Django: django-transmeta - sorting comments - django

I have created an article site, where articles are published in several languages. I am using transmeta ( to support multiple languages in one model.
Also I am using generic comments framework, to make articles commentable. I wonder what will happen if the same article will be commented in one language and then in another. Looks like all comments will be displayed on both variants....
The question actually is:
Is there a possibility to display only comments submitted with current language of the article?

I tried the approach of transmeta for translation of dynamic texts and I had the following experience:
You want another language, you need to change the database model which is generally undesirable
You need every item in both languages, which is not flexible
You have problems linking with other objects (as you point out in your question)
If you take the way of transmeta you will need two solutions:
The transmeta solution for translating fields in a model
For objects connected to a model using transmeta you will need an additional field to determine the language, say CharField with "en", "de", "ru" etc.
These were major drawbacks that made me rethink the approach and switch to another solution: django.contrib.sites. Every model that needs internationalization inherits from a SiteModel:
class SiteModel(models.Model):
site = models.ForeignKey(Site)
Every object that would need transmeta translation is connected to a site. Every connected object can determine its language from the parent object's site attribute.
I basically ran the wikipedia approach and had a Site object for every language on a subdomain (en., de., ru.). For every site I started a server instance that had a custom settings file which would set the SITE_ID and the language of the site. I used django.contrib.sites.managers.CurrentSiteManagerto display only the items in the language of the current site. I also had a manager that would give you objects of every language. I constructed a model that connects objects of the same model from different languages denoting that they are semantically the same (think languages left column on wikipedia). The sites all use the same database and share the same untranslated User model, so users can switch between languages without any problem.
Your database schema doesn't need to change for additional languages
You are flexible: add languages easily, have objects in one language only etc.
Works with (generic) foreign keys, they connect to an object and know what language it is. You can display the comments of an object and they will be in one language. This solves your problem.
It's a greater deal to setup: you need a django server instance for every site and some more glue code
If you need e.g an article in different languages, you need another model to connect them
You may not need the django Site model and could implement something that does the same without the need of multiple django server instances.
I don't know what you are trying to build and what I described might not fit to your case, but it worked out perfectly for my project (internationalized community platform built upon pinax: ). So if you disclose some more about your project, I might be able to advise an approach.
To finally answer your question: No, the generic comments will not work out of the box with transmeta. As you realised you will have to display comments in both languages for the article that is displayed in one language. Or you will have to hack into the comments and change the model and do other dirty stuff (not recommended). The approach I described works with comments and any other pluggable app.
To answer your questions:
Two Django instances can share one database, no problem there.
If you don't want two Django instances, but one, you will have to do the following: A middleware checks the incoming request, extracts desired language from URL ( or etc.) and saves the language preference in the request object. The view will have to take the request object with the language and take care of the filtering of objects accordingly. Since there is no dedicated server for the language (like in the sites approach where the language is stored in the file), you can only get the language from the request and you will have to pass attributes from the request object to Model managers to filter objects.
You could try to fake a global language state in the django application with an approach like threadlocals middleware, however I don't know if this plays out nicely with django I18N engine (which is also does some thread magic).
If you want to go big with your site in multiple languages, I recommend going for the sites-approach.


Is Django admin functionality used in production on large sites or do you use it for testing only?

I have been working through the Django tutorial and I note on page 7...
...that the much touted "admin for free" feature of Django is rather weak. The tutorial shows how to add Choice objects to Question objects in the Polls admin. Three Choices are added by the ChoiceInline class, but the problem is that none of those three may be removed. Only Choices added by clicking the Add button may be removed. This is poor UI/UX because it mixes static and dynamic behaviour in an arbitrary way. It doesn't look so bad in the tutorial example, but if the feature is deployed thoroughly, it can result in new Question objects having three Choices (or however many are specified) that cannot be deleted. One solution is to use no Choices by default and only use the Add button, but that is not good either, as there should be at least one Choice object by default, or rather two of them, since we're working on a Poll. But the fields should all have the same functionality, they should all be removable.
Having seen this, my question for those experienced in working with Django on large projects: Is the "admin for free" feature used in production? Or would it be wiser to "roll your own" instead of trying to find workarounds for the weaknesses? I've identified one weakness, perhaps there are others.
It is excellent in all environments. The functionality is there is not explained in your tutorial. For example, if you want at least 3 answers within the TabularInline you would specify min_num = 3

generate form fields from vocabulary (RDFS)

I have a vocabulary described with RDFS, consider for example the "Friend of a Friend" (FOAF).
Now I want to populate my database, so I want to insert the classes (the Person classes) and their relations (the friendship). I want to do that with a web page with the appropriate form field connected to a back-end server.
My ontology is more complicated than the FOAF (but it is based on it), so I am searching for a tool that automatically creates the web forms.
Presently I am not linked to a particular technology, but I would like to stay with RDF since I am also using rdflib, in particular for querying. Django seems to be a solution, but I am not sure how it interacts with RDF.

django: routing users through a complex app with class-based views

I'm an advanced beginner at django and python. I'm writing an app to handle registration and abstract submission for a conference, and I'm trying to use class-based views. Users get an emailed link that includes their registration code in the url. Starting at this url, users move through a series of views that collect all the necessary info.
The complication comes from the fact that users often stop half way through, and then want to complete the process several days or weeks later. This means that they might continue from the current page, or they might just click that original link. In addition, after several weeks they might have missed certain deadlines, so, e.g., they can no longer submit an abstract (but they can still register). Along the way, they have checked or unchecked various options that also influence the path they should take through the app.
My question is: where is the best place to put the logic that determines if the user is currently allowed to view that page, and if not, the best url to redirect them too? I thought I would create a custom view class that, e.g., overrides the dispatch method to include global checks (e.g., is conference registration open?), and then subclasses could add additional checks (e.g., has the user entered all the necessary info for her abstract?). The problem I ran into was that the checks were run in the wrong order (I want base class checks run first). I then started investigating custom view decorators or custom middleware. At this point I realized I could use some expert advice about which approach to take. (If it matters, I am not using the django authentication system.) Thanks in advance.
Maybe the form wizard could help you managing the viewing sequence.
In general django greybeards advocate keeping row-wise logic in Models, and table-wise logic in Managers, so it seems appropriate to keep complex view logic in a master view class.
The wizard class can help maintain the order of the views, but to resume an out-dated session you may need to do some model saves (which could get too complex very quickly) or some cookie handling.
In the past, when presented with a similar situation, I took the simplest route and separated user registration and the task that the user wants to perform (event registration). The user registers once but if they fluff up the event registration, they just have to log back in at a later date and do it again (their hassle - not yours!).

Avoiding circular dependencies in Django applications

While working on my Django-based projects I'm always trying to follow Django's approach to reusable apps - I'm trying to decouple my applications from each other and especially trying to avoid cross references but sometimes it does not seem to be possible.
Let's consider a simple example with 2 applications: articles and users. Articles application defines article model, articles list view and single article view, users application defines user model and user profile view. Article is referencing user from the author field, so articles application is obviously dependent on users application which is fine.
But when it comes to user profile, I want to display latest articles authored by the user (and may be latest articles viewed by the user) on that page but that makes users application aware of articles application which is what I'm trying to avoid.
I can obviously try to push all such references to the template level but it still does not solve the issue completely and at the same time may be very inefficient in terms of database queries sometimes.
What do you guys do in such cases?
If you are really set on not having any conversation between the 'user' app and the 'article' app, then you need a third app to act as interface. That would know about users and articles and define all the coupling between them. Your article view would be in there, since it has to get the user data, and your user profile view would be in there, because it needs to say "Fred wrote 5 articles".
Whether this level of decoupling is worth it, I don't know. Sometimes programming for re-usability gets in the way of making the thing usable in the first place.
The standard (or preferred) way of keeping coupled apps decoupled is to add a conditional coupling - like in some apps that try to import django-notification and only if they find it, they report events to it.
Still, if you have two apps that talks to each other by design, then I don't see any point in decoupling them - there are plenty of examples in Django world of apps that just require other apps. Note that I'm talking here about writing real-world software, not about some academic delibrations :-)
It seems that in this case, the dependency of users on articles is in a method, not a field. (Whether it's a model method, a model class method, or a manager method is immaterial). If that's so, you can do a lazy import of articles inside the method. By the time this import is performed, users.models will be fully loaded, so even if this is a circular import, it will not cause problems. The "import users" statement in articles will not have to re-load users and will have the full users namespace available.

database design for multiple similar content types

I've worked on multiple sites recently with similar content types but haven't gotten the design I'm looking to achieve.
I have multiple types of content article, interview, video, gallery, blog, etc. All of these models have very similar properties (title, slug, body, pub_date, etc). And since I'm using django and the admin, almost all the admin setting are identical as well. Most will only have one or two additional fields (ie. filename for video, author for blog).
Currents options are
Using single model "Post/Article" and then just have a type_of_content field. This gives me a single model which makes searches easier and faster and its easy to maintain one model. Managers could be used to pull certain types of content.
Have models 'Video, Interview, Audio' subclass a model called "Post/Article". Gains flexibility of working with different models without all the redundacy. Lots of joins though and all the admin code is still duplicated.
Be very redundant and create a separate model for each type of content even though they share the majority of fields. More stuff to maintain, not DRY at all but highest level of flexibility.
Any insight from someone with more experience would be great.
Thank you.
I don't have that much experience with Django, but it sounds like what you want to do is subclass off of an Abstract Base Class. This avoids creating a table for the abstract parent class, so you get the advantage of your option #2 without the need for joins.