What tool can decompile a DLL into C++ source code? [closed] - c++

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have an old DLL that stopped working (log2vis.dll) and I want to look inside it to see what objects it uses.
The DLL was written in C++ (not .NET). Is there a tool that will decompile/disassemble C++ files?

This might be impossible or at least very hard. The DLL's contents don't depend (a lot) on it being written in C++; it's all machine code. That code might have been optimized so a lot of information that was present in the original source code is simply gone.
That said, here is one article that goes through a lot of material about doing this.

Hex-Rays decompiler is probably the best in this field !!!

I think a C++ DLL is a machine code file. Therefore decompiling will only result in assembler code. If you can read that and create C++ from that you're good to go.

There are no decompilers which I know about.
W32dasm is good Win32 disassembler.

There really isn't any way of doing this as most of the useful information is discarded in the compilation process. However, you may want to take a look at this
site to see if you can find some way of extracting something from the DLL.

The closest you will ever get to doing such thing is a dissasembler, or debug info (Log2Vis.pdb).


A tool to tell you what source files are needed in a C++ project? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am porting a large, messy, 10 year old cold base in C++ from Metrowerks on OS X to XCode. There are so many files and all the other people that touched this over the years are gone. Nobody know what files are actually needed and which are just cruft.
Is there any tool that I could run and have it produce a list of what files are ACTUALLY needed?
You could run doxygen on your project and have it generate inheritance diagrams for your classes. It can also generate caller graphs to help you find dead code.
You can try searching this static code analyzer list in Wikipedia. The ones that I've seen in actions would be cppdep and Include Hierarchy Viewer, although the first one is a little rough and the latter is a Windows analyzer only for the include tree. Also that still might not give you all the info if the dependencies are not explicit.
Edit: Also, the following StackOverflow search query seems to have results that might interest you:

What are some small, fast and lightweight open source applications (µTorrent -esque)? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Possible duplicate
What is the best open source example of a lightweight
Windows Application?
µTorrent is a small bit-torrent client, a really small one. It doesn't come with an installer, just a exe, you drop in your PATH somewhere. It's super lightweight and yet feature rich. Plus it is the work of one man. It's also closed-source.
Many people have been curious about how it has been written, and there are hints here and there about a custom library etc. But the question is, are there any programs with attributes like µTorrent that are available with source code--attributes like speed, small size, awesomeness.
Possible related question (/questions/9603/what-is-some-great-source-code-to-read), but think smaller than something like the Linux kernel.
Clarification: I don't want examples of bit-torrent source code, but anything which is used by tons of people (validation of awesomeness) and also fast, small and awesome!
I think you should take a look at Notepad++ if you want to see a feature-rich low-consumption of power software :)
It's the program that started all of the curiousity behind networks and how things WORK.
Everyone's looked at this source code.
rTorrent is a lightweight, feature-rich, console-only open-source torrent client.
I like Frhed, a simple open-source Windows hex editor.
FRESHMEAT is a great place to start. There are lots of small open source programs available that you can study.
XML-RPC specification.C implementation for Python. Its easy to learn and its fun.
Heapq [\Lib\heapq.py] , xml-rpc [\Lib\xmlrpc] and lots of other codes in Python library are very well written.

How does one disassemble Pro*C/C++ programs? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there a way to disassemble Pro*C/C++ executable files?
In general there should be disassemblers available for executables, regardless how they have been created (gcc, proC, handwritten, etc.) but decompiling an optimized binary most probably leads to unreadable or source.
Also, Pro C/C++ is not directly a compiler but outputs C/C++ code which then in turn is compiled by a platform native compiler (gcc, xlc, vc++, etc.).
Furthermore the generated code is often not directly compilable again without lots of manual corrections.
If you still want to try your luck, have a look at this list of x86 disassemblers for a start.
Try PE Explorer Disassembler, a very decent disassembler for 32-bit executable files.
You should try disassembling with disassembler tool of your choice. At the end of the day, executables compiled with PRO C/C++ preprocessor are just plain C/C++ executables.
If what you're looking for is SQL sentences within your code, you might want to take a look at:
$ strings your_executable_file
It will give you a list of all constants strings present in your executable, and chances are that you are going to get SQL sentences with that.
Good luck.

Is there a C++ decompiler? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a program in which I've lost the C++ source code. Are there any good C++ decompilers out there?
I've already ran across Boomerang.
You can use IDA Pro by Hex-Rays. You will usually not get good C++ out of a binary unless you compiled in debugging information. Prepare to spend a lot of manual labor reversing the code.
If you didn't strip the binaries there is some hope as IDA Pro can produce C-alike code for you to work with. Usually it is very rough though, at least when I used it a couple of years ago.
information is discarded in the compiling process. Even if a decompiler could produce the logical equivalent code with classes and everything (it probably can't), the self-documenting part is gone in optimized release code. No variable names, no routine names, no class names - just addresses.
Yes, but none of them will manage to produce readable enough code to worth the effort. You will spend more time trying to read the decompiled source with assembler blocks inside, than rewriting your old app from scratch.
I haven't seen any decompilers that generate C++ code. I've seen a few experimental ones that make a reasonable attempt at generating C code, but they tended to be dependent on matching the code-generation patterns of a particular compiler (that may have changed, it's been awhile since I last looked into this). Of course any symbolic information will be gone. Google for "decompiler".
Depending on how large and how well-written the original code was, it might be worth starting again in your favourite language (which might still be C++) and learning from any mistakes made in the last version. Didn't someone once say about writing one to throw away?
n.b. Clearly if this is a huge product, then it may not be worth the time.

Exception analysis tool for C++ [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I've been looking for a tool to extract exception information from a C++ program. The most wanted feature I'm looking for: I want to know all the exceptions that can be thrown from a function (which would include all the function that is called from that function recursively).
I've always thought that documenting errors and exceptions in particular is very hard (and takes a lot of effort to keep up to date). But if there is some way to automate that, it would be very helpful.
A tool for windows and Visual Studio would be preferred but not necessary, I could always work around that.
PC-Lint claims to do static exception analysis of C++ code.
Coverity is another static C++ code analysis tool that apparently informs you of unhandled exceptions.
AQtime claims to have exception tracing as part of its code analysis. Plus, they advertise Visual Studio integration.
Here is a list of several static code analysis tools.
DISCLAIMER: Working on this tool is my day job.
Its hard for me to write this without it looking like a sales pitch, so I apologise in advance.
As well as other analysis, QA C++ outputs the list of types that are thrown from the body of functions and the call tree. I believe that this would be all the information that you require.
EDoC++ (http://edoc.sourceforge.net) is another alternative.