Accepting a grammar in C++ - c++

This is a lab assignment I am stuck on.
I need to accept this grammar (ab)*b, which basically means any number of "ab" and ending with b.
I have written this code but somehow, it checks only the first 2 letters.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
enum track {true, false};
void main()
enum track track_pos, track_pos_2;
cout<<"enter the string: ";
int len=strlen(str);
cout<<"length of the string is "<<len;
int i;
for(i=0;i<len; i++)
if(*str=='a' && i%2==0)
cout<<"\nchecking a...";
if (*str=='b')
cout<<"\nchecking b...";
if(track_pos==true && track_pos_2==true)
cout<<"\nThe string is accpeted.";
cout<<"\nThe string is rejected.";
cout<<"\n\nDo you want to continue (Y/N)? ";
char ch;
if(ch=='y' || ch=='Y')

I'm going to regret this, but each time I look at this question I see something else wrong with your code. Here is the line by line. I've probably missed a lot.
The correct name for this header is "iostream", not "iostream.h" - the ".h" version is deprecated. Similarly, use "string", not "string.h" in modern C++, and use the modern STL string classes.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
As pointed out, don't do this. You have redefined the standard bool type to have the opposite value from the standard types. I don't even know that this is legal.
enum track {true, false};
The return value of the main function is int, not void.
void main()
Do you know what a buffer overflow is? You have defined str as a pointer here, with no allocated memory, and you write to that undefined bit of memory a bit later on. This is undefined behaviour, and you are pretty much guaranteed to crash. I recommend, you should defined str as a std::string - this will nicely avoid the buffer overflow, and it has many useful methods that you can use in your program.
enum track track_pos, track_pos_2;
cout<<"enter the string: ";
This is the buffer overflow right here. You are writing to who knows what area of memory.
If str was a std::string - you would do size_t len=str.length();
int len=strlen(str);
cout<<"length of the string is "<<len;
It's probably not a good idea to mix console IO functions like this with iostreams functions - there are some buffering issues that can lead to difficulties.
Declare i in the body of the loop, since you aren't using it again. Like so:
for (int i=0; i<len; i++) etc...
int i;
for(i=0;i<len; i++)
Instead of using poiter arithmetic, since you are keeping track of the index of the current character in i, just use that and treat str as an array. This way, you don't have to keep str in synch with i all of the way through. This is the cause the bug you are reporting, by the way.
You should change this to:
if (str[i]=='a' && i%2==0)
(That works even if str is a std::string by the way, unlike the pointer arithmetic version).
if(*str=='a' && i%2==0)
You really should drop out at some point, if you figure out that the string doesn't match, then there is no point going on to the end of the string.
cout<<"\nchecking a...";
I don't favour status flags like this - your code is partly hard to understand because of the proliferation of these flags, you cannot keep track of the proper behaviour. The name track_pos is not mnemonic, that makes it hard to work out what it is meant to signify without detailed study of the code.
I would recommend that you would refactor your code inside the body of the for loop to call a function, the purpose of which is simply to match a single group of "ab" - this function could return true if it did, and false if it did not.
Note that since we are dealing with the buffer overflow mentioned before, you are iterating undefined memory. Also note that you did not increment i here.
if (*str=='b')
cout<<"\nchecking b...";
When we get to here, according to your for loop, we have iterated the whole string, so we must be looking past the end of the string (even ignoring the buffer overflow) so there is no possible way this test can succeed. In short, your for loop must be going too far.
if(track_pos==true && track_pos_2==true)
Should I mention the spelling mistake?
cout<<"\nThe string is accpeted.";
cout<<"\nThe string is rejected.";
cout<<"\n\nDo you want to continue (Y/N)? ";
char ch;
If you refactor your code into appropriate sub-routines, you will find the structure of the program takes care of itself. Note that calling main recursively is not strictly illegal, but it is kind of weird and has an obvious vulnerability that will lead to an eventual stack overflow, if the program never exits.
if(ch=='y' || ch=='Y')

Implement a simple state machine. It has these states:
0 = start
1 = 'received a of (ab)'
2 = 'received b of (ab)'
3 = 'received final b'
-1 = error, invalid grammar
Then you just need a function like this:
int nextState(int currentState, char inputChar) {
if (currentState == 0 && inputChar == 'a') return 1; // handled string is "a"
if (currentState == 0 && inputChar == 'b') return 3; // handled string is "b"
if (currentState == 1 && inputChar == 'b') return 2; // handled string is "ab", or "abab", or ...
if (currentState == 2 && inputChar == 'a') return 1; // handled string is "aba", or "ababa", or ...
if (currentState == 2 && inputChar == 'b') return 3; // handled string is "abb", or "ababb", or ...
return -1;
Iterate this "state machine" over your input chars, starting with state 0, and if you end up in state 3, your input is valid.
int isValid(char* inputString) {
int state = 0;
for(int i=0; i<str_len(inputString); i++) {
state = nextState(state, inputString[i]);
return (state == 3);

Things wrong with your code:
#include <iostream.h>
should be:
#include <iostream>
The following is a non-standard (and very old) header:
#include <conio.h>
The following is illegal - true and false are reserved words.
enum track {true, false};
In C and C++, main must return an int:
void main()
Non standard function:
No memory allocated to this pointer:
which is then used here - result undefined behaviour:
Illegal call to main:
I suspect you are using a very old and obsolete C++ compiler. You should replace it with something like MinGW.

Don't do this!
enum track {true, false};
Here your true is equal to 0 and false is equal to one! When you later assign track_pos, you may get the wrong value! (Because when converting bool to int, true converts to 1 and false converts to 0.)
That's only a guess though. Maybe it's something else that matters.


Unexpected output in C++

This is not a problem with programming contest but with the language C++.
There is an old programming problem on codeforces. The solution is with C++. I already solved in Python but I don't understand this behavior of C++. In my computer and on onlinegdb's C++ compiler, I get expected output but on codeforces judge, I get a different output.
If interested in the problem :
It's very simple and a small read. Though Reading it is not required for the question.
Task in Short:
Print("forward") if string a is found in string s and string b is also found in s
Print("backward") if string a is found in reverse of string s and string b is also found in reverse of s
Print("both") if both of above are true
Print("fantasy") if both of above are false
using namespace std;
#define int long long
//initializing all vars because blogs said uninitialized vars sometimes give unexpected result
string s="", a="", b="";
bool fw = false;
bool bw = false;
string now="";
string won="";
int pa=-1, pb=-1, ra=-1, rb=-1;
signed main()
//following 2 lines can be ignored
//taking main input string s and then two strings we need to find in s are a & b
cin >> s >> a >> b;
//need reverse string of s to solve the problem
string r = s;
reverse(r.begin(), r.end());
//pa is index of a if a is found in s else pa = -1 if not found
pa = s.find(a);
//if a was a substring of s
if (pa != -1) {
//now is substring of s from the next letter where string a was found i.e. we remove the prefix of string till last letter of a
now = s.substr(pa + a.size(), s.size() - (pa + a.size()));
//pb stores index of b in remaining part s i.e. now
pb = now.find(b);
//if b is also in now then fw is true
if (pb != -1) {
fw = true;
//same thing done for the reverse of string s i.e. finding if a and b exist in reverse of s
ra = r.find(a);
if (ra != -1) {
won = r.substr(ra + a.size(), r.size() - (ra + a.size()));
rb = won.find(b);
if (rb != -1) {
bw = true;
if (fw && bw) {
cout << "both" << endl;
else if (fw && !bw) {
cout << "forward" << endl;
else if (!fw && bw) {
cout << "backward" << endl;
else {
cout << "fantasy" << endl;
return 0;
For input
s="atob", a="a", b="b"
Here reverse of atob is bota.
a is in atob.
So, string now = tob.
b is in tob so fw is true.
Now a is in bota.
So, string won = "" (empty because nothing after a). So, b is not in won.
So, rw is false.
Here answer is to print forward and in C++14 on my PC and onlinegdb, the output is forward but on codeforces judge, it's both.
I did many variations of the code but no result.
Finally I observed that if I run my program on PC and don't give any input and terminate the program in terminal with Ctrl-C, it prints both which is strange as both should only be printed when both fw and rw are true.
What is this behavior of C++?
Let's dissect this code and see what problems we can find. It kind of tips over into a code review, but there are multiple problems in addition to the proximate cause of failure.
Never do this. If you see it in an example, you know it's a bad example to follow.
using namespace std;
Fine, we're not in a header and brevity in sample code is a reasonable goal.
#define int long long
Oh no, why would anyone ever do this? The first issue is that preprocessor replacement is anyway prohibited from replacing keywords (like int).
Even without that prohibition, this later line
int pa=-1, pb=-1, ra=-1, rb=-1;
is now a deliberate lie, as if you're obfuscating the code. It would have cost nothing to just write long long pa ... if that's what you meant, and it wouldn't be deceptive.
//initializing all vars because blogs said uninitialized vars sometimes give unexpected result
string s="", a="", b="";
But std::string is a class type with a default constructor, so it can't be uninitialized (it will be default-initialized, which is fine, and writing ="" is just extra noise).
The blogs are warning you about default initialization of non-class types (which leaves them with indeterminate values), so
bool fw = false;
is still sensible.
NB. these are globals, which are anyway zero-initialized (cf).
signed main()
Here are the acceptable faces of main - you should never type anything else, on pain of Undefined Behaviour
int main() { ... }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ... }
Next, these string positions are both (potentially) the wrong type, and compared to the wrong value:
ra = r.find(a);
if (ra != -1) {
could just be
auto ra = r.find(a);
if (ra != std::string::npos) {
(you could write std::string::size_type instead of auto, but I don't see much benefit here - either way, the interface, return type and return values of std::string::find are well-documented).
The only remaining objection is that none of now, won or the trailing substring searches correspond to anything in your problem statement.
The above answer and comments are way more enough information for your question. I cannot comment yet so I would like to add a simplified answer here, as I'm also learning myself.
From the different outputs on different compilers you can trackback the logic and found the flow of code is differ in this line:
if (rb != -1) {
Simply adding a log before that line, or using a debugger:
cout << "rb:" << rb << endl;
You can see that on your PC: rb:-1
But on codeforces: rb:4294967295
won.find(b) return npos, which mean you have an assignment: rb = npos;
This is my speculation, but a possible scenario is:
On your PC, rb is compiled as int (keyword), which cannot hold 4294967295, and assigned to -1.
But on codeforces, rb is compiled as long long, follow the definition, and 4294967295 was assigned instead.
Because you redefine the keyword int, which is advised again by standard of C++ programming language, different compiler will treat this line of code differently.

R G B element array swap

I'm trying to create this c++ program to perform the description below. I am pretty certain the issue is in the recursive, but uncertain how to fix it. I'm guessing it just keeps iterating through to infinity and crashes. I do not even get an output. I figured I could just compare the previous and current pointer and perform a 3-piece temp swap based on lexicography. I would use a pointer to iterate through the array and decrement it after each swap, then recursively call with that ptr as the parameter. Didn't work, I'm here, help me please :). If there is a simpler solution that would work too, but prefer to understand where I went wrong with this code.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Given an array of strictly the characters 'R', 'G', and
// 'B', segregate the values of the array so that all the
// Rs come first, the Gs come second, and the Bs come last.
// You can only swap elements of the array.
char* RGBorder(char* c_a)
size_t sz = sizeof(c_a)/sizeof(*c_a);
char* ptr_ca = c_a;
char* prv_ptr = ptr_ca;
char temp;
case 'R' :
if( *prv_ptr < *ptr_ca ) {
temp = *prv_ptr; *prv_ptr = *ptr_ca; *ptr_ca = temp;
} else if( *prv_ptr == *ptr_ca ) {
} else { ptr_ca--; RGBorder(ptr_ca); }
case 'G' :
if( *prv_ptr < *ptr_ca ) {
temp = *prv_ptr; *prv_ptr = *ptr_ca; *ptr_ca = temp;
} else if( *prv_ptr == *ptr_ca ) {
} else { ptr_ca--; RGBorder(ptr_ca); }
cout << *ptr_ca;
return c_a;
int main()
char ca[] = {'G', 'B', 'R', 'R', 'B', 'R', 'G'};
char *oca =RGBorder(ca);
char *pca = oca;
cout << *pca << endl;
There are many issues with your code.
1) You call the function RGBorder with a character pointer, and then attempt to get the number of characters using this:
size_t sz = sizeof(c_a)/sizeof(*c_a);
This will not get you the number of characters. Instead this will simply get you the
sizeof(char *) / sizeof(char)
which is usually 4 or 8. The only way to call your function using a char array is either provide a null-terminated array (thus you can use strlen), or you have to pass the number of characters in the array as a separate argument:
char *RGBorder(char *c_a, int size)
2) I didn't go through your code, but there are easier ways to do a 3-way partition in an array. One popular algorithm to do this is one based on the Dutch National Flag problem.
Since you want the array in RGB order, you know that the series of G will always come in the middle (somewhere) of the sequence, with R on the left of the sequence, and B always on the right of the sequence.
So the goal is to simply swap R to the left of the middle, and B to the right of the middle. So basically you want a loop that incrementally changes the "middle" when needed, while swapping R's and B's to their appropriate position when they're detected.
The following code illustrates this:
#include <algorithm>
char *RGBorder(char *c_a, int num)
int middle = 0; // assume we only want the middle element
int low = 0; // before the G's
int high = num - 1; // after the G's
while (middle <= high)
if ( c_a[middle] == 'R' ) // if we see an 'R' in the middle, it needs to go before the middle
std::swap(c_a[middle], c_a[low]); // swap it to a place before middle
++middle; // middle has creeped up one spot
++low; // so has the point where we will swap when we do this again
if (c_a[middle] == 'B') // if we see a 'B' as the middle element, it needs to go after the middle
std::swap(c_a[middle], c_a[high]); // place it as far back as you can
--high; // decrease the back position for next swap that comes here
++middle; // it is a 'G', do nothing
return c_a;
Live Example
Here is another solution that uses std::partition.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
char *RGBorder(char *c_a, int num)
auto iter = std::partition(c_a, c_a + num, [](char ch) {return ch == 'R';});
std::partition(iter, c_a + num, [](char ch) {return ch == 'G';});
return c_a;
Live Example
Basically, the first call to std::partition places the R's to the front of the array. Since std::partition returns an iterator (in this case, a char *) to the end of where the partition occurs, we use that as a starting position in the second call to std::partition, where we partition the G values.
Note that std::partition also accomplishes its goal by swapping.
Given this solution, we can generalize this for an n-way partition by using a loop. Assume we want to place things in RGBA order (4 values instead of 3).
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
char *RGBorder(char *c_a, int num, char *order, int num2)
auto iter = c_a;
for (int i = 0; i < num2 - 1; ++i)
iter = std::partition(iter, c_a + num, [&](char ch) {return ch == order[i];});
return c_a;
int main()
std::cout << RGBorder(ca, strlen(ca), "RGBA", 4);
Sorry to put it blunt, but that code is a mess. And I don't mean the mistakes, those are forgivable for beginners. I mean the formatting. Multiple statements in one line make it super hard to read and debug the code. Short variable names that carry no immediate intrinsic meaning make it hard to understand what the code is supposed to do. using namespace std; is very bad practise as well, but I can imagine you were taught to do this by whoever gives that course.
1st problem
Your cases don't break, thus you execute all cases for R, and both G and default for G. Also your code will never reach the last 2 lines of your loop, as you continue out before in every case.
2nd problem
You have an endless loop. In both cases you have two situations where you'll end up in an endless loop:
In the else if( *prv_ptr == *ptr_ca ) branch you simply continue; without changing the pointer.
In the else branch you do ptr_ca--;, but then in default you call ptr_ca++; again.(Note that even with breaks you would still call ptr_ca++; at the end of the loop.)
In both cases the pointer doesn't change, so once you end up in any of those conditions your loop will never exit.
Possible 3rd problem
I can only guess, because it is not apparent from the name, but it seems that prv_ptr is supposed to hold whatever was the last pointer in the loop? If so, it seems wrong that you don't update that pointer, ever. Either way, proper variable names would've made it more clear what the purpose of this pointer is exactly. (On a side note, consistent usage of const can help identify such issues. If you have a variable that is not const, but never gets updated, you either forgot to add const or forgot to update it.)
How to fix
Format your code:
Don't use using namespace std;.
One statement per line.
Give your variables proper names, so it's easy to identify what is what. (This is not 1993, really, I'd rather have a thisIsThePointerHoldingTheCharacterThatDoesTheThing than ptr_xy.)
Fix the aforementioned issues (add breaks, make sure your loop actually exits).
Then debug your code. With a debugger. While it runs. With breakpoints and stepping through line by line, inspecting the values of your pointers as the code executes. Fancy stuff.
Good luck!
just count the number of 'R', 'G' and 'B' letters and fill the array from scratch.
much easier, no recursions.

Compare strings using ==

Code, as shown below, can be complied.
Problem: It always says "Invalid Employee id" even when I enter the correct employee id.
Please tell me why and how to do this correctly.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
char select, js;
char empid[4];
double bSalary, bonus, tot=0.0;
int main()
cout<<"Employee id: ";
if(empid=="M001" || empid=="A004" || empid == "M002") //these are employee ids
cout<<"Job Status: ";
if(js=='P' || js=='C')
cout<<"Basic Salary: ";
if(bSalary>75000 && js=='P')
bonus = bSalary*(20.0/100.0);
tot = tot + bonus + bSalary;
else if(bSalary>75000 && js=='C')
bonus = bSalary*(15.0/100.0);
tot = tot + bonus + bSalary;
tot = tot+bonus+bSalary;
cout<<"Invalid Job Status"<<endl;
cout<<"Invalid Employee no"<<endl;
cout<<"Do you want to continue: ";
cout<<"Total cost: "<<setprecision(2)<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<tot<<endl;
return 0;
Note: It is going to the else clause all the time.
It's this:
char empid[4];
This is too small as there's no room for a NUL terminator after the id. You could just change it to 5, but then if someone deliberately or accidentally typed a longer string your program may crash (it's called a buffer overrun, and in some situations can allow whoever provides input to hack the account running the program).
Further, == doesn't work for character arrays: you have to use e.g.:
if (strcmp(empid, "M001") == 0 || strcmp(empid, "A004") == 0 || ...
You would be much better off using a std::string, which will grow to accommodate the actual input (including a NUL terminator though that's not counted in a string's .size()), and works intuitively with ==.
Separately, your...
tot = tot+bonus+bSalary; broken, as bonus may be uninitialised you mustn't read from it in an expression. You can simply remove bonus from the addition above, if it's meant to be 0 for the relevant employees.
You can't compare C strings with == or !=. As you can see that empid here is just a pointer so == will compare the base addresses of those strings not the strings themselves.
You need to use strcmp and include
#include <cstring>
if(strcmp(empid,"M001")==0 || ...)
Empid is not a string. C++ doesn't have a built-in == overload to compare char arrays.
You can make your own == operator. But don't bother. Declare empid as a string and watch magic happen.
string empid;
Changing the size of the char array to take care of NULL char will not work here.
char empid[5]
"==" operator do not work properly with char arrays. please change the condition to below:
if (0 == (strcmp(empid, "M001")) || (0 == (strcmp(empid, "A004"))) || (0 ==
(strcmp(empid, "M002"))))
EDIT:people above has already answered your question. My answer is redundant now.

When is the condition of this for loop will becomes false?

I'm working on my C++ practice question to prepare for my upcoming test and I'm struggling with a for loop condition that I have never seen before.
for (int i = 0; s[i]; i++)
The string s that has been sent from the main is "Two roofs to fix"
The question is when is the for loop's condition will become false?
The loop condition becomes false, when the string's terminating zero '\0' is hit. (if (0) evaluates to false)
Please note: this form of test is a possible error waiting to happen if the string isn't null terminated.
Just to clarify #MitchWheat's answer, if an expression used as a condition specifies only a value, like if (x), then it's essentially equivalent to if (x != 0). If the value is a pointer type, then it's equivalent to if (x != NULL) instead (though that's not really an "instead", since NULL == 0).
using namespace std;
int main()
string s = "Two roofs to fix";
int i;
for (i = 0; s[i]; i++);
cout<<"i = "<<i<<endl;
I test the problem with the above code. It returns an error "string subscript out of range". So if the length of string s is Len, s[Len] is illegal.
In your code, s is not a pointer char*, but a string. So it is unappropriate to code like this.

input string validation without external libraries for c++

I need to validate one input string from a user. Eventually it will need to break down into two coordinates. ie a4 c3. And once they are coordinates they need to be broken out into 4 separate ints. a=0 b=1, etc. They must also follow the following stipulations:
If an end-of-input signal is reached the program quits.
Otherwise, all non-alphanumeric characters are discarded from the input.
If what remains is the single letter 'Q'
Then the program quits.
If what remains consists of 4 characters, with one letter and one digit among the first two characters and one letter and one digit among the last two characters, and if each letter-digit pair is in the legal range for our grid
Then input is acceptable.
I have completely over-thought and ruined my function. Please let me know where I can make some corrections.
I am mainly having trouble going from one string, to four chars if and only if the data is valid. Everything else I can handle.
Here is what I have so far.
void Grid::playerMove()
string rawMove;
string pair1 = " ";
string pair2 = " ";
bool goodInput = false;
char maxChar = 'a';
char chary1, chary2;
int x11,x22,y11,y22;
for (int i =0; i<size; i++)
cout<<"What two dots would you like to connect? (Q to quit) ";
rawMove = reduceWords(rawMove);
if (rawMove == "Q")
cout<<"end game";
goodInput = false;
else if (rawMove.size() == 4)
for(int j=0;j<2;j++)
if (pair1[j] >='a' && pair1[j] <=maxChar)
chary1 = pair1[j];
else if(pair1[j] >=0 && pairl[j]<=size+1)
x1 = pair1[j];
for(int k=0;k<2;k++)
if (pair2[k] >='a' && pair2[k] <=maxChar)
chary2 = pair2[k];
else if(pair2[k] >=0 && pair2[k]<=size+1)
x2 = pair2[k];
if(char1 != NULL && char2 != NULL && x1 !=NULL && x2 != NULL)
for (int m = 0; m <= size m++)
if (char1 == m;)
x1 = m;
for (int n = 0; n <= size n++)
if (char2 == n)
x2 = n;
The end goal would be to have x1, x2, y1, and y2 with their respective values.
Keep in mind I am not allowed to have any external libraries.
It's not clear what exactly you want to achieve, but here are some pointers to get you started:
The while loop will never end because you're setting goodInput to false on quit which lets the loop continue.
The code probably does not even compile? You are missing a curly closing brace..
You are initializing pair1 and pair2 to empty strings but never change them again, so they will never contain any real information about your moves
maybe what you really want is to split up rawMove into the pair1 and pair2 substrings first?
Since this is a homework - and you're supposed to learn from those (right?) - I'm not going to give you the complete answer, but rather something like a recipe:
Use std::istream::getline(char*, std::streamsize s) to read a whole line from std::cin. Make sure you allocate a buffer large enough to hold the expected input (including the terminating null character) plus some more for invalid characters. After the call, check the failbit (input was too long) and the eofbit (hit the end-of-input) of the std::cin stream and handle those cases. Construct a std::string from the buffer if there was no error or EOF has not been reached.
Write a character-classification function (e.g. call it isAlNum(char c)) that returns true if the char argument is alpha-numeric, and false otherwise.
Combine std::string::erase(), std::remove_if(), std::not1(), std::ptr_fun() and your function isAlNum() to sanitise the input string.
Write a function that validates and parses the coordinates from the sanitised input string and call it with the sanitised input string.
Wrap the whole thing in an appropriate while() loop.
This should get you started in the right direction. Of course, if you're allowed to use C++11 features and you know how to write good regular expressions, by all means, use the <regex> header instead of doing the parsing manually.