History of Django's popularity [closed] - django

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
What sequence of events made Django the most popular Python web framework .. and still so? Even though several other frameworks exist.
Note: This question is neither argumentative nor confrontational. I merely asked for (objective) "the sequence of events" that lead to its actual popularity. Being aware of the dynamics of software acceptance, I am not intending anyone to get into arguments over technical superiority.

Many Python web frameworks already existed when Django appeared in 2005 -- indeed, the joke was already going around, by then, that Python is "the language with more web frameworks than keywords" (and Guido rejected my proposal to fix that in Py3k by adding many, many more keywords). Now "django" per se is a bit ambiguous as a search term (it's also the name of a popular guitar player whose life inspired a Woody Allen movie, etc, etc), nevertheless adding "python" to the search to remove those other meanings you can see e.g. in this graph how its relative popularity changed in comparison to another classic Python web framework, Zope. Mostly steady growth quarter over quarter, with a huge surprising jump up at the start of Q2 2008... which just happens to coincide with the date in which Google announced App Engine (it's impossible to prove causation in such case, but the coincidence is at least interesting;-).
App Engine essentially rules out any Python web framework that deeply depends on custom C-coded components, or intrinsically require "heavily relational" functionality; out of those that run well with just pure Python code, Django is probably the one that App Engine most directly and visibly supports. However, this was just a boost, adding to Django's underlying healthy growth trend. The explanation for that trend (and indeed for App Engine team and users' decision to support Django so well) must lie in characteristics that are intrinsic to Django itself.
Django is sometimes criticized (including by... yours truly;-) for being "too magical" or "too monolithic", compared to alternatives such as Pylons, TurboGears, Werkzeug, &c, which are lighter-weight (esp. the latter, my favorite;-), more transparent, and allow easier swapping in and out of specific components (ORM, templating, &c). However, Django's popularity tells us that, for most people interested in developing server-side web sites and apps, these Django design choices are perceived positively: Django's seen as a very rich and well integrated framework (and it does have a lot of add-ons and contributed "plugins", but those are more a consequence than a cause of its ascendancy).
Ease of getting started, automagical "admin pages", and the like -- as well as the fact that Django can be bent to make really rich and complex sites/apps and accommodate peculiar or unique requirements, with much skill and some work -- are probably the "killer features". To use Werkzeug at its best, you need to understand HTTP, and WSGI, and pick and integrate your favorite storage and templating -- developers of Python-based web sites and apps (like, in a sense, users of Rails, or users of even-more-popular PHP!-) are "voting with their mindshare" for an environment in which they need not necessarily do any of that, but can mostly focus on their application domain. I will have to admit that they probably do have a point;-).

I think there were a few factors, the combination of which was greater than the sum of their individual weights.
One is simply timing: Django appeared right as the first big wave of Rails hype was ramping up, and so it was immediately portrayed as being sort of "Python's answer to Rails". That resulted in a not-insignificant number of eyeballs on the project almost from the start. The fact that Adrian was at the "Snakes and Rubies" meetup in Chicago and got to take part in side-by-side talks about Rails and Django did a lot for that.
Another factor is that Django is and always has been a single-package install (well, not quite: you still need a database adapter, unless you're on Python 2.5+ and using SQLite, but close enough). The non-Zope alternatives, which all focused on leaving component choices in the developer's hands, required quite a bit more work just to get to the point where you could do a basic tutorial: you'd need to go hunting down an ORM, a template language, etc., etc. and get them all installed and configured. Though that's gotten much better over the years, I think the lingering memory of that still has an effect.
And Django came out of the gate with documentation that (if I may say so myself) was far above the usual standard for open-source projects, and has only gotten better over time. The tutorial, for all its many faults, hits on a number of the high points that make Django useful, and the remainder of the documentation has always been of good quality, mixing both API reference and important "how to" bits as needed. This produces a good out-of-the-box experience and helps with the post-tutorial learning curve (something which has always plagued Zope).
I also think there's a perception -- rightly or wrongly -- that, say, Pylons or Werkzeug really are better for experienced developers who already know their way around WSGI and the Python web ecosystem; the fact that they tend to be strong choices for taking your existing favorite libraries and plugging them together is the source of this, I think, and perhaps nudges some newer folks over toward Django's integrated approach. The flip side, of course, is that a lot of people who'd be better off learning more up-front before trying Django don't do that ;)
Finally, I think there's something to be said for the way Django's been marketed, which is to say that it really wasn't marketed for a long time, or at least not in the sense that, say, Rails was marketed. Until Django 1.0 landed, the "marketing" effort mostly consisted of people blogging (and there were some notable incidents where people were asked to tone it down a bit), talks at PyCon and then mostly just improving the framework, building cool things with it and letting the results speak for themselves. Now, of course, in the post-1.0 world we have the DSF and DjangoCon and business-oriented consultants doing training sessions and lots of books and all the rest, but that's all still quite new.
I expect that there will be a backlash, just as there's been with Rails, and in fact I think it's been brewing for a while and has already started. But up until now I think the factors I've listed here are at least the major ones behind the consistent, steady growth in popularity Django has seen since its initial release.

I can think of three reasons for Django's popularity, only one of which has been addressed in other answers as far as I see:
Documentation. It's well structured, comprehensive, and approachable from a number of skill levels.
Design. The visual design of the admin, error pages and the project site are far above the level of design seen with most open source projects.
Community support. Starting with the team at World Online, Django picked up some influencial evangelists early on. I'm not sure you can over state the importance of blog posts like Jeff Croft's Django for Non-Developers (I think that was the title).

"My personal favorite, and I expect that that will remain a personal favorite for a long time, is something named Django" - Guido Van Rossum on FLOSS weekly episode 11, aired aug 4th 2006
[Click Here] (listen to last third of the interview)
Think this might have helped? or at least the reason why Google chose it for AppEngine?
of course, the django community (including devs) are doing alot of things right. For example (Some analysis in the links):
Improving modularity:
[Click Here]
kick ass documentation
Click Here
There is also something about the community that gets people to want to contribute which I've yet to put my finger on:
Click Here
Of course, all that lead to Django being an outlier:
Click Here
There is no question about Django's popularity.

In my case, I'd bought the TurboGears book, and struggled through its inconsistencies and haphazard route to explaining things.
Then I got the Django book, and voila! My first for-pay project was created while working my way through the sample project in the book. That plus the online documentation sealed the deal.
For me, it was simple: Documentation, documentation, documentation.

I noticed that it often got promoted as being the Ruby on Rails equivalent in Python. It's also has a connection to Google (Google hosts Django events, and supports it in their App Engine). A web framework being endorsed by Google has to amount for something. :)

At least for me, an important factor was that Simon Willison and Adrian Holovaty were already well known players in the "Web Standards" scene, as well as Jeff Croft later.
That wasn't only a quality seal, but also made Django very web-friendly, with its respect for HTTP, markup, and even the quick and dirty, "print debugging" way of working that people coming from PHP were used to.
I might be heavily wrong here, no data to back this up, but I feel that Django gained a lot more traction from people coming from PHP, as opposed to Rails which got a lot of conversions from Java/.NET.
As others already noted, the documentation is way above average. The best I've seen, as far as I recall.

The fact that there were several high volume sites already using Django (i.e. lawrence.com etc...) - even by the 0.96 days - helped me convince management it was safe to use. Things like Pylons and Turbogears really did not have that.

As for Django's popularity over time (the literal meaning of your question title, if not quite your actual question), have a look at the google trend.


CMS+blog+e-commerce: django or web2py [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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At the moment we are running few smaller PHP sites (small company, private, non-profit org, friends...) and would like to migrate them to Python in order to be able to tweak them more easily and/or extend their functionality due to being familiar with Python although without real experience using some of the Python frameworks.
In order not to write everything from the scratch, we'd need decent CMS, blog and some e-commerce module.
We did some research, installed and tried few apps in Django world and so far have arrived to the two possibilities:
Django-CMS as CMS, Zinnia as blog engine and Django shop as e-commerce or
Mezzanine which integrates CMS+blog and Cartridge as shopping cart application.
Both combinations are nice, although not perfect...At the moment there is problem integrating released versions of django-cms & zinnia due to their usage of non-compatible versions of django-mptt or e.g. Mezzanine is missing some features like linkback support in blog etc.
While playing with the above two sets of apps, we heard about Web2py and must say that we like lot of things there...
We are aware it's younger project with smaller community, less apps etc., but wonder if there is some set of web2py applications which can compare with the two above-mentioned Django sets so that we can choose to start with Web2py, learn it and in that process replace PHP sites with it?
So, we would like to have some capable CMS+blog with the following features:
tag cloud, categories
spam protection
RSS feeds
multiple authors
threaded comments (optional)
linkback (pingback/trackback) support
(easily) theme-able
markdown/reST markup for writing content/posting
multi-lingual support
As far as e-commerce is concerned, besides easy integration with CMS+blog apps we do not need anything spectacular - our 'company' is selling 'services', so no need for thousands of products (only 10s of them), no complicated shipping options so something like:
multi-lingual support
basic infrastructure for payment methods (e.g.) PayPal and we would need to write a custom module for form-based API
simple shopping cart able to handle simple product descriptions
tax calculations and
(optional) PDF support
would be everything what we would need.
Considering the features we would like to have, our (non)experience working with any framework, which one - Django or Web2py - you consider is more suitable in terms of ease of learning, ease of use, application support etc. ?
I've sent two posts to web2py list and (maybe) because my query was not specific-enough (or some other reason) I did not receive any reply there and I saw there are some apps like KPAX CMS which looks old/non-maintained. Otoh, there is Powerpack which incorporates Instant Press but I'm not sure about availability of e-commerce component. Finally, I've found out about plugin_wiki which seems to be new/young app, but, considering we found* out about possibilities in Django-world, we would like to learn about the situation on the Web2py scene in order to be able to evaluate both options better.
p.s. it would be nice if Appliances list would be organized a bit better so that it's easy to find out what is maintained, where is project page etc.
I've had a lot of success with Django-CMS. It's very, very easy to write custom content-type plugins, extend menu nodes with custom nav elements, such as a list of product categories, etc. It's dead-simple to hook custom application code to any page in the navigation hierarchy.
As you mentioned in your question, Zinnia also plugs into Django-CMS for a nice blogging solution that is also extensible. Adding a cart app, whether it's from the DIVIO team or not should be an easy task.
Django, DjangoCMS and Python in general, have very low learning curves in my opinion. In 14 years of development, Django is the only web framework that hasn't gotten in my way, and Python is an absolute pleasure to work with on a daily basis.
I think you'll find that the Django ecosystem is much more holistic than any of the other Python frameworks, it's also very, very well documented and there are literally hundreds of 3rd party apps. Plus, Django admin can potentially save you many weeks of dev time, and you can override, skin and extend it to do just about anything.
My $0.02 :)
-- EDIT --+
Yeah, right after I posted I realized I was heavy on comparison of frameworks but light on suggested solutions to your problem (i.e. existing appliances). I think that Django probably has more matured addins/apps. That being said, crafting your own blog in web2py (a simple blog) is probably only a little harder than configuring one for another framework.
There is the wordpressclone appliance: http://web2py.com/appliances/default/show/36
(you can extract existing wordpress data and get it in here, i'm pretty sure there's a WP export and an import function on this appliance)
There is an e-store (haven't used it): http://web2py.com/appliances/default/show/24
There is KPax CMS, as you said, but i think this one might be out of date, unless it was updated recently. The integration between these should be possible, you can share sessions across apps and I think if you have the same auth_user db, it should work.
I would try installing these and see if they are close to meeting your needs -- especially KPax since I'm not sure the state it's in.
-- END EDIT --
Both Django and Web2py are very good frameworks in my opinion. I think you would be happy with either. That being said, having not used frameworks I would say to with web2py, unless you NEED certain modules that only exist in the django world. Web2py probably has a little more gradual learning curve. Also, it can do RSS out of the box, there's a screencast somewhere showing how to create a blog app in about 5 minutes (including comments), and the community is (usually) very responsive. I don't think there is anything that web2py can do that django can't (except DB migrations -- but i think you can make django do them with some 3rd party code), or vice versa.
Django favors a "explicit is better than implicit" development methodology, which requires to you import various modules and doesn't have all the "magic" of web2py. Using django, you will be more aware of exactly what is going on under the hood. The django templating language is easy to learn and provides a lot of functionality for common markup tasks. Their is a LOT of documentation, a larger user-base and tons of 3rd party modules/plugins/whatever.
Web2py favors a "everything should have a default" approach, and enables to to focus on the big picture without getting bogged down by the minutia of web development. I'm not saying this is in contrast to django, but rather that web2py is very strong on this point. It allows you to rapidly develop applications, and takes the headache out of things like updating a table schema (i.e. it does database migrations). I also prefer web2py's templating language to django's, as it allows pure python and does not require one to learn a separate templating language at all.
I think both frameworks have decent internationalization/localization features. I'm not sure if Django's is still under development or not? Web2py's is easy to use, but I think you might have to provide a lot of the translations yourself.
As for the lack of replies on the web2py list, maybe it's because this topic is becoming more and more frequent? I'm not sure. You could ask people on the web2py freenode channel.
Also, definitely check out this link:
Django vs web2py for a beginner developer
The first response is from the lead developer of web2py, but I think he makes a fairly balanced comparison.
Also, the previous thread includes a link to here (the good and bad of web2py):
web2py is a great framework, but currently light on reusable CMS, blog, and particularly e-commerce applications. It sounds like you have already stumbled upon the main options -- plugin_wiki, Powerpack, and Instant Press.
I don't think there is a mature and currently maintained e-commerce application, but you may be able to make use of web2py-estore. There are also some options for accepting credit card payments (see also).
plugin_wiki includes comment functionality, and there is also plugin_comments. For PDFs, pyfpdf comes with web2py, and there is also web2py_appreport. web2py also includes RSS support.
EDIT: Also, another web2py CMS under development, to be released soon: SimplrCMS

shopping cart and ticket system customizable solution [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
There are many, many, many options out there, but I still couldn't settle with one. Ones that looks nice to me so far include wordpress getshopped, opencart and magento. But they all need to install and configure and try out for many different features, which I still don't even know if I'm going to need or not. That is the "solution" part of my question, since I'll also need a host able to handle it and, preferably, supporting the platform updates.
Features I do need are:
a ticket system (which opencart sure doesn't have built in), so I can customize a custom made product for instance, and;
a customizable user interface, as easy and as much as possible. In here I like to take squarespace as an example. Really easy to customize. In fact, it would be great if the shopping cart would offer similar drag n' drop features.
I don't care if it's .net, php, gae or python. Actually, that's about my reversed order of preference language-wise, python being preferred. I care a lot more if it's easy to support, modify and migrate if needed (of host, platform, database, whatever). Also I do want a way to try it out hassle free. Open source is always better but not necessarily best.
TLDR: What's the best shopping cart out there that can be used to sell services rather than products?
I just went through the process of installing and trying several carts for a project that I was working on. As Pierre says above, "There is no best shopping cart, however there is one best for your specific need" That is a very truthful statement.
My project was for an on line soap company that has 5 different categories with 5 or so variations each. Not a big store and not one that changes inventory often.
I tried the following carts: PrestaShop, Zen Cart, Magento, getshopped and phpurchase.
My findings were that for a small store, PrestaShop, Zen Cart and Magento are a bit overkill. For a small shop, getshopped and phpurchase are better fits.
Out of the 3 big shop solutions, I felt that Zen Cart is really hard to make look nice. It has a 90's vibe about the template that it comes with and takes a lot of work to get around that. Magento and PrestaShop were really cool. PrestaShop seems very UK specific. It did not take Authorize.net and I think that there may be a plugin that you can get. Magento seems like a great solution for a larger store and I liked the backend admin interface.
I purchased getshopped plugin and integrated it into my Wordpress site (I purchased the Authroize.net integration gold cart level) I had such trouble dealing with the multiple bugs that I found riddled through the code base. I looked at their forum and many people who had similar issues were not responded to. Alot of people were as frustrated as me. I tried customer support - no response. I asked for a refund, no response. Basically, Get Shopped was a complete waste of time and money.
I then found Phpurchase. The customer support person, Lee Blue was really nice - Lee answered my emails morning, noon and night. Lee is literally the nicest customer support person I've ever worked with! - so helpful. The code worked just as specced - no troubles and no complaints. I'm a very happy customer with phpurchase. If I need a small ecommerce site in the future, I will use that solution again, for sure.
Note, I'm not an affiliate of Phpurchase or have any type of financial gain by recommending them, I just had such a rough time with getShopped and such a wonderful experience with Phpurchase!
There is no one best pizza, best soda, best father, best website,...
There is no best shopping cart.
However, there is one best for your specific need.
To find it, testing them all is the only effective solution I know.

Should Django be used for large, complex sites?

I've recently used Django for a very small CMS-style website. I was so impressed with how quick and easy it was to develop a Django project, that I'm now considering using it for a significantly larger project.
However, before I get excited about the idea, I just wanted to run it by someone who actually has developed a very large Django website (with many features, and high traffic).
Baring in mind that recently I have used mostly C# Asp.Net - Are there any pitfalls I should know about?
As mentioned, it really depends on what "large" and "complex" actually mean. If you're planning on building another eBay, the answer is "probably not".
This question is asked a lot. Frankly, there are plenty of answers out there. This thread is pretty good. There was also a very well attended presentation at DjangoCon this year on Scaling Django. It's up to you to architect your site so that it scales, regardless of what technology you use.
My answer would be: If your site is going to outgrow Django (or any other framework, for that matter), it's huge success and you'll probably have enough capital to hire a gigantic team to rewrite the entire thing.
It's going to depend a lot on exactly what you mean by "large" and "complex".
As far as "complex", take a look at Pinax. Tons of features all built out of simple Django apps hooked together and it's still considered a framework that you would use as a start towards building a social software site. But I'm sure you can still come up with some version of "complex" that doesn't mesh well with Django's architecture.
Handling large amounts of traffic and large datasets is a different matter. Ultimately, if you get large enough, Django's not going to handle it. But really, neither will any framework. Jacob-Kaplan Moss (one of the django devs) has a great article outlining the history of web development that led up to where Django is. He makes a pretty strong case for why Django or any other framework can't excel at both rapid development and massive scalability but why it's still worth starting with one. Basically, no two high traffic sites are going to have the same scalability issues: they will all need a custom approach that's specific to the exact type of data and traffic they have to deal with. But since it's hard to predict exactly where those bottlenecks are going to be, it's a good idea to start with a rapid development framework and start replacing components when you encounter the need.
I found this quite interesting to read: http://softwaremaniacs.org/blog/2008/02/24/why-offline-crashed-en/
There are a lot of interesting articles in this blog, but, unfortunately, they're all in Russian.
Added: And since that post Ivan did write MySQL backend supporting master-slave replication: http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/mysql_replicated/en/

CMS or template system for one-person micro-ISV?

Not a programming question I'm afraid, so moderators do what you will, but it is a question specifically for self-employed programmers running their own ISV sites.
If you publish your own shareware or freeware, do you use any CMS or templating system to streamline maintaining the website? Would you recommend any?
Two most important features I'm looking for that I couldn't find in any popular CMS/blogging engine, from my favorite TextPattern to WordPress, Joomla and Drupal are:
a templating system to maintain structural consistency of xhtml page layout
a hash table of user-defined values that works with the templates to substitute these values for identifiers.
Explanation: If you publish more than one application, the site probably contains several classes of pages that are nearly identical for each product: "Features", "Screenshots", "What's new", "Download", etc. These pages have the same layout and differ mainly in product-specific data. I'd like to be able to define "CurrentVersion=2.2" for product A, and "CurrentVersion=3.3" for product B in a "dictionary", and have the system generate two "Download" pages from the same template, replacing the "CurrentVersion" identifier with each product's respective value.
Other than that, I am looking for good support for static pages (the example pages above do not yield themselves to blog-like timeline treatment) and for design templates (themes), since I can't do graphic design at all (no skills, no tools, no talent). A good search function, esp. for the FAQs, is important. Another nice-to-have is easy (preferably wiki-like) way of linking to pages within the site. Some CMS-es, such as Joomla, make this simple and common task surprisingly inconvenient.
LAMP, and preferably free, since mine is a freeware-only shop.
I need no collaboration features and no multi-user content editing at all. My ISP doesn't support Zope, so that excludes some candidates.
I'm asking this question having spent months trying to find a solution that would help me leave static html behind and reduce the maintenance chores, such as updating the current version number on several pages manually. So what do others use to publish their software?
(Please do not reply by just saying "Try X". At least please say what makes it suitable or how it is better than other possible solutions. I've already tried a number of CMS engines, and they all seem to require extensive modifications to suit this particular need. Since my programming experience is strictly desktop-side Windows, tweaking these products is well beyond my skills (and my skin crawls to think of potential security WTFs I could unwittingly commit). Time is also a factor, since between my day job and my late-night coding, there's little left for learning how to write my own CMS from scratch - just typing static html would be more efficient.)
Wordpress is quite nice. It has a big community behind it so you can leech some plugins, like for SEO optimization, PayPal integration, Google Analytics statistics tracking, etc. And you also have a full-featured administration backend to manage all your content.
I would recommend Joomla 3.2.x. I have the same sort of project based websites, and this provides the flexibility for all of the different requirements. While WordPress is great the simplicity of it gets the better of it, Joomla is far more flexible and has a huge support network and extensions library.

What are some examples of how your company uses a wiki for development?

Do you use a wiki in your company? Who uses it and what for. Do you share information between projects / teams / departments or not?
We use ours to store
Coding Style docs
Setup and Deployment procedures for web servers and sites
Network diagrams (what are all the servers in Dev, Staging, QA and Production called etc.)
Project docs (pdfs, visios, excel, docs, etc.) are stored in SVN. For the non-techies we have links to those docs in the wiki that point to an up-to-date share on my box. (tip: some wikis provide source control integration but ours doesn't)
Installation and Setup procedures for development tools
Howto's on things like using our bug tracking system, our unit testing philosophy
When doing research on a topic I often capture the important information in a wiki page for others to learn from
I've seen them used to keep seating charts in medium to large size organizations for the new people
At my previous company all of the emergency contacts and procedures for handling a critical outage where available on the front page of the wiki
The best part about a wiki is that it's searchable. Some wiki's support searching inside uploaded or linked docs as well.
If you setup a wiki and encourage or even require people to use it the amount of information that will accumulate can be amazing. It's definately worth the effort especially if you have someone in IT with some spare time on their hands to set it up.
Do you use a wiki in your company?
= We use it for the purpose of a Knowlede Based. Basically it is a wiki but many more functionalities intagrated.
Who uses it and what for
= Employees. Knowledge Sharing, Preparation of collaborative-documents, etc.
Do you share information between projects / teams / departments or not?
= Depends on the requirements. It is possible to set permissions between users.
We use a wiki, for documenting our systems. It's updated gradually as things update and evolve. It should go without saying that there's benefit in that, however whether you use a wiki or other methods is worth thinking about.
A wiki is great for collarborative editing. The information shouldn't go stale in theory, because as people use the systems they have the opportunity to keep it up to date.
However we have found in our organisation that people struggle a little with wiki markup. Especially tables. I think a solution that has wysiwyg editing would be better if you have non-highly-technical people editing it. Sharepoint springs to mind, but it's expensive.
I use a wiki as my virtual "story wall" for agile development. All of my stories are written and organized in the wiki. While my customers are reasonably local (we can have face-to-face meetings), they aren't co-located. To enable better customer interaction I've resorted to a wiki instead of a wall-based story tracking mechanism. It also works a little better for me due to the fact that I often have multiple, concurrent projects and limited wall space in my cube. In a larger team with more focused projects and more wall area, I'm not sure I'd make the same choice.
My company uses a wiki for project-planing but also for storing documentation and ideas.
I have found that a wiki is a great way to link the programmers in the company with the business-people.
When someone who are not on the programming-team comes up with an idea or finds a bug, it's a loot simpler to let that person document it in the wiki.
I think it's an important aspect for a small company like mine to easily synchronize the business-team with the development-team. A wiki helps with that, since it gives the feeling of being a part of the development process, instead of having to ask the programmer directly about every little detail.
we have MediaWiki to store technical information that is not ready to be published in other formats - specification drafts, diagrams (via GraphViz extension), results of short investigations, etc.
I also think this question is a wiki too :)