Qt doesn't find QStackedWidgets' slot setCurrentWidget - c++

I am writing a wizard-style application in Qt that uses a QStackedWidget to organize the individual pages of the wizard. Now I want to switch between the pages, which should be possible using the function setCurrentWidget(...):
I have a simple main class that instantiates a QWidget audioconfig. Then, it adds this QWidget to a QStackedWidget pageStack using pageStack.addWidget(&audioconfig);.
Later, I want to connect a certain signal from a different QWidget hub to setCurrentWidget(...) of the QStackedWidget in order to switch the page. However, my compiler remarks that
0Object::connect: No such slot QStackedWidget::setCurrentWidget(audioconfig) in /Users/paperflyer/Development/App/main.cpp:41`
There are two things I don't get here:
there clearly is such a function. You can look it up in the class definition of QStackedWidget. What is going on here?
Why is the first character of the compiler output a '0', while my source code clearly and correctly shows it as 'Q'?
Here is the whole code:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc,argv);
QStackedWidget pageStack;
CHub hub; // inherits from CWidget
CAudioConfig audioconfig; // ditto
// connect() is a custom signal of hub
QObject::connect(&hub, SIGNAL(configure()), &pageStack, SLOT(setCurrentWidget(&audioconfig)));
return app.exec();
As always, thank you so much for your help!

QObject::connect(&hub, SIGNAL(configure()), &pageStack, SLOT(setCurrentWidget(&audioconfig)));
When you connect a signal to a signal/slot, you connect a signature. The actual parameters are passed when emitting the signal. The above should probably be setCurrentWidget(QWidget*), but even so it won't work, because the signature for the signal must match the one of the slot.
Note: I think that if the signal has more parameters than the slot it will still work, provided that the first parameters are the same.

Your connect line is wrong. It should be:
// connect() is a custom signal of hub
&hub, SIGNAL(configure()),
&pageStack, SLOT(setCurrentWidget(QWidget *))); // <- change here
You connect based on the prototype of the slot and/or signal.


How to connect two different objects

I have two objects, one will hold the graph, and the other a few buttons. How to use (connect) so that when you press button 1, the inscription is displayed in debag or the schedule is filled with a new one?
For example, I press the button created by the class BtnBox and my graph is displayed. How to use connect()?
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include <QApplication>
#include <QThread>
#include "btnbox.h"
#include "plot.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
BtnBox *panel = new BtnBox(&a);
Plot *plot = new Plot();
QObject::connect(panel, SIGNAL(clickedBtn1()), plot, SLOT(slotPrinter()));
// panel->show();
QHBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
QWidget window;
return a.exec();
Maybe you can use the QPushButton::clicked signal and write something like this:
connect(ui->pushButtonObj, &QPushButton::clicked, plot, &Plot::slotPrinter);
But if you want a custom behavior with your class BtnBox you can create on header file of BtnBox a signal.
void clickedBtn1();
And use: emit clickedBtn1(); whenever you want to emit it, your connect should work.
There is no need for implementation of the signal, you just have to emit it.
The emit keyword is not really necessary, if you want you can simply use clickedBtn();
Ok, I assume you have class BtnBox, and it already has this in the class definition (in .h file usually):
void clickedBtn1();
Qt moc will generate the implementation of that method, you don't need to do anything more for it here. But you do need to get that signal emitted. In many cases you would add emit clickedBtn1(); in the right places, but in this case you probably want to do something like this in BtnBox::BtnBox constructor:
connect(ui->button1, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SIGNAL(clickedBtn1()));
Connecting signal to signal will simply do signal forwarding. Replace ui->button1 with the correct pointer to the button, whatever you have in your code.
Note on how to not do it, just to provide a bit of food for thought: Alternative way would be to expose the button 1 from the class, so in your main() you could then do something like this: QObject::connect(panel->getButton1(), SIGNAL(clickedBtn1()), plot, SLOT(slotPrinter()));. But this is generally considered a bit dirty, exposing internals of BtnBox class like that. It's better to expose the signal, and then the code using the class does not need to care how it gets emitted (for example from several different parts of BtnBox), or how internal implementation of BtnBox might change (for example converting it to QML).

Qt signal on buttongroup not connected

I have a buttongroup defined with two radiobuttons
buttonGroupFFTDimension = new QButtonGroup(this);
buttonGroupFFTDimension->addButton(ui->radioButton1D, 1);
buttonGroupFFTDimension->addButton(ui->radioButton2D, 2);
The connect also compiles
connect(this->buttonGroupFFTDimension, static_cast<void(QButtonGroup::*)(int)>(&QButtonGroup::buttonClicked),
this, &MainWindow::on_buttonGroupFFTDimension_buttonClicked);
but it throws and error at runtime
QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_buttonGroupFFTDimension_buttonClicked(int)
I admit that I am not familiar with the new connect syntax, but also do not see the obvious error. What is wrong?
The message shown is because you are using Qt Designer and it uses the connectSlotsByName method to connect various elements, it recognizes the format on_somesender_somesignal, and in your case matches your slot.
First solution: It iss unnecessary to use the connect function, this will automatically do it. Also I think that the slot does not have as parameter the type int that requires.
In your case the slot should be as follows:
private slots:
void on_buttonGroupFFTDimension_buttonClicked (int val);
Another possible solution is to rename the slot, after that you run make clean and qmake.

QComboBox signal not trigged

I have checked my code several times and i still can't get why it is not working.
I use a QComboBox connected to a slot in the class like this :
this->choixCam = new QComboBox;
this->choixCam->addItem("Camera 1");
this->choixCam->addItem("Camera 2");
this->choixCam->addItem("Camera 3");
this->choixCam->addItem("All cameras");
QObject::connect(this->choixCam, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(this->selectCam(int)));
This previous part of code is defined is the constructor of my class MainWindows, called in the main. The definition in the header file is the following :
QComboBox* choixCam;
public slots:
void selectCam(int choixCam);
I tried with successfully to run the slot from another signal.
Using the signal with QString, the signal activated(int) or trying an exemple find on the net didn't work neither. Signals/slots mecanism also work for QButton and QSpinBox.
I am running out of idea. Some help would be very appreciate.
Thank you.
#eyllanesc answer should work. Just change SLOT(this->selectCam(int)) to SLOT(selectCam(int)).
But why isnt it the same for QT?
Lets have a look at the connect method:
QMetaObject::Connection QObject::connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal,const QObject *receiver, const char *method,
Qt::ConnectionType type)
and at the SIGNAl and SLOT definition:
#define SLOT(a) "1"#a
#define SIGNAL(a) "2"#a
QT uses c-strings to identify the signals and slots for qobjects.
These strings are used as keywords in some kind of dictionary over all qobjects, signals and slots.
Just try std::cout << SIGNAL(some text) << std::endl; to see what SIGNAL and SLOT do.
Thats why can call connect even without SIGNAL and SLOT:
connect(this->choixCam, "2currentIndexChanged(int)", this, "1selectCam(int)");
Now you know that
SLOT(this->selectCam(int)) will produce "1this->selectCam(int)" as keyword instead of "1selectCam(int)"
The SIGNAL and SLOT definitions are used because most IDEs disable C++ autocompletion inside quotation marks, which makes it hard to write the correct function signature.

How to tell when a QPushButton is clicked in a QButtonGroup

In my project, I have 40 QPushButtons all put into a QButtonGroup like this:
QButtonGroup* group = new QButtonGroup(this);
Each button is a QPushButton that I made checkable. That way only one button can be checked at a time. All works great, but how can I "make a slot" when one of the buttons becomes checked? I don't want to have 40 different slots, one for each button all to end up doing essentially the same thing. Is there any way I can just use the QButtonGroup I put them in?
As Jamin and Nikos stated: you should create your own slot to handle the signal emitted by QButtonGroup. It could be something like this:
In the header file:
public slots:
void buttonWasClicked(int);
In the *.cpp file:
void MainWindow::buttonWasClicked(int buttonID)
cout << "You have clicked button: " << buttonID << endl;
And in the code responsible for creation of the MainWindow (i.e. in constructor but not necessairly) there should be this line:
connect(group, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(buttonWasClicked(int)));
Be aware that since Qt5 the connect syntax has changed. The syntax I used here is from Qt4. It still works but is deprecated now (for more information please refer to New Signal Slot Syntax in Qt 5). Moreover I would suggest going through QButtonGroup class reference as there are other available signals which could suit your needs better than the one I've chosen.
The documentation for QButtonGroup shows a QButtonGroup::buttonClicked() signal - have you already tried that one?
The signal comes in two variants - one that gives the QPushButton as a parameter (as a QAbstractButton), and one that gives the ID of the button in the group.
You can use connect() to setup signal and slot connections in your C++ code.
Sometime during the initialization of your window's class (perhaps in the constructor), call this:
connect(myButtonGroup, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(QAbstractButton*)), this, SLOT(theSlotThatYouWrite(QAbstractButton*));
Where myButtonGroup is probably this->ui->nameOfTheButtonGroup, and theSlotThatYouWrite is a function that you write in your own code, that belongs to your window's class, that returns void and takes a signal QAbstractButton* as a parameter (since that's what this specific signal gives as an argument).
Make sure theSlotThatYouWrite is under the label "private slots:" or "public slots:" in your class's interface.
Here's a screenshot of actual usage of some signals and slots in my own code.
Signals and Slots is something very important to learn, but can be bit of a hill to climb when first trying to understand it!

Qt: connecting signal to slot having more arguments

I want to connect a signal clicked() from the button to a slot of different object.
Currently I connect signal to helper method and call desired slot from there:
connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(buttonClicked()));
void buttonClicked() { // Helper method. I'd like to avoid it.
someObject.desiredSlot(localFunc1(), localFunc2());
But maybe there is a more simple and obvious way to do this?
is this what you want to do:
the signal clicked should be connected to the "desiredSlot" which takes two arguments that are returned by localFunc1 & 2 ??
this is not possible, as you can read in the QT docs. A slot can take less arguments than provided by the signal - but not the opposite way! (The documentation says "This connection will report a runtime error")
This ought to work with the new signal/slot mechanism in qt 5:
connect( button, &QPushButton::clicked, [&](){ someObject.desiredSlot( localFunc1(), localFunc2() ); } );
You will need to adjust the lambda capture to your needs.
In some cases, default arguments may help, e.g. declare desiredSlot as:
desiredSlot(int a=0, int b=0)
You cannot access members in default argument though.
That is not the way to connect signals and slots in QT. You should use:
connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), receiver, SLOT(slotToBeCalled());
Have a look at the QT documentation.