TWindow>
class dialog_base
static INT_PTR CALLBACK dlg_proc_internal
(const LPCWSTR templateName,
const HWND parent)
create.lpCreateParams = this;
m_hwnd = CreateDialogParam(
hinstance_, templateName, parent, dlg_proc_internal,
HWND m_hwnd;
virtual INT_PTR CALLBACK dlg_proc
LPARAM) = 0;
virtual ~dialog_base()
HWND GetHandle() const;
void show() const;
In this class, the DialogBoxParam function calls dlg_proc_internal, passing the WM_NCCREATE message:
template <typename TWindow>
INT_PTR dialog_base<TWindow>::dlg_proc_internal
(HWND hWnd,
UINT msg,
WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam)
dialog_base<TWindow>* pThis;
if (msg == WM_NCCREATE)
pThis = static_cast<dialog_base<TWindow>*>(reinterpret_cast<
if (!SetWindowLongPtr(
reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(pThis)) && GetLastError() != 0)
return 0;
pThis = reinterpret_cast<dialog_base<TWindow>*>(
GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA));
return pThis
? pThis->dlg_proc(msg, wParam, lParam)
: DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
This function retrieves the pointer passed as the last argument to CreateDialogParam and stores it in the window so that it can be retrieved again in later calls to the function.
It then mistakenly calls the pure virtual function dlg_proc instead of returning -- and appears to work just fine through the constructor of a child class.
I created a different class which was almost identical, except that it called CreateWindowEx instead of CreateDialogParam. The pointer argument was passed in much the same way, and used to call the pure virtual function. This time, it failed as one might expect. So what's the difference between the two situations?
Perhaps I should clarify. I'm not asking "Why can't I call virtual members from a constructor?". I'm asking about why the process of resolving virtual members before the object is constructed can sometimes create situations in which an error does not occur, and the correct function is called.
Calling a virtual function from a constructor has perfectly predictable behavior in C++, just like it has perfectly predictable behavior in .Net and Java. However, it's not the same behavior.
In C++, virtual functions dispatch on the type of the object at the moment of calling. Some other languages will use the intended type of object. Both are viable choices, both have risks, but since this is a C++ question I'll focus on the C++ risk.
In C++, virtual functions can be pure virtual. dlg_proc in the question is such a pure virtual function. These are declared in the base class, but not (necessarily) defined there. Trying to call a function that you did not define is Undefined Behavior. Compilers are entirely free to do whatever they like.
One possible implementation is that a compiler just calls a random other function. This could be remove(filename). It might also be the override from a derived class. But there are a million other possible results, including crashes and hangs. So we don't try to predict what happens, and just say: don't call pure virtual functions from ctors.
You can actually provide a body for a pure virtual function; the language allows it.
CreateDialog...() (and DialogBox...()) does not pass its dwInitParam parameter value to your message procedure via WM_(NC)CREATE. It is passed via WM_INITDIALOG instead, which you are not handling. Only CreateWindow/Ex() passes its lpParam parameter values to the message procedure via WM_(NC)CREATE. This is documented behavior!
But more importantly, you are manually passing a CREATESTRUCT to CreateDialogParam(). That is not necessary, especially since you are not handling that extra CREATESTRUCT in your WM_NCCREATE handler. When the system issues WM_(NC)CREATE to a window, the lParam passed to CreateWindow/Ex() gets wrapped in a system-provided CREATESTRUCT. So, even if CreateDialogParam() were to pass its dwInitParam as the lParam to CreateWindowEx() (which is not documented behavior, BTW), you still wouldn't be obtaining your dialog_base* pointer correctly inside your message procedure, as you are not handling that 2 separate CREATESTRUCTs could be present. So, your code has undefined behavior when using the pThis pointer for any reason, since you are not passing that pointer value into your message procedure correctly.
You need to pass your this pointer directly to CreateDialogParam() without wrapping it, and you need to handle WM_INITDIALOG instead of WM_NCCREATE. Then your virtual method should behave as expected (ie, it will not dispatch to a derived class, since WM_INITDIALOG is being handled within the context of the base class constructor).
Also, DO NOT call DefWindowProc() in your message procedure (or derived overrides) when using CreateDialog...() (or DialogBox...()). This is specifically stated in the DialogProc documentation:
Although the dialog box procedure is similar to a window procedure, it must not call the DefWindowProc function to process unwanted messages. Unwanted messages are processed internally by the dialog box window procedure.
Try this instead:
template <typename TWindow>
class dialog_base
static INT_PTR CALLBACK dlg_proc_internal(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM);
dialog_base(LPCWSTR templateName, HWND parent)
m_hwnd = CreateDialogParamW(hinstance_, templateName, parent, dlg_proc_internal, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(this));
HWND m_hwnd;
virtual INT_PTR CALLBACK dlg_proc(UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) = 0;
virtual ~dialog_base()
HWND GetHandle() const;
void show() const;
template <typename TWindow>
INT_PTR dialog_base<TWindow>::dlg_proc_internal (HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
dialog_base<TWindow>* pThis;
if (msg == WM_INITDIALOG)
pThis = reinterpret_cast<dialog_base<TWindow>*>(lParam);
// you CANT cancel dialog creation here when
// using CreateDialog...(), only when using
// DialogBox...()! So, no point in doing any
// error checking on SetWindowLongPtr()...
SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(pThis));
// no point in trying to call pThis->dlg_proc()
// here since it won't be dispatched to derived
// classes anyway...
return TRUE; // or FALSE, depending on your needs...
pThis = reinterpret_cast<dialog_base<TWindow>*>(GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA));
if (!pThis) return FALSE;
return pThis->dlg_proc(msg, wParam, lParam);

C++ How does a relation of pointers and class members work?

in the example below I've made a very simple class and there are a couple of things which I don't understand.
class Keylogger {
void Hook();
void Unhook();
HHOOK hHook;
LRESULT CALLBACK LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void Keylogger::Hook() {
HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, this->LowLevelKeyboardProc, hInstance, 0);
void Keylogger::Unhook() {
If I understand correctly, all members of a class are local (in stack) when the class object is defined and destroyed once operations ends. (function exits).
In the example above, I'm trying to assign HHOOK to a private member hHook, thus receiving an error: "non-standard syntax; use '&' to create a pointer to member"
Why can't a variable just be assigned that way and what does the error exactly mean?
In which case should pointers be created to members and how exactly should those be used with this->? Thanks!
In this call:
hHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, this->LowLevelKeyboardProc, hInstance, 0);
you are trying to pass a member function : this->LowLevelKeyboardProc as if this was a free function (non-member). This will not work, member functions are not like free functions. You can call them only using class instance pointer and pointer to member function.
This API function SetWindowsHookEx requires free function, so you should either make LowLevelKeyboardProc static, or move it outside the class.

How to incorporate a pImpl Interface while also allowing WndProc to interact with it?

Currently developing a 2-D game-dev environment with a Wrapper/GameEngine class combination in Win32 (C/C++ language). As it stands, I use the Wrapper to set up and initialize all items with the Window as well as to initialize the GameEngine class before entering the message loop.
To do this, I redirect Windows messages sent to WndProc(...) to HandleEvent(...) methods found in both the Wrapper and the GameEngine classes. This is done via static, private shared_ptrs found in the Wrapper class. One such pointer points to the contained GameEngine, and the other points to the Wrapper itself.
An example WndProc function may look like this:
// Initialize via wrapper, else route to engine
switch (msg)
return GEN::Wrapper::GetWrapper()->HandleEvent(hWindow, msg, wParam, lParam);
return GEN::Wrapper::GetEngine()->HandleEvent(hWindow, msg, wParam, lParam) // DefWndProc called from this HandleEvent
Where GetEngine() and GetWrapper() are static accessor methods that return their respective shared_ptr.
What I'd like to do is incorporate the pImpl idiom in this design. That is, I want to create a wrapper interface class that removes implementation details from the specific wrapper being used. One of the problems ailing me is that I need (or at least think I need) that static accessor method for the Wrapper in question. This is because as I have it each derived Wrapper initializes the window in a game-specific way, and WndProc needs to know where to forward that initial message, as one can see in the code above. Of course, the static method is tied to the wrapper class, so GetWrapper() would be impossible to put into that interface.
Essentially, I want to have the WrapperInterface declared like this:
class WrapperInterface
static std::tr1::shared_ptr<WrapperInterface> // factory function
create_Wrapper(...); // returns pImpl
// ... Pure virtuals here
Derive Wrapper publicly from WrapperInterface, and then implement a primitive version of create_Wrapper more or less like this:
std::tr1::shared_ptr<WrapperInterface> WrapperInterface::create_Wrapper(...)
return std::tr1::shared_ptr<WrapperInterface>(new Wrapper(...));
so I can put this line in WinMain:
And still have WndProc be able to forward messages to the Interface methods?
A thought occurred to me to store a static pointer to the WrapperInterface itself and have create_wrapper set that member variable to whatever wrapper the interface is using. I then eliminated Wrapper's static pointer altogether and made the Engine pointer non-static. This somehow feels like cheating, though, as now I'm introducing a private member variable into the interface, albeit a static one. Any thoughts or tips on redesign methods without storing statics would be great!
In any event, thank you all for reading and any advice you may give.
You can associate a pointer to the actual Wrapper object with the window that it creates for itself. To do that, you can either:
use RegisterClass/Ex() with the cbWndExtra field set to sizeof(Wrapper*) to reserve extra memory inside the HWND, then use SetWindowLong/Ptr() with the nIndex parameter set to 0 to store the Wrapper* pointer value inside the allocated memory:
wc.lpszClassName = TEXT("MyWrapperWindow");
wc.cbWndExtra = sizeof(Wrapper*);
hwnd = CreateWindow(TEXT("MyWrapperWindow"), ...);
SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, 0, (LONG_PTR) this);
use SetWindowsLong/Ptr() with the nIndex parameter set to GWLP_USERDATA:
hwnd = CreateWindow(...);
SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR) this);
use SetProp() with a custom name in the lpString parameter:
static const LPCTSTR szMyProp = TEXT("MyProp");
hwnd = CreateWindow(...);
SetProp(hwnd, szMyProp, (HANDLE) this);
use SetWindowSubclass() with the Wrapper* pointer passed in its dwRefData parameter:
hwnd = CreateWindow(...);
SetWindowSubclass(hwnd, &MySubClassProc, 1, (DWORD_PTR) this);
In cases 1-3, at least (not sure about case 4), you can alternatively pass the Wrapper* pointer in the lpParam parameter of CreateWindow/Ex() and then call one of the mentioned functions inside your window procedure's WM_NCCREATE or WM_CREATE handler:
hwnd = CreateWindow(..., this);
Wrapper *pThis = (Wrapper*) ((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->lpCreateParams;
// SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, 0, (LONG_PTR) pThis);
// SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR) pThis);
// SetProp(hwnd, szMyProp, (HANDLE) pThis);
For all other messages, your window/subclass procedure can extract the Wrapper* pointer when needed. This way, it does not need to use any global statics to hunt for the object:
GetWindowLong/Ptr() with the nIndex parameter set to 0:
Wrapper *pThis = (Wrapper*) GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, 0);
GetWindowsLong/Ptr() with the nIndex parameter set to GWLP_USERDATA:
Wrapper *pThis = (Wrapper*) GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
GetProp(), passing the same lpString pointer that was passed to SetProp() (important!):
Wrapper *pThis = (Wrapper*) GetProp(hwnd, szMyProp);
the subclass procedure's dwRefData parameter:
Wrapper *pThis = (Wrapper*) dwRefData;

Is it possible to give a top-level function access to an object's members in C++?

So I'm writing some wrapper classes for GUI programming in Win32. I'm starting with a Window class, and so far it contains a MainLoop method that is basically a clone of the standard Win32 WinMain function. That way, one can do something like this:
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR szCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {
Window *win = new Window();
// Do all your widget creation and add it to the window object...
return win->MainLoop(hInst, hPrev, szCmdLine, nCmdShow);
Inside the window object's MainLoop method, it must create the new Win32 window by setting its lpfnWndProc member. This member, as any Win32 programmer knows, is a function pointer to a specifically defined WndProc function. The problem is, if I were to create a WndProc function, I would need access to that window object's members (so that it knew what to draw on the window, etc.). This leaves me two options (that I know of):
I can define WndProc at the top level, but that cuts off access to the object's members.
I can define it as a class method, but then it's not the exact function type that lpfnWndProc asks for, so I can't set it!
Can anyone help me unravel this catch-22?
You could also make it a static member function. :)
Anyways, a solution depends on if you need only one window or if you need multiple windows.
First a solution for single windows:
// in .h
class Window{
static LRESULT WINAPI MessageProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT InternalMessageProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// ...
// in .cpp
#include "Window.h"
Window* global_window = 0;
global_window = this;
// error or exception... or something else
LRESULT WINAPI Window::MessageProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){
return global_window->InternalMessageProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
Now if you want to allow multiple windows, use a std::map (or if your compiler supports std::unordered_map).
Edit: This solution comes with some subtle problems. As #Ben Voigt points out in his comment, you get a chicken and egg problem as the MessageProc is called inside of CreateWindow(Ex), but only after the CreateWindow(Ex) call you have the window handle. Here's a solution based on Ben's next comment (thanks!):
// Window.h stays the same
// in .cpp
#include "Window.h"
#include <map>
std::map<HWND, Window*> window_map;
Window* currently_created_window = 0;
currently_created_window = this;
window_handle = CreateWindow(/*...*/);
LRESULT WINAPI Window::MessageProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){
// if the key 'hWnd' doesn't exist yet in the map
// a new key-value pair gets created and the value gets value-initialized
// which, in case of a pointer, is 0
if(window_map[hWnd] == 0){
// window doesn't exist yet in the map, add it
window_map[hWnd] = currently_created_window;
window_map[hWnd]->InternalMessageProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
Be cautious though, as the above example isn't thread-safe. You need to mutex-lock the creation of the window:
Lock lock_it(your_mutex);
currently_created_window = this;
window_handle = CreateWindow(/*...*/);
// rest of the initialization
The above should do for the thread-safety (I hope).
You need to create window map and when you create new window just add it to this global map. You can use simple linked list instead of course.
map<HWND, Window *> wndmap;
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
Window *pWnd = wndmap [hwnd];
WndProc cannot be an instance member function, because Windows will not pass any hidden this parameter. It can be namespace scope or a static member.
One simple solution is to use a map<HWND, Window*> to find the object, and then forward parameters to a method on the object.
Note that WndProc can maintain the map itself, since CreateWindow provides an opaque user parameter that shows up in WM_CREATE which is useful for carrying the Window *, and then you remove the entry in WM_DESTROY.
Define your WndProc as a static class member - this will then be compatible (for all compilers I'm aware of) with non-member function pointer, such as those used in Win32 programming.
But I have to say that this is a bit of a waste of time - there are a zillion Windows class libraries out there, and I don't think the world really needs another one.
Sounds you need to declare the function without defining it. That's what prototypes are for.
class Object;
void f(Object* o);
class Object {
void some_method() {
... &f ...
void another_method() {
void f(Object* o) {
The other way around might also be possible.
class Object {
void some_method();
void another_method();
void f(Object* o) {
void Object::some_method() {
... &f ...
void Object::another_method() {

Passing User Data with SetTimer

I am calling SetTimer in a function of a Class.
SetTimer(NULL, 0, 10000, (TIMERPROC) TimerCallBack);
Where TimerCallBack is:
Now my need is to call one of the method of class which initiated timer, since TimerCallBack is static it has no access to the class object anymore.
I cant find any way to pass object pointer along with the SetTimer so that I can receive it back on Callback function.
Is there any other way to achieve this, if its not supported using SetTimer then which other way I can implement this.
You don't need a map. Use the idEvent parameter. Microsoft gave it the UINT_PTR type so it fits a pointer, even in 64 bits:
SetTimer(hwnd, (UINT_PTR)bar, 1000, MyTimerProc);
Bar* bar = (Bar*)idEvent;
Note that you need to use an actual HWND. If the HWND is null, Windows will generate the idEvent internally.
Obviously, if you were directing timer messages at a window, you could just store the user data with the window.
The only way to do this with a TimerProc is to make a class that manages a statically scoped map of timer-id's to user data objects.
Something like this (As this is a c++ question, Im just implementing a quick and dirty functor type thing so that the TimerMgr can arrange callbacks directly to members of classes, which is usually why you are trying to store user data:
// Timer.h
#include <map>
class CTimer {
class Callback {
virtual void operator()(DWORD dwTime)=0;
template<class T>
class ClassCallback : public Callback {
T* _classPtr;
typedef void(T::*fnTimer)(DWORD dwTime);
fnTimer _timerProc;
ClassCallback(T* classPtr,fnTimer timerProc):_classPtr(classPtr),_timerProc(timerProc){}
virtual void operator()(DWORD dwTime){
static void AddTimer(Callback* timerObj, DWORD interval){
UINT_PTR id = SetTimer(NULL,0,interval,TimerProc);
// add the timer to the map using the id as the key
_timers[id] = timerObj;
static void CALLBACK TimerProc(HWND hwnd,UINT msg,UINT_PTR timerId,DWORD dwTime){
static std::map<UINT_PTR, Callback*> _timers;
// In Timer.cpp
#include <windows.h>
#include <Timer.h>
std::map<UINT_PTR,CTimer::Callback*> CTimer::_timers;
// In SomeOtherClass.cpp
class CSomeClass {
void OnTimer1(DWORD dwTime){
void DoTimerStuff(){
CTimer::AddTimer( new CTimer::ClassCallback<CSomeClass>(this,&CSomeClass::OnTimer1), 100);
Removing timers from the map is left as an exercise for the reader :)
ClassCallback needed to inherit Callback.
static variables need to be defined
Code now builds and runs correctly on MSVC 9.0
Given that you don't appear to be using MFC (CWnd::OnTimer means you'd have access to the class), and you don't have a HWND (you could conceivably set a property on the HWND on timer-creation and get it back in your proc), there is another option.
SetTimer returns a UINT_PTR which is the timer ID. This is what you'll get in your TimerProc and will also pass to KillTimer when you're done with it. Using this, we can create a map that maps a timer ID to some user-defined object of your creation:
class MyAppData
}; // eo class MyAppData
typedef std::map<UINT_PTR, MyAppData*> MyDataMap;
MyDataMap dataMap;
Then we create your timer:
MyAppData* _data = new MyAppData(); // application-specific data
dataMap[SetTimer(NULL, 0, 10000, (TIMERPROC)TimerCallBack)] = _data;
And in your procedure:
static void CALLBACK TimerCallBack(HWND _hWnd, UINT _msg. UINT_PTR _idTimer, DWORD _dwTime)
MyAppData* data = dataMap[_idTimer];
} // eo TimerCallBack
There exists one more solution, but in order to use that one - HWND parameter in SetTimer should be non-NULL.
It's possible to store extra data into window itself, using API function SetWindowLongPtr with parameter GWLP_USERDATA.
So you could add into your class following function:
void SetLocalTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent, UINT nElapse)
SetWindowLongPtr(m_hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)this);
SetTimer(nIDEvent, nElapse, _TimerRouter);
and timer router function, which determines what to do on given timer.
static void CALLBACK _TimerRouter(HWND hwnd, UINT, UINT_PTR nEventID, DWORD)
YourClassName* inst = (YourClassName*)GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA);
if( !inst )
switch (nEventID)
case 0:
case 1:
This allows also to use nEventID as function identifier to be called.
There still exists a risk that user data will be used from more than one place, but I think it's good practice to keep UI window matching it's class model this pointer.