Protect private key in Qt application - c++

I have a Qt application written in C++ that uses a SSL-connection (QSslSocket) with another application for extra security. However, the application has a private key embedded in it.
With applications like Process Explorer it's really easy to fish out the private key. (Properties of file -> Strings)
Security is not very important for my application but it would be nice to make a little bit more difficult getting the private key from my application. Is there any way?

"strings" only finds blocks that are actual Ascii/UTF8/Unicode strings. If you keep your key around as a binary buffer then there is nothing that discriminates it from random binary data which strings usually ignores.
Other than that, There are much more clever programs out there such as IDA and OllyDebug which enable the user to fully disassemble or even decompile your program and get a hold of the key no matter what you try.

You may need of solutions to your problem from a different angle.
I agree with Shoosh's answer in that no matter what you do a person with the right tools and knowledge will be able to break your code and figure out your private key.
What you need to do is either externalize the data or mitigate the risks if your private keys are found.
The best way to externalize any private data is to encrypt it with a user supplied password that must be entered by the user to be used. Unfortunately this is not really reasonable for most applications.
To mitigate the risks I normally try to ensure that only the one 'install' is compromised if the security is broken.
For example, randomly generate the private key data on install.
For client/server applications you could follow the https model and use public/private key communication to exchange a randomly generated encryption key.
If each client install has there own public/private key set, then the server can tell what clients are connecting and also if there is a problem they can outlaw clients.
Hope that helps.

Crypt it with some simple symmetric algorithm. For example define arrays cryptedData and cryptedDataKey so that n-th byte of your private key can be get by cryptedData[cryptedDataKey[n]]. It will save you from someone who looks to your binary executable with text editor but won't help against more or less experienced person.
Also if you have persistent connections with QSslSocket a runtime it's most likely that private key is stored in memory as is. So only modifying QT library is a way to mangle key presentation in memory.

Another common technique is to put the secret data into a binary resource such as an icon image.


How to Encrypt a Folder Using C++?

I'm creating a program uysing c++ that relies off sensitive information contained within a folder located on my Ubuntu 14.04 desktop. I need some way to protect this information.
Essentially I have two buttons setup on my application. One to encrypt the folder and one to decrypt the folder. However, I have no experience with encryption and don't even know if you can encrypt a folder itself. Most tutorials I have found only talk about encrypting text. A friend recommended using AES encrytpion, but again, I can only find tutorials that show how to encrypt text.
Does anyone know of any way to protect these folders? They contain a large amount of images (.bmp and .png file types) concerning patient information along with a few text files. Obviously the quickest method would be best, as long as they aren't easily accessible without pressing the buttons.
Encryption is not some magic wand one can waive over some data, and encrypt it. If your application has a button that automatically "decrypts" the data, it means that anyone else can do it as well. For this button to work as you described, your application must logically know everything that's needed to decrypt the data. If so, a determined attacker can simply obtain a copy of your application, debug it, figure out how it decrypts the data, and game over.
At the very minimum, a passphrase will be required in order to decrypt the data; so that the application alone is not sufficient to effect encryption and decryption.
As far as the actual technology goes, the two primary software libraries on Linux that provide generic encryption facilities are OpenSSL and GnuTLS. Both provide comparable implementations of all standard symmetric and asymetric cipher-suites.
I believe that GnuTLS is a better API, and that's what I recommend. The design of GnuTLS's C API naturally lends itself to a light C++ OO wrapper facade. The GnuTLS library provides extensive documentation, so your first step is to read through the documentation; at which point you should have all sufficient information to implement encryption in your application.
Just a simple point.
You are going to have to make a blob, which you someway mount as a filesystem. You are also going to have to decide how to control access to that filesystem while people are using it. Also how people are going to synchronize access. Do it wrong and two people will write to the same area at the same time and create something that no one will ever decrypt!
Look at the source code for dm-crypt and TrueCrypt, but if you want to limit access beyond the permission system that your OS supports you may find yourself way in over your head.
you need build private filesystem,so every file operator must pass you application. you can encrypt the file contain to user.

How to explicitly specify MachineKey with FormsAuthentication.Decrypt()

I would like to decrypt a FormsAuthentication cookie but it might have been encrypted using different machine keys. I would like to be able to try decrypting successively with let's say 3 machine keys and check if one of them is working. It would be easy if FormsAuthentication.Decrypt() would accept not only the encrypted cookie but also the machine key to use but there is no way to do this (the machine key is always retrieved from the config file). Is there a way to achieve what I'm trying to do ?
There's no way to specify multiple keys in the <machineKey> element. However, if you have a crypto background, you can implement your own DataProtector which allows for key rotation. See (section Introducing DataProtector) for more information.
Warning: writing your own DataProtector is an extremely advanced scenario and should only be attempted if you have a security background and are comfortable working with cryptographic primitives. It's very easy to introduce subtle bugs which could undermine your site security.

how to deal with passwords securely within your application

I have found a similar question here Saving passwords inside an application but it didn't really answer my concerns.
I am dealing with an application that will receive a password (securely) from the user. Once I receive the password I would need store it in some variable and send it through transactions to other systems (this logic is safe and secure and already implemented).
My worry is that I don't want to be able to see the password in a core dump so I would like to encrypt any password before saving it to any variable.
Is encrypting it before saving it to a variable enough? Or am I missing some security loopholes?
Is there a simple header only libraries that can do encryption? Can you guide me to where I can start looking?
Note to answer commenters:
The password will not be stored long term; Only for the lifespan of the transactions.
Unfortunately, the participants of the transactions cannot decrypt the password, therefore I would need to decrypt it before I send it to them.
My main concern right now is to find a way to encrypt and decrypt the password locally - in an easy manner...
I found OpenSSL library and crypto++ but it seams that I would need to link with them, I can't just include and call them (i.e. not header only libraries)...
(Note: I'm sure there are rigorous checklists and official guidelines about how to treat passwords in secure software out there, from people and authorities that actually know something about security. This is not one of those!)
I don't think there is a cryptographically-secure way to have passwords in your process memory, be able to use them, but not give access to it to a user that can run your application under a debugger or inspect your core dumps.
What you can do is obscure the password. Here are some techniques you can use:
Not keep the password as a simple string anywhere in your memory (scatter the characters around, etc.)
Scrub all the variables that the password is stored in after they are used (e.g. if you pass the password to a function, you should set all the characters of that variable to NUL inside the function after you are done with it.
Encrypt the password.
Vary the encryption key at each run of the application (or periodically if it's a long-running app.)
Generate the encryption key procedurally based on some aspect of the system/hardware and not store the encryption key for the password anywhere in your process memory.
Use hardware like the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) if available.
Implementing the above consistently and effectively is quite hard and impacts all of your code that deals with the password. And sometimes you even have to intentionally make your code more obscure and go against all your instincts as a programmer (e.g. not passing the password into functions as a parameter, but using hard-coded addresses inside the function.)
I, once again, have to emphasize that it's probably provably impossible to secure your passwords in software only, when the adversary has complete access to the physical machine.
As for the second part of your question, I don't know of any header-only encryption libraries, but encrypting a password will probably only need a cipher and probably a hash. And all of the best algorithms have public-domain or otherwise free implementations in the wild. You can get one of those and copy/paste into your own application. Don't forget to seriously test it though!

Advice about the Encryption Method I should Use

Ok, so I need some advice on which encryption method I should use for my current project. All the questions about this subject on here are to do with networking and passing encrypted data from one machine to another.
A brief summary of how the system works is:
I have some data that is held in tables that are in text format. I then use a tool to parse this data and serialize it to a dat file. This works fine but I need to encrypt this data as it will be stored with the application in a public place. The data wont be sent anywhere it is simply read by the application. I just need it to be encrypted so that if it were to fall into the wrong hands, it would not be possible to read the data.
I am using the crypto++ library for my encryption and I have read that it can perform most types of encryption algorithms. I have noticed however that most algorithms use a public and private key to encrypt/decrypt the data. This would mean I would have to store the private key with the data which seems counter intuitive to me. Are there any ways that I can perform the encryption without storing a private key with the data?
I see no reason to use asymmetric crypto in your case. I see two decent solutions depending on the availability of internet access:
Store the key on a server. Only if the user of the program logs in to the server he gets back the key to his local storage.
Use a Key-Derivation-Function such as PBKDF2 to derive the key from a password.
Of course all of this fails if the attacker is patient and installs a keylogger and waits until you access the files the next time. There is no way to secure your data once your machine has been compromised.
Short answer: don't bother.
Long answer: If you store your .DAT file with the application, you'll have to store the key somewhere too. Most probably in the same place (maybe hidden in the code). So if a malicious user wants to break your encryption all he has to do is to look for that key, and that's it. It doesn't really matter which method or algorithm you use. Even if you don't store the decryption key with the application, it will get there eventually, and the malicious user can catch it with the debugger at run time (unless you're using a dedicated secured memory chip and running on a device that has the necessary protections)
That said, many times the mere fact that the data is encrypted is enough protection because the data is just not worth the trouble. If this is your case - then you can just embed the key in the code and use any symmetric algorithm available (AES would be the best pick).
Common way to solve your issue is:
use symetric key algorithm to cipher your data, common algorithm are AES, twofish. most probably, you want to use CBC chaining.
use a digest (sha-256) and sign it with an asymetric algorithm (RSA), using your private key : this way you embed a signature and a public key to check it, making sure that if your scrambling key is compromised, other persons won't be able to forge your personal data. Of course, if you need to update these data, then you can't use this private key mechanism.
In any case, you should check
symetric cipher vs asymetric ones
signature vs ciphering
mode of operation, meaning how you chain one block to the next one for block ciphers, like AES, 3DES (CBC vs ECB)
As previously said, if your data is read andwritten by same application, in any way, it will be very hard to prevent malicious users to steal these data. There are ways to hide keys in the code (you can search for Whitebox cryptography), but it will be definitely fairly complex (and obviously not relying on a simple external crypto library which can be easily templated to steal the key).
If your application can read the data and people have access to that application, someone with enough motivation and time will eventually figure out (by disassembling your application) how to read the data.
In other words, all the information that is needed to decipher the encrypted data is already in the hand of the attacker. You have the consumer=attacker problem in all DRM-related designs and this is why people can easily decrypt DVDs, BluRays, M4As, encrypted eBooks, etc etc etc...
That is called an asymmetric encryption when you use public/private key pairs.
You could use a symmetric encryption algorithm, that way you would only require one key.
That key will still need to be stored somewhere (it could be in the executable). But if the user has access to the .dat, he probably also has access to the exe. Meaning he could still extract that information. But if he has access to the pc (and the needed rights) he could read all the information from memory anyways.
You could ask the user for a passphrase (aka password) and use that to encrypt symmetrically. This way you don't need to store the passphrase anywhere.

How to safely store strings (i.e. password) in a C++ application?

I'm working on a wxWidgets GUI application that allows the user to upload files to an FTP server and a pair of username/password is required to access the FTP server.
As far as I know, STL strings or even char* strings are visible to end user even the program is compiled already, using hex editors or maybe string extractors like Sysinternals String Utility.
So, is there a safe/secure way to store sensitive informations inside a C++ application?
PS. I cannot use .NET for this application.
This is actually independent of the programming language used.
FTP is a protocol that transfers its password in plain text. No amount of obfuscation will change that, and an attacker can easily intercept the password as it is transmitted.
And no amount of obfuscation, no matter the protocol used, will change the fact that your application has to be able to decode that password. Any attacker with access to the application binary can reverse-engineer that decoding, yielding the password.
Once you start looking at secure protocols (like SFTP), you also get the infrastructure for secure authentication (e.g. public/private key) when looking at automated access.
Even then you are placing the responsibility of not making that key file accessable to anyone else on the file system, which - depending on the operating system and overall setup - might not be enough.
But since we're talking about an interactive application, the simplest way is to not make the authentication automatic at all, but to query the user for username and password. After all, he should know, shouldn't he?
Edit: Extending on the excellent comment by Kate Gregory, in case that users share a common "technical" (or anonymous) account accessing your server, files uploaded by your app should not be visible on the server before some kind of filtering was done by you. The common way to do this is having an "upload" directory where files can be uploaded to, but not be downloaded from. If you do not take these precautions, people will use your FTP server as turntable for all kind of illegal file sharing, and you will be the one held legally responsible for that.
I'm not sure if that is possible at all, and if, than not easy. If the password is embedded and your program can read it, everybody with enough knowledge should be able to do.
You can improve security against lowlevel attempts (like hexeditor etc.) by encrypting or obfuscating (eg two passwords which generate the real password by XOR at runtime and only at the moment you need it).
But this is no protection against serious attacks by experienced people, which might decompile you program or debug it (well, there are ways to detect that, but it's like cold-war - mutual arms race of debugging-techniques against runtime-detection of these).
edit: If one knows an good way with an acceptable amount of work to protect the data (in c++ and without gigantic and/or expensive frameworks), please correct me. I would be interested in that information.
While it's true that you cannot defend against someone who decompiles your code and figures out what you're doing, you can obscure the password a little bit so that it isn't in plain text inside the code. You don't need to do a true encryption, just anything where you know the secret. For example, reverse it, rot13 it, or interleave two literal strings such as "pswr" and "asod". Or use individual character variables (that are not initialized all together in the same place) and use numbers to set them (ascii) rather than having 'a' in your code.
In your place, I would feel that snooping the traffic to the FTP server is less work than decompiling your app and reading what the code does with the literal strings. You only need to defeat the person who opens the hex and sees the strings that are easily recognized as an ID and password. A littel obscuring will go a long way in that case.
As the others said, storing a password is never really save but if you insist you can use cryptlib for encryption and decryption.
Just a raw idea for you to consider.
Calculate the md5 or SHA-2 of your password and store it in the executable.
Then do the same for input username/password and compare with stored value.
Simple and straightforward.