how to used Xenocode Browser Sandbox Deploy run application via IE - xenocode

i have this application but how to use its?
and example for 7-zip can?

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download and run exe from chrome browser using c++ plugin

I have a webpage where when I click a button, it should download an exe from a url and the exe should get automatically invoked without user intervention.
In Internet Explorer I achieved this through activex control ( .ocx ) deployed as a .cab file.
I am planning to extend this to chrome and firefox platform too. ( atleast chrome for the first step ).
I don't want to use Java applet ( need to remove java dependency ). I know I could achieve this through Firebreath plugin but clearly this is not a good time to dive into NPAPI plugin ( since NPAPI is already being fading out. Chrome has begun phasing out NPAPI ).
When I looked into alternative Plugin technologies to NPAPI, I stumbled upon Google Native Client. On further reading I got to know Nacl too won't fit my needs since os calls api will not work in nacl ( I hope URLDownloadToFile api or createprocess or shellexecute wouldn't work. Correct me if I am wrong ).
Should I go for Native Messaging? Is there anyother alternative technology am missing ? Guide me Please .
NPAPI until it goes away will let you do what you want; other than that Native Messaging is the only option.
As others have mentioned, this is a Really Bad Idea(tm).
Thanks all the people . I finally settled with Launch Application Using Custom Protocol Handler . . This fitted my needs .
As suggested above, Chrome's native messaging appears to be the way to go - on Chrome.
First, have a look here: This blog entry shows that native messaging can be used to launch "calc.exe". I've yet to try it myself - but it looks promising:
One thing to keep in mind is that the Native Messaging technique will only work from a Chrome Extension, which opens up an entire set of related questions.
(1) Can Chrome extensions be installed for all users using group policy? or via the registry?
-Yes, according to
Later edit: only "published" extensions can be added via the registry. see -
(2) Can you detect whether an extension is already installed?
-Yes, Chrome Extension: How to detect if an extension is installed using Content Scripts
So maybe its possible to have a two-phase process:
-Your users will head to the web page, which will test for the extension (using #1 above)
-If its not there, have the users download and install the .exe (this will require interaction).
-The .exe will deploy the extension files and register it for Chrome (using #2 above)
-On subsequent visits, the already-installed extension can be used to launch/communicate with the now-already-installed .exe (using Native Messaging)

Does it possible to deploying a none-web application on Cloud Foundry?

plz tell me...
I want to deploy a pure java code like jar file, NOT web application, on Cloud Foundry.
is it possible or not?
Yes, it is. This is called "Standalone apps" and is described here :
Just choose that kind of framework when deploying. You'll need to provide the startup script for your app, ie the command that spawns java

Integrate Stanford NER in my application/ call web service

I am building an application in ASP .NET and want to use Stanford-Ner within my application.
Any idea on how to integrate it?
I couldn't find the web service to use as well, do they have one?
I would like this functionality within my application:
Either as a web service or by integrating.
See this FAQ answer:
You can run it locally:

Porting a GAE Django app to Azure AppFabric

I have a GAE+Django app and wanted to port it to Microsoft Azure AppFabric. What would be the best way to do this? It's sort of like a RESTful service with custom output that is neither JSON nor XML. All of the Azure samples force you to output either XML or JSON and I can't seem to find any samples outputting the raw output.
Any help/information will be appreciated. Thanks!
I believe it is possible, I haven't tried.
Here's a Channel 9 video on running Python on Windows Azure:
Yes it is possible. See
So you should even be able to run django.
This is a bit late to the party, but here's a nicely packaged tutorial for running Django on Azure:
Note that you can also run Linux instances raw in Azure if the rest of the PaaS isn't to your liking.

webservice deployment issue

I deployed webservice written in .net language through IIS from my local machine,Is there any possible way to access remote HTTP server which contain different OS and different technologies
Sorry for being confused, but can you define:
different OS and different
Do you mean deploy your webservice to another host or
Do you mean consume a webservice from another host?
Option 1
If the host is not running IIS/ASP.NET I think you are going to have some issues as Mono may not run what your code base requires.
But you could try the following:
publish your site to a folder
zip up that folder
scp/ftp/upload this zip to the remote server
unzip the files (or upload individual files/folder) to directory configured by IIS Management
try to run
Option 2
You need to use either the svcutil tool to create the proxy clients to consume that webservice or you use the Add Web Reference in Visual Studio to automate this for you.
Hope this answers your requirements. Update your question with more information for the community to offer more support.
I think that is one of the main things that web services are for.