Interprocess Communication in C++ - c++

I have a simple c++ application that generates reports on the back end of my web app (simple LAMP setup). The problem is the back end loads a data file that takes about 1.5GB in memory. This won't scale very well if multiple users are running it simultaneously, so my thought is to split into several programs :
Program A is the main executable that is always running on the server, and always has the data loaded, and can actually run reports.
Program B is spawned from php, and makes a simple request to program A to get the info it needs, and returns the data.
So my questions are these:
What is a good mechanism for B to ask A to do something?
How should it work when A has nothing to do? I don't really want to be polling for tasks or otherwise spinning my tires.

Use a named mutex/event, basically what this does is allows one thread (process A in your case) to sit there hanging out waiting. Then process B comes along, needing something done, and signals the mutex/event this wakes up process A, and you proceed.
If you are on Microsoft :
Mutex, Event
Ipc on linux works differently, but has the same capability:
Linux Stuff
Or alternatively, for the c++ portion you can use one of the boost IPC libraries, which are multi-platform. I'm not sure what PHP has available, but it will no doubt have something equivalent.

Use TCP sockets running on localhost.
Make the C++ application a daemon.
The PHP front-end creates a persistent connection to the daemon. pfsockopen
When a request is made, the PHP sends a request to the daemon which then processes and sends it all back. PHP Sockets C++ Sockets
Added some links for reference. I might have some really bad C code that uses sockets of interprocess communication somewhere, but nothing handy.

IPC is easy on C++, just call the POSIX C API.
But what you're asking would be much better served by a queue manager. Make the background daemon wait for a message on the queue, and the frontend PHP just add there the specifications of the task it wants processed. Some queue managers allow the result of the task to be added to the same object, or you can define a new queue for the finish messages.
One of the best known high-performance queue manager is RabbitMQ. Another one very easy to use is MemcacheQ.
Or, you could just add a table to MySQL for tasks, the background process just queries periodically for unfinished ones. This works and can be very reliable (sometimes called Ghetto queues), but break down at high tasks/second.


Is there a cross-platform way to make a process based socket server in C++?

It's something that seems deceptively simple, but comes with a lot of nasty details and compatibility problems. I have some code that kinda works on Linux and... sorta works on Windows but it's having various problems, for what seems like a common and simple problem. I know async is all the rage these days, but I have good reasons to want a process per connection.
I'm writing a server that hosts simulation processes. So each connection is long-running and CPU intensive. But more importantly, these simulators (Ngspice, Xyce) have global state and sometimes segfault or reach unrecoverable errors. So it is essential that each connection has its own process so they can run/crash in parallel and not mess with each other's state.
Another semi-important detail is that the protocol is based on Capnp RPC, which has a nice cross-platform async API, but not a blocking one. So what I do is have my own blocking accept loop that forks a new process and then starts the Capnp event loop in the new process.
So I started with a simple accept loop, added a ton of ifdefs to support windows, and then added fork to make it multiprocess and then added a SIGCHLD handler to try to avoid zombie processes. But Windows doesn't have fork, and if many clients disconnect simultaneously I still get zombies.
My current code lives here:
I'm fine with either some more ifdefs and hacks to make Windows work and avoid zombies, or some sort of library that either offers a ready made multiprocess socket server or functionality for writing such a thing. The important part is that it can accept a socket in a new process and pass the raw FD to the Capnp event loop.

For a client server program, what is the best approach to receive multiple client connection requests in parallel?

The program is a client server socket application being developed with C on Linux. There is a remote server to which each client connects and logs itself as being online. There will be most likely be several clients online at any given point of time, all trying to connect to the server to log themselves as being online/busy/idle etc. So how can the server handle these concurrent requests. What's a good design approach (Forking/multithreading for each connection request maybe?)?
personally i would use the event driven approach for servers. there you register a callback that is called as soon as a connection arrives. and event callbacks whenever the socket is ready to read or write.
with a huge amount of connections you will have a great performance and resource benefit compared to threads. But i would also prefere this for a smaler count of connections.
i only would use threads if you really need to use multiple cores or if you have some request that could take longer to process and where it is too complicate to handle it without threads.
i use libev as base library to handle event driven networking.
Generally speaking, you want a thread pool to service requests.
A typical structure will start with a single thread that does nothing but queue up incoming requests. Since it doesn't do very much, it's typically pretty easy for one thread to keep up with the maximum speed of the network.
That puts the items into some sort of concurrent queue. Then you have a pool of other threads reading items from the queue, doing what's needed, then depositing the result in another queue (and repeating, and repeating until the servers shuts down).
Finally, you have another single thread that just takes items from the result queue, and sends replies out to the clients.
Best approach is a combination of event driven model with multithreaded model.
You create a bunch of nonblocking sockets, but threads count should be much fewver. I.e. 10 sockets per thread.
Then you just listen for an event (incoming request) on every thread in a non-blocking mode and process it as it happens.
This technique usually performs better then non-blocking sockets or multithreaded model separately.
Take a look at Comer's "Internetworking with TCP/IP" volume 3 (BSD sockets version), it has detailed examples for different ways of writing servers and clients. The full code (sans explanations, unfortunally) is on the web. Or rummage around in, there you'll find a collection of tutorials.
select or poll or epoll
These are facilities on *nix systems to aggregate multiple event sources (connections) into a single waiting point. The server adds the connections to a data structure, and then waits by calling select etc. It gets woken up when stuff happens on any of these connections, figures out which one, handles it, and then goes back to sleep. See manual for details.
There are several higher level libraries built on top of these mechanisms, that make programming them somewhat easier e.g. libevent, libev etc.

How to smooth restart a c++ program without shut down the running program?

I have a server program which should run full time a day. If I want to change some parameters of it, Is there any way rather than shut down then restart way?
There are quite a few ways of doing this, including, but almost certainly not limited to:
You can maintain the parameters in a separate file so that the program will periodically check that file and update its internal information.
Similar to (1) but you can send some sort of signal to the application to get it to immediately re-read the file.
You can do either (1) or (2) but using shared memory rather than a configuration file.
You can have your program sit at the server end of an IPC conversation, so that a client can open up a connection to it to provide new parameters. Anything from a simple message queue to a full-blown HTTP server and associated pages.
Of course, all of these tend to need a fair amount of work in your program to get it to look for the new information.
You should take that into account when making your decision. By far the quickest solution to implement is to just (cleanly) kill off the process at something like 11:55pm then immediately restart it. It's simpler because your code probably already has the ability to load the information on startup, so this could be a simple cron one-liner.
Some people speak of laziness as a bad thing but that's not always the case :-)
If the Server maintains many alive connections from clients, restarting the server process is the last way you should consider. Except reloading configuration files, inserting a proxy process between clients and server can be another way.
The proxy process is Responsible for 2 things.
a. Maintaining the connection from clients and forwarding packets to Server for handling.
b. Judging weather the current server process(Server A) is alive and if it not, switching to another server(Server B) automatically.
Then you can change parameters by restart server without worrying about interrupting clients since there is always two(or more) servers running.

How to check if an application is in waiting

I have two applications running on my machine. One is supposed to hand in the work and other is supposed to do the work. How can I make sure that the first application/process is in wait state. I can verify via the resources its consuming, but that does not guarantee so. What tools should I use?
Your 2 applications shoud communicate. There are a lot of ways to do that:
Send messages through sockets. This way the 2 processes can run on different machines if you use normal network sockets instead of local ones.
If you are using C you can use semaphores with semget/semop/semctl. There should be interfaces for that in other languages.
Named pipes block until there is both a read and a write operation in progress. You can use that for synchronisation.
Signals are also good for this. In C it is called sendmsg/recvmsg.
DBUS can also be used and has bindings for variuos languages.
Update: If you can't modify the processing application then it is harder. You have to rely on some signs that indicate the progress. (I am assuming you processing application reads a file, does some processing then writes the result to an output file.) Do you know the final size the result should be? If so you need to check the size repeatedly (or whenever it changes).
If you don't know the size but you know how the processing works you may be able to use that. For example the processing is done when the output file is closed. You can use strace to see all the system calls including the close. You can replace the close() function with the LD_PRELOAD environment variable (on windows you have to replace dlls). This way you can sort of modify the processing program without actually recompiling or even having access to its source.
you can use named pipes - the first app will read from it but it will be blank and hence it will keep waiting (blocked). The second app will write into it when it wants the first one to continue.
Nothing can guarantee that your application is in waiting state. You have to pass it some work and get back a response. It might be transactions or not - application can confirm that it got the message to process before it starts to process it or after it was processed (successfully or not). If it does not wait, passing a piece of work should fail. Whether when trying to write to a TCP/IP socket or other means, or if timeout occurs. This depends on implementation, what kind of transport you are using and other requirements.
There is actually a way of figuring out if the process (thread) is in blocking state and waiting for data on a socket (or other source), but that means that client should be on the same computer and have access privileges required to do that, but that makes no sense other than debugging, which you can do using any debugger anyway.
Overall, the idea of making sure that application is waiting for data before trying to pass it that data smells bad. Not to mention the racing condition - what if you checked and it was OK, and when you actually tried to send the data, you found out that application is not waiting at that time (even if that is microseconds).

Web application background processes, newbie design question

I'm building my first web application after many years of desktop application development (I'm using Django/Python but maybe this is a completely generic question, I'm not sure). So please beware - this may be an ultra-newbie question...
One of my user processes involves heavy processing in the server (i.e. user inputs something, server needs ~10 minutes to process it). On a desktop application, what I would do it throw the user input into a queue protected by a mutex, and have a dedicated background thread running in low priority blocking on the queue using that mutex.
However in the web application everything seems to be oriented towards synchronization with the HTTP requests.
Assuming I will use the database as my queue, what is best practice architecture for running a background process?
There are two schools of thought on this (at least).
Throw the work on a queue and have something else outside your web-stack handle it.
Throw the work on a queue and have something else in your web-stack handle it.
In either case, you create work units in a queue somewhere (e.g. a database table) and let some process take care of them.
I typically work with number 1 where I have a dedicated windows service that takes care of these things. You could also do this with SQL jobs or something similar.
The advantage to item 2 is that you can more easily keep all your code in one place--in the web tier. You'd still need something that triggers the execution (e.g. loading the web page that processes work units with a sufficiently high timeout), but that could be easily accomplished with various mechanisms.
1) This is a common problem,
2) You're new to your platform
-- I suggest that you look in the contributed libraries for your platform to find a solution to handle the task. In addition to queuing and processing the jobs, you'll also want to consider:
1) status communications between the worker and the web-stack. This will enable web pages that show the percentage complete number for the job, assure the human that the job is progressing, etc.
2) How to ensure that the worker process does not die.
3) If a job has an error, will the worker process automatically retry it periodically?
Will you or an operations person be notified if a job fails?
4) As the number of jobs increase, can additional workers be added to gain parallelism?
Or, even better, can workers be added on other servers?
If you can't find a good solution in Django/Python, you can also consider porting a solution from another platform to yours. I use delayed_job for Ruby on Rails. The worker process is managed by runit.
Speaking generally, I'd look at running background processes on a different server, especially if your web server has any kind of load.
Running long processes in Django: