Admin interface editable Django app settings - django

Is there a good way provide user configurable app settings in Django admin?
Basically I would like to have a nice forms where site owner can easily edit such one off information as his contact information, front page text content, etc. Sort of like a normal admin interface of a model, but limited to only one undeletable item in the model.

I think django constance is the way to go. Alive and compatible with django 1.4.

The third-party project django-dbsettings is ideal for this.

I looked at dbsettings and liked some of what I saw, but I really wanted a more centralized, organized system. So I built django-appsettings. Enjoy :)

Found this: django-livesettings


Django CMS Draft/Live system for custom model

Django CMS has cool Draft/Live -system related to pages. Does Django CMS support enabling similar functionality for custom models? If it does how to do it?
I'm trying to build news-app, that have models, that have placeholderfield and some other fields.
So, any ideas how to implement draft/live -system for my news-app?
Django-CMS 3.0.0
Django 1.5.5
Unfortunately, the way draft/live system implemented in Django CMS doesn't allow to reuse it on another model. In Django CMS, it is achieved by versioning Page object and maintaining publisher_is_draft and publisher_public properties.
Yet you can't directly reuse Django CMS approach in your app, you can closely reimplement it in your own, better way. Please don't forget to share the sources :)
We actually want that 3rd party apps can have a daft/public version workflow easily... if you could come up with a way to provide that.... please share.

Create custom django widget for timefield with now option

I have models with datetimefields and timefields. When the user interacts with these fields in a form they often just need to enter the current time. I need a now link almost exactly like what shows up in the django admin, so the user can just click it and the current time gets put in the field.
I tried looking through the django source but it seems to utilize some frontend javascript which I'm not very familiar with. Is there a simple way to make a widget that can be easily used in a timefield and datetimefield?
So this is not on the admin panel? As in on the site? Then this is not really a question to be posed to Django, I suggest tagging javascript. If you are unfamiliar with javascript, then tag jquery, they have things for this.
In case you're lazy, here's a start:
jQuery premade
Javascript methods
Sorry, but this is more of a UI issue than a Django issue. Hope I helped, though.

Should I use a blog app in Django?

I want to create my own admin panel and every users will can have their own blogs. I'm using a blog app called 'Zinnia', I liked it. Zinnia have some visual editors (WYMEditor, Tinymce) also have a tag system, etc. that I want to have in my admin panel.
I was wondering if should I create my own admin panel or blog app and integrate the visual editor programatically. What would be better?
Thanks for answers.
EDIT: My real question is: What's better?
create my admin and my blog app
create my admin integrating Zinnia or another blog app
use the django admin panel (but i want to customize the fully admin panel, so I guess that is not a good option)
Remembering, the users (not only admins) can post to their blogs. (this is the reason that I don't want to use the Django admin)
Exactly what I want: I want to use all the features (such as tagging, WYMEditor [I know i can implement this programmaticaly], etc.) of Zinnia (or another blog app) with my custom admin panel, with my buttons, my layout, my css, my everything!
Thanks for all answers, it's important for me.
Here is a simple tutorial for creating a django blog app:
If you are still learning django, I recommend it to create your own blog!!!
Creating a good Django blog application is straightforward, but tedious work, that can quite easily get unwieldy if you start implementing additional features such as multiple language support, linkback handling, search, sitemap generation, etc.
I definitely wouldn't suggest that you start from scratch. If your not completely satisfied by the full extent of possibilities or the initial feature set of Zinnia, you can check out all the Django blog applications on Django Packages.

Custom Django admin panel

I want to use Django for a web application I'm building that will have an admin panel. I know that you need to just activate the admin app and you're ready to go. However, I would like to have a custom panel, I mean, I want to design the layout myself, I want to add menus and forms for the admin to insert new data in the database etc. Is it possible? or I should write a similar application that will have such features?
For more control over the layout (custom menus etc.) you should check django-admin-tools.
And if you take a look at Django's docs you'll learn that you can easily tweak and override most parts of the admin. For example here is a demonstration on how to use a custom form:
So the admin is pretty customizable. But the question if you should build your own app or reuse the admin depends pretty much on your specific needs. At least make sure you know in which directions the admin can be easily bend.
The sole purpose for Django's admin is to allow you to manipulate (add/edit/remove) data in your database. I think you should at least try to check what the admin is capable of before trying to reinvent the wheel. You'll soon discover the level of complex insight the admin allows you to have. Then you'll discover that making it yourself is unnecessary excess of work and you'll end up with modifying a couple of admin-templates and CSS styles.
Yes, you can customize Django Admin Panel, Django provides some sort of customization for showing database tables structure from their own, for that you can follow DJANGO ADMIN SITE DOC , it will really help you.
For the customizations beyond the Django admin site settings, you can customize admin panel add manual layout, by adding manual detailing in Django template files which are stored in Django environment, django/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html of your current Django version. You can update its HTML, CSS, and JS according to need.

What are some Apps or add ons that get used to customize Django Admin

Im looking for a list or just suggestions on some Django Admin must haves or things that people tend to use.
I'm particularly interested in adding a Wysiwyg or Markdown Editor to the the TextAreas in the Django Admin.
Any suggestions?
There are a number of apps that add wysiwyg editors to Django's admin, such as django-wysiwyg. There are also a couple of articles on this subject in Django's wiki. Some other django apps that are great for admin customization are django-admin-tools and grappelli. Beyond being a general ovehaul of the user interface, grappelli also includes support for the inclusion of a wysiwig editor. And as always, the Django docs are usually a good first stop.
Personanlly, I'm particularly fond of grappelli, it's been used to great effect on a number of Django projects, including mezzanine and a few of my own! Here's a preview of the facelift it gives Django's admin:
Have you take a look at this list ?
I use the django-adimin-tools myself, it lets you create custom menus and custom dashboard as well as custom css. Here is what it looks like pretty much out of the box. Items are draggable. More on that here.
I also used django-admin-bootstrapped which uses twitter bootstrap to make the admin look nicer. more information on it here.
Grapelli is probably the most popular though and I have been using it in my Mezzanine apps but haven't yet tried it in a vanilla Django app as of yet.