I have a base class A and a derived class B:
class A
virtual f();
class B : public A
p = new char [100];
delete [] p;
char *p;
For any reason the destructor is never called - why? I dont understand this.
Your base class needs a virtual destructor. Otherwise the destructor of the derived class will not be called, if only a pointer of type A* is used.
virtual ~A() {};
to class A.
Class A should have a virtual destructor. Without that, derive class destructors won't be called.
try this:
class A
virtual ~A() {}
virtual f();
class B : public A
p = new char [100];
virtual ~B() // virtual keywork optional but occasionally helpful for self documentation.
delete [] p;
char *p;
If your variable is of type A it doesn't have a virtual destructor and so it won't look at the actual runtime type of the object to determine it needs to call the desstructor
Add an empty destructor to A
virtual ~A() {}
and that should fix it.
In general you need to do this on any class that can possibly be used as a base class.
class Base
virtual void f()
virtual void g()
class Derived : public Base
virtual void f()
virtual void g()
int main()
Base *pBase = new Derived;
return 0;
In this program I have kept both derived and base class functions as virtual. Is it possible call virtual functions of derived class through base class pointer and base class functions are not virtual.
Thanks in advance..
assuming functions in base class are not virtual
This can be achieved via type erasure. But there are caveats.
Your "base" class should decide between the two:
Being a view class (can't be called delete on or created by itself)
Being a resource owning class (implemented similar to 1, but stores a smart pointer).
Here is an example for case 1: https://godbolt.org/z/v5rTv3ac7
template <typename>
struct tag{};
class base
base() = delete;
template <typename Derived>
explicit base(tag<Derived> t)
: _vTable(make_v_table(t))
int foo() const { return _vTable.foo(*this); }
~base() = default;
struct v_table
virtual int foo(const base &b) const = 0;
~v_table() = default;
template <typename Derived>
static const v_table& make_v_table(tag<Derived>){
struct : v_table
int foo(const base &b) const {
return static_cast<const Derived&>(b).foo();
} static const _vTable{};
return _vTable;
const v_table& _vTable;
class derived : public base
explicit derived()
: base(tag<derived>{})
int foo() const { return 815; }
// example
#include <iostream>
int main(){
derived d{};
const base& b = d;
std::cout << b.foo() << '\n';
Take notice, that you can only take a pointer or a reference (cv-qualified) to a base class. The base class can't be created on its own.
Also tag<T> is needed to call a templated constructor.
Simple answer is no, if the function you are calling is not virtual. The Compiler would have no Idea that you are trying to call a function from the Derived Class, and won't make and I'm paraphrasing here since I do not know the proper term for,"Won't make proper entries in the Virtual Table".
class Base
void f()
std::cout<<"Base f() Called\n";
virtual void g()
std::cout<<"Base g()\n";
virtual ~Base(){std::cout<<"Base Destroyed\n";}
class Derived : public Base
void f()
virtual void g()
std::cout<<"Derived g()\n";
~Derived(){std::cout<<"Derived Destroyed\n";}
int main()
Derived* D1 = new Derived();
Base* B1 = D1;
delete B1;
return 0;
Have a look at the following code, I have not declared Base::f() as virtual,calling B1->f() calls the Base Method, but the base method calls a virtual function Base::g() and this allows the "Derived" method be called.
Have a look at this thread or this blogpost to understand Virtual Tables.
(1) and you must ALWAYS declare the destructor of a base class virtual when destroying Derived Object through a Base Pointer, else the resources used by the Derived Object will never get destroyed and it's memory will leak until the program closes.
Don't Take my word as gospel, I am simply passing on knowledge I have acquired from first hand experience, Except for (1), specially if you are not using smart pointers
There is another way to call derived class method from a base pointer object without casting?
class Base
class Derived : public Base
void set() {printf("bbbbbbbbbbbb"); }
int main()
Base* pbBase;
pbBase = new Derived();
//pbBase->set(); // Compilation error.
(Derived*)pbBase->set(); // Working.
You can add virtual methods in Base that you override in Derived.
Note that you should make the destructor virtual too or else the derived class' destructor would not get called when you delete the object through a base class pointer.
#include <iostream>
class Base
virtual ~Base() = default;
virtual void set() = 0; // = 0 makes it pure virtual
class Derived : public Base
void set() override { std::cout << "bbbbbbbbbbbb\n"; }
int main()
Base* pbBase;
pbBase = new Derived();
delete pbBase;
I have a base class Board_S and 10 other classes that inherit the base Board_S class.
I have an object for Board_S which calls the Board_S class and its function which should call one more function from a specific sub class.
I am getting the error : Class does not name a type;
How to do I call the subclass function from this main Class.
Please Help
The only way to do this correctly is to declare a virtual function in your base class and implement it in your derived class.
class A
A() {}
virtual ~A() {}
virtual void func() {}
void CallFunc() { func(); }
class B : public A
B() {}
virtual ~B() {}
virtual void func() {} // overrides it
int main()
A a;
A* pB = new B;
a.CallFunc(); // will call the base class version of func()
pB->CallFunc(); // will call the derived class version of func()
delete pB;
If you don't need the function overridden in a derived class (and the function isn't declared as a pure virtual function), you do not override it.
Is it ok to delete an abstract class instead of a child? Will all allocs be deallocated thereby?
Consider a following situation as an example, but please do not limit your answers to that one case:
struct A {
virtual void fun() = 0;
struct B : public A {
void fun() { /* actually doing something here. */ }
struct C {
A *a;
void OneTask() {
// (...)
a = new B();
void AnotherTask() { /* using fun() in some way. */ }
~C() { delete a; }
The idea is to have multiple possible outcomes of OneTask() which result in an assignment of a pointer to different classes that inherit from A, B being just an example; and then to use such result reasonably in AnotherTask() and other methods of class C.
You must have virtual destructor in base class else complete destruction of derived class doesn't happen.
struct A {
virtual void fun() = 0;
virtual ~A()
Yes, it's perfectly fine to delete a without knowing what actual derived type a is pointing to.
As shivakumar pointed out, if you don't make your base class's destructor virtual, then deleting a derived class will not end up calling the base class's destructor. In your trivial example that's not a problem, but in real life you should always make your destructors virtual.
If A has a virtual destructor then both destructors of A and B are succesfully called (first B then A) ,
If you do not declare the constructor of A as virtual, then only the destructor of A is called during deletion and extended data of B may leak.
struct A {
virtual void fun() = 0;
virtual ~A();
struct B : public A {
void fun() { /* actually doing something here. */ }
I was asked this crazy question.
I was out of my wits.
Can a method in base class which is declared as virtual be called using the base class pointer which is pointing to a derived class object?
Is this possible?
If you're trying to invoke a virtual method from the base class pointer, yes.
That's polymorphism.
If you're asking, with a base class pointer to a derived class, can you invoke a base class method that is overriden by the derived class? Yes that's also possible by explicitly scoping the base class name:
class A { virtual void foo(); }
class B : public A { virtual void foo(); }
A *b = new B();
b->A::foo ();
You mean something like this. (Where pBase is of type pointer-to-base but the pointed-to object is actually of type Derived which is derived from Base.)
Yes, it's possible.
Yes -- you have to specify the full name though:
#include <iostream>
struct base {
virtual void print() { std::cout << "Base"; }
struct derived : base {
virtual void print() { std::cout << "Derived"; }
int main() {
base *b = new derived;
delete b;
return 0;
If I understand the question correctly, you have
class B
virtual void foo();
class D: public B
virtual void foo();
B* b = new D;
And the question is, can you call B::foo(). The answer is yes, using
class B
virtual void foo();
class D: public B
virtual void foo();
B* b = new D;
Try calling
to invoke base class foo function
class B {
public: virtual void foo();
class D: public B {
public: virtual void foo()
B* b = new D;
Solutions :
OR do not override/define foo() in the derived class D and call b->foo()
B objb = *b; objb.foo() ; // this is object slicing and not (*b).foo() as in one of the previous answers
No. Not in a clean way. But yes. You have to do some pointer manipulation, obtain a pointer to the vtable and make a call. but that is not exactly a pointer to base class, but some smart pointer manipulation. Another approach is using scope resolution operator on base class.