User Input of Integers - Error Handling - c++

I'm having some trouble with certain input areas of my program. There are a few parts where the user inputs a specific integer. Even if they enter the wrong one that's all fine and dandy, but I noticed if they enter anything not of integer type like 'm' then it will loop the error message repeatedly.
I have a couple functions that have integer input in them. Here's one for an example.
void Room::move(vector<Room>& v, int exone, int extwo, int exthree, int current)
v[current].is_occupied = false;
int room_choice;
cout << "\nEnter room to move to: ";
cin >> room_choice;
if(room_choice == exone || room_choice == extwo || room_choice == exthree)
v[room_choice].is_occupied = true;
else cout << "Incorrect entry. Try again: ";

There is still a problem in your "solved" code. You should check for fail() before checking the values. (And obviously, there is the problem of eof() and IO failure as opposed to format problems).
Idiomatic reading is
if (cin >> choice) {
// read succeeded
} else if (cin.bad()) {
// IO error
} else if (cin.eof()) {
// EOF reached (perhaps combined with a format problem)
} else {
// format problem

You can use cin.good() or to determine whether cin could successfully deal with the input value provided. You can then use cin.clear(), if necessary, to clear the error state before continuing processing.

For a even simpler way, you can use ! operator like this:
if ( !(cin >> room_choice) )
cout << "Incorrect entry. Try again: ";


std::cin failure leading to looped if statement in while loop

So I figure I'll put this here since I had to traverse a lot of docs and forums to find the definitive answer. I was trying to get input from the user and check if the input was an integer using isdigit() in an if statement. If the if statement failed the program would output an error message. Although, when a nondigit character was entered the program would loop through the error message endlessly. Here's that code:
int guess = -1;
while (game.getCurQuestion() <= 4) {
std::cout << "Guess: " << game.getCurQuestion() + 1 << std::endl;
std::cin >> guess;
std::cout << "Error\n"; //this would be looped endlessly
std::cout << "You got " << game.getCorrect() << " correct" << std::endl;
return 0;
NOTE: Solved, only posted to include my solution. Feel free to correct if I stated anything incorrectly.
The posted way will fail sometimes and will cast the doubles to integers if any doubles are input.
Use something like the following
int getIntInput() {
try {
std::string input;
std::cout << "\nPlease Enter a valid Integer:\t";
std::cin >> input;
size_t takenChars;
int num = std::stoi(input, &takenChars);
if (takenChars == input.size()) return num;
} catch (...) {}
return getIntInput();
Problem: The program kept hold of the non-integer value stored in the cin buffer. This leads to the program never leaving the error message.
Use to check if the input matches the variable data type. I.E. int was the expected input but the user entered a char. In this case would be true.
In the case of, use std::cin.clear() and std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), 'n') std::cin.clear() will clear the error flag. The std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), 'n') will ignore any other input that is not an integer and will skip to the new line. Effectively progressing the program.
The solution implemented in my code looks like this:
int guess = -1;
while (game.getCurQuestion() <= 4) {
std::cout << "Guess: " << game.getCurQuestion() + 1 << std::endl;
std::cin >> guess;
if (
std::cout << "Please enter a valid number\n";
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), '\n');
Hope this helps and that it saves some people the tedious research because of never learning std::cin error handling! Note: I'm aware my implementation skips the current move, call it punishment ;)

Console is being flooded when error checking for things that are not an int

I'm trying to only allow integer values into my program, so I've made the following function. The function is similar to other ones I've seen online, and mine seems to work just fine up until I add an ! in front of it to check if something is not an int.
Function to check if input is an integer:
bool isInteger(std::string s)
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
if (isdigit(s[i]) == false)
return false;
return true;
Function being put to use:
int getLevel()
int level;
std::cout << "Level One\n";
std::cout << "Level Two\n";
std::cout << "Level Three\n";
std::cout << "Level Four\n";
std::cout << "Level Five\n";
std::cout << "Enter your level (1-5): ";
std::cin >> level;
while (!isInteger(std::to_string(level)) || level < 1 || level > 5)
std::cout << "Enter an integer value between 1-5 inclusive: ";
std::cin >> level;
return level;;
I believe the function works just fine until I put the ! in front of it. I am trying to only allow integer input into my program, and when I enter a double or string, the console becomes flooded with the message "Enter an integer value between 1-5 inclusive: " and doesn't give any time to enter an input. I am fairly new to c++ programming and could use some advice. Thank you!
std::cin >> level;
will try to read an integer and it will never read anything other than an integer. If this fails std::cin's failbit is set and further input operations (like std::cin >> level; inside the loop) are skipped.
You need to check if the reading succeeded and ignore the current input if not. Like this for example:
std::cout << "Enter your level (1-5): ";
while(!(std::cin >> level) || level < 1 || level > 5) {
std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
std::cout << "Enter an integer value between 1-5 inclusive: ";
As little semi-related hint: level will always be an integer. Converting it to a string will always be the string-representation of an integer, so isInteger(std::to_string(level)) will always be true, unless level is negative, because you don't check for the sign.
Also that return true; in isInteger must be outside the loop, else you only check the first character.
Thanks to all the replies and clarification, I've managed to come up with a solution of my own.
New isInteger function that now checks for everything that is needed including inputs like "0004" that a user suggested above:
bool errorCheck(std::string s)
int intLevel;
std::stringstream tempLvl(s);
tempLvl >> intLevel;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
if (isdigit(s[i]) == false || s[0] == '0' || intLevel < 1 || intLevel > 5)
return false;
return true;
The method in action:
std::cout << "Enter your level (1-5): ";
std::cin >> stringLevel;
while (!errorCheck(stringLevel))
std::cout << "Enter an integer value between 1-5 inclusive: ";
std::cin >> stringLevel;
std::stringstream lvl(stringLevel);
lvl >> level;
return level;
Please let me know if you spot any problems with the code or have any easier solutions. Thanks for all the help!
ok i am gonna tell u the fact that console input extracts the input from console so if u ever tried to do something like that
i.e read string in place of integer the cin is going to be in bad state you can check this fact by putting an if like this
if(!cin>>level) break;
and u will find it working actually stream takes input from the console and convert it to boolean value so u can always check it's state bad state return false else true...... ..
SO,finally the bug is in cin>>level...
I hope u understood.... also check out that return true statement..
i am gonna put u reference link for more answer on this bug...
user enters String instead of Int

Catching strings while using cin for integer input [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Good input validation loop using cin - C++
(4 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I've seen similar posts to this all around google/stackoverflow. However, I can't find one close enough to my scenario and I don't know C/C++ well enough to port other suggestions over to my methods. Perhaps that's a sign in and of itself...
Regardless, here is my code:
while (true)
print("\nSend message, enter command, or \"9\" for help.\n");
if (cin >> input)
if (input == TERMINAL_HELP)
//Some help code.
else if (input == TERMINAL_EXIT)
//Some exit code.
else if (input < 4 && input >= 0)
// Some processing code.
print("Please enter a valid message.");
print("Please enter a valid message.");
The catches works fine for single characters or integers outside of the range [0-4]. But when I put a string in, it gets very weird. It keeps looping through itself infinitely. However after the first time this should be impossible because I do not press enter. It continues through as if it is receiving a blank infinitely.
If you have any suggestions or can point me in the direction of fixing my issue I'd appreciate it! Thanks!
I was trying to follow this, and it worked to some extent. (I got the cin >> input within the if statement idea from this link...) But it does not work to block strings from making the program loop oddly.
Good input validation loop using cin - C++
Just to get you started with something..
Key points:
the iostreams (including cin) have something called "error flags"
when error occurs, the stream can be configured to either *) raise an exception *) skip next operations
the default configuration is .. to not throw and skip further operations
This means, that if you do:
cin >> integer1;
cin >> integer2; // *!
cin >> integer3; // !
cin >> integer4; // !
and if the user provides a non-integer at the line marked with (*), then at this point of time the cin will enter an error state and operations marked with (!) will be skipped.
Most probably this is why you get weird behavior like infinite read loops etc.
To handle this:
either configure the stream to throw exceptions - and catch them
or check error state after every few reads - and handle them
cin >> integer1; if( { cout << "wtf?!"; cin.clear(); .. return; }
cin >> integer2; if( { cout << "wtf?!"; cin.clear(); .. return; }
cin >> integer3; if( { cout << "wtf?!"; cin.clear(); .. return; }
cin >> integer4; if( { cout << "wtf?!"; cin.clear(); .. return; }
cin.reset clears error flags and allows further operation on the stream. However, all the trash-data will still linger in the stream. So, there's no point in trying to read further. After cin.reset you should somehow remove that bad-data and recover from the situation. I've marked the places with "..", because there are many ways to do it.
For example, cin.ignore..
Now please refer to all-that-other posts :) I'm sure that you will now quickly find a solution
EDIT: aargh.. sorry, I've floated too far from the actual answer.. What you actually wanted is not a good-errorhandling, but something similar to what sehe wrote: instead of reading an integers, you should read a "string" and then inspect it, and then either re-parse them as integers or treat as string-data..
Here is a slightly fixed up minimal example (that compiles...) showing how you could do the stuff you try around
msg = input + '0';
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << input;
auto msg = oss.str();
Or, using even more c++11 features (if your compiler has them):
auto msg = to_string(input);
The rest without further comments:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int const TERMINAL_EXIT = 9;
int const TERMINAL_HELP = 8;
static int devHandle = 0;
void print(char const*const msg) { cout << msg; }
void send(int, std::string const&) {} // TODO
void receive(int, std::string&) {} // TODO
void help_routine() {} // TODO
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
while (true)
print("\nSend message, enter command, or \"9\" for help.\n");
// Read in message to send to DigiSpark.
long input;
if (cin >> input)
if (input == TERMINAL_HELP)
else if (input == TERMINAL_EXIT)
else if (input < 4 && input >= 0)
#ifdef HAVE_CXX11
std::string msg = to_string(input);
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << input;
std::string msg = oss.str();
// Send mimicking command line arguments.
send(devHandle, msg);
cout << "\nSent message: " << msg << endl;
print("Receiving message...\n");
receive(devHandle, msg);
while (!msg.empty())
receive(devHandle, msg);
cout << "Received message: " << msg << endl;
print("Please enter a valid message.");
print("Please enter a valid message.");
return 0;

How do I prevent a runaway input loop when I request a number but the user enters a non-number?

I need to know how to make my cin statement not appear to 'remove' itself if you input the wrong type. The code is here:
int mathOperator()
using namespace std;
int Input;
cout << "Choose: ";
cout << "1) Addition";
cout << "2) Subtraction";
cout << "3) Multiplication";
cout << "4) Division";
cin >> Input;
while (Input != 1 && Input != 2 && Input!=3 && Input!=4);
return Input;
Execute, enter, for example, a character, and it loops nonstop acting as though the cin statement isn't there.
You must check that input succeeded and handle when it doesn't:
int mathOperator() {
using namespace std;
int Input;
do {
cout << "Choose: ";
cout << "1) Addition";
cout << "2) Subtraction";
cout << "3) Multiplication";
cout << "4) Division";
while (!(cin >> Input)) { // failed to extract
if (cin.eof()) { // testing eof() *after* failure detected
throw std::runtime_error("unexpected EOF on stdin");
cin.clear(); // clear stream state
cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n'); // ignore rest of line
cout << "Input error. Try again!\n";
} while (Input != 1 && Input != 2 && Input!=3 && Input!=4);
return Input;
If you don't check that extraction succeeded, then cin is left in a failed state ( Once in a failed state, later extractions will immediately return instead of trying to read from the stream, effectively making them no-ops – leading to your infinite loop.
Unless you're quite certain about the input being in the proper format, you rarely want to use operator>> directly from the input stream.
It's usually easier to read a line with std::getline, put that into a std::istringstream, and read from there. If that fails, you print/log an error message, throw away the remainder of the line and (possibly) go on to the next line.
After reading in a bad value, cin is in a "failed" state. You have to reset this.
You must both clear the error flag and empty the buffer. thus:
cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
The second call "flushes" the input buffer of any data that might be there, to get you ready for the next "cin" call.
If you find yourself writing these 2 lines "all over your code" you could write a simple inline function to replace it.
inline void reset( std::istream & is )
is.ignore( std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
Although I have made this function take any istream, most of the time it would only be used for cin where a user is entering and enters something invalid. If it's an invalid file or stringstream input, there is no way to fix it and you would do best to just throw an exception.
don't read int, read char so cin will pass any invalid character
char Input;
// same code
while (Input != '1' && Input != '2' && Input != '3' && Input!='4');
return Input;
If you want convert char to int you can use this piece of code
int i = (Input - 48);
I agree that a char is just as handy, since you can always cast to int, to answer your question as to why this is happening, when a cin input is exected as an int but a char is entered, the input is kept in the input stream for the duration of the loop, which is why it seems to "disappear."
For more information: see the post from Narue at

While loop with try catch fails at bad cin input

I can't seem to figure out why this falls into a loop after getting non-int input. I've tried cin.flush(), which doesn't seem to exist, cin.clear(), which seems like it should work, even cin.sync() after reading someone else post about it working, but didn't seem to make much sense. Also tried cin.bad().
Thank you very much for any help
Please enter the first number: f
Sorry, I don't think that's a number?
Please enter the first number: Sorry,
I don't think that's a number?
Please enter the first number: Sorry,
I don't think that's a number?
Please enter the first number: Sorry,
I don't think that's a number?
Please enter the first number: Sorry,
I don't think that's a number?Sorry,
you d on't get any more tries. Press
any key to continue . . .
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int entry;
int attempts = 1;
int result;
while(attempts <= 5) {
try {
cout << "\n\nPlease enter the first number: ";
cin >> entry;
if (
throw "Sorry, I don't think that's a number?";
if (entry < 0)
throw "Sorry, no negative numbers. Try something else? ";
cout << "\nNow the second number: ";
cin >> entry;
catch (char* error) {
cout << error;
if (attempts > 5)
cout << "Sorry, you don\'t get any more tries.\n";
return 0;
You should think carefully what you want to do if user gives invalid input in this case. Usually in these cases the best solution is to read one line from the input and throw it away.
Try putting cin.clear() and std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'\n'); in your catch clause. cin.clear() clears the failure state in cin, and cin.ignore() throws away rest of the line waiting in the input buffer.
(And yes, you probably should rethink your use of exceptions).
The most straight-forward (but not usually the easiest nor the fastest) way of dealing with validation of line-based input is to always read it line at a time. This way no extra whitespace (such as linefeed characters) is left unread in the buffer in any case, and discarding erroneous input is also quite automatic.
// Infinite loop for retrying until successful
while (true) {
// Ask the user something
std::cout << prompt;
// Read the answer (one full line)
std::string line;
if (!std::getline(std::cin, line))
throw std::runtime_error("End of input while expecting a value");
// Put the line read into iss for further parsing
std::istringstream iss(line);
int val;
// Read val from iss and verify that reading was successful and
// that all input was consumed
if (iss >> val && iss.get() == EOF) return val;
std::cout << "Invalid input, try again!\n";
It is fun to make a BASIC style input function out of this:
template <typename Val> void input(std::string const& prompt, Val& val) {
// (the above code goes here, slightly adjusted)
int main() {
int w;
double l;
input("Enter weight in kg: ", w);
input("Enter length in m: ", l);
std::cout << "BMI: " << w / (l * l) << std::endl;
Notes for the pedantics who were going to downvote me:
function input should be specialized for std::string
exceptions thrown by the input function should be caught in main
My Problem was to block char input to a cin >> number
This error caused an 'infinite' loop showing my prompt cout << prompt
with no way of exit but kill the process ...
The following shows what worked for me!
double fi_trap_d() // function to return a valid range double catching errors
double fi_game_sec;
fi_game_sec = -1;
cout << fi_game_sec_c;
cin.ignore(); // (1)
{ cin >> fi_game_sec; cin.clear(); } // (2)
catch (...) //out_of_range)
fi_game_sec = -1;
cout << " Dis am an error!\n";
// just loop back as we asked for a number
} while (fi_game_sec < 1);
return fi_game_sec;
Despite trying the " Dis am an error! " has NEVER shown up.
The key was (1) & (2) !
Exceptions should be used to handle exceptional, unexpected situations. Incorrect input from a user is neither unexpected nor exceptional -- it's more or less the norm. Personally, I tend to just ignore most bad input completely (when it can't be prevented). When (and only when) they enter something unusable repeatedly is it even worth pointing it out to them. As such, I'd tend to write the code something like:
char ch;
int attempts = 0;
std::cout << "Please enter the first number: ";
do {
cin >> ch;
if (attempts > 5)
std::cerr << "The only allowable inputs are '0' through '9'\n";
} while (cin.good() && !isdigit(ch));
int first_number = ch - '0';
This reads the input as a character, so it's always removed from the input stream. Then it attempts to validate the input, and if it fails, attempts to read again. Of course, you might want/need to get a little more elaborate, such as reading an entire line, attempting to convert it to a number, and reading another line if that fails.
Why are you doing this with exceptions? You're not going to kill the program on input, so you shouldn't throw an exception.
Just print out your error message and attempt to read in again.
It looks like you would be better off with iostream's native exceptions. Enable with
cin.exceptions( ios::failbit );
try {
} catch( ios_base::failure & ) {
Never, ever throw an an object not derived from std::exception, and especially not a native type like char*.