How do I test webservices? - web-services

I am a novice in web services. I am totally new to testing web services.
A new project demands that I test the web services, and the customer is in favor of any open source tool.
What is the approach to testing web services?
Also Please suggest a tool(with minimal scripting) to test web services?

Check out SoapUI - one of the best web service test tools - plus it's free!!
They also have a "Pro" version which costs - you can do more stuff, like load testing etc., but the free version is quite good enough for most of your testing, I'd say!
Given a WSDL (online or stored as file), it'll create stubs for each method, which you can then use to create requests (as XML), fill in the blanks (the parameter values), and then you can send off your request to the web service and see what comes back as a response.
SoapUI also allows you to write scripted tests than can be run over and over again.
Excellent tool - can't praise it enough!

Additionally you could use Firefox Poster in order to test your web service by passing XML-packets manually.
Check it here:
FF Poster

SoapUI is a great tool to test SOAP webservices. It allows you to test a SOAP client or a SOAP server.
Another very useful tool is Fiddler. Fiddler isn't necessarily aimed at testing webservices (it's a HTTP debugger), but since SOAP webservices run over HTTP, you can use it to testing. Another very important advantage of using Fiddler is the fact that you can test REST webservices also.

You might want to consider robot framework. It is a generic, keyword-driven testing framework. There are libraries for testing REST and SOAP based web services. It can also be used to test web pages (via a selenium library), databases, and a whole lot more.
robotframework has a ton of built-in keywords, and there are additional libraries that do much more. You are also able to develop your own keywords in python, java, .NET languages, or any other language.


Webservice testing without SoapUI

I am new to the Webservice Testing. Someone Can please answer the below Questions-
1) How to do WebServisce Testing without any SOAP UI.
2) If URL is not working but we have WSDL file, can Webservice testing be done?
Why not use soapUI? The open source version is free and has plenty of features. But, if you really must use something else there's Postman or you can go down to the code level in the programming language of your choice, such as CXF for Java.
Then, if you have a WSDL but it's not active, there are plenty of mocking tools (in soapUI and Postman), frameworks, and services (WireMock or Mockable) available.

Web Services Testing

I know this question was asked million times but I'm gonna ask it again. I've been researching how to test web services for a while and I can't believe that there's pretty much one tool out there: SOAP UI. The other option that you have is creating web services stubs and writing unit tests per each ws stub.
I can't believe that Microsoft didn't come up with a solid solution for web services testing. So I guess my question: is SOAP UI the only tool for testing multiple web services?
I'm also looking for something to integrate with TFS (I know SOAP UI can be integrated with msbuild)
There are always options! Here an old article that could help out includes soapUI, Push to test and WebInject.
Looking to shell out dough? You could always use HP Service Test
Which do I use? soapUI of course :) Frankly, it's the most commonly used for a reason.
My alternative to soapUI is HP Service Test.
If I have to build a testing team with testers that are not exposed to web services and SOA in general, then the learning curve and team ramp time associated with HP Service Test is short essentially because of the Canvas based visual drag and drop designer that Service Test boasts.
Perhaps, everything you could do with HP Service Test 11.20 is possible with SOAP UI 4. They both do have striking inherent features that is kind of mutually exclusive between these two.
If your organization already uses HP's Quality Center, QTP and Load Runner, then for easy effortless mangement of all test cases in your app's boundary it is preferred to have HP Service Test because it integrates with all the aforementioned products.
With Service Test, I personally like the Canvas designer in HP Service Test and the ability to call .Net assemblies inside of Service Test is just a boon as I am a .Net developer. And the ToolBox has a list of controls that every tester/dveloper needs. And it is just efforless to built a hi-fi test case with Service Test. It is worth the money.
With soapUI, I like the HTTP Recording (works much like Fiddler) and the Security check options (to name a few, XSLT injection, XSS checks).
soapUI is omnipresent.
TFS integration, I am not there yet.

Web Service solutions from Mac

Trying to find a way to rapidly develop web services on the Mac Server platform that will be served via Apache and need to be able to write to flat files or SQL Lite on the Mac.
We have .net, ObjC, C++, Python, and Java skills. We have done lots of web service work before on Windows and will probably go with Azure when we build out the product.
Our development server is on Mac OSX 10.5.8 and we are on a tight time and cost budget to get a prototype done for a small beta group (< than 500 transactions per day) that we can later rework.
We are thinking SOAP, possibly REST. Not sure what is available for Mac?
Any help appreciated // :)
If you are developing a service, you must have some idea what clients you are trying to serve. If those clients expect to talk to a SOAP service, you'll need SOAP. If you are just serving JavaScript code-in-a-browser, REST is probably sufficient.
Apache CXF, being 100% Open Source Java, can be used to build REST or SOAP services on MacOS or anywhere else. There are, of course, other options.
What about Ruby on Rails? Easy to deploy, runs great on the Mac - and is trivial to setup RESTful web services for.
If you dont need all the magic of Rails, the other (albeit) Ruby option would be to use Sinatra - I would challenge anyone to find a RESTful webservices library easier to use than that - its so elegant and so easy. I am primarilly a .Net developer, but I picked up Ruby and Sinatra in a heartbeat.
In either case, I would stay away from SOAP - In my opinion it's just too inflexible these days. In a web 2.0 world of live internet APIs making the webservices RESTful is the easier, faster (and smaller) option. We used to use SOAP exclusively where I work, but the reality is that it just doesnt deliever in the same way that REST does. With the accessibility of JSON and XML serialization frameworks out for any languge even the object passing is trivial. SOAP is harder to scale, is harder to test, uses more bandwidth and is not as flexible. Not everything can talk SOAP (out of the box), but tell me something that cant do a HTTP request?

Test framework for web services

We have a monolithic application written in Visual Dataflex, and various complementing applications written in other (.NET) languages. They all share the same database, and need to follow the same business logic. One way to facilitate unified business logic across these is to provide web services as an interface for testing.
Of course, for this to work, we need a good framework for testing web services. Any suggestions? For example, can Cucumber do this "out of the box"?
I'm assuming you're talking about Soap web services. You can use Soap4R to talk to a Soap web service. Wrapping this all up in Cucumber scenarios should work fine.
SoapUI is a pretty nice product for creating webservice tests, and they're easily callable via junit or just via the command line. It's also got some stuff for creating load tests as well.
They've got an opensource version as well as a professional version.

What is the prefered method for a 'WSDL' for REST webservice?

I have build plenty of SOAP webservices, but am building a REST webservice for a specific project, and I was wondering what people used for a 'WSDL' for REST services or if it is even needed.
You can try Swagger(now OpenAPI) which allows to describe REST services using a JSON open standard.
REST really only uses the HTTP verbs (GET,PUT,POST,DELETE) on a resource. All operations on a resource are supposed to be represented that way. POST is used as a catch all for when you can't express your business logic in a way that fits into the other three. That is why there isn't really a WSDL for a REST service since you only ever have 4 methods on the resource. Note that the Zend Framework REST library isn't really RESTful and is more of a plain old XML (POX) service.
While Sam's correct that RESTful web applications don't need a direct analog to WSDL, there is an XML vocabulary that's useful for describing RESTful web apps: WADL, or Web Application Description Language. At my company we primarily use WADL to define a spec for a given service that we want to build - we don't generally use it programmatically. That said, the WADL home page includes some Java tools for code generation, and Restlet, the Java REST framework, includes a WADL extension for dynamically wiring applications based on WADL and dynamically generating WADL based on a wired application. I'm a fan of WADL, and recommend that you check it out.
Actually it's possible to use WSDL for that but it should be v 2.0 - see "Describe REST Web services with WSDL 2.0" article.
You can supply an XSD if you are using XML in your REST service.
Or just examples of the XML, should be enough to work things out for simple data structures anyway.