Switching from MSTest to another unit test framework in VS 2010 - unit-testing

Visual Studio 2010 offers a lot of comfortable tools for unit testing via its built in test runner. Unfortunately we can't use MSTest for our unmanaged c++ codebase. Is it possible to switch from MSTest to e.g. Google.Test and have it integrated with the built in Visual Studio test runner?
Thanks in advance!

I have not seen anyway to integrate another unit testing framework into the VS test runner.
You might look at some VS add-in test runners, testdriven.net and gallio are two.

It's possible to use gtest (google test) in VS2010 and have it integrated with the IDE thanks to the extension: GoogleTestAddin
You can be interested by this similar thread: Viewing Google Test results within Visual Studio


Is there any extension for visual studio to optimize C++ code unit testing?

In C# .Net there is nice Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting framework that is integrated into IDE. Is there any extension for visual studio (2012 or 2013) that would do similar IDE test framework integration (for boost.test or any onter C++ testing framework)?
There is the CppUnitTestFramework, look here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh694604.aspx
It is integrated in the IDE and comes with a code coverage tool which is quite useful.
There is Boost Unit Test Adapter for VS2012 (but not VS2013).

C++ unit testing with VS test professional

Does any one know if I can test native code in VS Test 2010?
As of VS2010, native C++ unit testing is not directly supported by Visual Studio. See MSDN, specifically:
You cannot have test projects with unit tests that use unmanaged C++.
You can still do native C++ unit testing with Visual Studio, but it won't be as integrated as other VS features. See this SO answer for a number of native unit testing frameworks and libraries. I have not used any of those, so I cannot give any guidance there.
I would bite the bullet, download Boost and get the test suite compiled. Once you get into it, it's as easy as VS tests.

NUnit & Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework

Is there a way to create unit tests that can be run with the Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework as well as NUnit? I personally prefer the Visual Studio one, but the build server I am using only does NUnit, so I would like to support both if possible.
EDIT: To clarify, I would like to run my own tests using Visual Studio (without add-ons or extensions), but other collegues would like to use NUnit, and the build server needs NUnit. I cannot change anything except the code, so I thought there would be an easy way to satisfy everyone, but its looking to be a bit of a challenge :)
Sounds like you need a Visual Studio test runner. If you install Gallio, it will use VS test runner to run any kind of unit tests(xUnit, nUnit, MBUnit). Also Resharper and CodeRush have their own test runners.
Here is one way to do that using precompiler directives and aliases via the "using" keyword
JustCode has a unit test runner that can run tests written using xUnit, NUnit, MbUnit, or Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework. You can see it in action here
You can write framework agnostic asserts using a library called Should. It also has a very nice fluent syntax which can be used if you like fluent interfaces. I had a blog post related to the same.

Integrate Unit test into Visual Studio Express 2008

Is it possible to integrate any unit test framework into VS2008 express?
(Google is your friend.)
Edit: A very similar question: Best way to do TDD in express versions of visual studio(eg VB Express)

VSTS Unit test - build system

I have developed a build system on MSBuild (NET 3.0) and cc.net to perform continuous integration builds of a Visual Studio 2008 application, however a developer on the team recently added a VSTS unit test project to the mix. Is there any SDK or add-in provided by microsoft to allow this to be compiled on a non-team system build environment?
You can run the tests from the command-line, but it requires that the Test Edition of Visual Studio be installed on your build server:
This person is doing MSTest with CC.NET, so it might be helpful:
In general, this is a main reason why many people choose something like NUnit, xUnit.NET or MbUnit over MSTest.
If you use MSTEST You will have to put that edition on the build server. To cut a long story short youd be better off changing the testing framework the developer is using from MStest to Nunit.
Its a much lighter solution.