C++ Vectors Problem - c++

well i have most probably an extremly stupid problem but could not figure it out and I m about to lose my sanity hope someone can help
vector<CvMat*> sample;
for(int x = 0; x < 29; x += 2)
for(int b = 0; b < 22; b += 2)
cvmSet(g, 0, b, cvmGet(NormalVector, 0, x + b));
cvmSet(g, 0, b + 1, cvmGet(NormalVector, 0, x + b + 1));
Well i m using OpenCv for some matrix calculations basiacllay what I m doing is I m creating some small matrices from a big matrix and putting them into a Vector called "sample" in here.First loop is just a counter based thing and second loop for creating the small matrices after the second loop i m putting them to the vector
But the problem is after these loops when i try to reach one of the matrices in the vector I always get the one that was put into the vector at last.
I use these methods to access the vector elements
For these two I get the same matrix that was added to the vector at the end .What is the thing I am doing wrong?

Since your sample vector is a list of pointers, you will need to make sure that you create a new instance of CvMat for each element that you add to the vector. Otherwise, it sounds like all your elements are pointing to the same thing (g).
If CvMat has a copy constructor, you may be able to fix it by doing this:
vector <CvMat> sample;
for(int x =0 ; x<29; x+=2) {
// ...
This creates a vector of CvMat objects, and the push_back(*g) makes a copy of the matrix and pushes it on to the back of the vector.

vector < CvMat*> sample;
is a vector of pointers to CvMat, and you are continously pushing 'g' into it. You need to be creating new instances of CvMat and adding those to your vector, not adding 'g' to it every time.


C++: storing a matrix in a 1D array

I am very new to C++, but I have the task of translating a section of C++ code into python.
Going through the file, I found this section of code, which confuses me:
int n_a=(e.g 10)
int n_b=n_a-1;
int l_b[2*n_b];
int l_c[3*n_b];
int l_d[4*n_b];
for (int i=0; i<n_b; i++){
for (int j=0; j<2; j++) l_b[i*2+j]=0;
for (int j=0; j<3; j++) l_c[i*3+j]=0;
for (int j=0; j<4; j++) l_d[i*4+j]=0;
I know that it creates 3 arrays, the length of each defined by the action on the n_b variable, and sets all the elements to zero, but I do not understand what exactly this matrix is supposed to look like, e.g. if written on paper.
A common way to store a matrix with R rows and C columns is to store all elements in a vector of size R * C. Then when you need element (i, j) you just index the vector with i*C + j. This is not the only way your "matrix" could be stored in memory, but it is a common one.
In this code there are 3 C arrays that declared and initialized with zeros. The l_b array seems to be storage for a n_a x 2 matrix, the l_c array for a n_a x 3 matrix and the l_d array for a n_a x 4 matrix.
Of course, this is only an impression since to be sure we would need to see how these arrays are used later.
As in the comments, if you are going to convert this to python then you should probably use numpy for the matrices. In fact, the numpy arrays will store the elements in memory exactly like indexing I mentioned (by default, but you can also choose an alternative way passing an extra argument). You could do the same of this C++ code in oython with just
import numpy as np
n_a = (e.g 10)
l_b = np.zeros(shape=(n_a, 2))
l_c = np.zeros(shape=(n_a, 3))
l_d = np.zeros(shape=(n_a, 4))
These variables in numpy are 2D arrays and you can index them as usual.
l_d[2, 1] = 15.5
We can also have a nice syntax for working with vector, matrices and linear algebra in C++ by using one of the available libraries. One such library is armadillo. We can create the three previous matrices of zeros using armadillo as
#include <armadillo>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
unsigned int n_a = 10;
// A 10 x 3 matrix of doubles with all elements being zero
// The 'arma::fill::zeros' argument is optional and without it the matrix
// elements will not be initialized
arma::mat l_b(n_a, 2, arma::fill::zeros);
arma::mat l_c(n_a, 3, arma::fill::zeros);
arma::mat l_d(n_a, 4, arma::fill::zeros);
// We use parenthesis for index, since "[]" can only receive one element in C/C++
l_b(2, 1) = 15.5;
// A nice function for printing, but it also works with operator<<
l_b.print("The 'l_b' matrix is");
return 0;
If you inspect armadillo types in gdb you will see that it has a mem atribute which is a pointer. This is in fact a C array for the internal elements of the matrix and when you index the matrix in armadillo it will translate the indexes into the proper index in this internal 1D array.
You can print the elements in this internal arry in gdb. For instance, print l_b.mem[0] will print the first element, print l_b.mem[1] will print the second element, and so one.

C++ - A 3-d data structure - should I use vector of pointers or vector of vectors?

I have to maintain a data structure which is 3 dimensional. So let us say it's dimensions are :- l x m x n. In the program that I wish to write l and m will be known since the time the data structure is being constructed . But n has to be dynamic throughout runtime. And n may be different for the different vectors in the grid lxm. (Once this structure is created I never intend to destruct it as I will be needing it throughout).
For the moment let us assume it's a 2-dimensional data structure that I wish to make, should I make a vector<vector<int>> or a vector<vector<int>*> ? Also I know how I might initialise the vector to the required size in the first case, i.e I might do something like :-
vector<vector<int> > A(m)
to initialise the size of the outer dimension to m. But in the second case, once I have created a vector of pointers to vectors, how do I create the vectors to which the pointers point.
Carrying this to the 3-d case, should I use ,
a vector<vector<vector>> or a vector<vector<vector*>> or some other combination ?
Please, suggest any changes so that I may reframe the question if it's not framed properly.
You're better using a single vector (and not nested ones), since the memory is guaranteed to be contiguous in this case and your code will be way faster due to no cache misses. In this case, you need to map from 3D (2D) to 1D and vice-versa, but this is pretty straightforward
for 2D:
(x,y) <-> y*DIM_X + x;
for 3D:
(x,y,z) <-> z*(DIM_Y*DIM_X) + y*DIM_X + x;
If you really insist to use nested vectors, you can do something like:
#include <vector>
template<typename T>
using vec = std::vector<T>; // to save some typing
int main()
// creates a 5 x 4 x 3 vector of vector of vector
vec<vec<vec<double>>> v{5, vec<vec<double>>{4, vec<double>{3}}};
Responding to your latest edit: use
std::vector<std::vector<double>> v{DIM_X*DIM_Y, std::vector<double>};
// address (x,y,z)
v[y*DIM_X+x, z] = val_x_y_z;
If you further happen to know the dimensions of the inner vectors, you can preallocate memory for them using std::vector::reserve. This will speed things up since there won't be any (slow) re-allocations.
No, use a proper multidimensional array: Boost MultiArray http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_59_0/libs/multi_array/doc/user.html
#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
int main () {
// Create a 3D array that is 3 x 4 x 2
typedef boost::multi_array<int, 3> array_type;
typedef array_type::index index;
array_type A(boost::extents[3][4][2]);
// Assign values to the elements
int values = 0;
for(index i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
for(index j = 0; j != 4; ++j)
for(index k = 0; k != 2; ++k)
A[i][j][k] = values++;

Problems using 3-dimensional vector

How can I work with a 3 dimensional vector in C++?
vector<vector<vector<int> > > vec (1,vector<vector<int> >(1,vector <int>(1,12)));
When I try something like this
cout << vec[0][0][0]; vec[0][0][1] = 13;
everything works just fine.
The problem is that I can only change the last elements. If I try accessing the first and second element, like this
vec[0][1][0] = 13;
or this
vec.push_back(vector<vector<int > >());
my program crashes.
How can I add and access elements in a 3d vector?
I would never do vector<vector<vector<int> > > as in this way you have many allocations what could be expensive. I would simply use vector<int> with smart indexing (e.g.: see below). If you will work with double based matrices, in this way intel MKL or any other BLAS library easily could be used.
Its price is increased complexity when matrix sizes are changed, but you could win many in performance.
Useful link: C++ FAQ.
static int const M = 16;
static int const N = 16;
static int const P = 16;
inline int& set_elem(vector<int>& m_, size_t i_, size_t j_, size_t k_)
// you could check indexes here e.g.: assert in debug mode
return m_[i_*N*P + j_*P + k_];
inline const int& get_elem(const vector<int>& m_, size_t i_, size_t j_, size_t k_)
// you could check indexes here e.g.: assert in debug mode
return m_[i_*N*P + j_*P + k_];
vector<int> matrix(M*N*P, 0);
set_elem(matrix, 0, 0, 1) = 5;
vector<vector<vector<int> > > vec (1,vector<vector<int> >(1,vector <int>(1,12)));
cout << vec[0][0][0]; vec[0][0][1] = 13;
evething is OK.
You are mistaken. Everything is not OK. The vector vec[0][0] has only one element and thus vec[0][0][1] is out of bounds and therefore the assignment has undefined behaviour. You have the same problem with vec[0][1][0] = 13; and v[1][0].push_back(13)
You can fix that by accessing only indices that exist in your vectors. If you want more than one element, then either construct the vectors with more elements initially, or push them after construction.
At the begining I have 1x1x1 vector. So how can I push elements. using push_back() ? For example I have 1x1x1 and I want to add v[1][1][0] = 2 ?
If you for some reason want to start with 1x1x1 vector of vectors of vectors of ints and want to access v[1][1][0], here is example code to add the v[1][1][0] element with minimal changes to the original vector:
// vector of ints that contains one element, 2
// this will vector eventually be the v[1][1] and the integer element will be v[1][1][0]
// since we initialize the integer as 2, there's no need to assign it later though
vector<int> vi(1, 2);
// vector of vectors that contains one default constructed vector
// vvi will eventually be the v[1] element and the default constructed vector will be v[1][0]
vector<vector<int>> vvi(1);
// push vi into vvi, making it vvi[1] and eventually v[1][1]
// push vvi into v, making it v[1]
What you have,
vector<vector<vector<int> > > vec (1,vector<vector<int> >(1,vector <int>(1,12)));
creates 1 x 1 x 1 matrix with the value of the only element set to 12.
To create something that is analogous to a M x N x P matrix, you need to use:
vector<vector<vector<int> > > vec (M,vector<vector<int> >(N,vector <int>(P,x)));
That will create an M x N x P matrix with the value of each element set to x.

Mapping array back to an existing Eigen matrix

I want to map an array of double to an existing MatrixXd structure. So far I've managed to map the Eigen matrix to a simple array, but I can't find the way to do it back.
void foo(MatrixXd matrix, int n){
double arrayd = new double[n*n];
// map the input matrix to an array
Map<MatrixXd>(arrayd, n, n) = matrix;
//do something with the array
// map array back to the existing matrix
I'm not sure what you want, but I'll try to explain.
You're mixing double and float in your code (a MatrixXf is a matrix where every entry is a float). I'll assume for the moment that this was unintentional amd that you want to use double everywhere; see below for if this was really your intention.
The instruction Map<MatrixXd>(arrayd, n, n) = matrix copies the entries of matrix into arrayd. It is equivalent to the loop
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
arrayd[i + j*n] = matrix(i, j);
To copy the entries of arrayd into matrix, you would use the inverse assignment: matrix = Map<MatrixXd>(arrayd, n, n).
However, usually the following technique is more useful:
void foo(MatrixXd matrix, int n) {
double* arrayd = matrix.data();
// do something with the array
Now arrayd points to the entries in the matrix and you can process it as any C++ array. The data is shared between matrix and arrayd, so you do not have to copy anything back at the end. Incidentally, you do not need to pass n to the function foo(), because it is stored in the matrix; use matrix.rows() and matrix.cols() to query its value.
If you do want to copy a MatrixXf to an array of doubles, then you need to include the cast explicitly. The syntax in Eigen for this is: Map<MatrixXd>(arrayd, n, n) = matrix.cast<double>() .
You do not need to do any reverse operation.
When using Eigen::Map you are mapping a raw array to an Eigen class.
This means that you can now read or write it using Eighen functions.
In case that you modify the mapped array the changes are already there. You can simply access the original array.
float buffer[16]; //a raw array of float
//let's map the array using an Eigen matrix
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix4f> eigenMatrix(buffer);
//do something on the matrix
eigenMatrix = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
//now buffer will contain the following values
//buffer = [1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1]

Multi-dimensional vector

How can I create a 2D vector? I know that in 2D array, I can express it like:
How can one do this using the C++ STL Vector?
vector<vector<int> > a;
If you want to define the rows and columns,
vector<vector<int> > a{{11, 2, 4}, {4, 5, 6}, {10, 8, -12}};
std::vector< std::vector< int > > a; // as Ari pointed
Using this for a growing matrix can become complex, as the system will not guarantee that all internal vectors are of the same size. Whenever you grow on the second dimension you will have to explicitly grow all vectors.
// grow twice in the first dimension
a.push_back( vector<int>() );
a.push_back( vector<int>() );
a[0].push_back( 5 ); // a[0].size() == 1, a[1].size()==0
If that is fine with you (it is not really a matrix but a vector of vectors), you should be fine. Else you will need to put extra care to keep the second dimension stable across all the vectors.
If you are planing on a fixed size matrix, then you should consider encapsulating in a class and overriding operator() instead of providing the double array syntax. Read the C++ FAQ regarding this here
std::vector< std::vector<int> > a;
//m * n is the size of the matrix
int m = 2, n = 4;
//Grow rows by m
for(int i = 0 ; i < m ; ++i)
//Grow Columns by n
//Now you have matrix m*n with default values
//you can use the Matrix, now
for(i = 0 ; i < m ; ++i)
for(int j = 0 ; j < n ; ++j)
{ //modify matrix
int x = a[i][j];
If you don't have to use vectors, you may want to try Boost.Multi_array. Here is a link to a short example.
Declaration of a matrix, for example, with 5 rows and 3 columns:
vector<vector<int> > new_matrix(5,vector<int>(3));
Another way of declaration to get the same result as above:
vector<int> Row;
One row of the matrix:
vector<Row> My_matrix;
My_matrix is a vector of rows:
My_matrix new_matrix(5,Row(3));
dribeas' suggestion is really the way to go.
Just to give a reason why you might want to go the operator() route, consider that for instance if your data is sparse you can lay it out differently to save space internally and operator() hides that internal implementation issue from your end user giving you better encapsulation and allowing you to make space or speed improving changes to the internal layout later on without breaking your interface.
Just use the following method to use 2-D vector.
int rows, columns;
// . . .
vector < vector < int > > Matrix(rows, vector< int >(columns,0));
vector < vector < int > > Matrix;
Matrix.assign(rows, vector < int >(columns, 0));
// Do your stuff here...
This will create a Matrix of size rows * columns and initializes it with zeros because we are passing a zero(0) as a second argument in the constructor i.e vector < int > (columns, 0).
As Ari pointed, vector< vector< int>> is the right way to do it.
In addition to that, in such cases I always consider wrapping the inner vector (actually, whatever it represents) in a class, because complex STL structures tend to become clumsy and confusing.