Calculating vertices of a rotated rectangle - c++

I am trying to calculate the vertices of a rotated rectangle (2D).
It's easy enough if the rectangle has not been rotated, I figured that part out.
If the rectangle has been rotated, I thought of two possible ways to calculate the vertices.
Figure out how to transform the vertices from local/object/model space (the ones I figured out below) to world space. I honestly have no clue, and if it is the best way then I feel like I would learn a lot from it if I could figure it out.
Use trig to somehow figure out where the endpoints of the rectangle are relative to the position of the rectangle in world space. This has been the way I have been trying to do up until now, I just haven't figured out how.
Here's the function that calculates the vertices thus far, thanks for any help
void Rect::calculateVertices()
if(m_orientation == 0) // if no rotation
&Vertex( (m_position.x - (m_width / 2) * m_scaleX), (m_position.y + (m_height / 2) * m_scaleY), m_position.z),
&Vertex( (m_position.x + (m_width / 2) * m_scaleX), (m_position.y + (m_height / 2) * m_scaleY), m_position.z),
&Vertex( (m_position.x + (m_width / 2) * m_scaleX), (m_position.y - (m_height / 2) * m_scaleY), m_position.z),
&Vertex( (m_position.x - (m_width / 2) * m_scaleX), (m_position.y - (m_height / 2) * m_scaleY), m_position.z) );
// if the rectangle has been rotated..
//GLfloat theta = RAD_TO_DEG( atan( ((m_width/2) * m_scaleX) / ((m_height / 2) * m_scaleY) ) );

I would just transform each point, applying the same rotation matrix to each one. If it's a 2D planar rotation, it would look like this:
x' = x*cos(t) - y*sin(t)
y' = x*sin(t) + y*cos(t)
where (x, y) are the original points, (x', y') are the rotated coordinates, and t is the angle measured in radians from the x-axis. The rotation is counter-clockwise as written.
My recommendation would be to do it out on paper once. Draw a rectangle, calculate the new coordinates, and redraw the rectangle to satisfy yourself that it's correct before you code. Then use this example as a unit test to ensure that you coded it properly.

I think you were on the right track using atan() to return an angle. However you want to pass height divided by width instead of the other way around. That will give you the default (unrotated) angle to the upper-right vertex of the rectangle. You should be able to do the rest like this:
// Get the original/default vertex angles
GLfloat vertex1_theta = RAD_TO_DEG( atan(
(m_height/2 * m_scaleY)
/ (m_width/2 * m_scaleX) ) );
GLfloat vertex2_theta = -vertex1_theta; // lower right vertex
GLfloat vertex3_theta = vertex1_theta - 180; // lower left vertex
GLfloat vertex4_theta = 180 - vertex1_theta; // upper left vertex
// Now get the rotated vertex angles
vertex1_theta += rotation_angle;
vertex2_theta += rotation_angle;
vertex3_theta += rotation_angle;
vertex4_theta += rotation_angle;
//Calculate the distance from the center (same for each vertex)
GLfloat r = sqrt(pow(m_width/2*m_scaleX, 2) + pow(m_height/2*m_scaleY, 2));
/* Calculate each vertex (I'm not familiar with OpenGL, DEG_TO_RAD
* might be a constant instead of a macro)
vertexN_x = m_position.x + cos(DEG_TO_RAD(vertexN_theta)) * r;
vertexN_y = m_position.y + sin(DEG_TO_RAD(vertexN_theta)) * r;
// Now you would draw the rectangle, proceeding from vertex1 to vertex4.
Obviously more longwinded than necessary, for the sake of clarity. Of course, duffymo's solution using a transformation matrix is probably more elegant and efficient :)
EDIT: Now my code should actually work. I changed (width / height) to (height / width) and used a constant radius from the center of the rectangle to calculate the vertices. Working Python (turtle) code at


Projecting line from camera

I'm trying to convert a viewport click onto a world position for an object.
It would be quite simple if all I wanted was to draw a point exactly where the user clicks in the canvas:
void Canvas::getClickPosition(int x, int y, Vector3d(&out)[2]) const
Vector4d point4d[2];
Vector2d point2d(x, y);
int w = canvas.width();
int h = canvas.height();
Matrix4d model = m_world * m_camera;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
Vector4d sw(point2d.x() / (0.5 * w) - 1,
point2d.y() / (0.5* h) - 1, i * 1, 1);
point4d[i] = (m_proj * model).inverse() * sw;
out[i] = point4d.block<1, 3>(0, 0);
The expected behavior is achieved with this simple code.
The problem arises when I try to actually make a line that will look like a one pixel when the user first clicks it. Until the camera is rotated in any direction it should look like it was perfectly shot from the camera and that it has whatever length (doesn't matter).
I tried the obvious:
Vector4d sw(point2d.x() / (0.5 * w) - 1,
point2d.y() / (0.5* h) - 1, 1, 1); // Z is now 1 instead of 0.
The result is, as most of you guys should expect, a line that pursues the vanishing point, at the center of the screen. Therefore, the farther I click from the center, the more the line is twitched from it's expected direction.
What can I do to have a line show as a dot from the click point of view, no matter where at the screen?
EDIT: for better clarity, I'm trying to draw the lines like this:
line.p1 = m_proj * (m_world * m_camera) * line.p1;
line.p2 = m_proj * (m_world * m_camera) * line.p2;
glVertex3f(line.p1.x(), line.p1.y(), line.p1.z());
glVertex3f(line.p2.x(), line.p2.y(), line.p2.z());
Your initial attempt is actually very close. The only thing you are missing is the perspective divide:
out[i] = point4d.block<1, 3>(0, 0) / point4d.w();
Depending on your projection matrix, you might also need to specify a z-value of -1 for the near plane instead of 0.
And yes, your order of matrices projection * model * view seems strange. But as long as you keep the same order in both procedures, you should get a consistent result.
Make sure that the y-axis of your window coordinate system is pointing upwards. Otherwise, you will get a result that is reflected at the horizontal midline.

Sprite rotation offset doesn't stay where it belongs. (SDL)

So, here is the code for my 2D point class to rotate:
float nx = (x * cos(angle)) - (y * sin(angle));
float ny = (y * cos(angle)) + (x * sin(angle));
x = nx;
y = ny;
x and y are local variables in the point class.
And here is the code for my sprite class's rotation:
//Make clip
SDL_Rect clip;
clip.w = width;
clip.h = height;
clip.x = (width * _frameX) + (sep * (_frameX) + osX);
clip.y = (height * _frameY) + (sep * (_frameY) + osY);
//Make a rotated image
col bgColor = image->format->colorkey;
img *toEdit = newImage(clip.w, clip.h);
img *toDraw = 0;
//Copy the source into the workspace
drawRect(0, 0, toEdit->w, toEdit->h, toEdit, bgColor);
drawImage(0, 0, image, toEdit, &clip);
//Edit the image
toDraw = SPG_Transform(toEdit, bgColor, angle, xScale, yScale, SPG_NONE);
SDL_SetColorKey(toDraw, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, bgColor);
//Find new origin and offset by pivot
2DVec *pivot = new xyVec(pvX, pvY);
//Draw and remove the finished image
drawImage(_x - pivot->x - (toDraw->w / 2), _y - pivot->y - (toDraw->h / 2), toDraw, _destination);
//Delete stuff
delete pivot;
The code uses the center of the sprite as the origin. It works fine if I leave the pivot at (0,0), but if I move it somewhere else, the character's shoulder for instance, it starts making the sprite dance around as it spins like a spirograph, instead of the pivot staying on the character's shoulder.
The image rotation function is from SPriG, a library for drawing primitives and transformed images in SDL. Since the pivot is coming from the center of the image, I figure the new size of the clipped surface produced by rotating shouldn't matter.
I've messed with the code a bit. By slowing it down, I found that for some reason, the vector is rotating 60 times faster than the image, even though I'm not multiplying anything by 60. So, I tried to just divide the input by 60, only now, it's coming out all jerky and not rotating to anything between multiples of 60.
The vector rotation code I found on this very site, and people have repeatedly confirmed that it works, so why does it only rotate in increments of 60?
I haven't touched the source of SPriG in a long time, but I can give you some info.
If SPriG has problems with rotating off of center, it would probably be faster and easier for you to migrate to SDL_gpu (and I suggest SDL 2.0). That way you get a similar API but the performance is much better (it uses the graphics card).
I can guess that the vector does not rotate 60 times faster than the image, but rather more like 57 times faster! This is because you are rotating the vector with sin() and cos(), which accept values in radians. The image is being rotated by an angle in degrees. The conversion factor for radians to degrees is 180/pi, which is about 57. SPriG can use either degrees or radians, but uses degrees by default. Use SPG_EnableRadians(1) to switch that behavior. Alternatively, you can stick to degree measure in your angle variable by multiplying the argument to sin() and cos() by pi/180.

OpenTK/OpenGL local axis rotation

Here is a scenario:
Object is described by:
First I apply model view (camera) from OpenGL, then Translation and Rotation using following matrix:
private Matrix4d AnglesToMatrix(Vector3d angles)
Vector3d left = Vector3d.UnitX;
Vector3d up = Vector3d.UnitY;
Vector3d forward = Vector3d.UnitZ;
AnglesToAxes(angles, ref left, ref up, ref forward);
return new Matrix4d(
new Vector4d(left.X, up.X, forward.X, 0),
new Vector4d(left.Y, up.Y, forward.Y, 0),
new Vector4d(left.Z, up.Z, forward.Z, 0),
new Vector4d(0, 0, 0, 1));
private void AnglesToAxes(Vector3d angles, ref Vector3d left, ref Vector3d up, ref Vector3d forward)
const double DEG2RAD = 0.0174532925;
double sx, sy, sz, cx, cy, cz, theta;
// rotation angle about X-axis (pitch)
theta = angles.X * DEG2RAD;
sx = Math.Sin(theta);
cx = Math.Cos(theta);
// rotation angle about Y-axis (yaw)
theta = angles.Y * DEG2RAD;
sy = Math.Sin(theta);
cy = Math.Cos(theta);
// rotation angle about Z-axis (roll)
theta = angles.Z * DEG2RAD;
sz = Math.Sin(theta);
cz = Math.Cos(theta);
// determine left axis
left.X = cy * cz;
left.Y = sx * sy * cz + cx * sz;
left.Z = -cx * sy * cz + sx * sz;
// determine up axis
up.X = -cy * sz;
up.Y = -sx * sy * sz + cx * cz;
up.Z = cx * sy * sz + sx * cz;
// determine forward axis
forward.X = sy;
forward.Y = -sx * cy;
forward.Z = cx * cy;
at, the end I apply scale. All looks great except rotation, which is based on global axis.
How to rotate objects using local axis?
To make question precise. When I rotate object by 45 degree on Y axis then X and Z axis are rotated with it and then applying another rotation use new axis.
To avoid punishment in form of minuses... I read all subjects related to rotation in 3D space, non of them gave me solution. Above code is a result of applying various attempts, but it produces result same as:
GL.Rotate(Rotation.X, Vector3d.UnitX);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Y, Vector3d.UnitY);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Z, Vector3d.UnitZ);
As it turned out, our designer had bad expectations about rotations of objects in 3D, but still the problem exist. As for language used, we write this in C#, but if you point me a solution in C or C++ I will handle it :D
We currently use (order can be configured):
GL.Rotate(Rotation.X, Vector3d.UnitX);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Y, Vector3d.UnitY);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Z, Vector3d.UnitZ);
But this rotates objects around world axis. What we want is to use local object axis like this assuming we have X-Y-Z axis rotation:
GL.Rotate(Rotation.X, Vector3d.UnitX);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Y, newYaxis);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Z, newZaxis);
or assuming we have Y-X-Z axis rotation
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Y, Vector3d.UnitY);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.X, newXaxis);
GL.Rotate(Rotation.Z, newZaxis);
Most efficient way would be to pre calculate rotation matrix, but still I'm wondering how to determine new axis after rotation. (it seams that I have to revisit trigonometry book). If someone have solution which would calculate rotation matrix really fast I would be grateful. For now I will try to use trigonometry calculations in each pass.
I'm not very good with opentk, but for C style opengl this is the difference between pre-multiplication and post-multiplication. Pre-multiplication occurs in world-coordinate space, post-multiplication occurs in local-coordinate space. See section 9.070.
If you can get a handle to the actual matrices to perform the matrix multiplication, this should work.
Can you say exactly what kind of situation you're envisioning here?
I don't believe your request makes any sense. With any rotation, you can either apply it before another operation (global axis), or after another operation (local axis). Therefore if you want to apply three rotations, one axis rotation must be first, another axis rotation must come second, and another axis must come third.
You're saying you want to apply three rotations, but you want each rotation to occur before the other two. They can't all be first.
If you put more description (images preferred) of what kind of rotation you're trying to achieve maybe we can clear up this misunderstanding, but what you're currently asking does not make sense to me in physical reality.

Drawing a crescent shape in OpenGL

How can I draw a 2D crescent or moon shape in OpenGL? I have tried using sin and cos like how I did for drawing circles but because a crescent has a "cut" inside it, the sin and cos don't look enough. I couldn't figure out how I could do an intersection between 2 polygons either. So I'm thinking if there a mathematical formula for drawing the crescent?
This isn't mathematically correct, but it may be close enough to meet your needs:
void drawCrescentLine(float step,float scale,float fullness) {
float angle=0.0f;
while (angle<M_PI) {
while (angle<(2.0f*M_PI)) {
void drawCrescentTriStrip(float step,float scale,float fullness) {
float angle=step;
while (angle<M_PI) {
float sinAngle=sinf(angle);
float cosAngle=cosf(angle);
At fullness=1, it will draw a circle of size scale while at fullness=-0.99f, it will draw a very thin cresent. You could use two different fullness values, rightFullness and leftFullness, and always set one of them to 1.0f so you can change the direction of the crescent.
You can draw two perpendicular ellipses that intersect each other. A crescent is formed with the space that is cut out from one of the eclipses. The intersection can be removed by using a bitwise NAND logical operator when drawing.
The long way of doing it is to specify a bunch of vertices that form a skeleton for the shape that you want. You can then 'connect the dots' with GL_LINES to draw your shape. If you want a smoother shape, you can use the vertices as control points for a Bezier/Catmull-Rom spline that would draw a smooth curve joining all your vertices.
You can try this:
Vertex outside [N+1]; // Fill in N with the precision you want
Vertex inside [N+1]; // Fill in N with the precision you want
double neg_size = sqrt (1 + NEG_DIST); // Size of intescting circle.
// NEG_DIST is the distance between their centers
// Greater NEG_DIST => wider crecent
double start_angle = atan (1 / NEG_DIST); // Start angle for the inside edge
double arc = M_PI - (2 * start_angle); // Arc of the inside edge
for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++)
// Outside edge
outside [i].x = cos ((M_PI / N) * i) * SIZE;
outside [i].y = sin ((M_PI / N) * i) * SIZE;
// Inside edge
inside [i].x = (cos (start_angle + ((arc / N) * i)) * neg_size) * SIZE;
inside [i].y = (sin (start_angle + ((arc / N) * i)) * neg_size - NEG_DIST) * SIZE;
This produces the intersected polys version of a crescent. It will give you an array of coordinates for an inside and outside arc for a crescent. Then you can feed these through your favorite draw method.
NOTE: The endpoints of inside and outside overlap (I did this so that I wouldn't have +/- 1's all over the place). I'm pretty sure a GL program will be fine with it, but if you have a fence post error with this, that may be where it came from

How to rotate object around local axis in OpenGL?

I am working on an ongoing project where I want to align the links of a chain so that it follows the contours of a Bezier curve. I am currently following the steps below.
Drawing the curve.
Use a display list to create one link of the chain.
Use a FOR loop to repeatedly call a function that calculates the angle between two points on the curve, returns the angle and the axis around which the link should be rotated.
Rotate by the angle "a" and translate to new position, place the link at the new position.
Edit: I should also say that the centres of the two half torus must lie on the Bezier curve.
Also I am aware that the method I use to draw the torus I tedious, I will use TRIANGLE_FAN or QUAD_STRIP later on to draw the torus in a more efficient way.
While at first glance this logic looks like it would render the chain properly, the end result is not what I had imagined it to be. Here is a picture of what the chain looks like.
I read that you have to translate the object to the origin before rotation? Would I just call glTranslate(0,0,0) and then follow step 4 from above?
I have included the relevant code from what I have done so far, I would appreciate any suggestions to get me code work properly.
/* this function calculates the angle between two vectors oldPoint and new point contain the x,y,z coordinates of the two points,axisOfRot is used to return the x,y,z coordinates of the rotation axis*/
double getAxisAngle(pointType oldPoint[],
pointType newPoint[],pointType axisOfRot[]){
float tmpPoint[3];
float normA = 0.0,normB = 0.0,AB = 0.0,angle=0.0;
int i;
axisOfRot->x= oldPoint->y * newPoint->z - oldPoint->z * newPoint->y;
axisOfRot->y= oldPoint->z * newPoint->x - oldPoint->x * newPoint->z;
axisOfRot->z= oldPoint->x * newPoint->y - oldPoint->y * newPoint->x;
normA=sqrt(oldPoint->x * oldPoint->x + oldPoint->y * oldPoint->y + oldPoint->z *
normB=sqrt(newPoint->x * newPoint->x + newPoint->y * newPoint->y + newPoint->z *
tmpPoint[0] = oldPoint->x * newPoint->x;
tmpPoint[1] = oldPoint->y * newPoint->y;
tmpPoint[2] = oldPoint->z * newPoint->z;
AB /= (normA * normB);
return angle = (180/PI)*acos(AB);
/* this function calculates and returns the next point on the curve give the 4 initial points for the curve, t is the tension of the curve */
void bezierInterpolation(float t,pointType cPoints[],
pointType newPoint[]){
newPoint->x = pow(1 - t, 3) * cPoints[0].x +3 * pow(1 - t , 2) * t * cPoints[1].x + 3
* pow(1 - t, 1) * pow(t, 2) * cPoints[2].x + pow(t, 3) * cPoints[3].x;
newPoint->y = pow(1 - t, 3) * cPoints[0].y +3 * pow(1 - t , 2) * t * cPoints[1].y + 3
* pow(1 - t, 1) * pow(t, 2) * cPoints[2].y + pow(t, 3) * cPoints[3].y;
newPoint->z = pow(1 - t, 3) * cPoints[0].z +3 * pow(1 - t , 2) * t * cPoints[1].z + 3
* pow(1 - t, 1) * pow(t, 2) * cPoints[2].z + pow(t, 3) * cPoints[3].z;
/* the two lists below are used to create a single link in a chain, I realize that creating a half torus using cylinders is a bad idea, I will use GL_STRIP or TRIANGLE_FAN once I get the alignment right
for (i=0; i<=180; i++)
degInRad = i*DEG2RAD;
/*! create a list for the link , 2 half torus and 2 columns */
linkList = glGenLists(1);
glNewList(linkList, GL_COMPILE);
gluCylinder(quadric, Diameter/2, Diameter/2, Height,10,10);
gluCylinder(quadric, Diameter/2, Diameter/2, Height,10,10);
glTranslatef(radius,0, Height);
Finally here is the code for creating the three links in the chain
One thing to note is that glTranslate function builds on previous translations. I.E. a glTranslatef(0.0,0.0,0.0); won't go to the origin, it will just move the "pen" nowhere. Luckily, the "pen" starts at the origin. if you translate out to 1.0,1.0,1.0 then try a glTranslatef(0.0,0.0,0.0); you will still be drawing at 1.0,1.0,1.0;
Also, you seem to grasp the fact that openGL post-multiplies matricies. To that end, you are correctly "undoing" your matrix operations after a draw. I only see one spot where you could potentially be off here and that is in this statement:
Here you correctly undo the second rotation, but the first one you seem to rotate even more around the y axis. the very last glRotatef needs to read glRotatef(-90,0,1,0); if you want to be undoing that rotation.
I looked at your code and assuming that code performing bezierInterp and axis angle is correct. Based on code, I have following suggestions:
The way you are creating a single link looks very costly. As you are using gluCylinder for 180 times. This will generate a lot of vertices for a small link. You can create a single torus and apply scale such that it appears like a link!
Whenever you do any matrix operation, it is good idea to set the mode before. This is important before doing push and pop. In you display list you have push and pop without setting any mode and neither it is set in caller. This is not good practice and will result in lot of bugs/issues. You can remove push and pop from call list and keep only geometry in it.
You have heard advice suggesting to do translation to origin before rotation as translation * rotation! = rotation * translation. So the way you would write your render loop is:
// Set matrix mode
for(number of links) {
glLoadIdentity(); // makes model view matrix identity - default location`
glTranslatef(x,y,z); // Translate to a point on beizer curve
glRotatef(..); // Rotate link
glCallList(link); // can be simple torus, only geometry centered at origin
Above code renders a link repeated at specified location. Read OpenGL Red book's chapter 3 - Example 3.6 (planetary system) example to understand how you can place each link at different location correctly.